Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Noto Mamiko)


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Temporarily Summoned 「サーヴァント、アサシン。スカサハだ。環境に合わせて霊基を些か調整してみたが、まあこんなもので構わんだろう。よろしく頼むぞ」

Servant, Assassin. I am Scáthach.

I adjusted my Spirit Origin a little to match the environment.
Well, I suppose you don't mind. I look forward to working with you.

Servant Assassin. Scathach. I tried a bit to match because of the circumstance...Well, something like that shouldn't be a problem. Best regards

Summoned 「サーヴァント・アサシン。スカサハ、ここに降臨だ。

うむ、夏の装いという奴だ。それとも浜辺の装いかな? 何にせよ、私が私である事には変わりない。

Servant Assassin, Scáthach. I have arrived.

Ah, this is a summer outfit. Or is it a beach outfit? Well, it doesn't change me from being me.
Looking forward to working with you, Master.

Servant Assassin. Scathach. I descended here. Good, this is a summer outfit. Or maybe a beach outfit? Well it does not change the fact that I myself I'm here. Take care of me, master

Level Up 「この姿にも馴染むものだ」

I could get used to this form.

I'm getting accustomed to this appearance

1st Ascension 「余分なものがないせいか、動きやすいな。……どうした、目のやり場にでも困ったか?」

It's easy to move in this because there is no excess material.

What's wrong?
Not sure where to look?

Maybe it's because i'm not wearing much but, it's rather easy to move. What's it? Are you troubled by not knowing where to look at?

2nd Ascension 「うん、悪くないぞ」

Yes, it's not bad.

Indeed, it's not bad

3rd Ascension 「ああ、ようやく馴染んだぞ。これで今までよりはましな戦いが出来るだろう。苦労をかけたな」

Yes, I'm finally used to this.

I'm sure I can fight better than before. Sorry for troubling you.

Indeed, i finally adapted to it. I should be able to put a better fight that before now. I put you through trouble until now.

4th Ascension 「この装いにも随分と慣れた。お主もそろそろ見慣れてきたか? ……ふふ、そうでもなさそうだ」

I'm very comfortable in this outfit.

Are you used to seeing me like this now?
Hehe, that doesn't seem to be the case.

I got considerably accustomed to this outfit. You should be quite accustomed to see me like that too now? Fufu~, it doesn't look to be the case yet

Battle Start 1 「私とて洒落しゃれは解る。華麗に踊ってみせろよ?」

Even I understand humor.

Now dance splendidly for me.

I know for my frankness. Show me an magnificent dance?

Battle Start 2 「せっかくだ、羽目を外すか。見惚みとれるのはいいが、無様に死ぬなよ?」

I should let loose while I can.

You can look all you like, but don't die an unsightly death.

That's it. Let's unfasten the saddle. It's good to be fascinated but don't show me a pathetic death?

Skill 1 「たまには上品にな?」

Elegantly, for a change.

Sometimes it's nice to be refined?

Skill 2 「ふっふふ、さぁて」

Hehe, well now...

Fufufu...Come one

Attack Selected 1 「いいぞ、見せてやるとも」

Yes, I'll show them.

Good, I shall show it to you

Attack Selected 2 「それもいいな」

That's good too.

That's is good too

Attack Selected 3 「ふふっ」



Noble Phantasm Selected 「──ちょっぴり、本気だ」

I'm just a little serious.

I shall become a bit more serious

Attack 1 「しゃっ!」



Attack 2 「ははっ!」


Ha ha!

Attack 3 「踊れ!」



Extra Attack 「まだまだ、果てるなよ!」

Don't die yet!

This is still not finished!

Noble Phantasm 「影の国へ連れてゆこう──『蹴り穿つゲイ・ボルク・死翔の槍オルタナティブ』!!」

I'll take you to the Land of Shadows.

Gáe Bolg Alternative!

I shall take you to the Land of Shadows.... Gae Bolg Alternative!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「薄着の女に、手荒いな……!」

To be this rough against a lightly dressed woman...

To be this rough against a woman lightly dressed...

Regular Damage 「そうだ!」

That's it!

That's right!

Defeated 1 「オイルが、足りなかったか……」

There wasn't...enough oil, huh...

There wasn't...enough oil huh...

Defeated 2 「むぅ……年甲斐もなく、はしゃぎ過ぎたか……」

Hmm, I was far too excited for my age, huh...

Muu...I was far too much excited for my age huh

Battle Finish 1 「踊り足りないな、これでは」

I haven't danced enough yet...

