Disclaimer: Before adding Translations, Please leave a comment with source and proof of permission | |||
Occasion | Japanese | English | Audio |
Summoning | |||
Summoned | 「アサシン……宇津見エリセ。 ……あれっ? じゃなくて、アヴェンジャー!? せめてライダーでは? そ、そうかぁ、これが水着霊基ってヤツか。 ともかく、こ、コンゴトモヨロシク。」 |
Assassin...Utsumi Erice. Huh? Wait...I'm an Avenger!? Shouldn't I be a Rider!?
Assasin… Utsumi Erice. …Huh? Not that, but an Avenger?! Couldn't you at least make it Rider? I-I see, so this is a Swimsuit Spirit Origin. Anyway, n-nice to meet you again.
Leveling | |||
Level Up 1 | 「何か、悪いね」 | ||
Level Up 2 | 「おっ、グラッチエ」 | ||
Level Up 3 | 「魔力とスパイスは、多いほどいい!」 | ||
1st Ascension | 「うん、どうかな?セーラースタイルって、つまり水兵さんでしょ?強そうでいいかな、って思ってさ。先生のセンスには及ばないけれど、脳内ファッション奉行?の声に従って、精一杯見繕ってみたんだ。うっふふ」 |
...Okay. What do you think...?
Hm, how is it? Sailor style basically means a navy soldier, doesn't it? I thought it was nice how trong it looked. I can't match my teacher's style, but I did my best and tried to choose it on my own after obeying the voice of my internal fashion magistrate(?). Ufufu
2nd Ascension | 「うーん、いつも通り形から入ってはみたものの、夏らしいバカンスとかレジャーとかちんぷんかんぷんだぞ。そもそもさ、人理継続に水着霊基って必要……いやいやいや、疑問を持ったら負けだ。慣れていこう、うん!」 |
Hmmm... I tried to approach this event like usual, but I have no idea what summer vacation or recreation really entails. Besides, are swimsuit Spirit Origins really necessary for preserving humanity... No, forget it. It's all over once I start overthinking. I'll just get used to it.
Uuum, although I tried going with the looks first as usual, things like a summer-like vacation and leisure are gibberish to me. In the first place, is a swimsuit Spirit Origin necessary to preserve Human Order… Nonono, I lose if I wait for a reply. I'll get used to it, yep!
Battle | |||
Battle Start 1 | 「夏の楽しみ方教えてくれる?」 | ||
Battle Start 2 | 「まずは基本姿勢っと」 | ||
Battle Start 3 | 「アーレア・ヤクタ・エスト?」 | ||
Battle Start 4 | 「うーん…向いてない、向いてなーい!」 | ||
Skill 1 | 「そうれっ」 | ||
Skill 2 | 「第三宇宙速度、うふっ」 | ||
Skill 3 | 「フォルツァ!」 | ||
Skill 4 | 「ボーノ!」 | ||
Attack Selected 1 | 「うん、任せて」 | ||
Attack Selected 2 | 「エトセトラ、エトセトラ!」 | ||
Attack Selected 3 | 「ブラーボ」 | ||
Noble Phantasm Selected 1 | 「海が呼んでるね」 | ||
Noble Phantasm Selected 2 | 「お仕事、お仕事」 | ||
Noble Phantasm Selected 3 | 「アイアイ、マスター」 | ||
Noble Phantasm Selected 4 | 「出航!ヨーソロー!」 | ||
Attack 1 | 「よっ!はぁっ!」 | ||
Attack 2 | 「やぁっ!とりゃっ!」 | ||
Attack 3 | 「はぁっ!せいっ!」 | ||
Attack 4 | 「これで!どう!」 | ||
Attack 5 | 「せーの!うん」 | ||
Attack 6 | 「はぁっ!キャッチ!」 | ||
Attack 7 | 「ボンジョルノー!」 | ||
Extra Attack 1 | 「夏だー!マンマミーア!」 | ||
Extra Attack 2 | 「うひっ、ごめーん!」 | ||
Extra Attack 3 | 「せーの!いっけー!」 | ||
Extra Attack 4 | 「生ハムメローン!」 | ||
Noble Phantasm 1 | 「これなるは少名毘古那より借り受けし、波の帆に乗り来たるさや船。常世と現世を神結び、いざ再び天地を開闢せん。『天乃羅摩船』!やっふー!」 |
My raft, borrowed from Sukunabikona, arrives on the watery swell. Join together the eternal and mortal lands to recreate the heavens and earth!
