Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Fukuyama Jun)
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「久しいな。民にして人たる者よ。
……おや? ちんを見知らぬと?

It has been a while, the ones we consider our citizens.

...Oh? You do not know us?
Hm. It appears that chronological fate has encountered some error of sorts.
No, you mustn't worry yourself. We are Qin Shi Huang.
Just bear in mind that we are now just a Servant, a Ruler.

It has been a long time, one who is a person yet a subject.

……Oh? We are stranger?
Hm, there was a failure in the cause and effect of chronological order, huh?
No, worry not. We are Qin Shi Huang.
You may know me as a simple Ruler Servant for now.

(Clear S I N)

Well, you know...we may have said something else earlier, but we are just so concerned about you in your travels.

So we have decided to stand alongside you to keep an eye on you.
In the interest of keeping up appearances, we do not mind remaining as a Servant. In fact, you should be grateful.

No, well, it is that, We said that, but we were concerned about your journey.

As We thought, We ought to watch over it from your side.
Since this appearance is that of a Servant worry not, therefore be thankful.

Level Up 「うむ。大儀である!」

Hm. How righteous!

Um. Excellent!

1st Ascension 「よしよし。真人躯体しんじんくたいもなかなかに馴染んできた。ここいらで本領発揮と行こうかのう」

Good, good. Our Zhenren body is adapting well.

We suppose it's time to show what we really are made of.

Good, good. We have become fairly used to the frame of a Zhenren. Shall We display Our true power around here?

2nd Ascension 「ほほう……そこまでちんの本気を見たいと申すか。愛い奴め。もっともっと貢ぐがよいぞ!」

Oh? Do you honestly wish to see us get serious?

You charming fellow, you.
We suggest you continue to offer tribute.

Hoho…… You want to see Us serious so badly. What an admirable fellow. You may contribute more and more!

3rd Ascension 「この体で過ごす時間もどうやら長引きそうだしなあ。人型の皇帝として、相応しき装いに改めてみたぞ。……ハハハハハ、どうだ? ひれ伏したくなったか?」

It appears we will have to spend quite a long time in this body, so we have changed into a guise more appropriate for a humanoid emperor.

Hehe, what do you think?
Are you compelled to kneel before us now?

It seems that the time spent in this body has been prolongated. As a humanoid emperor, We tried new and fitting garments. …… Hahahahaha, how is it? Do you feel like prostrating yourself?

4th Ascension 「天晴れ也! 帝を讃える其方そなたの献身、しかと見届けた。よって我が真骨頂の開帳を許す! 光栄に思うがよいぞ!」

Splendid! Your dedication in admiring your emperor has not gone unnoticed!

Thus, you have been granted the right to unveil our true pinnacle of power. Consider it a great honor.

Splendid! We have clearly ascertained your devotion towards praising the Emperor. So We consent to reveal Our true worth! Consider it a honor!

Battle Start 1 「まこと度し難き衆生しゅじょうよな」

What incorrigible beings.

Truly incorrigible beings

Battle Start 2 ちんの手を煩わせるでない」

Do not trouble us.

Do not trouble Our hands!

Skill 1 「うむうむ」

Yes, yes.

Umu umu

Skill 2 「そう来たか!」

That's your move?

It came to that?!

Attack Selected 1 「はっはっはっ!」

Ha ha ha!


Attack Selected 2 「ほう」



Attack Selected 3 「度し難いのう」

How incorrigible.

How incorrigible

Noble Phantasm Selected 「遊びは終わりか?」

Playtime's over.

Playtime is over?

Attack 1 「ぬん!」



Attack 2 「はっ!」



Attack 3 「これを賜わす」

This shall be bestowed upon you.

We give you this

Extra Attack 平伏ひれふすがよいぞ!」

It's best you grovel.

Prostrate yourself!

Noble Phantasm 1 「天と地の狭間にて、人はく在るべしと。此処に、新たなるのりを敷く───!」

As a new law, we declare: humans shall exist at the threshold of heaven and earth!

In the interstice between Heaven and Earth, people thus must exist. We promulgate a new law───!



Noble Phantasm 2 「三皇を超越し、五帝を凌駕せし覇者。それこそが始皇帝───即ち、ちんである!!」

The conqueror who transcended the Three Sovereigns and exceeded the Five Emperors...that is who Qin Shi Huang is. In other words...that is us!

Beyond the Three Sovereigns, a supreme ruler surpassing the Give Emperor. That is truly the First Emperor ─── in other words, Us!!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「いい加減にせんか!」

Enough already!

Will you not put an end to this?!

Regular Damage 「無粋な!」

How boorish!


Defeated 1 「畏れ多いにも程がある!」

There's something to be said about being too disrespectful!

There is a limit to insolence!

Defeated 2 ちんを誰だと心得る……戯けが!」

Who do you think we are...fool!

