Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Fukuen Misato)
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「み、皆様お騒がせしまーす……アーチャーの刑部姫でーす……。
似合ってますかー? 似合ってますよねー?

S-sorry for causing so much trouble...

I'm Archer Osakabehime...
I tried my best to fit into a swimsuit...
Wh-what do you think?
Do I look good? I look good, right?
I racked my brain picking it out...so if you can tell me that I look good in it, it'll boost my confidence...!

E-Everyone, sorry to disturb you……

I'm Archer Osakabehime…….
I did my best and put on a swimsuit…… H-How is it……?
Does it suit me? It suits me, right?
I chose it in desperation, so…… If you could say it suits me,
I'd get some confidence…….

Level Up 「ごはん美味しーい! でも腹八分目で」

Food's delicious! But all in moderation!

The food's tasty! …But I have to eat in moderation

1st Ascension 「そ、それじゃジャケット脱ぐけど……ウェストはあまり見ないでよ。見ないでよ。絶対に見ないでよ! フリじゃないよ! マーちゃんのバカ!」

O-okay...I'll take off my jacket...but don't look too much at my waist!

Don't look...don't you dare look!
I'm not joking, Ma-chan, you dummy!

W-well then I'll remove my jacket…… Kh, don't look too much at my waist! …… Don't look, don't ever look at it! I'm not kidding! Ma-chan, you idiot!

2nd Ascension 「はい、このままでーす。次の刑部姫に期待あれ―」

Okay, no changes this time!

Look forward to the next Osakabehime!

Yes, let's keep going. Have expectations for the next Osakabehime

3rd Ascension 「というわけでフォームチェンジ。コンセプト的には和風で大胆、みたいな? 自信ないし、恥ずかしいのはそのままだけど、まあこんなに強くしてもらったのなら贅沢は言えないね。えへへ」

Time for a form change! The design concept is a bold Japanese style.

This is still so embarrassing, but I guess I can't be too picky since you're the one who made me strong. Heehee.

And with this a form change. Concept-wise, it looks Japanese style and daring? I have no confidence, and my embarrassment is just like that, but… Well, if I became this strong, I won't speak of luxury. Ehehe…

4th Ascension 「やほー、マーちゃん。えへー、まさか引きこもっていた私がこんな活動的になるなんてね。これも召喚してくれた君のおかげかな? こうなったらもう、死が二人を分かつまで付いて行く所存だから、覚悟してね?」

Yahoo, Ma-chan.

Hehe...I never imagined a hikki like me would end up so active.
This is probably all thanks to you for summoning me.
At this point, I'm going to keep on following you around until death parts us.
You'd better ready up.

Yahoo, Ma-chan. Hehe♪. To think that the shut-in me would become so active. Is this thanks to you having summoned me? If it's come to this, I intend to follow you until death does us apart. Prepare yourself

Battle Start 1 「全体せいれーつ! 前ならえ! よーし、頑張るぞ!」

Fall in! Line up! Okay, let's get to it!

All units line up, to the front! Okaay, I'll do my best!

Battle Start 2 「へへーん、新生おっきー見参! ダイエットもちょっと成功したので鼻高々!」

Ha ha! The newly born Okki has arrived! I'm also proud that I lost some weight, too!

Hehe, meet the new Okkie! I was a bit successful with my diet, so I'm proud!

Skill 1 「ゴーゴーゴー!」

Go go go!

Go! Go! Go!

Skill 2 「コンタクト!」



Skill 3 「リロード!」



Attack Selected 1 「ラジャ!」



Attack Selected 2 「了解!」



Attack Selected 3 「オッケー!」



Noble Phantasm Selected 「全軍突撃! バシバシ行くぞー!」

All units, move in! Guns blazing!

Whole army, charge! Let's go violently!

Attack 1 「ファイヤ!」



Attack 2 「グレネード!」

Frag out!


Attack 3 「一斉掃射!」

Give 'em a volley!