This is the sailboat borrowed from Sukunabikona, riding over the crests of waves. Connect divinely the world of the dead with this world, and recreate Heaven and Earth once more. "Boat of Amenokagami"! Yahoo!
Noble Phantasm 2 | 「馳せ向かいしは少名毘古那より借り受けし、颯船。常世と現世を神結び、八千矛掲げ、善祓わん!『天乃羅摩船』!」 |
Riding swiftly on a gale-force ship borrowed from Sukunabikona. It joins the eternal and mortal lands, bearing the yachihoko to purify it all!
The wind-propelled boat borrowed from Sukunabikona hastens. Connect divinely the world of the dead with this world, and purify them to invite the fortune that heralds Yachihoko! "Boat of Amenokagami"!
Damage from Noble Phantasm 1 | 「ひー無理だー!」 | ||
Damage from Noble Phantasm 2 | 「ちょっ、キツいってばー」 | ||
Regular Damage 1 | 「うっ」 | ||
Regular Damage 2 | 「あたっ」 | ||
Defeated 1 | 「完敗だー」 | ||
Defeated 2 | 「準備……足りなかった……な……」 | ||
Defeated 3 | 「一休み……するね……」 | ||
Defeated 4 | 「プラウディテ……アクタ・エスト・ファーブラ……」 | ||
Battle Finish 1 (Male Master) |
「これって君の力だ」 | ||
Battle Finish 1 (Female Master) |
「これってあなたの力だ」 | ||
Battle Finish 2 | 「また、やっちゃったなぁ」 | ||
Battle Finish 3 | 「アッピアーモ・ヴィント!勝った、勝った!」 | ||
Battle Finish 4 | 「キティウス、アルティウス、フォルティウス!」 | ||
My Room | |||
Bond Lvl 1 (Male Master) |
「この格好も身軽だし気楽でいいんだけれど、私も君みたいに制服を着ていたいなー。なんか落ち着くっているか……いや、そっか。思わず失礼なこと言っちゃった。カルデアの制服は特別だ。君が一番よく似合ってるよ、うん」 |
This outfit is lightweight and easy to move around in, but I also want to wear a uniform like you. It's comforting. Er, I guess I said something rude, didn't I? Chaldea uniforms are special. Obviously you look best in it.
It's nice that this appearance is nimble and casual, but I want to wear an uniform just like you. For some reason it makes me feel at ease… No, right. I said something rude without thinking. Chaldea's uniform is special. You're the one it suits the best, yup.
Bond Lvl 1 (Female Master) |
「この格好も身軽だし気楽でいいんだけれど、私もあなたみたいに制服を着ていたいなー。なんか落ち着くっているか……いや、そっか。思わず失礼なこと言っちゃった。カルデアの制服は特別だ。あなたが一番よく似合ってるよ、うん」 |
This outfit is lightweight and easy to move around in, but I also want to wear a uniform like you. It's comforting. Er, I guess I said something rude, didn't I? Chaldea uniforms are special. Obviously you look best in it.
It's nice that this appearance is nimble and casual, but I want to wear an uniform just like you. For some reason it makes me feel at ease… No, right. I said something rude without thinking. Chaldea's uniform is special. You're the one it suits the best, yup.
Bond Lvl 2 | 「ぬあー!ねえちょっと酷いんだ!聞いて!食堂の主たちが来週の献立会議をしてたんだ。ちょうど居合わせた人にそれぞれ希望を尋ねたりしてさ。それなのに、いきなり私だけ外に追い出された!なんでー!?断固抗議する!え、それも人理継続のためにはやむを得ないかもって?ううー!」 |
Waaah!!! Everyone's so mean! Hear me out!
Nwaah! Hey that was mean! Listen! The masters of the canteen were having a meeting about the menu for next week. So I asked the people there about their own expectations. And even so, they suddenly kicked me out! Why?! I oppose firmly to this! Eh? this is unavoidable too, for the sake of preserving Human Order? Uuuh!
