Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Access can be bought for FREE from Da Vinci's Workshop's Rare Prism Shop if players have cleared Tunguska Prologue

Act 1

Storm Border 2
ストーム・ボーダー 第1節 Beyond the walls of the world
Storm Border Act 1: Beyond the Walls of the World
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Falling Point
フォーリングポイント 第1節 Beyond the walls of the world
Falling Point Act 1: Beyond the Walls of the World
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Saintquartz CEIcon1516

Act 2

Falling Point
フォーリングポイント 第2節 大衝突
Falling Point Act 2: Huge Collision
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 715
(143 per AP)
(1,480 per AP)
(4,438 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= ForestfieldForestfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS
S299A2Icon Level 90, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Sword of Gods - Kusanagi-no-Tachi
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
Battle 1/2 Retainer I
Lvl 40 Class-Saber-Bronze 35,323 HP
Retainer I
Lvl 45 Class-Assassin-Bronze 39,291 HP
Retainer I
Lvl 46 Class-Archer-Bronze 43,474 HP
Battle 2/2 Retainer IV
Lvl 44 Class-Berserker-Bronze 47,840 HP
Retainer IV
Lvl 54 Class-Berserker-Gold 98,350 HP
Retainer IV
Lvl 42 Class-Berserker-Bronze 50,043 HP
Notable Drops Arrowhead of Maledictions Stimulus Gunpowder Shining Gem of Swords Shining Gem of Bows Shining Gem of Killing Shining Gem of Madness
  • At the start of the battle, Cherishing Cage (愛玩の檻??) gives Hominidae Servants Defensedown Increases Damage Received by 1,500 and Demonic Beast Servants Defenseup Damage Cut of 500 [Permanent, Unremovable]
  • NPC Ibuki Dōji Serious Mode (本気モード!??) gains Debuffimmune Debuff Immunity, Stargainturn gains 10 Critical Stars per turn, Critabsup increased Critical Star Absorption, and Invincible Invincibility against the enemies' NP for 3 times [All Unremovable]
  • Retainer I & Retainer IV: Changeclass Strange Retainers (異聞眷属??): Exists inside the Domain with a Demonic-form

Dense Forest
深い森林 第2節 大衝突
Dense Forest Act 2: Huge Collision
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 915
(183 per AP)
(1,880 per AP)
(7,638 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= ForestfieldForestfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS
S299A3Icon Level 90, NP5
NpLevelIconNP: Sword of Gods - Kusanagi-no-Tachi
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 10/10/10
Fatal Battle 1/1 Fokker E.III
Lvl 83 Class-Berserker-Silver Lifebar1 73,100 HP
Lifebar0 152,948 HP
Lvl 65 Class-Lancer-Gold Lifebar1 79,971 HP
Lifebar0 155,499 HP
Mark I
Lvl 75 Class-Rider-Gold Lifebar1 76,496 HP
Lifebar0 155,118 HP
Notable Drops Giant's Ring
  • Habetrot cannot be in the party.
  • NPC Ibuki Dōji Serious Mode (本気モード!??) gains Debuffimmune Debuff Immunity, Stargainturn gains 10 Critical Stars per turn, Critabsup increased Critical Star Absorption, and Invincible Invincibility against the enemies' NP for 3 times [All Unremovable]
  • Fokker E.III
    • Debuffatk Strafe: Inflict Defense Down to all targets upon normal attack & Inflict Attack Down to a single target upon NP attack.
    • Changeclass Strange Retainers (異聞眷属??): Exists inside the Domain with a Demonic-form
    • Lifebar0 Immelmann Turn (インメルマンターン??) gives all allies Surehit Sure Hit, Avoid 50% Chance-Based Evasion, and prevents the enemies Orderchangeseal Order Change
  • Grof
    • Debuffatk Brand Stifter: Inflict Burn-status to all targets upon normal attack & Inflict Burn Damage Up to a single target upon NP attack.
    • Changeclass Strange Retainers (異聞眷属??): Exists inside the Domain with a Demonic-form
    • Lifebar0 Brennstoff Füllen (Fuel Filling) (ブレンシュトッフ・フュレン??) gives all allies Debuffatk 20% chance to remove one unit's Buffs upon attacking, Npgainturn Gain 1 tick of NP charge per turn
  • Mark I:
    • DmgResistUp First Tank: All enemy units gain NP Damage Resistance Up and Ignore Defense, for as long as this unit is on the field.
    • Changeclass Strange Retainers (異聞眷属??): Exists inside the Domain with a Demonic-form
    • Lifebar0 Defensive Aid (ディフェンシブエイド??) gives all allies Invincible Invincibility [3 hits, Unremovable], Buffatk increases Defense by 15% when attacking [3 hits, 3 turns]
  • On the turn Mashu Kyrielight's first skill Black Barrel is used, after you have finished the card-selecting phase for Attack, Habetrot will appear and activate her NP, removing all Invincible Invincibility from all enemies and inflict DmgResistDown Damage Resistance Down [4 turns, Unremovable] and Powerdown Damage Down [4 turns, Unremovable]


