(VA: Tanaka Minami) |
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Occasion | Japanese | English | Audio |
Summoning | |||
Summoned | 「私ハ 名モナキ ファラオ 頭ヲタレナサイ 不敬 デアルゾ ……コラッ 中ヲ ノゾイテハ イケナイ!」 |
Leveling | |||
Level Up | 「高マル 高マル 高マルゾ」 | ||
Battle | |||
Battle Start 1 | 「私ハ 名モナキ ファラオ デアル」 | ||
Battle Start 2 | 「天罰 覿面」 | ||
Skill 1 | 「どうしてくれましょう?」 | ||
Skill 2 | 「こうしてくれましょう!」 | ||
Attack Selected 1 | 「そうですか」 | ||
Attack Selected 2 | 「ふむふむ」 | ||
Attack Selected 3 | 「構いませんが」 | ||
Noble Phantasm Selected 1 | 「──参ります」 | ||
Noble Phantasm Selected 2 | 「ファラオの威光の何たるか……」 | ||
Attack 1 | 「メ」 | ||
Attack 2 | 「ジェ」 | ||
Attack 3 | 「ド」 | ||
Attack 4 | 「神罰と心得なさい!」 | ||
Extra Attack 1 | 「出ませい出ませい!」 | ||
Extra Attack 2 | 「おいでませ!」 | ||
Noble Phantasm | 「不敬に罰を。悪逆に死を。神々を軽んじる者、ファラオを愚弄する者、お前たちの罪は、ここで濯がれる。沈め沈め沈め沈め! 『穢れを漱げ、青く美しきナイル』! そーれ、ざっぱーん!」 |
Punishment to the disrespectful. Death to the villainous.
Punishment to the insolent. Death to the treasonous.Those who make light of gods, those who mock Pharaohs, your sins will be cleansed here. Sink, sink, sink, sink, Sneferu Iteru Nile! There, splash~
Damage from Noble Phantasm | 「メジェド様ぁ……!」 | ||
Regular Damage | 「きゃぁ!」 | ||
Defeated 1 | 「力、及ばず……申し訳ありません」 | ||
Defeated 2 | 「不敬、な……!」 | ||
Battle Finish 1 | 「宴ノ 時間ダ」 | ||
Battle Finish 2 | 「出マセイ 出マセイ」 | ||
My Room | |||
Bond Lvl 1 | 「崇メヨ ウム 苦シュウナイ」 | ||
Bond Lvl 2 | 「供物ガ タリナイ モット モット」 | ||
Bond Lvl 3 | 「中ヲ ノゾイテハ ダメ。……駄目だと言っているでしょう!」 | ||
Bond Lvl 4 | 「ソンナニ 中身 気ニナルナラ 霊基再臨 サセルガヨイ」 | ||
Bond Lvl 5 | 「イイカゲンニ……いい加減になさい! そろそろ霊基再臨するのです! いつまで下から中を覗こうとするのです!」 | ||
Dialogue 1 | 「サッサト 働クベシ」 | ||
Dialogue 2 | 「メジェド様ヲ 讃エヨ」 | ||
Dialogue 3 | 「私ハ メジェド様ノ 化身」 | ||
Dialogue 4 (Cleopatra) |
「ア……ファラオ クレオパトラ」 | ||
Dialogue 5 (Ozymandias) |
「アア……アア…… オジマンディアス様……。ううっ、会わせる顔もございません……」 | ||
Dialogue 6 (Iskandar) |
「ヤ ヤメロ ヤメルノデス メクリアゲテハ イケナイ……い、いけません! 御衣をめくってはいけません、ファラオ・イスカンダル!」 | ||
Dialogue 7 (Gilgamesh or Gilgamesh (Caster)) |
「見ラレテル スゴイ 見ラレテル ウウ…… 英雄王ニ サッキカラ スゴイ 見ラレテル」 | ||
Something you Like | 「崇メヨ 讃エヨ」 | ||
Something you Hate | 「不敬ハダメ ダメデスヨ」 | ||
About the Holy Grail | 「聖杯 要ラナイ」 | ||
During an Event | 「イベント イベント サッサトユクノダ」 | ||
Birthday | 「メデタイ メデタイ 誕生日 メデタイ」 |
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Occasion | Japanese | English | Audio |
Leveling | |||
Level Up | 「魔力が上昇していきます。中々の貢物ですよ」 | ||
1st Ascension | 「えぇい! こうまで魔力が高まってしまえば、仕方ありません! そうです。メジェド様の御姿は、あくまで仮のもの。その正体はこの私、ニトクリスであったのです! 己を恥じ入るあまり、御衣に包まっておりました。えっ? 知っていた? 最初から? ……強がりはいけませんよ、まさかそんな。まさか、そんな……ねっ?」 |
Ahhh! Now that my magical energy has risen so high, I have no choice.
