Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Suzumura Ken'ichi)
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「うむ。サーヴァント、アーチャー。召喚に応じた。……さて、まずは何はともあれ腹ごしらえだ。」

Yes, Servant Archer here to answer your summons. Our first order of business is a meal.

Yes, Servant Archer here to answer your summons. Our first order of business is a meal.

Level Up 「うんうん、強くなったぞ」

Yeah, I'm stronger now.

Yeah, I'm stronger now.

1st Ascension 「うん! この姿は、中々かっこよいな!」

Yeah, this form is rather striking!

Yeah, this form is rather striking!

2nd Ascension 「っははは! これはいいなぁ」

Hahaha, this is good!

Hahaha, this is good!

3rd Ascension 「俵がっ……俵が増えていく!!」

More bags, more bags!

More bags, more bags!

4th Ascension 「さぁてマスター。ここには、生きるに値する全てがある。酒に、食事に、愛すべき女! あぁいや、男がいいならば、おれで我慢してくれ。はっはっはっはぁ!」

Now, Master!

Here is everything needed to live! Alcohol, food, and a woman to love!
...Ah, if your preference is men you'll have to make do with me.
Ha ha ha!

Now, Master!
Here is everything needed to live! Alcohol, food, and a woman to love!
...Ah, if your preference is men, you'll have to make do with me.
Ha ha ha!

Battle Start 1 「さて始めよう。いただきます!」

Okay, let's start. Thanks for the meal!

Okay, Let's start. Thanks for the meal!

Battle Start 2 「弓の張りも上々。では、食らうとするか」

My bow is strung and taut. So then, let's eat!

My bow is strung and taut. So then, let's eat!

Skill 1 「そらっ!」



Skill 2 「これでどうか!」

How about this?

How about this?

Attack Selected 1 「うん」



Attack Selected 2 「よし!」



Attack Selected 3 「さて」

Well now.

Well now.

Noble Phantasm Selected 「では、やるか!」

Okay, let's do it!

Okay, let's do it!

Attack 1 「はぁっ!」



Attack 2 「とおっ!」



Attack 3 「しぇえいっ!」



Extra Attack 1 「さて、狙いを付けるとするか」

Now, to take my aim.

Now, to take my aim.

Extra Attack 2 「美味しいお米がどーん、どーん!」

Delicious rice! Ta-dah!

Delicious rice! Ta-dah!

Noble Phantasm 南無八幡大菩薩なむはちまんだいぼさつ……願わくば、この矢を届けたまえ!」

O Great Bodhisattva of Arms,

I beseech thee, deliver my arrow unto its target!

O Great Bodhisattva of Arms,
I beseech thee, deliver my arrow unto its target!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「おのれ!」

Why you!

Damn you!

Regular Damage 「ぬっ!」



Defeated 1 「まぁ……退屈せぬ人生であったわい……」

Well, at least life was never boring.

Well, at least life was never boring.

Defeated 2 「食い足りぬ……が、ここまでか……」

I haven't eaten enough... but I guess this is it.

I haven't eaten enough... but I guess this is it.

Battle Finish 1 「うん、腹が減った。さて……食えるものはあるかな?」

Yeah, I'm hungry. Is there anything to eat?

Yeah, I'm hungry. Is there anything to eat?

Battle Finish 2 「あぁ、戦いの後は飯が美味い!」

Ah, food tastes better after a fight.

Ah, food tastes better after a fight.

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「おう、マスターか! ちょっと、この飯を片付けるから待っていてくれ」

Oh, Master.

Give me a minute to finish eating.

Oh, Master.
Give me a minute to finish eating.

Bond Lvl 2 「ん? マスター、なんだ? 飯が欲しいのか? そら、食え食え!」

Hm, Master?

What, are you hungry?
Here, eat, eat.

Hm, Master?
What, are you hungry?
Here, eat, eat.

Bond Lvl 3 「よし! 飯にするぞマスター! 『腹が減っては戦ができぬ』──いい言葉だなあ!」

Okay, time to eat, Master.

Can't fight on an empty stomach.
Wise words!

Okay, time to eat, Master.
Can't fight on an empty stomach.
Wise words!

Bond Lvl 4 「お前さんと食う飯はぐいぐいいけるなあ! さあ食った食った! これも美味いぞ!」

Food's better when you're around!

See? I finished already!
It was delicious, too!