Act 3

Dense Forest
深い森林 第3節 永遠を目指す者
Dense Forest Act 3: One who Aims for the Eternity
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Act 4

Dense Forest
深い森林 第4節 ニキチッチ解決法
Dense Forest Act 4: Nikitich's Solution
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Dense Forest
深い森林 第4節 ニキチッチ解決法
Dense Forest Act 4: Nikitich's Solution
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 815
(163 per AP)
(1,680 per AP)
(5,938 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= ForestfieldForestfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS
S299A3Icon Level 90, NP5
NpLevelIconNP: Sword of Gods - Kusanagi-no-Tachi
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 10/10/10
Fatal Battle 1/1 Wyvern
Lvl 48 Class-Rider-Bronze 28,405 HP
Lvl 80 Class-Rider-Gold Lifebar1 320,760 HP
Lifebar0 483,278 HP
Lvl 51 Class-Rider-Bronze 30,187 HP
Lvl 49 Class-Rider-Bronze 28,980 HP
Lvl 52 Class-Rider-Bronze 30,762 HP
Notable Drops
  • There are 99 enemies in this battle.
  • NPC Ibuki Dōji Serious Mode (本気モード!??) gains Debuffimmune Debuff Immunity, Stargainturn gains 10 Critical Stars per turn, Critabsup increased Critical Star Absorption, and Invincible Invincibility against the enemies' NP for 3 times [All Unremovable]
  • At the start of the battle
  • Lifebar0: Nikitich will switch positions with another Wyvern and the battle will end.

Dense Forest
深い森林 第4節 ニキチッチ解決法
Dense Forest Act 4: Nikitich's Solution
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 815
(163 per AP)
(1,680 per AP)
(5,938 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= AirspaceAirspace
Available NPCS
S299A3Icon Level 90, NP5
NpLevelIconNP: Sword of Gods - Kusanagi-no-Tachi
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 10/10/10
S331A2Icon Level 90, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Gods-Smiting Whip
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
Fatal Battle 1/1 Wyvern
Lvl 49 Class-Rider-Bronze 28,980 HP
Lvl 80 Class-Rider-Gold 483,278 HP
Lvl 52 Class-Rider-Bronze 30,762 HP
Lvl 50 Class-Rider-Bronze 29,555 HP
Lvl 53 Class-Rider-Bronze 31,337 HP
Lvl 47 Class-Rider-Bronze 27,831 HP
Notable Drops Dragon's Reverse Scale Rider monument
  • There are 99 enemies in this battle.
  • NPC Ibuki Dōji Serious Mode (本気モード!??) gains Debuffimmune Debuff Immunity, Stargainturn gains 10 Critical Stars per turn, Critabsup increased Critical Star Absorption, and Invincible Invincibility against the enemies' NP for 3 times [All Unremovable]
  • At the start of the battle
    • Cherishing Cage (愛玩の檻??) gives Hominidae Servants Defensedown Increases Damage Received by 1,500 and Demonic Beast Servants Defenseup Damage Cut of 500 [Permanent, Unremovable]
    • ? gives all allied servants DmgResistUp NP Resistance [1 hit, Unremovable], and all enemy units Critdmgdown Critical Damage Down [Permanent, Unremovable]
    • Nikitich buffs all enemy units with Attackup Attack Damage Up & Critchnup Critical Chance Up
    • Nikitich gains Avoid Evasion [3 hits, 3 turns, Unremovable] and charges her own NP gauge to MAX

Dense Forest
深い森林 第4節 ニキチッチ解決法
Dense Forest Act 4: Nikitich's Solution
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Tunguska Base South
超抜級拠点・南 第4節 ニキチッチ解決法
Ultra-Eminent Tier Base: South Act 4: Nikitich's Solution
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0


AN602-Ivan Finale

Tunguska Base South
超抜級拠点・南 AN602-Ivan 攻略戦
Ultra-Eminent Tier Base: South AN602-Ivan Subjugation Battle
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 915
(183 per AP)
(1,880 per AP)
(7,638 per AP)
Available NPCS
S299A3Icon Level 90, NP5
NpLevelIconNP: Sword of Gods - Kusanagi-no-Tachi
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 10/10/10
S331A2Icon Level 90, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Gods-Smiting Whip
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
S332A2Icon Level 80, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Zmei Gorynych
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
Fatal Battle 1/1 AN602-Ivan
Lvl 90 Class-Rider-Gold Lifebar1Lifebar2 223,596 HP
Lifebar1Lifebar0 299,714 HP
Lifebar0Lifebar0 390,105 HP
Notable Drops Cursed Beast Cholecyst3
  • Habetrot cannot be in the party.
  • NPC Ibuki Dōji Serious Mode (本気モード!??) gains Debuffimmune Debuff Immunity, Stargainturn gains 10 Critical Stars per turn, Critabsup increased Critical Star Absorption, and Invincible Invincibility against the enemies' NP for 3 times [All Unremovable]
  • AN602-Ivan
    • Changeclass Strange Armaments (異聞兵器??): Exists inside the Domain with a Demonic-form
    • DmgResistUp NP Resistance [1 hit, Unremovable]
    • Debuffimmune Skill-Seal Immunity
    • Lifebar0Lifebar0 Charges own NP gauge to MAX, and gain Invincible Invincibility (1 turn)
  • On the turn Mashu Kyrielight's first skill Black Barrel is used, after you have finished the card-selecting phase for Attack, Habetrot will appear and activate her NP, then inflict DmgResistDown Special Resistance Down [4 turns, Unremovable] and Powerdown Damage Down [4 turns, Unremovable] [This can only be triggered once]
AN602-Ivan Destroyed

