Fate/Grand Order Wiki
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Your Faithful Sheep

Japanese Name: 貴方の忠実なる羊あなたのちゅうじつなるひつじ
ID: 47 Illustrator: Kamekichi Ren'a
DebuffCleanse Effect
Removedebuff Removes one latest ailment debuff when attacking using the engraved card.
(Ailment Debuffs: PoisonPoisonTooltip for 25px|link=, BurnBurnTooltip for 25px|link=, CurseCurseTooltip for 25px|link=)
HealEffect Recovers HP by 100 when attacking using the engraved card.


Description Translation🛈🛈


NA Localization: The shepherd god of the harvest and spouse of a certain goddess of Venus.

He speaks gently. He's painfully adorable. But...take all that with a big grain of salt. Sure, he may speak lovingly and appear serious, but he's still a god, so at times his behavior will be utterly incomprehensible to humans.

Fan Translation: A shepherd who is the husband of a certain Venus Goddess, and governs over abundant harvests.

Although he has a polite voice and adorable appearance, you must pay attention to his conduct and behaviour.
That is because while his words full of affection and his attitude sincere, his mental viewpoint is still that of a God's and thus, he is unable to comprehend the common senses of humans.

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