| 00Cost of all ascensions | 4040Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 120120Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| Costume 1 | Total: 10 |
| 1515Cost of all ascensions | 3030Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 105105Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| Costume 1 | Total: 10 |
| 1313Cost of all ascensions | 2020Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 7373Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1515Cost of all ascensions | 3030Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 105105Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1515Cost of all ascensions | 3030Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 105105Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 4040Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 120120Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1313Cost of all ascensions | 2020Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 7373Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 4848Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 144144Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| Costume 1 | Total: 10 |
| 1212Cost of all ascensions | 2424Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 8484Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 2424Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 7272Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 2020Cost of all ascensions | 4040Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 140140Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| Costume 1 | Total: 10 |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 4848Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 144144Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1616Cost of all ascensions | 3232Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 112112Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 4040Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 120120Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 2020Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 2020Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 88Cost of all ascensions | 1616Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 5656Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 4848Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 144144Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1010Cost of all ascensions | 2020Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 7070Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1515Cost of all ascensions | 3030Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 105105Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 3232Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 9696Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 3232Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 9696Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 4848Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 144144Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 2424Cost of each individual skill | Total: 120120Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 4040Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 120120Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1616Cost of all ascensions | 2424Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 8888Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1212Cost of all ascensions | 2424Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 8484Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1212Cost of all ascensions | 2424Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 8484Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 55Cost of all ascensions | 1111Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 3838Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1515Cost of all ascensions | 3030Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 105105Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1313Cost of all ascensions | 2020Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 7373Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 2424Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 7272Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1212Cost of all ascensions | 4848Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 156156Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1010Cost of all ascensions | 2020Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 7070Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1010Cost of all ascensions | 1515Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 5555Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1616Cost of all ascensions | 3232Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 112112Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 2020Cost of all ascensions | 3030Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 110110Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| Costume 1 | Total: 10 |
| 1616Cost of all ascensions | 3232Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 112112Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 2020Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 2020Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 4040Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 120120Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 3030Cost of each individual skill | Total: 150150Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 3030Cost of each individual skill | Total: 150150Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 2424Cost of each individual skill | Total: 120120Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 3030Cost of each individual skill | Total: 150150Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 2020Cost of all ascensions | 3030Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 110110Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 4040Cost of each individual skill | 2424Cost of each individual skill | Total: 240240Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 3030Cost of each individual skill | Total: 150150Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1313Cost of all ascensions | 2020Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 7373Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1616Cost of all ascensions | 3232Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 112112Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 4040Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 120120Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| Costume 1 | Total: 10 |
| 1010Cost of all ascensions | 2020Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 7070Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| Costume 1 | Total: 10 |
| 1313Cost of all ascensions | 2020Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 7373Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 3232Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 9696Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 2424Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 7272Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 2424Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 7272Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1010Cost of all ascensions | 2020Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 7070Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1515Cost of all ascensions | 3030Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 105105Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1212Cost of all ascensions | 2424Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 8484Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 3232Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 9696Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1616Cost of all ascensions | 3232Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 112112Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1212Cost of all ascensions | 2424Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 8484Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 2424Cost of each individual skill | Total: 120120Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| Costume 1 | Total: 10 |
| 1515Cost of all ascensions | 3030Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 105105Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 4848Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 144144Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1616Cost of all ascensions | 2424Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 8888Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1616Cost of all ascensions | 2424Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 8888Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 2020Cost of all ascensions | 3030Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 110110Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 77Cost of all ascensions | 1111Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 4040Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1515Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 1515Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 2424Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 2424Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1616Cost of all ascensions | 3232Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 112112Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1010Cost of all ascensions | 1515Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 5555Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1010Cost of all ascensions | 1515Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 5555Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 2020Cost of all ascensions | 3030Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 110110Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1313Cost of all ascensions | 2020Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 7373Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 4848Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 144144Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 2424Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 2424Cost of each individual skill | Total: 144144Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1010Cost of all ascensions | 2020Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 7070Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1313Cost of all ascensions | 2020Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 7373Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 3232Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 9696Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 2424Cost of each individual skill | Total: 120120Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 2424Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 3030Cost of each individual skill | Total: 174174Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1212Cost of all ascensions | 2424Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 8484Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 4040Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 120120Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 4040Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 120120Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 2020Cost of all ascensions | 3030Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 110110Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| Costume 2 | Total: 10 |
| 1212Cost of all ascensions | 2424Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 8484Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 3030Cost of each individual skill | Total: 150150Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| Costume 2 | Total: 10 |
| 2424Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 3030Cost of each individual skill | Total: 174174Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 4040Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 120120Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 55Cost of all ascensions | 1111Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 3838Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| Costume 1 | Total: 10 |
| 1515Cost of all ascensions | 3030Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 105105Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| Costume 1 | Total: 10 |
| 1212Cost of all ascensions | 2424Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 8484Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 2424Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 2424Cost of each individual skill | Total: 144144Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1616Cost of all ascensions | 3232Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 112112Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 4848Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 144144Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 2424Cost of all ascensions | 4848Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 168168Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 1616Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 4848Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 3232Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 9696Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1212Cost of all ascensions | 2424Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 8484Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 4848Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 144144Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 4040Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 120120Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 88Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 1111Cost of each individual skill | Total: 6363Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1515Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 1515Cost of each individual skill | Total: 9090Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 3030Cost of each individual skill | Total: 150150Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 55Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 1515Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1010Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 1010Cost of each individual skill | Total: 6060Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1010Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 1010Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1010Cost of all ascensions | 1010Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 4040Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 88Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 88Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 88Cost of all ascensions | 88Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 3232Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 88Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 88Cost of each individual skill | Total: 4848Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1010Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 1010Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| Costume 1 | Total: 10 |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 1010Cost of each individual skill | Total: 5050Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 88Cost of all ascensions | 88Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 3232Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| Costume 1 | Total: 10 |
| 1010Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 1010Cost of each individual skill | Total: 6060Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 1010Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 3030Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1010Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 1010Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1010Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 1010Cost of each individual skill | Total: 6060Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1010Cost of all ascensions | 1010Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 4040Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1010Cost of all ascensions | 1010Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 4040Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 1010Cost of each individual skill | Total: 5050Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1010Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 1010Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1010Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 1010Cost of each individual skill | Total: 6060Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 88Cost of each individual skill | Total: 4040Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1010Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 1010Cost of each individual skill | Total: 6060Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| Costume 1 | Total: 10 |
| 88Cost of all ascensions | 88Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 3232Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 88Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 88Cost of each individual skill | Total: 4848Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 88Cost of all ascensions | 88Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 3232Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 00Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 88Cost of each individual skill | Total: 4040Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1010Cost of all ascensions | 00Cost of each individual skill | 1010Cost of each individual skill | Total: 6060Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |
| 1010Cost of all ascensions | 1010Cost of each individual skill | 00Cost of each individual skill | Total: 4040Cost of all ascensions, all 3 active skills, and all 5 append skills |