Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Terashima Takuma)


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「サーヴァント、キャスター。トーマス・アルバ・エジソンである!顔のことは気にするな! これはアメリカの象徴である!」

Servant, Caster.

I am Thomas Alva Edison!
Don't worry about my looks! This is the symbol of America!

Servant, Caster. Thomas Alva Edison. Don't worry about the face. This is! America's symbol!

Level Up 1 「天才は、また一つ階段を上ったのだ」

I've reached a new level of genius...

Level Up 2 「閃いた!『Eurekaユリーカ!』というやつだな」

I got it! "Eureka!", as they say.

1st Ascension 「うっはっはっはっはっは! どうだ見たか! このスペシャルっぷりを!」

Hahahahaha! Well? Have you seen how special I look!?

2nd Ascension 「素晴らしいだろう! 素敵だろう!」

Splendid, right!? Just splendid!

3rd Ascension 「ぬっはっはっはっはっー! まさに、最新の世界を体現した姿だと言えよう!」

Muwahahaha! I look like I'm the personification of the newest world!

4th Ascension 「闇を恐れる時代は終わったぞマスター! さあ、ついてくるがいい!」

The age of fearing darkness is over, Master. Come, follow me!

Battle Start 1 「よかろう、思い知らせてくれる!」

Fine, I'll teach you!

Battle Start 2 「ふむ、撮影しておこうか」

Hmph, should I record this?

Battle Start 3 「よぅし!大作映画、製作開始!ウッハッハッハッハ!!」

Alright! Let's start producing an epic film! Uh ha ha ha ha!!

Battle Start 4 「では録音開始だ!ニッパーの様に覗き込んでも良いぞ!」

Well then, let's start recording! You may have a look like Nipper used to!

Skill 1 「いいだろう!」

Very well then!

Skill 2 「人として咆哮せよ!」

Hear my roar!

Skill 3 「フッハッハッハ!!」


Skill 4 「根性である!」

You have guts!

Attack Selected 1 「うむ」


Attack Selected 2 「よろしい」

Very well.

Attack Selected 3 「ならば!」

In that case!

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「覚悟せよ!」

Get ready!

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「我が宝具にて、科学の訪れを知らしめよう!」

With my Noble Phantasm, I'll make the coming of science be known!

Noble Phantasm Selected 3 「我が近代的宝具の出番だ!」

It's my modern Noble Phantasm's turn!

Attack 1 「音よ響けぇ!」

Let sound fill the air!

Attack 2 「闇を照らせ!」

Illuminate the darkness!

Attack 3 「世界を創造せよ!」

Create a world!

Attack 4 「大音響!」

Great reverberation!

Attack 5 「10万luxルクス掃射!」

100,000 lux strafing!

Attack 6 「まだまだ働くとも!」

You can still work!

Extra Attack 1 「いまやいかずちは人間のものだ!」

Now thunder belongs to mankind!

Extra Attack 2 「直流ばんざぁあい!!」

Long live direct current!!

Extra Attack 3 「交流など、電気の錆にしてくれるわぁあ!!」

Alternate current shall become the rust on my electricity!!

Noble Phantasm 1 「万人に等しく光を与えよう。それこそが天才の成すべきカルマだ! 『ワールドフェイスドミネーション』!! ぬぁっはっはぁ!」

I shall bestow light upon everyone!

Such is the duty that must be fulfilled by a genius!
World Faith Domination!

Noble Phantasm 2 「さぁ、一大エンターテイメントの開幕だ!これより闇の世界はあまねく我が輝きに塗り潰されるのだ!『ワールドフェイスドミネーション』!!!」

Now, the biggest entertainment opens its curtains! Henceforth, the entire world of darkness will be covered by my shine! World Faith Domination!!!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 1 「なに!?」


Damage from Noble Phantasm 2 「痛だだだだだだ!!?」


Regular Damage 1 「ぬっ!」


Regular Damage 2 「ぬんっ!?」


Defeated 1 「私が倒れれば、アメリカは……!」

If I fall, America will...