Act 5

Tunguska Base South
超抜級拠点・南 第5節 たおやかなる狂える命に
Ultra-Eminent Tier Base: South Act 5: A Graceful Yet Mad Lifeform
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Calming Riverside
静かな河畔 第5節 たおやかなる狂える命に
Calming Riverside Act 5: A Graceful Yet Mad Lifeform
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Domain of Existence
生存領域 第5節 たおやかなる狂える命に
Domain of Existence Act 5: A Graceful Yet Mad Lifeform
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0


Act 6

Domain of Massacre
殺戮領域 第6節 殺戮の荒野から
Domain of Massacre Act 6: From the Wasteland of Massacre
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 815
(163 per AP)
(1,680 per AP)
(5,938 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link=


Available NPCS
S299A2Icon Level 90, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Sword of Gods - Kusanagi-no-Tachi
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
S331A2Icon Level 90, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Gods-Smiting Whip
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
S332A2Icon Level 80, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Zmei Gorynych
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
Battle 1/2 LWB-M8
Lvl 40 Class-Assassin-Gold 78,817 HP
Lvl 28 Class-Assassin-Gold 55,158 HP
Lvl 31 Class-Assassin-Gold 61,220 HP
Battle 2/2 LWB-M8
Lvl 32 Class-Assassin-Gold 76,302 HP
Lvl 52 Class-Assassin-Gold 117,340 HP
Lvl 27 Class-Assassin-Gold 64,258 HP
Notable Drops Primordial Lanugo Magic Gem of Killing
  • At the start of the battle, Cherishing Cage (愛玩の檻??) gives Hominidae Servants Defensedown Increases Damage Received by 1,500 and Demonic Beast Servants Defenseup Damage Cut of 500 [Permanent, Unremovable]
  • NPC Ibuki Dōji Serious Mode (本気モード!??) gains Debuffimmune Debuff Immunity, Stargainturn gains 10 Critical Stars per turn, Critabsup increased Critical Star Absorption, and Invincible Invincibility against the enemies' NP for 3 times [All Unremovable]
  • LWB-M8:
    • Powerup Nega Weapon (Small): Increased damage against Hominidae Servants & Reduced Defense Against Demonic Beast Servants [Demerit]
    • Changeclass Strange Retainers (異聞眷属??): Exists inside the Domain with a Demonic-form
    • BuffWhenDefeat Gain Attackup Attack Damage Up upon defeating an enemy
    • Powerup Damage Plus
    • Gutsstatus Guts [1 time, Revive with 1,000 HP, Unremovable]


Act 7

Domain of Massacre
殺戮領域 第7節 氷は溶けた、炎が消える
Domain of Massacre Act 7: Melted Ice, Extinguished Flames
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 865
(173 per AP)
(1,780 per AP)
(6,763 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS
S299A2Icon Level 90, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Sword of Gods - Kusanagi-no-Tachi
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
S331A2Icon Level 90, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Gods-Smiting Whip
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
S332A2Icon Level 80, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Zmei Gorynych
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
Fatal Battle 1/2 LWB-M8
Lvl 34 Class-Assassin-Gold 62,730 HP
Lvl 31 Class-Assassin-Gold 57,245 HP
Lvl 36 Class-Assassin-Gold 66,386 HP
Fatal Battle 2/2 LWB-M8
Lvl 38 Class-Assassin-Gold 84,635 HP
Lvl 49 Class-Ruler-Gold 159,135 HP
Lvl 37 Class-Assassin-Gold 82,426 HP
Notable Drops Primordial Lanugo Magic Gem of Killing
  • At the start of the battle, Cherishing Cage (愛玩の檻??) gives Hominidae Servants Defensedown Increases Damage Received by 1,500 and Demonic Beast Servants Defenseup Damage Cut of 500 [Permanent, Unremovable]
  • NPC Ibuki Dōji Serious Mode (本気モード!??) gains Debuffimmune Debuff Immunity, Stargainturn gains 10 Critical Stars per turn, Critabsup increased Critical Star Absorption, and Invincible Invincibility against the enemies' NP for 3 times [All Unremovable]
  • HWB-M8 & LWB-M8:
    • Powerup Nega Weapon (Small): Increased damage against Hominidae Servants & Reduced Defense Against Demonic Beast Servants [Demerit]
    • Changeclass Strange Retainers (異聞眷属??): Exists inside the Domain with a Demonic-form
    • BuffWhenDefeat Gain Attackup Attack Damage Up upon defeating an enemy
    • Powerup Damage Plus
    • Gutsstatus Guts [1 time, Revive with 1,000 HP, Unremovable]

