Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Hayami Saori)


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「牛若丸、まかりこしました。


I am Ushiwakamaru and I have been called upon.

Honoring the full devotion as a Samurai, I will do my utmost best!

Ushiwakamaru, visiting. I'll serve you as a samurai with my whole heart.

Level Up 「ぽんぽこ、りん……」

I've leveled up...


1st Ascension 「すみません、次もお願いします」

Sorry... I shall count on you again...

Thank you. The next one too, please.

2nd Ascension 「これが霊基再臨……。気持ちいい……!」

So this is what Ascension feels like? It feels good.

This is my Spirit Origin's Ascension...It feels good...

3rd Ascension 「こんなに五感が鋭く……。ここまで強くなれるなんて……!」

I feel alive! I never thought I would get this strong...

Like this, my senses have been sharpened...To think I have become so strong.

4th Ascension 「ご覧あれ、主殿! この牛若、武芸の極みに達しました!」

Look, my lord! I have reached the peak of martial arts!

Please, look, my Lord. This Ushiwaka has reached the peak of martial arts!

Battle Start 1 「牛若丸と覚えてもらおう」

Remember the name Ushiwakamaru.

Remember Ushiwakamaru.

Battle Start 2 主殿あるじどの、どうか指示を!」

My lord, your orders!

My Lord, please instruct me.

Battle Start 3 「さぁて、野晒しになる覚悟は出来たと見える!」

I see that you're prepared to be beaten to a pulp!

Now then, I see you have the resolve to become weather-beaten!

Battle Start 4 「よぉし! 殺すとするか!」

Okay, time to kill!

Alright! How about I kill them!

Skill 1 「いざ!」



Skill 2 「抜きつけ、構え!」


I'm prepared to see it to the end!

Skill 3 「坂を下るぞ! ……いや落ちるか?」

We'll descend the hill...or rather fall.

I'll go down the hills! …No, maybe I'll fall?

Skill 4 「さあ、さあさあさあ御覧ごろうじろ!」

Come on, come on, come on, take a look!

Now, now now now see!

Attack Selected 1 「はい!」

Yes sir!


Attack Selected 2 「お任せを」

I've got this!

I'll leave the decision to you.

Attack Selected 3 「承知!」



Noble Phantasm Selected 1 鬼一きいち兵法ひょうほう、受けてみるか!」

Try these Kiichi tactics on for size!

Kiichi is the art of war. Try to follow it.

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「我が流離譚りゅうりたん──いざ!」

Let my narrative come to life!

My Wandering Tales ── Now!

Noble Phantasm Selected 3 「目指すは将の首! 参る!」

Our goal is to take the general's head!

I aim for the general's head! I shall depart!

Attack 1 「はっ!」



Attack 2 「たっ!」



Attack 3 「やあっ!」



Attack 4 「遅い!」

Too slow!

Too slow!

Attack 5 「なまくらが!」

You sloth!


Attack 6 「そこをどけっ!」

Out of my way!

Move away from there!

Extra Attack 1 悪鬼あっき必衰ひっすい!」

Evil spirits, begone!

Demon, decay!

Extra Attack 2 「天狗に速さで勝てると思うな!」

Don't dare think you're faster than a tengu!

Don't think you can defeat a tengu in speed!

Extra Attack 3 「フッハッハッハッハ! 痛快至極!」

Hahahaha! How extremely delightful!

Fuhahahaha! Exceedingly thrilling!

Extra Attack 4 「源氏の恐怖、体に刻み込め!」

Let the Genji's terror be carved into your body!

Carve the fear of the Genji in your body!

Noble Phantasm
(Before Jan/20/2021)

Dan-No-Ura Eight-Boat Leap!

Dan no Ura・ Jumping the Eight Boats!

Noble Phantasm 1 「これぞ我が伝説のひとつ。我が肉体は、鳥のごとく水面を舞う──。『壇ノ浦・だんのうら・八艘跳はっそうとび』!!」

This is just one of my legends!

My body dances upon the water's surface like a bird flying through the air.
Dan-No-Ura Eight-Boat Leap!