Defeated 2 「だ、誰か。紙とペンを……」

S-Someone, bring me a pen and paper...

Defeated 3 「なにか……閃いたのだが……グフッ」

I had… something coming… Thud.

Battle Finish 1 「撮影終了! いざ、ハリウッド!」

The shooting is over. On to Hollywood!

Battle Finish 2 「さぁ、お前の光はったぞ」

Your light has been cut.

Battle Finish 3 「近現代という歴史の味は如何どうかな、皆様方?ハーッハッハッハッハ!!!」

How was the taste of modern history, ladies and gentlemen? Haaa ha ha ha ha!!!

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「やれやれ。まだまだ閃きには程遠い」

Hmmm... Inspiration is still a long ways off.

Bond Lvl 2 「異形となった事? 特に問題はないな。思考が錆び付いていなければそれでいい」

You think I'm strange looking now? It's no big deal, as long as my brain is still working, I'm fine.

Bond Lvl 3 「わっはっはっはっはっはっ! マスターもアメリカという二律背反の国家を分かってきたようだな。我々は、未熟にして最強なのだよ!」

Hahahaha, looks like you've learned to understand the contradiction that is America. We're the strongest nation, but we're still immature.

Bond Lvl 4 「1%のひらめき、それがあればあとは努力で事足りる。なぁに、存在するかも分からぬ状態で一万種類の素材を試す以上に辛いことはそうそうあるまい」

1% inspiration. As long as I have that, I can take care of the rest with perseverance. There's nothing tougher than testing 10,000 different kinds of materials looking for something that may or may not exist.

Bond Lvl 5 「良いかい、マスター。偉大になるのではない、君は既にして偉大なのだ。君たちが私のあとに続き、君のあとには誰かが続く。それが……人間の道程みちのりだ」

Listen up, Master. It's not about making yourself great. You're already great. You follow my steps, and then someone else will follow yours. That is the journey of humans.

Dialogue 1 「失敗を恐れるな! いつ、いかなる時でも、フロンティア!」

Don't be afraid to fail! Every moment is a new frontier!

Do not fear failure! No matter what time it is, head for the frontier!

Dialogue 2 「主従関係? はっはっはっは! 君が私の発明を上回るには、世界を救うしかあるまい。それまでは同胞よ」

A Master-Servant relationship? Hahahaha! Master, the only thing you could do that would beat my inventions is save the world! Until then, we're equals!

"Master-Servant relationship? Hahahaha! For you who surpasses my inventions, you cannot help but save the world. Until then, we are companions.

Dialogue 3 「これ、大統王の御前であるぞ。大統王って何かって? そんなもの、私が発明した称号に決まっているだろう!」

Mind yourself, you're in the presence of Mr. Presi-King. What's a Presi-King? Oh, it's a title I invented, obviously.

This is the image of the President King. What is a President King, you ask? That's a title I invented!

Dialogue 4
(Nikola Tesla)
「ふっ、ふっふっふっふ……嫌な名前を聞いたなぁ。テスラがここにいるだとぉ……? よろしい! 発明王世界一決定戦だぁ! ゴングを鳴らせぇ!」

Heh, heheheh. I heard a name I hate. You say Tesla is here? ...Very well, we'll face off and find out who's the best inventor in the world! Ring the gong!

Fu...fufufufu. I heard an unpleasant name. Is Tesla here? Very well! The final match for the title of King of Inventors! Sound the gongs!

Dialogue 5
(Helena Blavatsky (Archer) or Helena Blavatsky)
「おや、ブラヴァツキー夫人。私の知る夫人とはちょっと年が違うな。ん? 私はまるで違うって? うん、確かに。ヒゲは濃くなったな」

Oh, Mrs. Blavatsky. You're not the same age as the woman I remember... Hm? You think I'm like a different person too? I suppose my beard has gotten thicker.