Simultaneous strafe!

Attack 4 「撃つぞー!」


I'll shoot!

Attack 5 「アタック!」



Attack 6 「吹っ飛べー!」

Fly away!

Fly away!

Extra Attack 1 「説明書は読んだね? ロケラン撃つよー!」

Did you read the manual?

Firing the rocket launcher!

Did you read the instructions? I'll shoot the rocket launcher!

Extra Attack 2 「ロケット準備。発射ー!」

Rocket ready!


Rocket ready, launch!

Noble Phantasm 1 「通信途絶……! こうなったら全軍突撃! 撃って撃って撃ちまくれ! これこそ姫の白鷺城……!『千式ミリミリナイトフィーバー!せんしきミリミリナイトフィーバー』」

Comms down!

Right then. All units, charge!
Give them everything you've got!
This is my Thousand Origami of Hakuro, Milli-Mili Night Fever!

The communication has been disrupted! If it's come to this, whole army, charge! Shoot shoot shoot without stopping! This is the princess' White Egret Castle! Thousand Forms Milimili Knight FeverSenshiki Milimili Knight Fever!!

Noble Phantasm 2 「ほわぁ!? もうダメだー! こうなりゃ、破れかぶれで突撃だー! ……えっ、爆撃来たの!? やったぁ! 終わりよければ全て良し、『白鷺城・はくろじょう・千式ミリミリナイトフィーバー!せんしきミリミリナイトフィーバー』! やったぜチャンピオンだぁー!」

Ahhh, we're done for!

Our backs to the wall, nothing left but a last charge!
Oh, the bombing squad's here? Yay!
All's well that ends well! Thousand Origami of Hakuro, Milli-Mili Night Fever!
We're the champions!

Howaah! We're done for! When it comes to this, a desperate charge! …Eh, the bombers came?! Yaay! All's well that ends well, White Egret Castle: Thousand Forms Milimili Knight FeverSenshiki Milimili Knight Fever! I did it, I'm the champion!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「あぁっ痛てて、痛てて、削れるぅ削れる!」

Ow ow ow ow! I'm getting wrecked here!

Aaah, it hurts, it hurts, I'll get struck off, struck off!

Regular Damage 「あ痛っ!」


That hurts!

Defeated 1 「ダイエット……リバウンド…… うぅ……」

Diet...weight coming back...ugh...

A diet… Rebound… Uuh…

Defeated 2 「これで、体重少しは減るかな……ぐぇ」

At least...maybe I'll lose some weight...gah...

Will my weight decrease a bit with this…? Gweh

Battle Finish 1 「勝った、勝った! チャーンピオン!」

I won! I won! I'm a champion!

I won, I won! Champion!

Battle Finish 2 「この戦争は、伝説に残る……!」

This war will be legendary!

This war will leave a legend…!

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「やあやあ元気? マーちゃん、どしたの? 一緒にゲームする?」

Hey, how are you?

Ma-chan, what's going on? Wanna party up?

Oh my are you fine? Ma-chan. What's wrong? Want to play a game together?

Bond Lvl 2 「ん? マーちゃんも一緒に遊ぶ? いいよー、アーチャーおっきーのアクティブさ、見せてあげましょう」

Oh? Wanna party up, Ma-chan?

Okay. I'll show you how active Archer Okki is!

Hm? Ma-chan wants to play together. Okay. I'll show you Archer Okkie's activity

Bond Lvl 3 「あ、あの……これもしかしてデート、ってやつでは? 違う? 違う、よねー、あははははは」


This thing we're doing...is this a date?
Of course not, huh! Ahahahahaha!

E-er…… Could this be, what they call…… a date? It's not? It's not! Fufun, fufufufu!

Bond Lvl 4 「ね! これってどこからどう転んでもデートじゃないのこれ!? うう、人理の危機だというのに嬉しさが勝る……」

No matter what you say, this is definitely a date!