There! If my mana builds up so much, it can't be helped! Yes. This Medjed-sama form has alway been fake. It's true identity was me, Nitocris! I was so embarrassed that I covered myself up in this imperial garment. Huh? You knew? From the start?......It's not good to bluff you know, surely you didn't know. Surely you didn't….. right?
2nd Ascension | 「メジェド様に近付いていく……。私に、何をせよと仰るのですか、メジェド様……」 | ||
3rd Ascension | 「メジェド様と私が、このように高い格で一つとなる……いえ、あくまで私などに出来るのは似姿が良いところ。思い上がるつもりはありません。ですが我が同盟相手よ、大儀です。この姿になった私を目にする事を許します! ……そ、そんなにまじまじと見ないでください。実は、御衣を用いてサマードレスなどを繕ってみたのです。に、似合うでしょうか……?」 |
The Great Medjed and I are one with great standing... No, the only thing I can do is to dress up to appear the same. I am not in any way trying to be conceited.
Medjed-sama and I are becoming one on a high level like this...No, all I can do is look similar. I don't intend to get in over my head. However, my ally. It is troublesome. I will allow you to see me like this…...Ple-please don't stare at me like that too much. Actually, I tried making a summer dress using the imperial garment. Does it suit me?
4th Ascension | 「流石に普段からずっとこの姿で振る舞うのは憚られますが、ひと夏の間のみ……という事ならば、きっと神々もお許しになられるでしょう。さ、夏が終わるまで、この一瞬一瞬を楽しむ事にいたしましょう!」 |
I believe being in this outfit all the time would make me a subject of scorn. But as long as it's just for the summer, I am sure the gods won't mind.
As you would expect, I would hesitate to be dressed like this on a regular basis but...As long as it's just during this one summer, I'm sure the gods will allow it. Now, let us go enjoy these moments before summer is over.
Battle | |||
Battle Start 1 | 「よろしいですか? 容赦はしません!」 | ||
Battle Start 2 | 「ふふふ……ファラオを侮ればどうなるか……」 | ||
Attack 1 | 「えぇい!」 | ||
Attack 2 | 「参ります!」 | ||
Attack 3 | 「不敬な!」 | ||
Battle Finish 1 | 「やりました、やりましたよ! ……こほん。これこそファラオの力です」 | ||
Battle Finish 2 | 「この勝利を、夏の太陽に」 | ||
My Room | |||
Bond Lvl 1 | 「何だか、妙な気分です。己を恥じて、メジェド様の御衣を纏ったが故の、霊基変化だと言うのに……こうもあらわに……なんです? こちらの方が、似合っている……? そ、それは不敬な言葉です! 控えなさい!」 |
I have mixed feelings... My Spirit Origin change came from me wearing the robe of the Great Medjed out of embarrassment, but to be so exposed like this...
It's kind of a strange feeling….Even though I put on Medjed-sama's imperial garments and altered my Saint Graph to hide my own embarrassment….This is also exposing.......What is it? This suits me more…? That is a disrespectful remark! Take it back!
Bond Lvl 2 | 「ああ、新たな力を感じます。このような蹴り技を扱えるとは。もしや、私もファラオ・クレオパトラのように、皇帝特権を使いこなせるようになっているのでは! ……はい? 私に皇帝特権スキルはない? み、見えているものだけが真実ではありません。メジェド様と同じです! あ、そうでした! 別スキルと融合しているのです! そうです!」 |
Ah... I feel a new power building up. I never imagined I would become so skilled with kicks.
Ah, I feel a new power. To think I can handle these kinds of kicking techniques. Could it be that I am now able to use Imperial Privilege like Pharaoh Cleopatra!.......What? I don't have the Imperial Privilege Skill? Eve-everything is not always how it looks. It's the same with Medjed-sama! Ah, that's right! It's been fused with another skill! That's it!