This is one of my legends. My body dances on the water surface like a bird ── "Dan-no-Ura - Eight Boats LeapDannoura · Hassōtobi"!!

Noble Phantasm 2 遮那王しゃなおう流離譚──八艘跳!」

The Wandering Tales of Shana-oh,

Eight Boat Leap!

Shana-Ō's Wandering Tales ── Eight Boats Leap!

Noble Phantasm 3 「水面とて、跳べば変わらぬ! 八艘跳!」

It doesn't matter if it's the water's surface as long as I can step on it!

Eight Boat Leap!

It doesn't matter that I'm on the water surface if I jump! Eight Boats Leap!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 1 「おのれ……!」



Damage from Noble Phantasm 2 「くぅあああああああっ!」



Regular Damage 1 「あいたっ!」



Regular Damage 2 「ちぃっ!」



Defeated 1 「主殿……いと済まぬ……」

My lord... I...am...sorry...

My Lord...I'm really sorry...

Defeated 2 「兄上……お許しを……」

Brother...please...forgive me...

Elder brother...Forgive me...

Defeated 3 「この首……持っていけ……!」

My head...take it...

Get… this head…!

Defeated 4 「命運……ここに、尽きたか……!」

My fate...ends here...

My fate… has hereby ended…!

Battle Finish 1 「ふぅ、精一杯尽くしました」

Phew, we fought well.

Phew, I served with my utmost effort.

Battle Finish 2 「兄上には及びませんね。出直してください」

You are nothing compared to my brother. Sort yourself out.

It's not elder brother, huh...Please, come again.

Battle Finish 3 「首は放っておいてもいいのですか? ……いい? なるほど……」

Are you sure you want to leave the head behind? It's okay? I see...

Is it okay to let this head be? …It is? I see…

Battle Finish 4 「勝ちました! 勝利の源氏サイン、ぶいっ!」

We won. The Genji sign of victory! V for victory!

We won! The Genji sign of victory, V!

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「何事も規則正しく──です、主殿。いかに主殿といえ、だらしのない習慣は容赦なく叱りますから、そのつもりで」

Everything is fine, my lord.

However, even though you are my lord, I intend to scold you for your slovenly habits.

Everything is going fine, my Lord. Oh speaking of which, my Lord, I'll be sure to give you a good scolding for any sloppy habits.

Bond Lvl 2 頼朝よりとも──兄上の事ですか? 勿論、兄としても武士としても敬愛しております。自慢ではありませんが、世界で一番優れた兄だと断言します!」

Yoritomo, you mean my brother?

Naturally, I respect him both as a brother and a samurai. I don't mean to brag, but I can safely say he's the best brother in the world!

My brother Yoritomo? I respected him as samurai and loved him as my brother, of course. Not to be boastful, but I say he was the most exemplary older brother in the world.

Bond Lvl 3 「私も遊び心ぐらい持っています。子どもの頃はやんちゃでしたから。大人をからかうのが趣味で、常陸坊海尊ひたちぼうを困らせては高笑いの毎日です。……いっ、今はそうではありませんが! 全力で自重していますとも!」

I can be playful. I was a ruffian as a child, you know? I enjoyed poking fun at adults and spend my days laughing.

But I don't do that any more, as I have self-respect!

I like to have fun too. When I was a child, I was rather mischievous since I spent my days playing pranks on adults as a hobby and causing trouble for the monks, all while laughing out loud. I-I'm not like that any more, though. I conduct myself properly to the best of my ability.

Bond Lvl 4 「戦を怖い……と思った事はありません。私、こう見えて天才ですから。どんな戦場に送り込んでも生還する、と兄上はよく言っていた程です」

I have never been afraid of combat. As I am a genius you know.

My brother often said that I could survive on any battlefield.

I never thought battle was frightening. I was regarded a prodigy because no matter what battlefield I was sent into, I would always make it out alive, is what my brother often told me.

Bond Lvl 4
(Clear Babylonia)
「いやー! それに致しましても、バビロニアの私は大暴れでしたね! ……お恥ずかしい。穴があったら立てこもりたいです……!」

Ah...I guess I went overboard during Babylonia! How embarrassing...I want to find a giant hole and hide inside it...

