Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Egawa Hisao)
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「サーヴァント・ランサー。ヴラド三世である。


Servant Lancer. I am Vlad III.

Dear friend. Every corruption, every injustice... Let us fight to end them all.

Servant Lancer. I'm Vlad III. Oh comrade. Let's start a war to correct all immorality and injustice.

Level Up 「良い供物だ……。感謝する」

I am pleased with your offering. Thank you.

This is a good offering... I thank you.

1st Ascension 「勝利を重ねるほど鎧は重みを増していくものだ。栄光と罪業によってな……」

With each victory, one's armor grows heavier with glory and sin.

As triumph piles over, heavier does one's armor become. By that of glory and sin...

2nd Ascension 「一度始めた戦いだ。そうたやすく終わるものではあるまい」

Once a fight has started it will not be easily quelled.

The battle has already begun. It is not something to end so easily.

3rd Ascension 「この姿こそ我が父の遺産。国を守るために人身を捨てた、ドラクルの擬態である」

This form is the legacy I received from my father. I, an imitation of Dracul, threw away my humanity to protect this country.

This form is truly my father's legacy. Of he who cast aside humanity to protect his country, a mimesis of Dracul.

4th Ascension 「凍えるような夜だな、マスター。こう寒くては侵略者共も動くまい。今はしばし……静寂に浸るとしよう」

This night is cold enough to freeze one to the bone, Master.

Not even the invaders will be moving around in this cold. ...Let us enjoy the silence for a while.

'Tis a most freezing night master. In such a cold, the invaders dare not venture out. For now, let us bask in the stillness.

Battle Start 1 「侵略の対価は高くつくぞ?」

You'll pay dearly for your aggression.

The price of invasion is a hefty one.

Battle Start 2 「我が槍は残忍だぞ!」

My spear knows no mercy.

Taste the cruelty of my spear.

Skill 1 「では、みなごろしである」

...Well then, I will kill you all.

Let the massacre begin.

Skill 2 「供物は天高く掲げるべし!」

May these offerings be lifted on high to the heavens!

The offerings shall be hoisted high to the heavens!

Attack Selected 1 「応!」



Attack Selected 2 「突き砕く!」


Pierce through!

Attack Selected 3 「出るぞ!」

Here we go!


Noble Phantasm Selected 「ふっはっはっはっはっはっは!!」



Attack 1 「ぬん!」



Attack 2 「いざ!」



Attack 3 「腹を開けい!」

Cut them open!

Tear open their gut!

Extra Attack 「不信心者!」



Noble Phantasm 「地獄の具現こそ、不徳の報いに相応しい! 『串刺城塞カズィクル・ベイ』!」

Hell incarnate is the reward for your depravity!

Kazikli Bey!

An incarnation of evil is worthy the retribution of vice! 'Kazikli Bey'!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「ぐううううっ!」



Regular Damage 「うぐっ!」



Defeated 1 「遂に……我が身を捧げる時が……!」

The time has finally come... for me to sacrifice myself...

Finally... the time has come for me to offer up this body...

Defeated 2 「妻よ……そなたに、救いを……」

My wife... May she be saved...

Oh wife... to you, salvation...

Battle Finish 1 「我が槍が貴様の墓標。しばし鴉どもと楽しんでいけ!」

My spear will mark your grave. Enjoy yourself with the crows.

My spear is your grave marker. Enjoy yourself among the crows!

Battle Finish 2 「神の愛を知らぬ者に、我が魂は傷つけられぬ!」

One who does not know the love of God cannot hurt my soul.

Against those who know not the love of God, my soul stands unscathed!

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「私と話して何とする。我らが絆は戦場でこそ輝くもの。穏やかな会話など、我が槍には過ぎたものだ」

What's the point of speaking to me?

Our bond shines brightest on the battlefield. My spear doesn't deserve pleasant conversation.

You wished to speak with me? Our bond is something to shine on the battlefield. gentle conversation is something beyond the reach of my spear.

Bond Lvl 2 「何? 以前と姿が違う? では、確かに別の英霊なのだろうよ。そなたが知っている男は、君主として国を守った男。そして私は……武人として敵を殺戮したものだ」

What? I look different?

...Well, I suppose I am a different Heroic Spirit.
The man you know protected this country as its ruler.
I, however, slaughter enemies as a soldier.

You say my form has changed from before? Then I'm sure it is a different hero you speak of. The man you know was a man who protected his land as a monarch. And I am one who slaughtered enemies as a warrior.

Bond Lvl 3 「私が吸血鬼だと? ふっはっはっはっはっ……それは愉快、愉快なことだ、友よ! だが間違いではないぞ? 贖いに血を求めた以上……我が身は紛れもなく人ではない何かであろうよ」

You think I'm a vampire? Pfft, hahahahaha! That is amusing, very amusing, my friend!

But you're not mistaken. Since I began to crave blood, I've clearly been something no longer human!

I'm a vampire? Fwahahahahah! That's grand, a joyous thing indeed, comrade! But don't misunderstand. From the moment I sought out blood in atonement, this body of mine was surely no longer human...

Bond Lvl 4 「私は人の愛を見失った男だ。串刺し公とは人を弾劾する獣の名だ。だが……一度ここではない彼方で、美しいものを見た気がする。あれは……深い……海の底の記憶だったか……」

I am a man who lost sight of love.

Vlad the Impaler is the name of a monster.
But... I feel like once, in a far off place, I saw beauty.
That was... a memory from the deep depths of the sea...