Bond Lvl 3 | 「私を連れて外に出る回数が多いですね。あなたもファラオへの敬意を持つようになったということでしょうか。良い事です。では、そろそろあなたにもメジェド神の恩恵を与えることにしましょうか。はい、白き御衣です! ……何故そのようにたじろぐのです。後ずさるのです! 待ちなさい! 一緒に着ましょう! きっと似合いますから! こら、ペアルック出ませい!」 |
You certainly take me out frequently... That shows me that you have finally learned to show proper respect to the pharaohs.
We've gone outside together many times now, haven't we. Perhaps it means that you have come to show respect towards Pharaohs. Very good. Now then, it's about time you are also bestowed with Medjed's blessing. Yes, it is the white imperial garment! Why are you wincing like that. You're stepping away! Wait up! Let's wear it together! It'll look good for sure! Hey, pair look, come forth!
Bond Lvl 4 | 「このような事を言うのは不本意ですが……我が同盟相手よ。ファラオの威光を賜りたいという気持ちは分からなくもないですが、斯様に戦い続けるのはかえって不敬に当たるものと思いなさい。分かりましたね?……うぅ、伝わっていない気がする。ほ、ほんの少しですが、疲れたと言っているのです!気遣いなさい!時にはこうして、マイルームでゆっくりするのです」 |
...I am reluctant to mention something like this, my alliance partner... It's not that I don't understand your desire to receive the blessed powers of the pharaohs, but continuing to fight the way you have been can be somewhat...insolent. Understand?
I'm reluctant to say something like this but….my ally. It's not like I don't understand the feeling of wanting to bestow the power of the Pharaoh but, on the contrary, continuously fighting like this... Think of it as being disrespectful. You understand, right?......Ugh, I feel I didn't get it across….I'm saying that I'm just the tiniest bit tired! Realise it! From time to time, let us rest in My Room like this!
Bond Lvl 5 | 「うふふっ、今日の私は幾分か気分が良いのです。何でも言ってみなさい、ファラオの名の下に聞き届けてあげましょう。メジェド様の高みには到底達する筈もありませんが、天空の化身にして冥界の神としての私に出来る事なら何でも叶えてさしあげます」 |
Hehehe... I am in a good mood today. Ask me anything. I shall grant you an audience in the name of the pharaoh.
Ufufu, I'm feeling somewhat good today. Say whatever you wish, I will grant it under the name of Pharaoh. Although I cannot possibly reach Medjed-sama's level, I will do what I can as an Incarnation of the sky, and as a Deity of the Underworld, to grant what you wish for.
Dialogue 1 | 「なにをぼさ~っとしているのです! あなたは我が同盟相手! であればファラオの盟友らしく、シャンとしてください」 | ||
Dialogue 2 | 「たとえ姿を変えようとも、私は私。あなたの同盟者でありますよ」 | ||
Dialogue 3 | 「この霊基は、魔力を消耗しやすいのでしょうか? それとも、メジェド様が魔力を吸い上げている……? 氷菓子を用意しなさい! いえ、私の喉が渇いてしまったのではなく、ファラオと神々への貢物として、必要なのです」 |
Does this Spirit Origin consume more magical energy? Or is the Great Medjed sucking up magical energy? Prepare me some iced confections.
I wonder if my mana gets exhausted more easily with this Saint Graph? Or perhaps, Medjed-sama is absorbing mana…..? Prepare a frozen dessert! No, it's not because I've become thirsty, it's necessary as a tribute to the Pharaoh and gods.
Dialogue 4 (Cleopatra) |
「ファ、ファラオ・クレオパトラ……すみません、貴方の物真似というわけではないのですが、つい戦い方を参考にしてしまい、え? 煌めきが足りない? それは具体的にはどのようにしたら、身につくものでしょうか?」 |
Ph-Ph-Pharaoh Cleopatra... My apologies...I was not trying to impersonate you, but I just used your fighting style as a reference...
Pha, Pharaoh Cleopatra…..I'm sorry, I'm not trying to imitate you but, I used your fighting style as a reference without realising... huh? There's not enough sparkles? What should I do specifically for that to appear on my body?
Dialogue 5 (Ozymandias) |
「オジマンディアス様!? こ、このような姿で、申し訳ありません! 直ぐに着替えてまいります、普段の霊基で……えっ? 『普段の装いも悪くないが、そのような衣もよく映えておるわ』……ですか? ありがとうございます、ファラオ……!」 |
Great Ozymandias! I-I apologize for appearing before you in this form...