Well, if I say so myself the me at Babylonia sure went berserk. How shameful… If there was a hole I'd want to shut myself in it.

Bond Lvl 5 「何度裏切られても、やっぱり私は誰かの為に戦いたいです。主殿が許してくれるのなら、最期まで一緒に……いえ、なんでもありません」

Despite being betrayed countless times, I still want to fight for somebody. My lord, if you allow it, please fight with me until... In fact, never mind.

No matter how many times I am betrayed, I still want to fight for someone's sake. If you would allow it, my Lord, until your final moments, let us-...no, it's nothing

Bond Lvl 5
(Clear Solomon)

Master. I have joined you on many of your travels.

Lands, cultures, and enemies I never would have encountered...
If I am permitted to do so, I would like to serve you for eternity.
Of course, I do know whether that is permitted...

Master. I have made several journeys together with you. There were many lands and cultures I never met in my past life… and enemies. If I'm allowed to, I want to serve you like this eternally. …Of course, that won't be allowed, though.

Dialogue 1 「主殿、そろそろお立ちください。いつまでも横になっているとタヌ、キ……あ、いえ、牛になると言いますゆえ」

My lord, we must depart.

We mustn't be lazy like animals!

My Lord, please depart soon. Forever resting with Tanuki... Ah, that's wrong, I am called Ushi now.

Dialogue 2 「無論、兄上同様、主殿にも誠心誠意お仕えします。……その、主殿が私に不満がなければ、ですが」

Of course, just like my brother, I will serve you until the end's of the earth.

That is, if it pleases you my lord.

Naturally, much like with my brother, I will serve you with all my heart, my Lord. Umm, that is if you are fine with me, though.

Dialogue 3 「サーヴァントの何たるかは心得ています。何でも言ってください」

I understand what being a Servant entails. Please, ask me anything!

As a Servant of heart, just ask me any questions you have.

Dialogue 3
(Clear Solomon)
「あっはっはっはっはっは! もう長い付き合いです。主の考えることなど、私にはお見通しです! いちいち首を斬るな、ですよね? ……あれ、違う?」

Hahahaha. We've been together for a long time. I can read Master like a book. You're telling me not to take their heads, right? Huh? That's not what you said?

Fuhahahaha! We've been together for a long time. I can see through my lord's thoughts. "Don't cut every single head", am I right? Huh? That wasn't it?

Dialogue 4
(Musashibō Benkei)
「弁慶……? そなた、弁慶か!? では、あれをやってみろ。白紙写経の斉唱だ。……何、できない? では跳べ、跳んで小銭を私によこせ。……何、それもできない? ──成程。貴様、あとで寺の裏に来るがいい」

Benkei, is that you?

Try chanting these sutras. What? You can't do it? Then fly, fly and make me coin. What? You can't do that either?
...I see. Meet me behind the temple later if you know what's good for you.

Benkei? Is that really you, Benkei!? If it is, then just try doing "that". Recite your death sutra. What? You can't? Then jump. Jump and give me the money. You can't do that either? I see. Come see me behind the temple then, you cur.

Dialogue 5
(Musashibō Benkei & Clear Babylonia)
「あー……んん、ん! そこの自称弁慶! まぁ? バビロニアでは? なんじもそれなりに? よくやったと? そう言わざるをえない? ……ひとまず褒めてつかわす。……なんだその顔は。サクっとされたいのか?」

Um...ahem. You there. Yeah you, who claims to be Benkei.

Well...I suppose...in Babylonia, you did...good...if the bar was set real low...I guess...
Just...you did good.
What's with that look? Do you want to get sliced up or something?

Ah, hm. That self-proclaimed Benkei over there. Well? At Babylonia? You did well? Within your capacity? I'm forced to say that? For starters I shall praise you. …What's with that face? Do you want to be cut into pieces?