Tunguska Base West
??? 第7節 氷は溶けた、炎が消える
??? Act 7: Melted Ice, Extinguished Flames
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0


R-36M2-Voevoda Finale

Tunguska Base West
超抜級拠点・西 R-36M2-Voevoda 攻略戦
Ultra-Eminent Tier Base: West R-36M2-Voevoda Subjugation Battle
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 915
(183 per AP)
(1,880 per AP)
(7,638 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= AirspaceAirspace
Available NPCS
S299A3Icon Level 90, NP5
NpLevelIconNP: Sword of Gods - Kusanagi-no-Tachi
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 10/10/10
S331A2Icon Level 90, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Gods-Smiting Whip
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
S332A2Icon Level 80, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Zmei Gorynych
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
Fatal Battle 1/1 R-36M2-Voevoda
Lvl 90 Class-Saber-Gold Lifebar1Lifebar2 203,281 HP
Lifebar1Lifebar0 257,490 HP
Lifebar0Lifebar0 352,354 HP
Notable Drops Giant's Ring
  • Habetrot cannot be in the party.
  • NPC Ibuki Dōji Serious Mode (本気モード!??) gains Debuffimmune Debuff Immunity, Stargainturn gains 10 Critical Stars per turn, Critabsup increased Critical Star Absorption, and Invincible Invincibility against the enemies' NP for 3 times [All Unremovable]
  • R-36M2-Voevoda:
    • Changeclass Strange Armaments (異聞兵器??): Exists inside the Domain with a Demonic-form
    • Debuffatk Scorching Hot Physique:
      Debuffatk Grants self On-Attack-Activate buff: (Burn 30% Chance to inflict Burn with 500 damage for 3 turns to enemy when normal attacking.)
      Debuffimmune Immune to Burn Burn status.
      Powerup Increases own damage against Divinity enemy by 50%.
    • Debuffimmune Mental Debuff Immunity: Immune to Mental Debuffs.
      (Mental Debuffs: SleepSleepTooltip for 25px|link=, DragontraitDragontraitTooltip for 25px|link=, CharmstatusCharmstatusTooltip for 25px|link=, ResistancedownCharmstatusResistancedownCharmstatusTooltip for 25px|link=25px|link=, DelayedDebuffSkillsealDelayedDebuffSkillsealTooltip for 25px|link=25px|link=, EternalsleepEternalsleepTooltip for 25px|link=, DelayedDebuffStunstatusDelayedDebuffStunstatusTooltip for 25px|link=25px|link=)
    • Debuffimmune Freezing Membrane: Immune to Debuffs.
    • Domain of Fire and Ice (氷炎領域??) Artsresistup Arts Card Resistance Up [2 hits, Unremovable] & Busterresistup Buster Card Resistance Up [2 hits, Unremovable]
    • Domain of Fire and Ice (氷炎領域??) Statusdown Burn-status Chance Down (Waterside): 500% reduced chance to be inflicted by a Burn Burn-status Watersidefield Waterside-field buff is active.
    • Lifebar1Lifebar0 Inflict BuffBlock Buff Nullification [3 turns, Unremovable] to all front-line party members.
    • Lifebar0Lifebar0 Inflict Skillseal Skill Seal to all front-line party members. Apply Watersidefield Waterside-field [3 turns, Unremovable]
  • At the start of the battle
    • Cherishing Cage (愛玩の檻??) gives Hominidae Servants Defensedown Increases Damage Received by 1,500 and Demonic Beast Servants Defenseup Damage Cut of 500 [Permanent, Unremovable]
    • Orochi's Support "Serpent God's Protection" (おろちの援護『蛇神の加護』??): Increases the Attack Damage of all party members by 15% [5 turns, Unremovable]
  • On the turn Mashu Kyrielight's first skill Black Barrel is used, after you have finished the card-selecting phase for Attack, Habetrot will appear and activate her NP, then inflict DmgResistDown Special Resistance Down [4 turns, Unremovable] and Powerdown Damage Down [4 turns, Unremovable] [This can only be triggered once]
R-36M2-Voevoda Destroyed

Act 8

Tunguska Base West
超抜級拠点・西 第8節 汝が半数体の楽園
Ultra-Eminent Tier Base: West Act 8: Thou art a Haploid Elysium
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Act 9

Domain of Existence
生存領域 第9節 霊長の星への賛歌Ⅰ
Domain of Existence Act 9: Eulogy to the Star of Primates I
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Shaking Riverbank
静かな河畔 第9節 霊長の星への賛歌Ⅰ
Calming Riverside Act 9: Eulogy to the Star of Primates I
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0


