Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Yamadera Kōichi)
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「姓は項、名を籍、あざなを羽。

Family name Xiang, given name Ji, and courtesy name Yu. That is, at least, what others have used for me... I certainly never imagined to be called forth in this form. What sort of fate could have led me to be connected with you?

The family name is Xiang. The name is Ji. The name of courtesy is Yu.

Even though I was instructed to give my name to others in such a way……
I certainly did not expect to awaken in this form.
Is my fate connected to thee in any form?

Level Up 「限界性能、更新」

Performance limit, updated.

Limit performance, updated.

1st Ascension 「ここまで戦闘に特化した躯体を与えられたのは想定外だ。だが運用に支障はない。より迅速な任務遂行が可能になった」

Receiving a body like this, specialized for battle, was unexpected.

But there is no issue in its operation.
I can now execute missions more swiftly.

To be granted a frame specialized this much for the battle is outside my assumptions. But there is no hindrance to my operation. Rather, the execution of my duties can be done faster.

2nd Ascension 「これは更なる働きを要求されているものと判断していいのだな? 承知した。我が機能の全てを動員し、事に当たるものとする」

Am I correct in assuming that I am expected to work even more?

I shall marshal all my functions to take on my tasks.

Is it fine to determine that this is required for further work? Acknowledged. I shall mobilize all of my functions, and confront things.

3rd Ascension 「私にここまでの武装が要求されるということは、それだけ深刻に世が乱れているというのか。由々しき事態だ、早急に収拾せねば」

Requiring me to arm up this much must mean that the world is in terrible danger.

This is alarming.
I must deal with it swiftly.

For me to be required to be equipped to this point, is the world in such a serious disarray? An alarming situation, I must control it with urgency

4th Ascension 「主導者よ。私にここまでの力を託したその判断、誤りではなかったことを証明しよう。さあ、共に太平の世を築かん」


Allow me to show you that your decision to provide me with all the power up to now wasn't a mistake on your part.
Now come, let us strive for a peaceful world together!

O bellwether. Let me prove that thou wast not mistaken to determine entrusting me with this power. Now, let us build together a world of peace

Battle Start 1 「其は災厄の兆しなり。故に決して見過ごせぬ」

You are an ominous presence. Thus, I cannot ignore you.

That is a sign of disaster. Therefore, I shall never miss it

Battle Start 2 「滅ぶべくして滅ぶべし」

Those that must be destroyed will be so.

What must perish must perish

Skill 1 「然り」



Skill 2 「その通りだ」

That's right.


Attack Selected 1 「見えた」

I see it.

I have seen it

Attack Selected 2 「承知」



Attack Selected 3 「ふむ」



Noble Phantasm Selected 「では決着としよう」

Then let's settle it.

Then let us settle it

Attack 1 「フンッ!」



Attack 2 「ハァッ!」



Attack 3 「セヤァーッ!」



Extra Attack 「その破滅、必定なり!」

This destruction is inevitable!

That ruin is required!

Noble Phantasm 1 「力を以て山を抜き、気迫を以て世を覆う!我が武辺、此処に示さん! セリャァ───ッッ!」

My strength shall lift the mountains, and my might shall conquer the world.

I will demonstrate my military prowess here and now!

My strength plucked the mountains, my spirit covered the world! My military strength, shall be shown here! Seryaaaaaaah!

Noble Phantasm 2 「我は覇王に非ず、唯歴史を拓く為の時の歯車。故に、阻めば、蹴散らすのみぞ!」

I am no conqueror... I was but a cog used in my time to clear the way for history.

Thus...I will oppose it all!
My only purpose is to thrash the enemy!

I am not an aristocrat, just a gear of time to open up history. Therefore, if I am stopped, I shall scatter you!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「有り得ぬ……」



Regular Damage 「大事無し」

Not a problem.


Defeated 1 「行け。我が屍を踏んで……」

Move forward...by stepping over my corpse...

Proceed. Step on my corpse……

Defeated 2 「無論、覚悟の上だとも……」

Obviously, this was all done with resolve...

Naturally, it was beyond my preparation……

Battle Finish 1 「やりすぎ? 否、これは必要な処置だった」

Too much? No, this was a necessary measure.

I overdid it? Nay, this was a required treatment

Battle Finish 2 「此処で果てるが天命と知れ!」

Consider it your destiny that your life ends here!

Know that your life is extinguished here!

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「項羽。確かに私はかつてそう命名され起動した。その呼称に問題はない。むしろ驚くべきはこの躯体だが……」

Xiang Yu...it's true that I was activated with that name.

There's no issue in addressing me that way.
Rather, what should be surprising is this body of mine.

Xiang Yu. Surely I was activated with such a name in the past. There is no problem with that denomination. Rather, what is surprising is this frame……

Bond Lvl 2 「異なる歴史の流れの中で、設計者の元で正しく運用された私というのは少なからず興味深い。詳しく教えてほしいものだ」

Despite the differing paths in history, the fact that I was still used and operated without issue by the architect is quite interesting.

It is quite interesting that I was correctly made use of by my designer among the different flows of history

Bond Lvl 3 「バーサーカーのクラスを充てがわれたのは不可解だ。私はただ論理的、かつ効率的に事に当たるよう努めているだけなのだが」

I'm perplexed why I was assigned the class of Berserker.