Dialogue 6
(Minamoto no Raikō or Minamoto no Raikō (Lancer))
「おお、あれこそが源頼光殿! ひとつ手合わせ……いえ、やめておきましょう。身内の殺し合いとか良くない事ですから」

Ah, so that is lord Minamoto-no-Raikou!

Care for a duel... No, never mind. Killings within the family is never a good thing.

Oooh! So that's Minamoto no Raikō-dono herself! I'd like to have a bout with… Ah, no. I'll refrain. Killings between relatives aren't a good thing.

Dialogue 7
(Shuten Dōji)
「お、あれが酒呑童子……彼女なら首を斬ってもいいですよね。よくない? そうですか……残念」

Oh, so that's Shuten-Douji. Hmmm, it wouldn't be such a bad thing if I took her head, right? It would?

I see...what a shame.

Whoa. That's Shuten Dōji? I see. If it's her, it's fine to behead her, isn't it? …It's not, good? Is that so? What a pity.

Dialogue 8
(Ibaraki Dōji or Ibaraki Dōji (Lancer))
「茨木童子か。うーむ………むっ? 『後ろに回ろうとするな』? あいや、すまんすまん。おぬしを見ているとどうしても、こう……な?」

Ibaraki-Douji. Hmmm...

Eh? Don't get behind you? Oh, sorry about that.
Whenever I see you, I just can't help myself. See, like this.

Ibaraki Dōji? Hmmmmm… Eh? "Don't try to turn behind me"? Ah, no er, sory. When I look at you I can't help but… You know. Right?

Dialogue 9
(Watanabe no Tsuna)
「あれが伝説の鬼殺し、渡辺綱殿! 先ほど戦いを観てみましたが……いや凄かった! 細切れでしたよ細切れ! あれで、人を斬るのは苦手だとか。……大根おろしくらいにしないと納得のいかないタイプなのでしょうか?」

So that's the legendary oni-slayer, lord Watanabe-no-Tsuna!

I just witnessed the way he fought, and it was very impressive. He chopped them into literal mincemeat!
Are you sure he claimed he doesn't like to kill? I bet he's one of those types who won't be satisfied until he's ground the enemy to a pulp.

That's the legendary oni slayer, Watanabe no Tsuna-dono! I just saw him fight, and it was amazing! They were chopped meat, chopped meat! Since he dislikes cutting people like that, I wonder if he's the type who can't be satisfied until they grate raddish?

Dialogue 10
(Sakata Kintoki or Sakata Kintoki (Rider))
「金時殿! 伝説の豪傑と一緒に戦えるとは、光栄の至り! ……それでその、お願いがありまして……例のゴールデンに乗せていただけませんか!? 大丈夫です! 私、天才なので多分なんとかなるでしょう!」

Lord Kintoki! It is quite the honor to be fighting alongside a legendary hero like you!

I actually have a favor to ask you...
May I take a ride on your Golden ride!? It'll be fine. I'm a genius, so I should be able to catch on real quick!

Kintoki-dono! Fighting together with the legendary hero is the summum of honors! So, er, I have a request… Could you let me ride the so-called Golden? It'll be fine! I'm a genius so I'll probably manage somehow!

Dialogue 11
(Tawara Tōta)
「た、たたたたた、俵藤太様!? あの、伝説の! ど、どうしましょう主殿……! カルデアではサインとか握手とかアリでしたか!?」

L-L-L-L-L-Lord Tawara Touta!?

Th-the legend himself! Wh-wh-wh-what should I do, Master!?
Is asking for an autograph and a handshake allowed in Chaldea!?

Ta-, tatatatata-Tawara no Tōta-sama?! T-that, legendary…! W-What should I do, my lord?! Are autographs or handshakes acceptable at Chaldea?!

Dialogue 12
(Queen Medb or Queen Medb (Saber))
「主殿、少々よろしいですか……? あの、メイヴという女性ですが……トレーニングとか、何もしてないのですよね? つまりあの脚とか体は、天然……! ふざけているのですか彼女は! なんてうらやま───いえ、違います。断じて、違うのですが……! ええい、もう!!」

Master, do you have a moment?