Strange Retainers Swarm Finale

Shaking Riverbank
戦慄く河畔 異聞眷属群 攻略戦
Shaking Riverbank Strange Retainers Swarm Subjugation Battle
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 915
(183 per AP)
(1,880 per AP)
(7,638 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= ForestfieldForestfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS
S299A3Icon Level 90, NP5
NpLevelIconNP: Sword of Gods - Kusanagi-no-Tachi
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 10/10/10
S332A2Icon Level 80, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Zmei Gorynych
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
Fatal Battle 1/1 Retainer IV
Lvl 56 Class-Berserker-Bronze 36,531 HP
Retainer III
Lvl 36 Class-Archer-Gold 61,634 HP
Retainer I
Lvl 51 Class-Saber-Bronze 35,918 HP
Lvl 54 Class-Ruler-Gold 146,245 HP
Lvl 39 Class-Assassin-Gold 104,813 HP
Retainer V
Lvl 36 Class-Rider-Gold 131,755 HP
Notable Drops Comet Shard DawnlightReactorCoreIcon Primordial Lanugo2 Stimulus Gunpowder Arrowhead of Maledictions
  • At the start of the battle
    • Cherishing Cage (愛玩の檻??) gives Hominidae Servants Defensedown Increases Damage Received by 1,500 and Demonic Beast Servants Defenseup Damage Cut of 500 [Permanent, Unremovable]
    • NPC Ibuki Dōji Serious Mode (本気モード!??) gains Debuffimmune Debuff Immunity, Stargainturn gains 10 Critical Stars per turn, Critabsup increased Critical Star Absorption, and Invincible Invincibility against the enemies' NP for 3 times [All Unremovable]
    • NPC Dobrynya Nikitich: Nppowerup Brave Warrior: NP Damage Up & Gain 50% NP Charge after defeating an enemy + Grants all allies Defense Up, for as long as she is on the field
  • When entering the battefield
    • Retainer I uses Beast's Command (獣の号令??) gives all allies Attackup Attack Up by 20%, Avoid Evade 2 Times, Surehit Sure Hit, and Surehit Sure Hit on enemy Servants with Wild Beast-trait (Demerit)
    • Retainer III uses  (関門捉賊??) gives the enemies Skillseal Skill seal for 1 turn and Orderchangeseal Order change seal for 3 turns
    • Retainer IV uses  (不浄なる牙??) decreases all enemies' Attackdown Attack and Npchargedown by 50% for 3 turns
    • Retainer V uses Smouldering Gunpowder (燻る硝煙??) decreases 1 enemy's Defensedown Defense by 10% for 1 attack, 2 turns, and fully charges NP all allies' NP Gauge
    • LWB-M8 uses Heartless Slaughter (無情な殺戮??) gives all allies Gutsstatus Revives with 10,000 HP (1 time), Invinciblepierce Ignore Invincibility, Powerdown Damage down against targets with Invincibility buff (Demerit)
    • HWB-M8 has permanent, unremovable passives Defenseup Defense up by 30% and if hit by NP attack, removes 3 Buffs from the latest ones from attacker