Food's better when you're around!
See? I finished already!
It was delicious, too!

Bond Lvl 5 「うはははははは! 飯は後だ! 戦いが終わった後の飯が、一番美味い! だからマスター、たっっぷり腹を減らしておけよ」

Hahaha, let's eat later.

Food after a fight is the most delicious!
So Master, make sure you're good and hungry.

Hahaha, let's eat later.
Food after a fight is the most delicious!
So Master, make sure you're good and hungry.

Dialogue 1 「さて、そろそろ出発しないか?」

Shall we head out soon?

Shall we head out soon?

Dialogue 2 「ははははは! んー、武士らしく仕えるとするか。戦国時代の連中と違って裏切ることは無いぞ」

Yeah, I'll serve you like a warrior.

I won't betray you like that lot during the Warring States period.

Yeah, I'll serve you like a warrior.
I won't betray you like that lot during the Warring States period.

Dialogue 3 「共に戦うのであれば、なにより信頼が大事だ。信頼は同じ釜の飯を食うことで生まれる……なんてな!」

Trust is the most important thing if we're to fight together.

Trust comes from eating from the same pot... wouldn't you say?

Trust is the most important thing if we're to fight together.
Trust comes from eating from the same pot... wouldn't you say?

Dialogue 4
(See the references[1])
「おお、騎士王もなかなかの健啖ぶり。そら、どんどん食うがいい! 無限にあるからな、白米は!」

Oh, King of Knights, you have a good appetite.

Here, keep eating.
I have an infinite amount of rice.

Oh, King of Knights, you have a good appetite.
Here, keep eating.
I have an infinite amount of rice.

Dialogue 5
(Xuanzang Sanzang)
「何ぃ!? なぜ俺が三蔵法師の弟子になったかだとぉ? 長いぞぉ、その話は長いぞぉ! となれば、まずは飯の支度だな!」

What, why did I become Xuanzang Sanzang's disciple?

That is a long, long story!
So, let's prep some food first!

What, why did I become Xuanzang Sanzang's disciple?
That is a long, long story!
So, let's prep some food first!

Dialogue 6
(Hōzōin Inshun)
「おや? 宝蔵院の坊主も酒を飲むのか。何、般若湯はんにゃとう? ええい、逃げ口上が上手い奴め!」

Hm? That Houzouin monk also drinks?

What, it's just medicinal wine?
Hmph, you're good at evading answers.

Something you Like 「っははははは! 好きな物は何か? 解らぬはずなかろう!」


What do I like?
I'm sure you already know!

What do I like?
I'm sure you already know!

Something you Hate 「嫌いな物か。いや、不味い物は嫌いではない。単純に食えない事の方が嫌いだな、おれは」

My dislikes, hmm...

No, I don't hate things that taste bad.
Just things that are completely inedible.

My dislikes, hmm...
No, I don't hate things that taste bad.
Just things that are completely inedible.

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯か……この世界全てに、食を。人間、動物、植物、機械に至るまで、分け隔てなくだ!」

Holy Grail...

Enough food for the whole world.
For humans, animals, plants, even machines, indiscriminately!

Holy Grail...
Enough food for the whole world.
For humans, animals, plants, even machines, indiscriminately!

During an Event 「ん? 何か起きたらしいな。美味いものが食えるかも知れん」

Hm, seems something happened.

Maybe we'll find some good food.

Hmm, seems something happened.
Maybe we'll find some good food.

Birthday 「おう、主が生まれた日か。良い良い。この世界に存在するからこそこうして巡り会えたのだ」

Ooh, the day my Master was born.

Because you exist, we could meet like this!

Ooh, the day my Master was born.
Because you exist, we could meet like this!


  1. One of the following Servants:
    S002A1Icon S003A1Icon S129A1Icon S078A1Icon S119A1Icon S073A1Icon S179A1Icon S086A1Icon S265A1Icon S222A1Icon

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The following Servants have related dialogues to this Servant (sorted alphabetically):
S234A1Icon S274A1Icon S360C1Icon S360A1Icon S135A1Icon S405A1Icon S291A1Icon S237A1Icon S193A1Icon S361C1Icon S361A1Icon S099A1Icon S092A1Icon S051A1Icon S359C1Icon S359A1Icon S027A1Icon S214A1Icon S214A2Icon S214A3Icon S113A1Icon S187A1Icon
