Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
GrailLeague SG 094
This is a Max Bond Craft Essence
This Craft Essence can be obtained by reaching BondExp Bond Level 10 of Iyo.
It comes at max level with all limit breaks.
Craft Essence
★ ★ ★ ★

The Black Magatama

Original Name: 黒き勾玉くろきまがたま Servant: S364A1Icon Iyo
AKA:AKA: Dark MagatamaDark Magatama
ID: 1704 Illustrator: yume32ki
ATK:ATK: 100/100 HP:HP: 100/100
Cost: 9 Max Level: 80
Damageup Effect
When equipped on Iyo:
Powerup Increases party's damage against Divinity enemies by 20%
while self is on the field.


Description Translation🛈🛈










NA Localization: A baby was born. For some reason, the baby never uttered a single cry, but she was gripping her fist tight. Inside her hand, there was a magatama as black as onyx.

Soon after, the baby's parents died of an epidemic. The baby was adopted by relatives in the clan. In her hand, there was a magatama as black as onyx.

When the baby grew into a child, her relatives died in a war. The clan tried to isolate the child from everyone. In her hand, there was a magatama as black as onyx.

When the child grew to be a young girl, the entire clan died from illness, natural disasters, war, and famine. Every type of terrifying calamity plagued the people and ultimately killed them. In her hand, there was a magatama as black as onyx.

The girl grew up hearing she should never have been born. She cursed herself for being born. But on she lived, being cursed by those around her and cursing them in turn. In the shrine maiden's hand was a magatama as black as onyx.

Everything stemmed from this magatama...the power of the shrine maiden of destruction. But that was probably just everyone’s imagination. There is no sin in being born. She only realized this when...there was someone who believed so.

"That's why, Future, I want you to prove something with me. I want to prove that this power saves people...maybe even the world!"

...The magatama as black as onyx will likely never shine again.

Fan Translation: A baby was born.
Strangely enough, that baby did not make any sound, and was clutching something in her hand.
A single black magatama shine within her hand.

As soon as she was born, both of her parents passed away.
They died from an epidemic.
The baby was adopted by a relative.
A single black magatama shine within her hand.

When the baby grew into a child, her relative also passed away.
They died in battle.
The other relatives kept their distance from her.
She was sent to live in the outskirt of the village.
A single black magatama shine within her hand.

When the child grew into a young girl, her relatives also passed away.
They died of diseases, storms, wars, hungers, fearsome calamities, and every conceivable misfortunes.
A single black magatama shine within her hand.

It would have been better if she was never born, as she was nurtured by the voice of the curses, the young girl continued to curse herself, wishing that she had never been born. She lived on, cursing others and being cursed.
Unwanted, yet also wanted, the young girl became a shrine maiden.
A single black magatama shine within the shrine maiden's hand.

―――It's all because of the power of the black magatama, the power of the shrine maiden of destruction.

But now I know that is not true at all. Being born is not a sin. There was someone who taught me that. There was someone who believed so.

"That's why, Mirai-san, I want you to prove it with me. Prove that my power can save the people, and even the world!!"

―――The black magatama will never shine again.