I want to know something about the woman called Medb. She doesn't do any kind of training, right? So those legs and that body of hers is just natural? Are you kidding me!? I'm so jeal―no, you have the wrong idea. That's not what I mean! Argh!

My lord, do you have a moment? That woman named Medb doesn't do any training or anything similar, does she? In other words those legs and body are natural? Is she screwing around?! How jealo… Ehem, no, that wasn't it. It absolutely wasn't that, but… Eeeh sheeesh!

Dialogue 13
(Osakabehime or Osakabehime (Archer))
「おや、おっきー殿! 今、暇なのであればゲームなどいかがです? ……よろしい、すぐにやりましょう! では、この格闘ゲームで! ……ちなみにこれ、首を斬るモーションなどはありますか? ……ない。そうですか……」

Oh hey Okki!

If you're bored, how about we play some video games? Very good. Let's get to it right away. How about this fighting game!?
By the way, does this game have any animations where the character cuts off the enemy's head? No? I see...

Oh, Okkie-dono. If you're free now, how about playing some games? Alright, let's do it at Then, with this fighting game. By the way, does this have any beheading motions or similar? …It doesn't… Is that so.

Dialogue 14
(Taira no Kagekiyo)
「なっ……! 平……景清!? しかしあれは、どう見ても私では……いえ、いえいえいえ! 見間違いでしょう。さもなくば幻覚です。牛若、断じて認めません!」

Wha...!? Taira-no-Kagekiyo!?

But they obviously look like me...
No. No, no, no! I must be seeing things! Yes, I'm just hallucinating. I will absolutely never acknowledge it!

Taira no Kagekiyo?! But no matter how you look at it, isn't that me… No, nonono. I must be seeing things! If not it's an hallucination. Ushiwaka definitely won't acknowledge it!

Something you Like 1 「我が兄、源頼朝みなもとのよりともについてですか? はい、大好きです!」

My brother, Yoritomo, you ask? I look up to him!

My brother Minamoto no Yoritomo? Yes, I love him!

Something you Like 2
(Clear Solomon)
「はい! 主殿の事はもちろん大変好きです! 阿吽あうんの呼吸も極まり、もはや私は、主の犬か馬と言っても過言ではないのでは? ……? 『勘違いされそうだから、自分を動物に例えるのはやめてほしい』……? んんん……」

Why yes, I absolutely adore Master!

The two of us are so in sync, it's probably not an exaggeration to say that I am Master's dog or horse.
Stop comparing myself to an animal because it might cause some misunderstanding? Mrgh...

Obviously I love my lord a lot! We're so extremely harmonized that at this point it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say I'm my lord's dog or horse, would it? …"It could be misunderstood so please stop comparing you to animals"? U-, uuhmm…

Something you Hate 1 「嫌いなもの? 高いところは、少し……。鵯越ひよどりごえなど、二度とやりたくありません……」

I hate high places, as I am slightly afraid of them.

I never want to be anywhere high again.

Things I don't like? High places are a bit...and I never want to do the likes of Hiyodori-goe again.

Something you Hate 2
(Clear Solomon)
「あっはっはっはっはっは! まっったく関係ないのですが、コールタールなどが大変苦手になりました!」

Hahaha! This may be random, but I no longer like coal tar and the like!

Fuhahahaha! It's completely unrelated but I've come to dislike coal tar!

About the Holy Grail 1 「聖杯にかける願いは決まっています。兄上と、また仲良く出来れば牛若は嬉しいです」

I decided my wish for the Holy Grail long ago. It is for me and my brother to get along once more.

I've already decided what I want to wish from the Holy Grail... To be happy with my brother... It would make Ushiwakamaru truly happy.

About the Holy Grail 2
(Clear Solomon)
「聖杯……主の犬に、いやタヌキに、いやレッサーパンダに──コアリクイに……! あ、な、何でもありません、はい!」

The Holy Grail... Ask to be Master's dog...er, maybe tanuki...no, maybe a red panda...or a collared anteater...

N-no! Please do not mind me!

The Holy Grail… Becoming my lord's dog, no, tanuki, no, lesser panda, tamandua… Er! It's nothing, yes!