Look like,we didn't dance enough

Battle Finish 2 「もう終わりなのか? 全く、骨のない……」

Are you finished already?

Really... you're spineless...

You are already finished? Truly, you have no back bone...

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「私はお前の師ではない。故にうるさい事を言うつもりはないが……せっかくだ。浜辺で走り込みくらいしてはどうだ。気分がいいぞ」

I am not your teacher.

Therefore, I have no intention of nagging, but why don't we go for a run through the beach? It feels good.

I'm not your teacher. Thus i will not say anything annoying but...let's take the occasion. Why not go running on the beach? It's a good feeling you know

Bond Lvl 2 「心なしか、顔つきが精悍になってきたな。走り込みの成果か? ……いや、忘れてくれ。私はお前を鍛え上げるつもりなど無いのだ」

Your expression seems to have grown tougher.

Is it because of the running?
No, forget it. I have no intention of training you.

I have the impresion that you look more fearless. Is itthe result for all this running?...No, forget about it. I have no intention to train you

Bond Lvl 3 「そろそろ遠泳といくか。よいものだぞ。果て無き海をどこまでも、力の限り泳ぎ続けるというのは。己の限界もよく分かる」

It's about time for some long-distance swimming.

To go as far as possible. To swim as far as your strength allows. These are good things.
You will certainly realize your limits.

It's about time you start doing long-distance swimming huh. It's a good thing. To go as far as possible in the sea. To swim as far as you strength allows it. It's also good know one's limit

Bond Lvl 4 「体力は備わって来たな。ならばいよいよ、走り込みからの遠泳だ。気を抜くなよ。趣向を凝らしてあれこれ用意してみた故、一歩間違えば命は無いと思え?」

Your physical strength is improving. We can finally move from running to long-distance swimming. Don't lose focus. Prepare and plan well for it. One wrong step could mean your life.

Your physical strengh got better. Then it's time for you to do some long-distance swimming laps. Be careful. After preparing yourself doing this and that, think as doing one wrong step may take your life

Bond Lvl 5 「すまぬ……すっかりお主を付き合わせてしまった。師と弟子ではないとあれほど言っておきながら、危うくお主をクリードの餌にしてしまうところだった。許せ。詫びに、今夜はこの膝を、枕代わりにさせてやる」

Forgive me.

I completely dragged you along with me. Even after saying all about us not being teacher and disciple, I nearly made you bait for Curruid.
Forgive me. As an apology I will let you use my lap as a pillow tonight.

Sorry...I completely got you to keep me company. Even after saying all about us not be teacher and disciple, i nearly put you in dangerous situation by making you into a bait for Creed...Forgive me. To apology, tonight in compensation i will let you use my lap as a pillow

Dialogue 1 「少々じれてきたぞ。いつまでも部屋に引きこもっているのはつまらぬだろ?」

I'm getting impatient.

Isn't it boring to stay inside all the time?

I'm getting a bit impatient. Always staying in your room should be boring right?

Dialogue 2 「影の国を長らく統べてはきたが、たまにはこうして息をつくのも悪くない。お主もな。……いつも気を張っているだろう?」

I ruled the Land of Shadows for a long time, but it's not bad to take a rest like this for a change.

You too. You've always been putting your guard up.

I'm always supervising the Land of Shadows, but sometimes it's not bad to be able to take a breath like that. You too. You are always keeping a eye out right?

Dialogue 3 「別段、私の弟子というわけでもなし。お主が多少気を緩ませたところで、私は何も言わぬ」

You are not exactly my disciple.

I will not make any comments even if I see you slacking off.

You are not particularly my disciple, even if you are more or less slacking off i will say nothing

Dialogue 4
(Edward Teach)

Lately, I keep feeling like someone is watching from behind. But when I look back, there's no one there.

I'm even hearing things like, "It's insane for an old lady to look like that." It must be someone who is good at hiding their presence, or I'm getting rusty.

Lately, I have the feeling that someone is looking at me from behind multiple times. However when i turn my head there's no one. "The old lady is dangerous when she looks like that" I even get auditory hallucinations. Or it's a opponent with incredible abilities to hide or it's just me who grew dull?

Dialogue 5
(Fergus mac Róich)

Fergus. If you have something to say, just say it.

I'll kick you to death anytime.

Fergus. If you have something to say just said it. I'm always ready to kick you to death.

Dialogue 6
(See the references[1])
「セタンタ、話がある。お主、儂のこの格好について何か言っていただろう。いいや言っていた。ん? この儂に嘘をつくならば、覚悟はできていような?」

Setanta. We need to talk. Didn't you say something about my outfit? No, I know you did.