Act 10

Shaking Riverbank
戦慄く河畔 第10節 霊長の星への賛歌Ⅱ
Shaking Riverbank Act 10: Eulogy to the Star of Primates II
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Shaking Riverbank
戦慄く河畔 第10節 霊長の星への賛歌Ⅱ
Shaking Riverbank Act 10: Eulogy to the Star of Primates II
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 915
(183 per AP)
(1,880 per AP)
(7,638 per AP)
ForestfieldForestfieldTooltip for 25px|link= DarknessfieldDarknessfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS
S299A3Icon Level 90, NP5
NpLevelIconNP: Sword of Gods - Kusanagi-no-Tachi
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 10/10/10
S331A2Icon Level 90, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Gods-Smiting Whip
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
S332A2Icon Level 80, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Zmei Gorynych
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
Mankind's Evil Accumulation
Beast of Cherishment
Lvl 90 Beast Unknown Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3 166,382 HP
Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar0 193,218 HP
Lifebar1Lifebar0Lifebar0 214,686 HP
Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 236,155 HP
Notable Drops
  • Habetrot cannot be in the party
  • NPC Ibuki Dōji Serious Mode (本気モード!??) gains Debuffimmune Debuff Immunity, Stargainturn gains 10 Critical Stars per turn, Critabsup increased Critical Star Absorption, and Invincible Invincibility against the enemies' NP for 3 times [All Unremovable]
  • At the start of the battle
    • Cherishing Cage (愛玩の檻??) gives Hominidae Servants Defensedown Increases Damage Received by 1,500 and Demonic Beast Servants Defenseup Damage Cut of 500 [Permanent, Unremovable]
    • Jade Emperor Personification: God Investure Execution (『玉虚体現・封神執行』??) increases all allies's Powerup Damage against Beast of Cherishment by 20%
  • Every 2 turns, one of the following support skills are deployed in order (starting with Getting Tipsy on Divine Wine (神酔酒気??))
      • Getting Tipsy on Divine Wine (神酔酒気??) applies Skillseal Skill Seal on enemy for 1 turn, drain 1 NP tick, increases allies' Attackup Attack by 20% for 3 turns
      • Wide Flood (遍く氾濫??) removes 3 buffs from enemy, change field to Watersidefield Waterside for 3 turns, removes debuff on allies, and restores 5,000 HP for ally with lowest HP
      • Great Serpent God's Wrath (大蛇神の祟り??) gives enemy Stunstatus Stun for 1 turn, CurseDmgUp Curse damage increased by 100%, Curse loses 4,000 every turn for 8 turns, and BuffBlock buff block for 3 times, 8 turns.
      • Getting Tipsy on Divine Wine (神酔酒気??) > Wide Flood (遍く氾濫??) > Great Serpent God's Wrath (大蛇神の祟り??)
  • Beast of Cherishment
    • Passives
      • Changeclass Nega Weapon: Gains Attack Advantage against Hominidae Servants (similar to class advantage) & Gains Defensive Disadvantage against Demonic Beast Servants [Demerit]
      • DmgResistUp Eternal Darkness Gradiation: Increased resistance against NP attack by 80% & Critical attacks by 60%. (3 turns, Unremovable)
    • At the start of the battle, uses Permafrost Koyanskaya (永久凍土コヤンスカヤ??) gains Npgainturn 1 NP charge every turn (3 turns), Critchnup Critical Rate Up by 30% (3 turns), Invincible Invincibility (1 turn), and decreases Attackdown Attack of all enemies 30% (3 turns)
    • Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar0Frozen Flame Era Koyanskaya (氷焔世紀コヤンスカヤ??): Beast of Cherishment charges own NP gauge to MAX, increases own Critdmgup Critical Damage by 50% (3 turns), decreases Defensedown Defense by 30% and Stargaindown Critical Star generation by30% of all enemies for 3 turns.
    • Lifebar1Lifebar0Lifebar0Eternal Empire Tayunskapon (永世帝国タユンスカポン??): Reduces own NP gauge by 1 and Defensedown Defense by 30% (3 turn), Stunstatus stuns self (1 turn), grants Attackup Attack Up by30% (3 turn), increase in NP gauge by 20%, removal of all debuffs and heal of 2000 HP to all enemies.
    • Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0World's Creation and Destruction Cycle Koyanskaya (旋回輪廻コヤンスカヤ??): Grants Attackup Attack Up by 30% (3 turn) , Powerup Damage UP by 50% against debuffed enemies (3 turns), increase in NP gauge by 1, Hpregen HP Regeneration (5000 HP, 5 turns) and Gutsstatus Guts. (1 time, revives with 150,000 HP)
  • On the turn Mashu Kyrielight's first skill Black Barrel is used, after you have finished the card-selecting phase for Attack, Habetrot will appear and activate her NP, then inflict DmgResistDown Special Resistance Down [4 turns, Unremovable] and Powerdown Damage Down [4 turns, Unremovable] [This can only be triggered once]

Dense Forest Car
深い森林 第10節 霊長の星への賛歌Ⅱ
Dense Forest Act 10: Eulogy to the Star of Primates II
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0


Act 11

Dense Forest Car
深い森林 第11節 愛玩降臨
Dense Forest Act 11: Advent of Cherishment
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Dense Forest Car
深い森林 第11節 愛玩降臨
Dense Forest Act 11: Advent of Cherishment
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 865
(173 per AP)
(1,780 per AP)
(6,763 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS
S299A2Icon Level 90, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Sword of Gods - Kusanagi-no-Tachi
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
S331A2Icon Level 90, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Gods-Smiting Whip
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
S332A2Icon Level 80, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Zmei Gorynych
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
Fatal Battle 1/1 LWB-M8
Lvl 28 Class-Assassin-Gold 16,476 HP
Lvl 15 Class-Ruler-Gold 33,425 HP
Lvl 31 Class-Assassin-Gold 18,286 HP
Lvl 29 Class-Assassin-Gold 17,060 HP
Lvl 16 Class-Ruler-Gold 35,608 HP
Lvl 30 Class-Assassin-Gold 17,644 HP
Lvl 32 Class-Assassin-Gold 18,870 HP
Lvl 17 Class-Ruler-Gold 37,791 HP
Lvl 34 Class-Assassin-Gold 20,038 HP
Fatal Battle 1/1 LWB-M8
Lvl 33 Class-Assassin-Gold 19,454 HP
Lvl 19 Class-Ruler-Gold 42,157 HP
Lvl 20 Class-Ruler-Gold 44,340 HP
Notable Drops Primordial Lanugo5 Secret Gem of Cavalry Secret Gem of Spells Secret Gem of Killing Secret Gem of Madness Magic Gem of Killing
  • HWB-M8 & LWB-M8:
    • Powerup Nega Weapon (Small): Increased damage against Hominidae Servants & Reduced Defense Against Demonic Beast Servants [Demerit]
    • Changeclass Strange Retainers (異聞眷属??): Exists inside the Domain with a Demonic-form
    • BuffWhenDefeat Gain Attackup Attack Damage Up upon defeating an enemy
    • Powerup Damage Plus
    • Gutsstatus Guts [1 time, Revive with 1,000 HP, Unremovable]