During an Event 「何か、動きがあったようですよ? 私の勘がささやいてます」

My intuition tells me that

something is happening.

There was some movement there. My sixth sense is whispering to me.

Birthday 「誕生日、おめでとうございます。歳を重ねるのはいことです」

Congratulations on your birthday. With age, comes wisdom.

Happy Birthday. Having the years pile up is a good thing.


Disclaimer: Before adding Translations, Please leave a comment with source and proof of permission
Occasion Japanese English Audio
Psychedelic Wandering Tales 「あ、主殿……こちら、いかがでしょうか? 自分では似合っているのか似合っていないのか分からないのですが……メイヴに尋ねてみましたが、『そんな事も分かんないの?』と舌打ちされましたし……。似合っているなら、とても嬉しいです。……いえ、違いますね。主殿に『似合っている』と仰っていただけるなら、似合っていようがいまいが関係ありません!」

Ah, Master.

What do you think? I'm not the best judge of whether it looks good on me or not, so...
I asked Medb the same question and she scoffed at me and said, "You can't even tell?". But I would love to know if I look good or not.
Actually, that's not how I should approach this. If Master tells me I look good, then it doesn't matter what the actual truth is!

M-my lord… What are your thoughts about this? I don't know if it suits me or not myself… I inquired Medb about it she clicked her tongue and said "Don't you even know that?"… If it does suit me, I am very happy. …No, that is not right. If my lord says "It suits you", it matters not whether it suits me or not.

Battle Start 1 「こ、このような華やかさが私に似合うとは思えませんが……頑張ります、主殿!」

I-I'm not sure if an outfit so opulent would look good on me...but I will try my best, Master!

I-I don't think that this showiness suits me, but… I will do my best, my lord!

Battle Start 2 「では、赤く気高く、参ります!」

I shall head out decked out in crimson, noble that I am!

Then, I will depart beautifully and sublimely!

Battle Start 3 「いつもより、少しだけ控えめに……行きます!」

I will go out...a bit more subdued than usual!

With just a bit more restraint than usual… I will go!

Battle Start 4 「このドレスを汚す事なく、勝ってみせようか!」

I will gain victory without dirtying this dress!

How about I try winning without staining this dress!

Skill 1 「一曲、いかがか?」

Care for a dance?

How about one song?

Skill 2 「踊りますよ!」

I'm going to dance!

I will dance!

Skill 3 「蜂のように刺そうか」

Shall I sting like a bee?

Should I sting like a hornet?

Skill 4 「蜂のように舞おうか」

Shall I float like a bee?

Should I dance like a hornet?

Attack Selected 1 「ええ」



Attack Selected 2 「わかりました」



Attack Selected 3 「サクサクやります!」

I'll do it swiftly.

I will do it swiftly!

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「八艘跳、行くぞ!」

Eight Boat Leap...here I go!

Eight Boat Leap, let us go!

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「了解。宝具起動!」

Understood. Activating Noble Phantasm!

Understood. Noble Phantasm activated!

Noble Phantasm Selected 3 「うう、スカートがひらひらする……!」

Ahhh...my skirt's fluttering!

Uuh, my skirt is fluttering…!

Attack 1 「せいっ!」



Attack 2 「とうっ!」



Attack 3 「まだまだっ!」

Still going!

Not yet!

Attack 4 「邪魔!」

Out of my way!

You are in the way!

Attack 5 「消えていろ!」



Attack 6 「繚乱!」



Extra Attack 1 「これぞ牛若丸の快刀乱麻かいとうらんま!」

This is how Ushiwakamaru solves problems swiftly and skillfully!

This is how Ushiwakamaru swiftly solves this problem!

Extra Attack 2 「遅い遅い遅いっ!」

So slow, so slow, so slow!

Slow slow slow!

Extra Attack 3 「行き止まりだ!」

It's a dead end!

End of the road!

Extra Attack 4 「蜂の一刺し、身に染みたか!」

Did the bee's stab sting!?