Hm. Are you prepared for the consequences of lying to me?

Sétanta. I have something to tell you. Did you not said something about me looking like that. No you indeed did. Hum? If you prepared to lie to me you must have the resolve right?

Dialogue 7
(Queen Medb)

Since seeing me like this, Medb has been very aggressive towards me. Something about how I am tricking Cú.

Really, no matter how much time passes, she is still so full of energy...

Since Medb saw me like that she's been charging at me in despair. What are you trying to do by tricking Cu-chan! Really, no matter the time passing she's still the same vigorous thing.

Something you Like 「泳ぐのは気分が良い。まるで自分が一匹の小さな魚になったかのようだぞ」

It feels good to swim.

Just like you've become one small fish in the sea.

I like the feeling of swimming. It's like I became one of those little fishes.

Something you Hate 「……しかしアレだな。この姿でカルデアをうろついていると、男どもの視線がやけに突き刺さる。どの時代、どの場所でも変わらんものだ」

You know what?

I've gotten some awfully piercing gazes from men while I'm wandering around Chaldea in this outfit. Some things don't change, no matter the era or place.

However there's that right. When i'm wandering around Chaldea, all the men i'm running into are glancing at me. No matter the era and place some things do not change.

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯? 冷やしたさかずきに酒を注げば、真夏の宴にはふさわしかろうな」

The Holy Grail?

Pouring wine into chilled cups is quite suitable for a midsummer's banquet.

The Grail? To relax it's fitting to use it as a sake cup in which you pour alcohol, it's appropriate for the banquet in midsummer

During an Event 「古今東西、祭りとは人を賑わせるものだ。せいぜい遊興にふけるといい。……私か? 私は好きにやるさ。来いというならついていってやらんでもないが」

In all ages of Orient and Occident, festivals are a thing to enliven people.

Do your best to indulge in the festivities.
Me? I'll do as I like. Though I would not mind going with you, if you ask.

In all ages of Orient and Occident, festivals are thing to enliven people. It's good to take pleasure in it as much as possible. Me? I'm fond of it. I would not mind going with you there if you ask me.

Birthday 「そら、なんでも言ってみるがいい。ある程度までなら叶えてやろう。祝い事もたまにはよいものだ。……何を呆けた顔をしている? 今日はお主の誕生を祝う日であろうが」

Come, ask whatever you like. I'll fulfill your wishes to some extent.

It's good to celebrate something occasionally.
What's with that vacant look? Isn't this the day to celebrate your birth?

Go and ask whatever you want. I don't mind answering your wishes to some extent. Celebration are sometimes good thing. What's this foolish face that your are doing right now? Isn't today the day to celebrate your birthday


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
FGO 2016 Summer Event
Dialogue 1 「おお完成したか。手作りもわるくなかろう」

Oh, you've finished? Handmade is pretty good too.

Ooh, it was completed? It's not that bad to make it yourself

Dialogue 2 「ははっ、なかなかのものじゃないか。人間とはここから始めるものだな」

Heh, isn't that something.

That's how humans started.

Haha, isn't it quite the sight. That's how humans commenced too

Dialogue 3 「どうだ? 生きるということはなかなか難しいものだろう?」

How is it? Living is a pretty difficult thing, isn't it?

How's it? Surviving is quite the difficult thing right?

Dialogue 4 「おお。なんかスゴイことになったな」

Oh, something amazing has happened!

Ooh...It became something pretty amazing!

Dialogue 5 「ははははは! 正直自分で提案しておいてなんだが、出来るとは思わなかった!」

Hahaha! Truth be told, even though I proposed it, I didn't think you would actually be able to do it.

Hahahaha! True be told even though i was the one who proposed that, i didn't thought you would be able to do it

Dialogue 6 「何だか分からぬが、とにかくよし!」

I don't get it, but good!

Somehow i don't understand but anyway it's good!

Dialogue 7 「い、いらっしゃい、ませ? ……慣れんな、こういう接客業は」

W-wel... come? I'm unfamiliar with serving customers...

We-Welco...me? I can't used to it, to looking after the reception...

Dialogue 8 「ふ、エプロンでもつけておいた方が良かったか?」

(Sigh) Maybe I should have worn an apron.

Fuh, should i have rather wear a apron?

Dialogue 9 「いつでも等価交換。魔術の基本だな」

Equivalent exchange at all times. That is the basis of Magecraft.