Bond Lvl 3 (Male Master) |
「複素数平面の……であるから……偏角がこうで……こうなって……あれ、何故だー?……あ、いたんだ。うん、勉強してた。ほらこれ、教科書と問題集のコピー。ちょっと上の学年の歯応えあるやつをね。好きな本を読んでるばかりじゃ、糖分多すぎて脳がだらけちゃうもの。君だっていつかまた学校に行くかもなんだし、たまには勘を取り戻したおいたほうがいいんじゃない?ふふふっ、そうだよ。よかったらさ、この問題教えてよ」 |
The complex plane is here...which means...the angle of deviation is...here...and it goes like this... Huh? Why...?
If we're in the… plane of complex numbers… The inscribed angle is this… and becomes like this… Huh, why? …Ah, you're here. Yup, I was studying. Here look, a copy of a textbook and a problem set. I was doing something challenging from a few years above me. If I only read the books I like, the sugar levels would be so high my brain would be a mess. You might end up returning to school someday too. Shouldn't you use your head like this again from time to time? Fufufu, that's right. If you want, tell me the answer to this problem.
Bond Lvl 3 (Female Master) |
「複素数平面の……であるから……偏角がこうで……こうなって……あれ、何故だー?……あ、いたんだ。うん、勉強してた。ほらこれ、教科書と問題集のコピー。ちょっと上の学年の歯応えあるやつをね。好きな本を読んでるばかりじゃ、糖分多すぎて脳がだらけちゃうもの。あなただっていつかまた学校に行くかもなんだし、たまには勘を取り戻したおいたほうがいいんじゃない?ふふふっ、そうだよ。よかったらさ、この問題教えてよ」 |
The complex plane is here...which means...the angle of deviation is...here...and it goes like this... Huh? Why...?
If we're in the… plane of complex numbers… The inscribed angle is this… and becomes like this… Huh, why? …Ah, you're here. Yup, I was studying. Here look, a copy of a textbook and a problem set. I was doing something challenging from a few years above me. If I only read the books I like, the sugar levels would be so high my brain would be a mess. You might end up returning to school someday too. Shouldn't you use your head like this again from time to time? Fufufu, that's right. If you want, tell me the answer to this problem.
Bond Lvl 4 (Male Master) |
「英霊に囲まれる生活にも、そろそろ慣れてきたかって?ま、まぁね、そりゃ私だっていつまでも新人ってわけじゃ?皇帝陛下と同席で食事とか、円卓の騎士と大浴場で合い風呂とか、神話の英雄や大文豪と本の感想を語り合うと、か……うー……うーん……ごめん、やっぱりまだすっごい緊張するや。訓練やミッション中ならいざ知らず……うーん、笑ってるけど、そういう君はどうなの?もう!」 |
You're asking if I've gotten used to living among all these Heroic Spirits? S-sure. I can't be the new guy forever, you know. Sharing the same dining table with an emperor...sharing a bath with the Knights of the Round Table...discussing books with mythological heroes and great writers...
Have I got used to a lifestyle surrounded by Heroic Spirits by now, you ask? W-well, I'm still a newbie, am I not? Eating in the same seats as an emperor, having a bath together with the Knights of the Round Table, or discussing our thoughts about books with great literary masters or mythological heroes is… Uuu… Uuuum… Sorry, I'm very nervous after all. I don't know about when we are training or in a mission but… Uuum, you laugh, but what about you, huh? Sheesh!
Bond Lvl 4 (Female Master) |
「英霊に囲まれる生活にも、そろそろ慣れてきたかって?ま、まぁね、そりゃ私だっていつまでも新人ってわけじゃ?皇帝陛下と同席で食事とか、円卓の騎士と大浴場で合い風呂とか、神話の英雄や大文豪と本の感想を語り合うと、か……うー……うーん……ごめん、やっぱりまだすっごい緊張するや。訓練やミッション中ならいざ知らず……うーん、笑ってるけど、そういうあなたはどうなの?もう!」 |
You're asking if I've gotten used to living among all these Heroic Spirits? S-sure. I can't be the new guy forever, you know. Sharing the same dining table with an emperor...sharing a bath with the Knights of the Round Table...discussing books with mythological heroes and great writers...
