Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
GrailLeague SG 094
This is a Max Bond Craft Essence
This Craft Essence can be obtained by reaching BondExp Bond Level 10 of Leonardo Da Vinci (Ruler).
It comes at max level with all limit breaks.
Craft Essence
★ ★ ★ ★

Summer Adventure Memory

Original Name: サマーアドベンチャー・メモリー Servant: S320A1Icon Leonardo Da Vinci (Ruler)
AKA:AKA: Summer Adventure MemoriesSummer Adventure Memories
ID: 1479 Illustrator: Mibuta Akihiro
ATK:ATK: 100/100 HP:HP: 100/100
Cost: 9 Max Level: 80
Alltypeup Effect
When equipped on Leonardo Da Vinci (Ruler):
Quickupstatus Increases party's Quick performances by 8%,
Artsupstatus Increases party's Arts performances by 8%,
Busterupstatus Increases party's Buster performances by 8%
while self is on the field.


Description Translation🛈🛈





NA Localization: The journey is over. Now I'm back home, unpacking my luggage...even though nothing I brought back compares to my memories of the trip. Every time I look at the stuffed animal I commissioned, I think back to that gentle farewell, followed by my other recollections of this summer Singularity.

I remember clamoring, shouting, sweating, laughing loudly, running, tripping, running some more, going around in circles until we got lost... "Fun" alone doesn't even begin to do justice to the experience, and I can't really call it an ordeal, either. This summer had everything: joy, anger, grief, and pure, unadulterated fun. It's a story that lives now within me and me alone.

I watched the starry sky twinkling overhead with my friends. I saw azure blue skies stretching on forever with them. Even if I can't recall every detail perfectly, I know we all shared something beautiful.

Now, standing in front of my half-unpacked luggage, I look down at what I still have left to do and murmur, "Okay, let's do this."

Fan Translation: I put away my luggage after returning from the trip.
While there is nothing that can compare with the memories engraved in my heart, each time I look at the stuff animals they made for me, I would remember our parting, which was filled with tenderness, and then, I would recall that Summer Singularity.

It was boisterous, it was wild, we sweated, we laughed loudly, we ran, we fell, and then we ran again, we went around and around, and we got lost.
"Fun" is not the word to describe it, and "super" is not enough to explain it either.
Joy, anger, sorrow, and enjoyment, they are all packed in there.
It was a story that exists only for me and no one else.

I watched the glittering and sparkling starry sky with my friends.
And I watched the clear blue sky with them too.
Even if I cannot recall the details, we have definitely shared something beautiful with each other.

Standing in front of my luggage that looks like it has been tidied up in a way that looks like it hasn't been tidied up at all, I muttered one word, "Alrighty".