Always do equivalent exchange. This is the basic of sorcery!

Dialogue 10 「全てが欲しいか? ならばサバイバルだ」

You want everything? Then it's survival.

Do you want everything? Then it's survival

Dialogue 11 「そら、カタログを見るがいい」

Here, look at the catalog.

Here, look at the catalogue well

Dialogue 12 「うむ、影の国ならぬ影の店へよくぞ来た」

Yes, thank you for coming to the Shop of Shadows.

Umu, you did well to come to the Land of Shadows which became the Shop of Shadow!

Dialogue 13 「しかし、そもそも何故私が接客しているのだろうな? わからん。謎だ」

Why am I even serving customers? I don't know. It's a mystery.

However, ito begin with why i'm the one taking care of the reception? ...I don't understand. It's a mystery

Dialogue 14 「本日のオススメ商品だ」

Today's recommendation.

This is today's merchandise

Dialogue 15 「そら、どんどん交換していけ」

Here, keep the exchanges coming.

Here, exchange rapidly

Dialogue 16 「いいだろう、貪欲にな」

Yes, be greedy.

Good. Be greedy

Dialogue 17 「長きに渡ったサバイバルもおしまいだ。まあ、大方収まるべき所に収まったというべきか。ともあれ、その艱難辛苦に報酬と言いたいところだが……何か欲しいものはあるか? このスカサハに、何でも言ってみるがいい」

The long run survival is over. Well, it seems most things have been settled.

In any case, I would like to give you a reward for your hardships... is there anything you want? Ask anything of me.

The long span of survival finally end. Maa, almost everyone was able to find a place to settle in huh. Anyway although i want to give you a reward for those hardships...is there something you wish for? It's good to try to ask for anything to this Scathach

FGO 2016 Summer Event Re-Run
Dialogue 1 「私が店主だ。何か文句でも?」

Yes, I am the shopkeeper. Do you have a problem with that?

Dialogue 2 「私のルーンで形作った店だ。品揃えには気を使ったつもりだが……お前の望む品物はあるか?」

I built this shop using my Runes.

I tried hand-picking the items myself. Does anything pique your interest?

Dialogue 3 「好きに選ぶといい。焦らず、ゆっくりとな。私はここで見ているぞ」

Select anything you want. Don't be hasty. Choose wisely.

I'll just be over here watching you.

Dialogue 4 「うん、どんどん持っていくがいい」

Very well, go ahead and take your pick.

Dialogue 5 「それがよいのか? なるほど……そういうものか」

You want that?

I see...so that's what you desire...

Dialogue 6 「残念ながら店仕舞いという奴だな。うん、店を開いて客を相手にするというのも悪くないものだ。これはこれで、中々に楽しい戦いだったぞ。お前はどうだ?」

I am afraid it is closing time.

Hm. Opening a shop and dealing with customers is not so bad...
It was an amusing battle, of a sort.
How about for you?

Dialogue 7 「人の欲というのは限りがないな。いや、責めている訳ではないぞ。時にそれは万事を推し進める力となる」

It would seem there is no limit to human greed.

No, I'm not judging.
At times, that very greed can drive someone to excel.

Dialogue 8 「程々にな。通い詰めて身体を壊されては元も子もあるまい?」

All things in moderation.

If you come here too often and strain yourself, your efforts will have been in vain.

Dialogue 9 「ほう、そうか。見る目があるな。持っていけ……!」

Oh. I see.

You've got a good eye.

Dialogue 10 「勤勉なのはいい事だ。私も用意のし甲斐がある」

Being diligent is a good thing. It is satisfying to have been prepared for all of this.

Dialogue 11 「それが欲しかったのか? ふっふふ……キラキラと目を輝かせおって」

You want that?

Hehe...you look so very excited.

Dialogue 12 「ああ、来たのか。すまんな、もう店仕舞いだ。交換してやれるアイテムもない。それでも良ければゆっくりしていけ。むぅ、酒は……マシュに怒られるな。茶の一つくらいなら出してやれるが……どうだ?」

...So you've come.

I am sorry, but the shop is closed. I have no more items for you to exchange.
But, since you are here anyway, why not spend some time with me?
Hmmm...I would offer you alcohol...but that would upset Mash.
I could at least offer you tea.
What do you think?

DialogueIcon Dialogue Related Servants

The following Servants have related dialogues to this Servant (sorted alphabetically):
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  1. One of the following Servants:
    S379A1Icon S017A1Icon S020A1Icon S038A1Icon S098A1Icon