Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
GrailLeague SG 094
This is a Max Bond Craft Essence
This Craft Essence can be obtained by reaching BondExp Bond Level 10 of Scáthach-Skaði (Ruler).
It comes at max level with all limit breaks.
Craft Essence
★ ★ ★ ★

The Silent Tears of Enchromia

Original Name: エンクロミアの暗涙えんくろみあのあんるい Servant: S357A1Icon Scáthach-Skaði (Ruler)
AKA:AKA: Enchromia's Silent TearsEnchromia's Silent Tears
ID: 1685 Illustrator: ---
ATK:ATK: 100/100 HP:HP: 100/100
Cost: 9 Max Level: 80
Critdmg Effect
When equipped on Scáthach-Skaði (Ruler):
Bustercriticaldamageup Increases party's critical damage of Bustermini Buster Cards by 30%
while self is on the field.


Description Translation🛈🛈





NA Localization: One pair of rings (for a giant groom and a human bride) sits next to a white flower. The other pair (for a human groom and a giant bride) sits next to a yellow one. Both pairs lie atop a solid white platform that could be either a marble table or an ancient pedestal.

This is the scene depicted on the final page of her story. Only it isn't the story she published back in summer. This scene is from its sequel... A scene from a side story; a scene so secret it still remains buried deep in her heart.

Perhaps one day, the time to tell this story will come.

Or, perhaps not...

Fan Translation: A pair of "Giant (Male) ring and Human (Female) ring" is put together with the white flower.

A pair of "Giant (Female) ring and Human (Male) ring" is put together with the yellow flower.

They are placed atop somewhere that cannot be reached, a pure white marble table that is also a pedestal of ruins.
That is the final scene in the story that she created.
However, it was not from the story that she wrote and distributed on that summer day.
This was a scene from the sequel.
A scene from the extra volume.
Something that is still hidden within her heart.

She wonders if there comes a day when she would write it down.