I try to approach things rationally and efficiently...

It is inexplicable that I fitted to the class of Berserker. Even though I just strive to confront things logical and efficiently

Bond Lvl 4 「カルデアは数多の英霊の運命が錯綜し、我が演算を以てしても正確なる未来の予見は難しい。ここに来て初めて私は驚きという概念を知った。実に興味深い」

In Chaldea, various fates of Heroic Spirits entwine, making it difficult to foresee an accurate future even after using my calculations. This is the first time I have learned the concept of "surprise" here.

How truly curious.

Since the destinies of many Heroic Spirits become entangled at Chaldea, it is difficult to foresee an accurate future even with my calculations. Truly interesting

Bond Lvl 5 「もはや多くは語らぬ。未来を担いし者よ、その志を遂げるためにこそ、我が機能の全てを発揮しよう」

I don't have much to say.

You, the one who shoulders the future...
In order for you to carry out your resolve, I will demonstrate all my functions for you.

I shall not speak much anymore. O thou who bearest the future, in order to accomplish that goal, I shall demonstrate all my functions

Dialogue 1 「騒乱の兆しを検知した。主導者よ、これは汝が収拾しなければならない」

I have detected a disturbance.

Leader, you must deal with this.

Detected signs of disturbance. O bellwether, this must be settled by thee

Dialogue 2 「英霊……よもや私という装置に、このような在り方が成立しうるとは。いかなる演算を以てしても想定し得なかった」

Heroic Spirits...a device like me to be granted such status was unexpected, no matter how many calculations were made.

Heroic Spirits…… That surely the artifact known as me can establish such a way. I could not assume it with any kind of operation

Dialogue 3 「私は為政者のための装置だが、汝は天下人ではなく、私をただの道具と割り切る視座も持ち合わせぬ様子。ふむ、サーヴァントと言う在り方は殊の外複雑で難解だ」

I was made to be utilized by administrators, yet you are not a ruler and it appears you do not perceive me as just a tool.

Hm. Being a Servant is unexpectedly complicated and difficult.

I am an artifact for the sake of statesmen, but thou art not a nobleman, but I do not have the perspective to give a clear explanation for treating me as a simple tool. Hm, the way of being of Servants is exceedingly complex and unintelligible

Dialogue 4
(Consort Yu or Consort Yu (Lancer))

Ah, my wife...to be able to be reunited in this way...

I see that you no longer wander in forlorn sorrow anymore.
Ah...my one regret in life has now finally been resolved in this place.

Oh, wife…… That reuniting in this figure would be granted. I see, thou no longer hast to wander while not having a place to go. Ah…… The one regret in my lifetime hath now been rewarded here

Dialogue 5
(Shi Huang Di)

So that is my architect...

I never thought to be reunited after all this time.
I see...with a body like that, attaining the pinnacle of performance in humanoid form is likely possible.
It pleases me to see that my design became helpful in the future.

That is…… My designer. To happen across him by surpassing the logic of time. Indeed, that frame must boast the highest peak of ability as a humanoid. It is joyful that my design was made use of later

Something you Like 「好ましきものについて語るなら、それはきっと私が必要とされなくなる日が訪れる事だろう。全ての任務を終えて眠りにつくことが、もしこの身に許されるならば」

If I were to speak of something favorable, it would probably be the day when I can say that I am no longer needed.

If there ever will be a time where I will be granted sleep after completing all missions...

If I was to speak about the things of my liking, that would surely be the arrival of the day when I shall not be needed. To slumber when all my duties are completed, but if this body alloweth it

Something you Hate 「忌むべきもの……。砂上の楼閣、偽りの安寧。未来に災いの種を残したままの仮初めの平和。それは断じて許容できない。速やかに粉砕する」

Something that I dislike...

Things that are like a house of cards...fabricated tranquility, temporary peace that inadvertently plants the seed of chaos for the future.
I absolutely will not accept that. I will immediately eradicate it.

Something to detest……. A house built on sand, false public peace. Transient peace while seeds of calamity are left on the future. It is absolutely untolerable. I shall promptly pulverize it

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯。その概念には予測不可能な要素が多すぎる。いたずらに用いるべき手段ではないと思われる」

The Holy Grail...

The concept itself has too many unpredictable factors associated with it.
I believe it is something that should not be used recklessly.

The Holy Grail. There are many unpredictable elements in that concept. It could be said that it ought not to be used as a means for mischief

During an Event 「天下が騒いでいる。未来の運命が揺らいでいる。座視するまじ……さあ、立て。我が主導者よ!」

The heavens are agitated, the future fate is wavering. We must not idly watch this commotion.

Now stand up, my leader.

The world is noisy. The destiny of future is trembling. Thou oughtest not to remain an idle spectator…… Now, stand up. My bellwether!

Birthday 「汝という存在が出現した節目の日……それを祝うという慣習は不可解だが、かつて今日と同じ日付に喜ばしい出来事があったのは事実だろう」

The day your existence began.

I do not quite understand the custom of celebrating such a day, but there must be some truth behind it in that something joyful happened on a day like today in the past.

The turning point day in which the being known as thee made his appearance…… The custom of celebrating it is inexplicable, but it is true that there was a happy event in the same date as today

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