I am a man who lost sight of human love. The impaling lord is the name of a brute who judges humans. But... once, in a place far from here, I get the feeling I saw something beautiful. That was... deep... a memory of the ocean's depths.

Bond Lvl 5 「正しさを求め、裁きを求め血を求めた。我が人生はこの夜のようなもの。あらゆる罪科を飲み込み、夜明けとともに消えゆかねばならない。友よ……そなたの戦いに罪はない。それらはすべて、私が地獄に持ってゆこう」

I demanded righteousness, judgment, and blood.

My life is like this night. I must drink up every sin and vanish with the rising sun.
...My friend, there is nothing sinful about your fight. I will take them all with me to Hell...

I sought for right, I sought for judgement, I sought for blood. My life was something akin to this night. Swallowing down all sorts of injustice, all only to fade away come the break of dawn... comrade, know there is no sin in your battle. For I shall take all of it with me to hell...

Dialogue 1 「敵が休んでいる時こそ、最大の好機。行くぞ、友よ。なに、行軍しながら眠ればよい」

Our best chance is to attack while the enemy is resting.

Let's go, my friend. What? You can sleep while we're on the move.

It's these times the enemy are resting that provide the greatest opportunity, comrade. Fret not, you need only sleep as you march.

Dialogue 2 「我が槍は血に塗れ、我が妻は喪われた。だが……ここに新しいえにしを得た。友よ、そなたに仕えよう」

My spear is covered in blood and I've lost my wife.

But... I've found a new destiny here. Allow me to serve you, my friend.

My spear is stained in blood, my wife is lost. But... here, I have gained a new fate. Comrade, let me serve you.

Dialogue 3 「一度仕えると誓った以上、我が心は決して裏切らぬ。主に間違いがあったとしても、これを正し、共に滅びるのみだ」

I will never betray my vow to serve you. Should you make a misstep, I will correct it and we will meet destruction together.

Once I have sworn to serve, my heart shall never turncoat. Even if there is a problem in my lord, he is right. My duty lies in accompanying him down to ruin.

Dialogue 4
(Vlad III)

You have made a contract even with that side of me... that existence?

...Hmph. In his silent, brooding way, he is indeed insane.
Even I know I am inflexible. I can be a handful, my friend.

So you've even made a pact with my other side; my truth. Hmm... truly that one is sunk in quiet madness. Even if I speak of myself, that is a man too adamant in his ways... you'd best not trouble him, comrade.

Dialogue 5
(Carmilla or Carmilla (Rider))

I don't like that woman. Carmilla, was it?

She says she needs blood to live, but she simply craves eternal youth.
She would turn to ash from shame if she stood before my wife.

I dislike that woman... Carmilla, was it? While speaking of how blood is a necessity to live, her head is filled with nothing but thirst for eternal youth. If she stood before my wife, she would turn to ash from disgrace.

Dialogue 6
(Elizabeth Báthory)

Elisabeth Báthory... For some reason, when I look upon her, my spear shakes with fury.

But at the same time, a woman's voice implores me to forgive her.
That voice... Who was it...?

Elizabeth Báthory... for some reason, when I gaze on that woman, my spear does quiver in rage. But at the same time, 'Forgive me,' pleads the voice of a woman. This voice... who did it belong to?

Something you Like 「好きなもの、と? んん……久しく考えておらなんだ。礼拝は欠かさぬが……妻の幸福こそが、我が生き甲斐だったのかもしれぬ……」

What do I... like?

I, I haven't thought of that in quite some time.
Worship is essential, of course, but... I probably lived for my wife's happiness.

What I like? Mmh... I haven't thought over it in a long time. I never miss my prayers, but... perhaps my wife's happiness was the worth to my life...

Something you Hate 「嫌いなものだと? 語るまでもなかろう! 欲に溺れ、尊厳を嗤い、欺瞞すら無自覚となった、恥知らず共が我が獲物である!」

What do I hate? I would think that would be obvious!

Those who, falling victim to greed, shamelessly mock greatness and deceive others without so much as a thought. They are my prey!

What I hate? I needn't even speak of it! Those that drown in their desires, sneer at dignity, even unmindful of deceit, those brutes who know no shame are my prey!

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯は唯一無二のもの。たとえ奇跡を宿そうと、贋作に価値はない。……友よ、そなたに真心あらば、我が身に捧げる愚は犯すな?」

There is only one Holy Grail. There is no merit in even a miraculous fake.

My friend, if you are sincere, do not be foolish.

There is only a single holy grail in the world. Even if it can grant wishes, there is no value to be had in a fake... Comrade, if you have any faith, you'd best not commit your being to something foolish.

During an Event 「国境の鳥どもが騒がしい……新たな不信心者どもの予兆だ。戦の支度だ、友よ」

The birds on the border are awfully noisy... A sure sign of new infidels. Prepare to fight, my friend.

The birds of the state make a ruckus... it's an omen of a new heretic in the lands. Prepare for battle, comrade.

Birthday 「不覚……! 友よ! そなたの誕生日ではないか! このような日に、記念銀貨さえ作れぬとは……! 我が一生の不覚……!」

I have failed you! My friend, isn't today your birthday!?

I didn't even make a commemorative coin for this day... I'll regret this for the rest of my life!

'Tis my blunder... comrade! It is your birthday, is it not!? On such a day, for me not to have even fashioned a commemorative silver coin...! 'Tis my life's greatest blunder...!

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