Have I got used to a lifestyle surrounded by Heroic Spirits by now, you ask? W-well, I'm still a newbie, am I not? Eating in the same seats as an emperor, having a bath together with the Knights of the Round Table, or discussing our thoughts about books with great literary masters or mythological heroes is… Uuu… Uuuum… Sorry, I'm very nervous after all. I don't know about when we are training or in a mission but… Uuum, you laugh, but what about you, huh? Sheesh!
Bond Lvl 5 (Male Master) |
「このちょっぴり浮かれた格好も、日常を大切にする君自身の気持ちの表れなんだろうね、うん。そう……思いたんですけど……え、私の地が出た?や、やめて……」 |
A cheery outfit like this must be a reflection and representation of your efforts to cherish every single day. At least...that's what I want to think.
This slightly festive appearance and cherishing my everyday life must be a representation of your own feelings, yep. That's… what I thought, but… Eh? I revealed my own colors? S-stop it…
Bond Lvl 5 (Female Master) |
「このちょっぴり浮かれた格好も、日常を大切にするあなた自身の気持ちの表れなんだろうね、うん。そう……思いたんですけど……え、私の地が出た?や、やめて……」 |
A cheery outfit like this must be a reflection and representation of your efforts to cherish every single day. At least...that's what I want to think.
This slightly festive appearance and cherishing my everyday life must be a representation of your own feelings, yep. That's… what I thought, but… Eh? I revealed my own colors? S-stop it…
Dialogue 1 | 「さあ、出撃しようか!帽子よし、浮き輪よし、蛍光色の特製ゼリー飲料よし!」 | ||
Dialogue 2 (Male Master) |
「私と君は、契約を交わしたサーヴァントと、そのマスター。それ以外の関係は、君にとってノイズだよね。今は集中できる環境が大切だよ」 |
I am a Servant contracted with you, and you're my Master. Anything beyond that is probably just white noise for you, irrelevant and a distraction. Creating an environment where you can concentrate is more important.
You and I are a Servant and her Master, who exchanged contracts. Any relationship other than that is noise for you. The environment you can focus on now is important.
Dialogue 2 (Female Master) |
「私とあなたは、契約を交わしたサーヴァントと、そのマスター。それ以外の関係は、あなたにとってノイズだよね。今は集中できる環境が大切だよ」 |
I am a Servant contracted with you, and you're my Master. Anything beyond that is probably just white noise for you, irrelevant and a distraction. Creating an environment where you can concentrate is more important.
You and I are a Servant and her Master, who exchanged contracts. Any relationship other than that is noise for you. The environment you can focus on now is important.
Dialogue 3 (Male Master) |
「考えてみれば君って、私の先輩だ。魔術師としても、人類?の一人としても。うん?あまり私からは先輩って呼ばない方がいい、かも?あー、ふーん、ふーん。ううん、何でもない!」 |
Now that I think of it, you're my senpai. Both as a mage and as a member of humanity. Hm... Maybe I shouldn't call you senpai, though...?
Now that I think about it,you're my senpai. As a mage, and as a human? Um? You'd prefer that I didn't call you Senpai too much? Aaah, huum, huum. Uun, it's nothing!
Dialogue 3 (Female Master) |
「考えてみればあなたって、私の先輩だ。魔術師としても、人類?の一人としても。うん?あまり私からは先輩って呼ばない方がいい、かも?あー、ふーん、ふーん。ううん、何でもない!」 |
Now that I think of it, you're my senpai. Both as a mage and as a member of humanity. Hm... Maybe I shouldn't call you senpai, though...?
Now that I think about it,you're my senpai. As a mage, and as a human? Um? You'd prefer that I didn't call you Senpai too much? Aaah, huum, huum. Uun, it's nothing!
Dialogue 4 (Amor (Caren)) |
「カレンさんのこと、どうしても先生って呼んじゃう。それを咎められたりはしないけど、うっすら微笑んで「あなたの語彙は偏り過ぎです。ポルカなんとか以外の毒矢も持つように。死神というより、ボキャ貧のボキャ貧乏神ですね」って怒られたー。はー、やっぱり先生は最高だなー。」 |
I can't help but call Caren "teacher." I don't get reprimanded for doing it, but she smiled and scolded me with, "Your lack of vocabulary is quite polarized. You need to have more insults than 'porca.' Rather than a Grim Reaper, you're more of a grim speaker with a limited vocabulary."