Has the sting of the hornet sunk into your mind?!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 1 「く、くうううぅっ!」


Gh, guuuuh!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 2 「しまった……!」

Oh crap...!!!

Darn it…!

Regular Damage 1 「なんのっ!」

This is nothing!

This is nothing!

Regular Damage 2 「くっ!」



Defeated 1 「負けた負けた。首を持っていけ!」

I lost, I lost! Take my head!

I lost, I lost. Take my head!

Defeated 2 「このドレスに誓って、敗れる訳には……」

I made a vow to this dress, so I cannot allow myself to lose!

I swore upon this dress, the likes of defeat are…

Defeated 3 「無念……申し訳、ありません……」

Regretful...I apologize...

Regrettable… I am, deeply sorry…

Defeated 4 「ここまで、か……くっ……」

So this is the end... Ungh.

This is, it… Kh…

Battle Finish 1 「この華やかさにかけて、負ける訳にはいかないのだ!」

With such splendor, I cannot afford to lose!

By this showiness, I cannot afford to lose!

Battle Finish 2 「主殿、主殿! 戦い終わりましたので、踊りましょう!」

Master, Master. The battle is over, so let's dance!

My lord, my lord! The battle has finished, so let us dance!

Battle Finish 3 「この服に血と首は似合いませんね。仕方ないので、置き去りです」

Bloodstains and heads do not go well with this outfit. I have no choice but to leave those behind.

Blood and heads don't suit this dress. It cannot be helped, so I will leave them behind.

Battle Finish 4 「勝利です! 服を汚さず勝てて良かったぁ……」

We're victorious. I'm glad I was able to win without dirtying these clothes...

Victory! How good that I could win without staining my clothes…

My Room
About Costume Dress 「少し動きが阻害されますが、すぐに慣れそうですね。服を汚さず戦うのも、お手の物です! 踊りだけはちょっと苦手ですが……いえ、一人で踊るなら問題ありません。ですが、相手がいるとなると些か……。まあ、主殿以外に踊る相手もいないので、その辺は気楽ですけれど」

My movements may be restricted, but I'm sure I'll get used to this quickly, and fighting without dirtying my clothes will also be a cakewalk.

But dancing...is another story.
Well, it wouldn't be an issue if I was dancing alone, but when it comes time for a partner...
But I don't have a partner other than Master, so I have no problem on that front!

My movements are a little obstructed, but I will soon get used to it. Battling without staining my clothes is one of my specialties! I am a little poor at dancing, but… No, there is no problem if I dance alone. However, if there is a partner it is slightly… Well, there is no other dancing partner apart from my lord, so I am relieved about that.


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Little Big Tengu
Dialogue 1 「牛若です! さぁ頑張りましょう、主殿!」

This is Ushiwaka. Now let's do our best, Master!

I'm Ushiwakamaru! Now, let us do our best, my lord!

Dialogue 2 「何だか妙ちきりんな姿ですが、私は私です。頑張りましょう!」

I may look strange, but I am still myself. Let's try our hardest!

I might have a sort of odd appearance, but I am me. Let us do our best!

Dialogue 3 「主殿! こちら、私が調合した特製ドリンクです! 風魔殿にも協力してもらったので、効能は確かです!」

Master, this is a specialty drink I personally concocted!

Lord Fuuma helped me make it, so I guarantee its potency!

My lord! This is a special drink I concocted myself! I had Fūma-dono cooperate with me, so its efficacy is certain!

Dialogue 4 「ぽ……ぽんぽこりんりん、ぽんりんりん……ぐっ……だ、駄目です。私には、アビー殿のような愛らしさがありませぬ……! しょぼりんりん……」

Po...ponpoko rin rin pon rin rin♪

Ugh...I can't do it...
I am not cute like Miss Abby!

Po-… Pon poko rin rin, pon rin rin… Gh… I-It is no good. I do not have the loveliness of Abby-dono…! Shobo rin rin…

Dialogue 5 「主殿、お知らせを確認しましょう。情報は勝ちへの一歩です! えへん!」

Master. Please check the announcements. Information brings us one step closer to victory. Heh.