Oya, Madam Blavatsky. …The age is a little different from the Madam I know. Hm? I'm completely different? That is true. My beard got thicker.

Dialogue 6

Geronimo? I should probably express my respects as a human who lived during the same era, but I doubt he considers my respect necessary.

Geronimo, huh. As someone who lived in the same age, I should pay him some respect but, for him my respect is not necessary.

Dialogue 7
(Karna or Karna (Santa))
「まさか、インド神話の英雄と共闘することになるとはなぁ。んん、世界は広い! いや、狭いのか?」

I never imagined I'd be fighting with a hero from Indian legend. The world is a big place. Or is it small? Hmm...

Incredible, we're at an united front with the heroes of Indian myths. Yes, the world is big! Or should I say it is a small world?

Dialogue 8
「おおボイジャー! 最も若き英霊よ! 君は我が国の誇りであり、我が国の夢であり、そして星そのもの……。その旅路は、辛く険しいものであるが……君の姿に、誰もが夢と勇気を抱くであろう。うむ、何か欲しいものがあれば、エジソンポケットマネーで何でも買ってあげるとも!」

Oh, Voyager! The youngest Heroic Spirit! You're my country's pride, my country's dream, and the planet itself… Your journey will be harsh and dangerous, but… Your figure gives everyone dreams and courage. Um, if you want something, you can buy anything with my Edison Pocket Money!

Something you Like 「グッドテイスト? 私の発明を誰かが使っている瞬間は、まさに至福だなぁ」

Pleasing? There's nothing more blissful than the moment I witness someone using one of my inventions!

Good Taste? The moment when someone uses my inventions is bliss to me.

Something you Hate 「バッドテイスト? いいか。一つだけ、言っておく。私の前で……ニコラ・テスラの話はするな! 断じてなぁ!!」

What do I find unpleasant? Listen, I'll say one thing. Never mention the name Nikola Tesla in front of me! EVER!

Bad Taste? Very well. I'll tell you this one thing I hate. In front of me…do not talk about Nikola Tesla in front of me! That is all!

About the Holy Grail 「最強の聖杯は、最強の国家に相応しいと思わんかね?」

It's only fitting for the most powerful nation to possess the most powerful Holy Grail. Don't you agree?

Don't you think the strongest Holy Grail is worthy for the strongest nation?

During an Event 「フェスティバルの時間だぁ。急ぐがいい!」

It's time for a festival. Hurry!

It is the time of festivities. You best be hurry!

Birthday 「生誕した日ではないか! キミの幼年時代は、映像に記録されてないのかね?」

Well, if it isn't your birthday! You don't have any video recordings of your childhood, do you?


Disclaimer: Before adding Translations, Please leave a comment with source and proof of permission
Occasion Japanese English Audio
Dead Heat Summer Race!
Dialogue 1 エレナ「ふうっ。結構体力使うのね、レースって」


Helena: Whew, I never knew racing took so much out of you!

Edison: This is the perfect time for Edison's proprietary power drink!
Tesla: Better yet, how about a Tesla-style massage?

Helena: Fuuh. It uses quite a lot of your energies, the race

Lion: It's for those times, that there's Edison's special power drink!
Gentleman: Rather than that, how about a muscle massage by Tesla?

Dialogue 2 エレナ「こういうものは、順位よりも、どう自分が満足出来たかだと思うの」

獅子「そう! 重要なのは、エレナくんのストレス解しょ──ん、んんっ! なんでもないぞ」

Helena: What matters the most here is not our placement, but how satisfied you are of your performance.

Tesla: Absolutely correct!
Edison: Indeed! What's important is how much steam Helena was able to blow off...ahem! (Cough) Ahem! No, nothing!

Helena: I think that, rather than the ranking, how satisfied you are is more important here

Gentleman: Exactly.
Lion: Indeed! The important thing here, is that Helena-kun releases some stress-n, nn! I said nothing.

Dialogue 3 紳士「絶好調! と言っておこうか」

獅子「うむ。貴様に同意するのはシャクだが……ぜっ こう ちょう ! と言っておこう!」

Tesla: We are in top form, as the phrase goes!

