Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
GrailLeague SG 094
This is a Max Bond Craft Essence
This Craft Essence can be obtained by reaching BondExp Bond Level 10 of Sherlock Holmes.
It comes at max level with all limit breaks.
Craft Essence
★ ★ ★ ★

The Vaunted One

Original Name: 自慢の一挺ジマンノイッチョウ Servant: S173A1Icon Sherlock Holmes
AKA:AKA: Prized PiecePrized Piece
ID: 642 Illustrator: ---
ATK:ATK: 100/100 HP:HP: 100/100
Cost: 9 Max Level: 80
Quickup Effect
When equipped on Sherlock Holmes:
Quickupstatus Increases party's Quick performance by 10%,
Critdmgup Increases party's critical damage by 15%
while self is on the field.


Description Translation🛈🛈





NA Localization:
─Fifty-five shillings.
Yes, I obtained this by paying a mere fifty-five shillings.

Normally, I would not dream of boasting, but this one violin is an exception.
A Stradivarius. Stradi for short.
Crafted by humanity's greatest producer of violins: Antonio Stradivari.
Truly the supreme, exquisite instrument.

Of course, I obtained it legitimately.
I simply purchased it from a pawn shop that had it on display.
For some reason, it wound up there, its true value unknown and unappreciated.
And thus, I reached out to save it.
Even one so calm and composed as I must admit...

...I had never been more proud of my observational skills!

Fan Translation: ───55 shillings.
Yes, I acquired that with the cheap price of 55 shillings.
Normally I would not say words that can be taken as a boast, but concerning this single violin. It is different. Stradivarius. Shortened, Stradi.
The creation of the greatest Violin maker in the history of man, Antonio Stradivari.
The so-called "Supreme Masterpiece".
Of course, I have acquired its ownership through lawful means.
Though, it is simply purchasing something that is placed in a pawnshop. Perhaps for some reason, its true worth remained unknown and it ended up there.
At that moment, I simply wished to reach my hand out, that is all.
Only at that time, even I───
─── became proud of the sharpness of my own eye of observation!


  • This CE refers to the Stradivarius Violin, Sherlock Holmes' prized possession.