My lord, let us confirm the notifications. Information is one step towards victory! Ehem!

Dialogue 6 「……はい。此度の戦いは、何とも奇妙なものでした。──ですが、敢えて不謹慎な事を言わせて頂ければ……その……大変に楽しかったです。主殿はいかがでしたか? 貴方が喜ぶなら、私もとても嬉しいです」

Yes. This battle was truly a bizarre one. But...if I may speak candidly...well, I enjoyed it very much. What about you, Master?

If you were happy, I would be as well.

…Yes. The battle was awfully bizarre this time. ── However, if I dare say something inappropriate… Er… It was quite amusing. What about you, my lord? If you rejoice, then I will be happy as well.

Dialogue 7 「もうすぐ店じまいです。取り零したものが無いよう、確認してくださいね。首とか!」

It's almost time to close up shop. Please make sure you haven't forgotten anything. For example...someone's head!

The shop will close up soon. Please make sure that there is nothing that you dropped. Like a head!

Dialogue 8 「はい、こちらですね。お疲れ様でした!」

Ah, so you would like this.

Good work!

Yes, this one. Thank you for your hard work!

Dialogue 9 「おお……これは凄い! 牛若、感服した次第です。そういう訳で、頭をお撫でいたします! ……ぅ……て、手が……ぬ、──届きませぬので、屈んで頂けると……!」

Ah, this is absolutely amazing. Ushiwaka is thoroughly impressed!

I shall pat your head for a job well down!
I...I...I cannot reach... If you would just...crouch down...

Oh… This is incredible! Ushiwakamaru is impressed. With that said, I will pat your head! …Uh… M-my hands… not, ── They cannot reach, so if you could bend down…!

Dialogue 10 「新しいミッションが追加されました! さぁ、張り切って参りましょう!」

A new mission has been added. Now come on, let's get going!

A new mission has been added! Now, let us depart with enthusiasm!

Dialogue 11 「クエストが追加されました。つまり、新しい首が生えてきたというわけですね!? ……あれ? 違います?」

A quest has been added. Which means we must head out to collect a new head! Huh? That's not the point?

A quest has been added. In other words, that means that a new head has been born, does it not?! …Huh? It has not?

Dialogue 12 「げっ、師匠!? ……あ、いえ、もちろん歓迎ですとも! ……弁慶、後は頼むぞ!」

Ack! Mentor!?

No, no, of course you are welcome!
Benkei, I'm leaving the rest to you!

Geh, Teacher?! …Ah, no, of course you are welcome! …Benkei, I entrust you the rest!

Dialogue 13 「どうやらこれが最後のようです。やり残す事の無いよう、思い切り戦いましょう。首だー!!」

This appears to be the final one. Please give it your all so you have no regrets!

Off with their heads!

It appears that this is the last. Let us fight to the content of our hearts, so that there is nothing left undone. A head!!

Dialogue 14 「お疲れ様でした、主殿! 宴ですね宴! 拙いですが、私の笛などお聴きください!」

Commendable work, Master!

This calls for a feast! A celebration!
Though it may be clumsy, I would like to play a tune on my flute for you!

Thank you for your hard work, my lord! We are having a feast, a feast! Inexpert as I may be, please listen to my flute!


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Battle (Corrupted NPC)
Skill 1 「殺してしんぜよう」

I'll murder and offer you!

Skill 2 「ふふっ、手足は邪魔だなぁ?」

Fufuh, your limbs are in the way.

Attack 1 「そこだっ」


Attack 2 「ふっはははははは!」


Attack 3 「醜いな」


Extra Attack 「屍を晒すがいい」

Expose your corpse!

Noble Phantasm 「その首、目障りですね……堕ちろ! 『壇ノ浦・八艘跳だんのうら・はっそうとび』!」

That head is an eyesore… Fall! "Dan-no-Ura - Eight Boat LeapDannoura Hassōtobi"!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「うううぁぁぁあっ!」


Regular Damage 「づうっ!」


Defeated 1 「無駄なことを……」


Defeated 2 「これで勝ったと思ったか……!」

Did you think you could win with this…?!

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