Ugh...I know humanity's having a crisis here, but it's a first...!

Hey! No matter how or from where you see it, isn't this a date?! Haan, even though humanity is in a crisis, my happiness is rising

Bond Lvl 5 「よおしっ!もう開き直った! 刑部姫は…マーちゃんのことが、大好きです!うん! それはもう、心の底から! ……あー、私はあまり、耐え忍ぶタイプじゃないので。猪突猛進ってやつ?ともかく! 覚悟するがよい! わかったかマーちゃん!」

Fine! I'll admit it! Osakabehime loves you, Ma-chan! Yep!

From the bottom of my heart!
And I'm not the type who holds back. YOLO!
Either way, you'd better be ready! Got that, Ma-chan!?

Okay! I'm already serious! Osakabehime loves Ma-chan! Uuh…… That's from the bottom of my heart. Ah, I'm not really of the type that bears patiently, so I'm rushing recklessly as they say! Anyway, prepare yourself! Did you understand, Ma-chan?!

Dialogue 1 「さあマーちゃん! サバゲーやるよー」

Okay Ma-chan! Wanna get in a pairs match?

It's summer, I'll play airsoft

Dialogue 2 「主従? ……私とマーちゃん、そういう関係だっけ」

Master and Servant?

Is that all we are?

Master and servant? Was that my relation with Ma-chan?

Dialogue 3 「私とマスターの関係? ふふー、それはむしろ姫の方から聞きたい感じかなあー。私はマーちゃんにとってなんなのかなー? ……なんか、めんどくさい姫ムーブしてるな私……」

What's the relationship between me and Master?

Teehee. That's also a question I want to ask.
What am I to you, Ma-chan?
...I feel like I'm one of those annoying princess tropes...

My relation with the Master? Hmm, it feels like that's rather what the princess wants to hear. What am I to Ma-chan? I did a somewhat bothersome princess move

Dialogue 4
(Kiyohime or Kiyohime (Lancer))
「あ、きよひーやっほー。え? 原稿? ……うん、順調。まったくもって順調だから。……え?『汗を舐めなくても嘘は分かる』? ……だよねー……ぎゃーっ!」

Oh, it's you, Kiyo-yo. Hellooo!

Huh? Manuscript?
...Yep, it's going well! Everything's going super smooth!
Eh? You don't need to lick my sweat off to know I'm lying?
I figured!

Ah. Kiyohi, yahoo. Eh? My manuscript? Oh. Doing well. I really have it so it's doing well. Eh? You can know it's a lie even without licking my sweat? Ri~ght…… Hyaah!!

Dialogue 5
(See the references[1])
「うっ……他にも色んな水着のサーヴァントがいるんだね。……ま、負けてない? 私ってば負けてない? 負けてないよね? ね? ね!?……『全然負けてない』? やったー!」

Ugh. There're so many other swimsuit Servants, aren't there?

Do I...do I fall short? Do they beat me in attractiveness?
I'm not inferior to them, am I? Am I!? AM I!?
I don't fall short?

Uh, there are many other swimsuit Servants…… I-I don't lose to them……? I, don't lose to them……? I don't lose to them…… Hey? Hey?! I don't lose at all……? Yay!

Dialogue 6
(See the References[2])


All you meal-makers...
Does there exist a meal that's low in calories, filling, good for digestion, nutritious, lets you lose weight the more you eat, and delicious...?

Er…… People of the food team…… Is there any food with low calories, that makes you feel full, can be well digested, is highly nourishing, makes you lose weight just by eating it, and on top of that is tasty?

Dialogue 7
(Miyamoto Musashi (Berserker))
「おわおわ、武蔵ちゃんまで水着になってるー!……でも何、その無駄に抜群なスタイル。しかも競泳水着だけでなくウェスタンスタイルまでフォローとか、これだから天然の天才は! 狙ってないのにあざとーい! ……でも、そういうところがカッコイイんだよね……」

Whoa! Even Musashi's in a swimsuit!?