Who do you take Us for…… Fool!

Battle Finish 1 「当然の結末である」

An expected outcome.

It is the natural result

Battle Finish 2 「御前であるぞ! せめて俯せに倒れよ」

You are in the presence of the emperor. At least prostrate yourself.

You are in the presence of the Emperor! At least fall down facing the ground

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 ちん其方そなたとはいずれ覇を競う事になるのだが……その有様を他ならぬ朕が傍らから見守るというのは中々面白そうな趣向だな。その時は是非特等席で観戦させよ。今の朕の記憶と同じ結末に至るのかどうか……フッフッフッフ……愉しみだ!」

You will eventually compete with us for supremacy.

Yet, to allow us, of all people, to witness how all this will unfold is quite a curious plan.
Allow us to have the best seat in the house when the time comes.
Whether we will reach the same conclusion as what we recall... Hehe...curious, indeed.

We and you shall eventually compete for supremacy, but…… It is a pretty amusing idea that We of all people would be watching over you from the side. By all means, allow Us to spectate such moments from a special seat. If you were to attain the same result as in the memories of the present Us…… Fufufufu…… We look forwards to it!

Bond Lvl 1
(Clear S I N)

Let us make this very clear: We came to determine whether or not the citizens of this world have some pride in themselves. Should there be failings of this society that cannot be overlooked, we will have no choice but to decide to create a new Qin in this Proper Human History.

We shall do so, even if it means making an enemy of you once again.

We must tell you something in advance. We have proceeded to grasp the world of the people that is said to hold the pride of thousands. If there was a collapse that cannot be overlooked, We may decide to build a new Sin in the Panhuman History. ……Even if it means having you turn into Our enemy once more, that is

Bond Lvl 2 「データベースを閲覧したが……いやはや。こちら側の人類史は想像を絶する混乱ぶりだな。あんな世界を守護せんとする其方そなたや英霊共の献身は痛ましいという他ない。……やってられんだろうに」

We browsed through your database, and goodness us, the chaos in this version of humanity is beyond our wildest imaginings.

We can only marvel at the painstaking dedication you and your Heroic Spirits have demonstrated in trying to protect such world.
You had no other choice, did you not?

We browsed the database, but…… Dear Us. The Panhuman History of this side is chaotic beyond Our imagination. You and the Heroic Spirits that devote yourselves to protect that kind of world are nothing but pitiful. ……You cannot help it

Bond Lvl 3 「なぁ。其方そなたさぁ? いっそこの世界全部更地にした後で自ら新しい治世を拓くという発想はないのか? …………ん。無いか。……ぅんぅ……」

Hey, don't you ever think of just wiping the world clean and starting over to build your rule from a blank slate?

...You do not, hm?

Say. You? Haven't you thought about personally founding a new regime after this entire world has become an empty lot? ……N. No? ……Unu……

Bond Lvl 4 「まぁこの人類史。ちんの目に余る悪逆や汚埃もあるが、ちんの天下になかった美徳や驚きがある事も認めるにやぶさかではない。其方そなたという存在などは、その最たるものであろうな」

This human history is rife with villainy and stains that we cannot overlook, but we do admit that there is also virtue and even surprises we never witnessed under our rule.

You are a true example of that.

Well, this human history. There are too many atrocities and filth for Our eyes, but it is not bothersome to admit that there are some virtues and surprises that were not in Our world. The being that is you, is probably the best

Bond Lvl 5 「あぁーもぉー、よい。……難癖をつけるのはやめだ。其方そなたとその同胞。民にして人たる人類の行く末を、ちんもまた、最後まで見守るとしよう──」

Ugh. No more.

We will cease to nitpick.
We shall watch over your fate, as well as your comrades' fates, and even the fate of the humans that populate this world, until the very end.

Aaah sheeesh, fine. ……We shall stop finding faults. You and your brethren. The future of the humanity that is people yet subjects, We shall watch over it until the end──

Dialogue 1 「ふむ、ちと外を散策したくなった。供を許す故、速やかに支度せよ」

Hm. We have the desire to take a stroll outside. We grant you leave to accompany us, so hurry up and get ready.

Hm. We want to take a stroll outside. We shall allow you to accompany Us, therefore do prepare with haste

Dialogue 2 「まあなんというか、汎人類史の英霊はけっこう気さくに声をかけてくるので少なからず面食らうぞ。ちんの歴史では仇敵だった輩も少なからずおるだけに、こちら側に遺恨を持ちこさずに済んだのは幸いと言えような」

It's difficult to put it plainly, but the Heroic Spirits here in Proper Human History address us quite casually, which is quite shocking, especially because there are even those who were our enemies in our history.

It's fortunate for them that we do not hold any grudges.