NFF本社ビル 第11節 愛玩降臨
NFF Headquarters Act 11: Advent of Cherishment
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0


Lostbelt:Beast IV Finale

NFF本社ビル ロストベルト:ビーストⅣ 決戦
NFF Headquarters Lostbelt:Beast IV Decisive Battle
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 915
(183 per AP)
(1,880 per AP)
(7,638 per AP)
ForestfieldForestfieldTooltip for 25px|link= BurningfieldBurningfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS
S299A3Icon Level 90, NP5
NpLevelIconNP: Sword of Gods - Kusanagi-no-Tachi
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 10/10/10
S331A2Icon Level 90, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Gods-Smiting Whip
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
S332A2Icon Level 80, NP3
NpLevelIconNP: Zmei Gorynych
ActiveSkillSmallIconSkills: 8/8/8
Humanity's Evil
Lvl 45 Class-Assassin-Gold 91,096 HP
Lostbelt:Beast IV
Lvl 90 Class-Beast-IV Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3 176,065 HP
Retainer I
Lvl 60 Class-Saber-Bronze 76,435 HP
Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar0 Retainer II
Lvl 60 Class-Lancer-Silver 85,387 HP
Lostbelt:Beast IV
Lvl 90 Class-Beast-IV Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar0 269,966 HP
Retainer V
Lvl 44 Class-Rider-Gold 103,745 HP
Lifebar1Lifebar0Lifebar0 Retainer IV
Lvl 64 Class-Berserker-Bronze 94,716 HP
Lostbelt:Beast IV
Lvl 90 Class-Beast-IV Lifebar1Lifebar0Lifebar0 369,736 HP
Retainer VI
Lvl 50 Class-Caster-Gold 97,286 HP
Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 HWB-M8
Lvl 39 Class-Ruler-Gold 103,855 HP
Lostbelt:Beast IV
Lvl 90 Class-Beast-IV Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 534,064 HP
Retainer III
Lvl 44 Class-Archer-Gold 86,552 HP
Notable Drops Comet Shard Genesis Egg DawnlightReactorCoreIcon Primordial Lanugo Arrowhead of Maledictions Giant's Ring Tiny Bell of Amnesty Stimulus Gunpowder QPicon10M (5)
  • At the start of the battle
    • Vicinity of Cherishment (愛玩の袂??) gives Hominidae Servants Defensedown Damage Up of 2,000 and Demonic Beast Servants Defenseup Damage Cut of 1,000 [Permanent, Unremovable]
    • Jade Emperor Personification: God Investure Execution (『玉虚体現・封神執行』??) grants all allies :
      • Powerup Damage Up (Fair-Gold Complexion) (威力アップ〔金色白面〕??): Deals extra damage against Lostbelt:Beast IV
      • Resistanceup Mental Debuff Resistance Up
      • Gutsstatus Guts [1 time, Revive with 60% HP]
      • Gutsbuff When Gutsstatus Guts triggers, Charges own NP gauge by X% + Inflict Critchndown Critical Chance Down to all enemies + If Gutsstatus Guts triggers, grants self DelayedBuff Delayed Buff (Guts)
        • DelayedBuff Delayed Buff (Guts): After 5 turns, grants self Gutsstatus Guts status [1 time, 5 turns, Unremovable]
    • All party members gain DeathDebuffIcon Massacre-Existence Meteorite (殺戮生存御石??): When this unit is defeated, grants all enemy units Attackup Attack Damage Up & Recovers their HP by 50,000. [1 time, Unremovable]
    • All party members gain Npchargedown NP Charge Effect Down (-50%) [3 turns, Unremovable]
Lostbelt:Beast IV
Starting Buffs/Debuffs Changeclass Nega Weapon Offensive Class Advantage against Hominidae Servants & Defensive Class Disadvantage against Demonic Beast Servants [Demerit]
Curse Hex of the Enshrined Deity (祭神の呪詛??) Drains own HP by 20,000 at the end of each turn & Grants self Defensedown Defense Down
Changeclass Nega Self C Decreases the Buff Success Rate of all party members by 40% & Defensive Buff Success Rate by 40%, for as long as she is on the field + Decreases the Buff Success Rate of all Allied Units with Strange Retainers-trait [Demerit]
Debuffatk Massacre-Existence Meteorite (殺戮生存御石??) Decreases all front-row party member's Maxhpdown MAX HP (percentage-based) when attacking.
Critchnup Critical Chance Up Critical Chance Up
NOTE: She will sacrifice all existing allied units on the field if they are not taken down, during each of her HP Bar Break phase.
Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar0  (ほむら さかまく??) Increases Skill Cooldown by 3 for all enemies
Defenseup Defense Up on self by 50%
All allied units gain Skillseal Skill Seal (1 turn)
Lifebar1Lifebar0Lifebar0  (ゆらぎ なみうち??) Decreases all enemies' Defensedown Defense by 20%
Gains Invinciblepierce 30% Chance-based Pierce Invincibility [Permanent, Unremovable]
Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0  (おつる まがつぼし??) Decreases all enemies' Maxhpdown MAX HP by 500 (3 turns)
Npgainturn Charge Plus Every Turn Gain 2 ticks of NP charge Every turn