Edison: Um. I hate to agree with you, but I must also say we're in top form!
Helena: Let's rest up and prepare for what's coming up.

Gentleman: In perfect form! We could say!

Lion: Umu. It's hard to agree with you, but…… Per-fect-form! We can say it!
Helena: Rest properly, and prepare for the next one.

Dialogue 4 獅子「これはいかんぞ……牢獄に囚われるなどとは……」

紳士「せっかくレースで彼女にストレス解しょ、ごほん! えほん、おほん!」

Edison: Getting locked up is the worst...!

Tesla: And we just wanted her to blow off stea—ahem! Cough!
Helena: Hmmm, this is a once in a lifetime experience, isn't it?

Lion: This isn't good…… To be confined at a prison……

Gentleman: Now that she was releasing some stress at the race, *cough*! *cough cough*!
Helena: Nn~, this is quite a bad experience.

Dialogue 5 エレナ「穴堀りって、結構それはそれで楽しいかもしれないわね!」

紳士「交流ドリルこそ最強に決まっているだろ! どこまでも堀り進める」

Helena: Digging holes is kind of fun in its own odd way!

Edison: Using my DC powers, digging holes is a cakewalk!
Tesla: My AC drill is obviously superior. We'll be able to keep on digging!

Helena: Digging holes, that could be quite fun actually!

Lion: If we depend on my DC, digging a hole is simple, simple!
Gentleman: It's obvious that a DC drill is the best! It can continue digging as much as we want.

Dialogue 6 エレナ「ずっと掘り続けるのも疲れちゃうし、休み休み行きましょうね。ふぅっ」

エレナ「あらホント? 白くてフワフワで最高ね!」
獅子「私だ私! クッションじゃない!」

Helena: I'm exhausted from this nonstop digging. Let's do it in intervals. Whew.

Tesla: Hey, there happens to be a cushion right here...
Helena: Oh, you're right. It's white and fluffy, and wonderful!
Edison: It's me! Me! I'm no cushion!

Helena: It'd be tiring if I kept digging all the time, so I'm going to have some rest. Fuuh

Gentleman: Oh. There's a cushion in this place
Helena: Oh really? It's white and fluffy, it's the best!
Lion: It's me, me! I'm not a cushion!

Dialogue 7 エレナ「いっちば~ん! やったわね!」

獅子「うむ! この調子で行けば、優勝も狙えそうだ」

Helena: We're first! Hurray!

Edison: Indeed. The way we're going, we can even aim for the championship!
Tesla: I say our victory is certain!
Why, you ask!?
By manifesting divine lightning on the ground, we...
Edison: What do you think you're doing getting in front of me, tightsuit!?
Helena: Now, now!

Helena: Fi~rst! We did it!

Lion: If we keep this pace, we can aim to win
Gentleman: I'd say we'd undoubtedly be the champions. Because the god of thunder has appeared above the earth──
Lion: What are we going to do if you step forth to talk, you tight suitーー!!
Helena: My, my

Dialogue 8 エレナ「ゴーールッ! スーッと行けちゃったわね。マスターに応援してもらったおかげかしら?」

獅子「うむ! 全くその通り!」

Helena: Goaaal! That went great!

I guess Master must have been cheering for us!
Tesla: That is surely part of it. But our assistance has also been invaluable!
Edison: Indeed. You are exactly right!
Helena: Hehehe, we're in perfect sync!

Helena: Gooal! We went straight for it. Is it because Master was supporting us?

Gentleman: There's also that. But, we also assisted you!
Lion: Umu! You're absolutely right!
Helena: Uffufu. We are in perfect sync.

Dialogue 9 紳士獅子「ゴォーーーールッ!!」


Edison & Tesla: Goaaal!

Helena: Yikes, you surprised me. I'm glad you two are getting along.
Hehe, it's wonderful!
Edison: No, that was more coincidence than anyth...
Tesla: Don't say it. This will have to be our little secret...