And what the heck is with that dynamic bod of hers!?
Not only is she in athletic swimwear, but she's also in some sort of Western getup? Honestly, the things naturally talented people do...! I bet she wasn't even thinking of something like that, but she's still so sly!
...But that's what makes her so cool...hehe.

Uwawa! Even Musashi-chan has a swimsuit?! But what's with that uselessly outstanding style? And in top of that, not only a swimming swimsuit, but following with Western style, that's why natural geniuses are……! You're being pushy even without it being your aim! But…… That side is cool…… Hihi

Dialogue 8
(Artoria Pendragon (Ruler))
「きゃー! 偉い人、偉い人だよ! バニー、ゴージャス、セレブ! ああ、眩しい……。拝んでおこう、拝んでおこう。……あ、なんか変な顔された。うわーん!」」

Kyaah! An important person! She's gotta be important!

Bunny! Gorgeous! Celeb!
Ugh...she's so blinding...I better pray to her. Ask for her blessing...
Uh-oh. She made a funny face.

Kya! A big-wig, a big-wig is here! Bunny, gorgeous, celebrity! Ahh, how dazzling..... Let me worship her, let me worship her.......Ah, somehow she's making an odd face, uwah!

Something you Like 「ゲームいいよねー。サバゲ―いいよねー。参加者がマーちゃん以外は折り紙というところが難点だけど」

Games are great. Battle royales are nice too.

The only thing that falls short is the fact that other than Ma-chan, all the other players are origami...

Games are good. Airsoft is good. It's a pity that the participants other than Ma-chan are origami, though

Something you Hate 「嫌いなもの。うーん……炭水化物。どうしてあんなに美味しいんだろうねー、カルデア台所請負人のごはんは」

What I dislike...

Why are all the foods served from Chaldea's kitchen so delicious...?

Something I hate…… Hmm, carbohydrates. Why must it be so good? The food of Chaldea's kitchen contractors……

About the Holy Grail 「はいはいはーい! おっきーには願いがあります! 理想の体重!理想の体重を永遠に保つこと!」

Yes, yes, yesss! Okki has a wish!

To get to an ideal weight!
To maintain an ideal weight forever!

Yes yes yes! Okkie has a wish! The ideal weight! Keeping the ideal weight forever!

During an Event 「はいはーい、イベント真っ最中だよー。シャキッとしよ、シャキッと」

Come on, come on.

We're right smack in the middle of an event!
Stand up straight and sharpen up!

Yes yes. We're in the middle of an event. Let's sharply go, sharply

Birthday 「誕生日おめでとうマーちゃん、一年に一回なんだから今日はみんなで盛大に騒ごう!……なーんて、引きこもりの私がこういう心境に至れるのも、きみと一緒にいるおかげかな?」

Happy birthday, Ma-chan!

It's a special day that happens only once a year, so let's let loose with everyone!
...Well look at that. I think this is all thanks to you that a hikikomori like me's able to think of ideas like that.

Happy birthday, Ma-chan, this only happens once a year, so let's have tons of fun with everyone! .....Just kidding, I guess even a hikkikomori like me can get into this mood because I'm together with you, huh?

Las Vegas Official Bout
Ring Announcement マーリン「ラスベガス、水着剣豪七色勝負! 『乱鶯みだれうぐいすおちゃっぴぃ 葛飾北斎』! 対! 『頑張った大胆ビキニ 原稿空白 刑部姫』!」

刑部姫「待って! ねぇ待って! ちょっと間に合うから! 間に合うからぁ~!」

Las Vegas Seven Duels of Swordbeauties

Energetic Summer Girl, Katsushika Hokusai
Trying Out a Revealing Bikini, But Written Nary a Page, Osakabehime
Wait, chotto a minute! I'll make the deadline, I S-W-E-A-R!
Prepare yourselves!


  1. One of the Following Servants:
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  2. One of the following Servants:
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