Defensedown Defense Down (3 turns)
Summoned Units
ALL SUMMONED UNITS Changeclass Strange Retainers (異聞眷属??) Exists inside the Domain with a Demonic-form
DeathBuffIcon Massacre-Existence Meteorite (殺戮生存御石??) When this unit is defeated, increases Lostbelt:Beast IV's MAX HP by 50,000 [1 time, Unremovable]
Wave 1 Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3
LWB-M8 Powerup Nega Weapon (Small) Increased damage against Hominidae Servants & Reduced Defense Against Demonic Beast Servants [Demerit]
Buffregen MS:MG Drains the star of all party members every turn + Decreases the Quickdown Quick Card Performance of all party members, for as long as it is on the field.
Retainer I Changeclass MS:i Decreases the Npchargedown NP Acquisition Rate and Artsdown Arts Card Performance of all party members, for as long as it is on the field.
Wave 2 Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar0
Retainer II Changeclass MS:biA Decreases the Stargaindown Star Acquisition Rate and Critdmgdown Critical Damage of all party members, for as long as it is on the field.
Retainer V Buffregen MS:H Grants all allied units Invincible Invincibility (2 hits, 1 turn) every turn + Increases the DmgResistUp NP Damage Resistance of all allied units except self, for as long as it is on the field.
Wave 3 Lifebar1Lifebar0Lifebar0
Retainer IV Debuffatk MS:P Increases the Skill Cooldown of the target unit by 1 turn upon attacking + Decreases the Attackdown Attack Damage of all party members, for as long as it is on the field.
Retainer VI Same buffs as Moss in Avalon le Fae
Buffregen MS:G Drains the HP of all party members and inflict CurseDmgUp Evil Curse-status (3 turns) to them each turn + When this unit is defeated, inflict Curse Curse-status to all party members.
Wave 4 Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0
HWB-M8 Powerup Nega Weapon (Small) Increased damage against Hominidae Servants & Reduced Defense Against Demonic Beast Servants [Demerit]
Defenseup MS:HMG Increases own Defense + Grants all allied units, except self Debuffatkonself "When Damaged, Inflict Instant Death to all front-line party members"
Retainer III Buffregen MS:TK Remove 1~3 Buffs from front-line all party members each turn + Grants Lostbelt:Beast IV DmgResistUp Special Resistance Up, for as long as it is on the field.
  • Every 2 turns, one of the following support skills is deployed in order (starting with Getting Tipsy on Divine Wine (神酔酒気??))
      • Getting Tipsy on Divine Wine (神酔酒気??) applies Skillseal Skill Seal on enemy for 1 turn, drain 1 NP tick, increases allies' Attackup Attack by 20% for 3 turns
      • Wide Flood (遍く氾濫??) removes 3 buffs from enemy, change field to Watersidefield Waterside for 3 turns, removes debuff on allies, and restores 5,000 HP for ally with lowest HP
      • Great Serpent God's Wrath (大蛇神の祟り??) gives enemy Stunstatus Stun for 1 turn, CurseDmgUp Curse damage increased by 100%, Curse loses 4,000 every turn for 8 turns, and BuffBlock buff block for 3 times, 8 turns.
      • Getting Tipsy on Divine Wine (神酔酒気??) > Wide Flood (遍く氾濫??) > Great Serpent God's Wrath (大蛇神の祟り??)
  • NPC Taigong Wang
    • Great Demon Sublimation - Investiture of the Gods (大妖昇華・封神演義??):
      • Npchargeup NP Acquisition Rate Up
      • Changeclass Removes all Defensive Class Disadvantage from all allied units, for as long as this unit is on the field.
      • Attackup Increases the Attack Damage of all allied units, for as long as this unit is on the field.
      • Statusup Increases the Buff Success Rate of all allied units by 30%, for as long as this unit is on the field.
  • On the turn Mashu Kyrielight's first skill Black Barrel is used, after you have finished the card-selecting phase for Attack, Habetrot will appear and activate her NP, then inflict DmgResistDown Special Resistance Down [4 turns, Unremovable] and Powerdown Damage Down [4 turns, Unremovable] [This can only be triggered once]

Act 12

NFF本社ビル 第12節 ただひとつの、冴えたやり方グッドナイト・スイートハート
NFF Headquarters Act 12: The Only Neat Thing to DoGood Night Sweetheart
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

NFF本社ビル 第12節 ただひとつの、冴えたやり方グッドナイト・スイートハート
NFF Headquarters Act 12: The Only Neat Thing to DoGood Night Sweetheart
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0


Act 13

第13節 愛はさだめ、さだめは───
Act 13: Love is Karma, and Karma is───
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0
Arrows 1 ~ 3: NO BATTLE
Crystallized Lore
Lostbelt:Beast IV Profile Update