I can't help but call Caren-san 'Teacher' no matter how much I try. She won't reproach me for that, but she scolded me and said with a faint smile "Your vocabulary is too biased. As if you unexpectedly had the poison arrow of polka-whatever. Rather than a grim reaper, you're like the god of poverty of being at a loss of words that is at a loss of words herself". Aaah, Teacher's the best as I thought.
Dialogue 5 (See the references[1]) (Male Master) |
「エリ……“ち”ぃ? 誰が言い出したのかなぁその呼び名! えっと……ほら、ここにはエリザベートだっているし、紛らわしいと思うんだけど……。ま、まぁ……きみがそう呼びたいのなら……好きにして?」 |
"Eri...chi?" Who thought of that silly nickname? Because, you know, we have similar-sounding Servants like Elisabeth, so it might cause some confusion. B-but if you want to call me that...fine with me.
Eri-chi…? Who called me like that? Eeer, look, there are also Elizabeths so I think it's misleading… W-well, I'd come to like it if you want to call me like that.
Dialogue 5 (See the references[1]) (Female Master) |
「エリ……“ち”ぃ? 誰が言い出したのかなぁその呼び名! えっと……ほら、ここにはエリザベートだっているし、紛らわしいと思うんだけど……。ま、まぁ……あなたがそう呼びたいのなら……好きにして?」 |
"Eri...chi?" Who thought of that silly nickname? Because, you know, we have similar-sounding Servants like Elisabeth, so it might cause some confusion. B-but if you want to call me that...fine with me. |
Dialogue 6 (See the references[2]) |
「この水着の格好にちなんでさ、円卓関係者から噂だけは耳にするんだけど。語る人毎に随分印象が異なるって言うか。一体、ケイ卿ってどんな人なの?謎が深まるなー。」 |
With regards to this swimsuit, I've heard some gossip from the Knights of the Round Table. But depending on who I hear it from, I get a very different impression... So who is this "Sir Kay" they keep talking about? The mystery deepens...
I just went to hear rumors from those related to the Round Table about this swimsuit appearance. But the impressions of each person I spoke to were different. Just what kind of person is Sir Kay? The mystery deepens.
Dialogue 7 (Jaguar Man) |
「あの中南米のジャガーの神霊サーヴァント、何だか得体の知れない波動を感じる。どうしてみんな、ジャガ村って呼んでるんだろ?」 | ||
Dialogue 8 (Grigori Rasputin) |
「あの神父様……かい、そう? のラスプーチンさんから、直々にご馳走してもらっちゃった。あぁ……あの深い味わい、どこか懐かしくって……。なんだか、胸にじんわりきて……。全身が……ずんがずんがして……。んぅぅ……ごめん、ちょっと横になっていい……?」 | ||
Something you Like | 「今は難しいけれど、いつかゆっくり旅行に行ってみたいな!ローマ、パリ、アレクサンドリア、ロンドン!ミッションでも行けるって?うん、それはそう。でもさ、それじゃあ博物館がないもの」 |
It may not be feasible right now, but I would love to go on a nice trip somewhere. Rome, Paris, Alexandria, London... What? You're saying we can during our missions? Yeah, I know. But that way doesn't include museums.
It's difficult now, but I'd like to go on a trip someday! Rome, Paris, Alexandria, London! We can go there on a mission? Hm, you're right. But then there would be no museums.
Something you Hate | 「サーヴァントは戦いの道具だけれど、礼儀と尊敬を欠くのは嫌だな。あ、私に対しては別にいいから!」 | ||
About the Holy Grail | 「聖杯って、こんな畑のスイカみたいにごろごろあるものだったっけ?は?鋳造?」 | ||
During an Event (Male Master) |
「いっつも大事件が起きてる気がする。そろそろ、君自身に原因がある可能性も、考慮した方が良いのでは?」 | ||
During an Event (Female Master) |
「いっつも大事件が起きてる気がする。そろそろ、あなた自身に原因がある可能性も、考慮した方が良いのでは?」 | ||
Birthday |
Tanti auguri a te♪ Happy birthday!
I heard it's your birthday. Congrats. I hope you have a good day. It's weird how I can do these celebration things with you without getting awkward. Hehe. Huh? Now your day is already good? You really mean it? Okay... You're welcome...
- Thanks ComunCoutinho for the birthday line translation.