Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
This is a Limited Craft Essence Limited
It is only available during special summoning campaigns. When no such campaigns are active, this Craft Essence cannot be summoned.
Craft Essence
★ ★ ★ ★

The Moment of Peace

Original Name: 刹那のまほろばセツナノマホロバ
AKA:AKA: Moment of BlissMoment of Bliss
ID: 793 Illustrator: Fuyuomi
ATK:ATK: 0/0 HP:HP: 600/2250
Cost: 9 Max Level: 80
ArtsBusterup Normal Effect
Artsupstatus Increases Arts performance by 8%.
Busterupstatus Increases Buster performance by 8%.
Defenseup Increases defense by 3%.
Max Limit Break Effect
Artsupstatus Increases Arts performance by 10%.
Busterupstatus Increases Buster performance by 10%.
Defenseup Increases defense by 5%.

This Craft Essence can be summoned during the Apocrypha/Inheritance of Glory event.

Event Bonus[]

Event Non Limit Break Max Limit Break
Apocrypha/Inheritance of Glory Ilias Iliadis Charti Drop +1 Ilias Iliadis Charti Drop +2
Apocrypha/Inheritance of Glory Re-Run


Description Translation🛈🛈



NA Localization: This is a dream...an illusion.

Amid all the efforts he's making for his ambition, there might have been a brief moment of rest.

And when he wakes up, the battle resumes.

Fan Translation: This is a dream, an illusion.

Just a moment ago, the one who lived only for a purpose seems to have taken a momentary rest.

When he wakes up, the fight would start anew.

Cards with Similar Effects[]