Well, how to say it, since the Heroic Spirits of Panhuman History called out to Us so frankly, We were a little confused. Despite a considerable number of them being bitter enemies in Our history, We can say We are happy that they do not hold enmity towards Us in this side.

Dialogue 3 「主従とな? ああ、確かに其方そなたは今やちんの一番の家臣だな。魔力を尽くしてちんをこの汎人類史に現界せしめるもてなしぶり。正に忠義の鑑であるぞ」

What is a Master and Servant relationship? Well, there's no doubt that you are our best and closest retainer at this moment.

The offering of magical energy you make so we may remain in this Proper Human History is truly an example of loyalty.

Master-Servant? Ah, surely you are now Our number one retainer. It is because of the mana you devote to Us that We can exist in this Panhuman History. You certainly are a model of loyalty

Dialogue 4
(Wu Zetian & Her True Name Revealed or Wu Zetian (Caster))

Hm, so there are those who ruled China even after our death.

It appears she tried her best...
Ah, but that wail, that pain...if only we were still alive...
No, there's no point in thinking such things.
O little girl, you were indeed a dragon who ruled over China...

Hm, one who ruled China after Our decease is here. You have a fairly zealous apparance but…… Ah. That gried, that pain. If at least We lived…… No, We won't say it. O little girl, you too were undoubtedly a dragon that ruled China

Dialogue 5
(Xiang Yu)
「おお、我が臣もこちら側の記憶で英霊の座に刻まれたか。うむ、良き哉! あの仙女めが、相応の働きをしたということだろう」

Ah, our retainer has also been engraved into the Throne of Heroes from the records of this history.

Hm, very good.
It appears that the sage woman did good work for you.

Oh, so my retainer was engraved into the Throne of Heroes in the memory of this side as well. Um, good! That sage woman must have worked accordingly

Dialogue 6
(Consort Yu or Consort Yu (Lancer))
「はっはっはっはっはっはっは! まあいるであろうとは思ったが。うむ、やはり意地を張らぬ自然体でこそ仙女の美しさは引き立つというもの。今からでも素直な生き方を探してみてもよかろうて」

Hahaha. We had a hunch that you would also be here.

Yes. They say that the beauty of a sage woman truly shines when she is as herself, without putting on airs.
It's not too late for you to try genuinely living your life, you understand?

Hahahahahahaha! We thought she would be here. Um, as We thought the beauty of the sage woman looks better when she sets her stubbornness aside and is calmer. It is fine to look for a compliant way of life even now

Something you Like 「好きなもの。ふむ、強いて言うなら水銀かな。腐らず、乾かず、固まらず、永劫不滅を象徴するかのようなその在り方。まさしく、ちんに相応しい美しさであろうよ」

What we like...

That would be mercury, if we are to be honest.
It never rots, dries, nor solidifies, which is the symbol of eternity and consistency.
Truly, its beauty is fitting to us.

Something We like. If We must choose, mercury. It doesn't rot, dry, or harden, that is a way of symbolizing eternity and immortality. Certainly, a beauty fitting for Us

Something you Hate 「嫌いなもの。ふむ、強いて言うなら水銀かなあ。あれ本当に不味くてなあ、もう二度と口に入れたくないぞ」

What we detest...

That would be mercury, if we are to be honest.
It is truly disgusting.
We never want to consume such a thing ever again.

Something We hate. Hm, if We must choose, mercury. That was really tasteless, We don't want to put that in Our mouth again

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯? ほう、万能の願望器とな。なんだ、そんな便利なものがあったなら二千年ちょっと早く寄越せというのだ。死にかけていた頃のちんならば、喜んで召し上げたであろうに」

The Holy Grail?

Oh? An omnipotent wish-granting device, you say.
If a useful thing like that exists, why wasn't it around two thousand years earlier, we ask.
We would have gladly taken and used it when we were on our verge of death.

The Holy Grail? Ho, the almighty wish granter. What, if there was such an useful thing it would have been handed over to Us about 2,000 years earlier. If it was Us as we were dying, We would have gladly confiscated it

During an Event 「なにやら世間が騒がしいな。よし、其方そなたを特使に任ずる。見聞し、詳らかに報告せよ」

There seems to be some commotion going on somewhere outside.

All right, we appoint you as a special envoy to check what's going on, and report back with full details.

Society is noisy for some reason. Good, We'll appoint you as a courier. Observe and report in detail.

Birthday 「ほう、其方そなたの誕生日であったか。それはめでたい! では本日を、秦帝国の新たな祝日として定めよう。さあ、宴の支度だ!」

Oh? So it is your birthday today.

How auspicious!
Let's declare today a holiday for the Qin Empire!
Come now, let's prepare a feast!

Ho, so it was your birthday. Auspicious! Then let Us determine this day as a new national holiday for the Qin Empire. Now, prepare a feast!

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