Gentleman & Lion: Gooooal!!

Helena: Uwaa, you surprised me. You two get along. Ufufu, very well?
Lion: No, er, that now was a coincidence……
Gentleman: Don't say it. We can't hide it in our chests.

Dialogue 10 獅子「我ら三名の力をもってすれば当然ではあるが……穴掘りナンバーワンと言われても、実はあまり嬉しくなぁ~いっ!」


Edison: Such an outcome is only to be expected when the three of us combine our powers, but being called the number one hole digger is not something to be happy about!

Tesla: Heh heh...a mole...a mole-lion...
Helena: Cut it out! Don't tease him.
Besides, being the best at digging is wonderful.

Lion: If it's with the power of us three, it's natural but…… Saying that we're the number ones at digging holes, doesn't really make me happy~!

Gentleman: Kuku, you're a mole. A mole lion.
Helena: Heey, don't mock him. Also, isn't lovely to be the number ones at digging holes?

Dialogue 11 エレナ「えっ? アタシたちが一番穴掘ってたってこと?」

エレナ「はーいはい。いちいちイライラしないの。喜びましょう? やったね!」

Helena: Eh? Does that mean we dug the most?

Tesla: Say what...? It's true that I was serious, but I never expected this outcome...
Edison: So this is the true power of DC...or at least a part of it... Wonderful...just wonderful, is it not...?
Tesla: WHAT???
Helena: Yes, yes, don't get all testy over the little stuff. Let's just be happy about our accomplishment! Yay!
Tesla: Y-yes. Good work!

Helena: Eh? You mean we dag the best hole?

Gentleman: What. It doesn't look like we got quite serious.
Lion: This is…… DC's true power, you partly say that. Wonderful. Since this is wonderful……!
Gentleman: Haa~?!
Helena: Yes, yes. Don't get so irritated. Let's rejoice? We did it!
Gentleman: M, um. We did it!

Dialogue 12 エレナ「ちょっと疲れたわね~。たくさん掘った訳だから、休みましょう」

獅子「賛成である! ……んごごzzz」

Helena: I'm beat!

We dug a lot, so let's take a break!
Edison: I agree... Zzzzz...
Tesla: Even geniuses need rest... Zzzzz...
Helena: Oh my... They both fell asleep standing up.
Teehee... Even big as they are, they're like children.

Helena: I'm a bit tired~. We've dug a lot, so let's rest.

Lion: I agree! ……Hrmph zzz
Gentleman: Geniuses also need some rest…… *yawn* zzz
Helena: My, those two fell asleep while standing. Ufufu, Even though they're so big, they look like kids.

Dialogue 13 エレナ「優勝ね! まさか本当に優勝出来ちゃうなんて。出来たらいいなって思っていたのは本当だから、素直に喜ぶわ! わーい! やったーっ!!」

エレナ「マスター、応援ありがとう! それから二人とも! 頑張ってくれて嬉しいわ! 好きよ♪」

Helena: We won! I can't believe we actually won!

...I was hoping this might happen, so I think it's okay to celebrate.
Hurray, we did it!
Edison: Look, Tesla... I have never seen Helena happier.
Tesla: Quite. It's just what we wanted to see. What a lovely smile.
It shines brighter than any alternating or direct current.
Edison: Indeed... It truly does shine brighter than any direct or alternating current. What a wonderful smile...
Helena: Master, thank you for your support.
And you two, thank you so much for all your hard work.
I love you both!

Helena: Champions! To think I really could become the champion. I did thought it'd be nice if I could, so I'm honestly happy! Yay! We did it!

Lion: Look, Tesla…… Helena-kun looks so happy──
Gentleman: Yes. It's the form we wanted to see. A bright smile. Brighter than any AC or DC!
Lion: Hm. More dazzling than any AC or DC, the best smile……
Helena: Master, thanks for your support! And you two! I'm happy you did your best! I love you♪

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