Ozymandias-sama! I-I apologise for looking like this! I'll change back into my normal Saint Graph immediately…...Huh? "Your usual outfit isn't bad but, a garment like that is quite attractive as well"..... You say? Thank you very much, Pharaoh…..!
Dialogue 6 (Iskandar) |
「ひ、ひゃあっ!? ど、どうして私の背中を叩くのです、ファラオ・イスカンダル! ど、どうして顔を覗き込んで笑うのです!? ど、どうしてぇ~?」 | ||
Dialogue 7 (Gilgamesh or Gilgamesh (Caster)) |
「英雄王! ファラオ・オジマンディアスに頭も垂れず……貴方はいつも不敬極まりますっ! よいですか? 霊基が変わった私は、ちょっぴり強気になったのでこんなことも言えるのです! ……なんです、同盟相手。『遠すぎるから英雄王には聞こえないと思う』? それでよいのです。それで、よい、のです……」 |
King of Heroes! You are always such an abhorrently insolent man, never once bowing your head, not even to Pharaoh Ozymandias! Listen.
King of Heroes! You never lower your head for Pharaoh Ozymandias…...You are always extremely disrespectful! Do you understand? Since my Saint Graph changed, I've become a little bit more confident so I'm going to saying things like this!.....What is it, my ally. "I don't think the King of Heroes heard it because you're so far away"? It's fine like this. It's fine, like, this.....
Dialogue 8 (Tamamo Cat) |
「バ、バステト神までいらっしゃるのですか!? あ……いえ、違いましたね。バステト神がエプロン姿で調理をするなど聞いたこともありません。……ありません、よね? だって、もしそうなら、これまで天空神にかまけて調理から離れていたツケが! ああっ!」 |
Bastet is here, too!? ...Oh, it's not her.
Ba-Bastet is here as well!? Ah…..No, I made a mistake. Bastet cooking in an apron, I've never heard of such a thing…...I haven't, right? Because, if it's so, the reason that I fixated on Horus and gave up cooking until now! Aah!
Dialogue 9 (Scheherazade & True Name Revealed) |
「ああ、シェヘラザード。ご機嫌いかがですか? 貴方とは妙に気が合います。静かな夜、また物語を聴かせてください。……え? 今は忙しい? 『新しい保険を探している』……? ああもう、どれだけ心配性なんですか、貴方は……」 |
Ah, Scheherazade. How are you? You and I somehow get along well.
Aah, Scheherazade. How do you do? Strangely, I get along well with you. It's a quiet night, please tell me another story……Eh? You're busy right now? "Looking for a new form of protection"……? Ah, geez, just how much of a worrywart are you……
Something you Like | 「実のところ、水辺で泳ぐのは嫌いではありません。そう、ナイルのほとりでよく兄弟たちと……えっ? プール? 何を言っているのです! いつ、私がプールに行きたいなどと……!」 |
To be honest, I don't mind swimming. It brings back memories of me with my brothers by the Nile...
As a matter of fact, I don't hate swimming by the shore. Yes, I often swam in the banks of the Nile with my siblings…… What? Pool? What are you talking about! When did I say I want to go to the pool……!
Something you Hate | 「不敬はいけません。分かりますね? いけませんからね」 | ||
About the Holy Grail | 「聖杯などに、興味はありません。私の望みは私自身が果たさねば、意味を持ちませぬ。もしもこの手に得たとしても、すぐにオジマンディアス様に献上いたします!」 |
I have no interest in the Holy Grail. There is no point in what I wish for if I do not make it happen myself.
I have no interest in the Holy Grail. If I don't fulfill my wish myself, it would be meaningless. If I were to obtain it, I would present it to Ozymandias-sama immediately.
During an Event | 「さあ、参りましょう。祭事もたまには良いものです」 | ||
Birthday | 「なぜ貴方の誕生をこの私が祝わねばならないのです? ……と思いかけましたが、同盟相手であれば……そうですね。祝辞の一つも述べましょう。貴方に神々の祝福を。ファラオの言葉です、有り難く受け取りなさい」 |
Why should I celebrate the day of your birth? ...At least, that was my first thought, but as an alliance partner, I should at least offer you a congratulatory word or two.
Why must I celebrate your birthday?… That's what I recalled, but since you're my alliance partner… Let's see. I'll mention a congratulatory address. May you be blessed by the Gods. Those are a Pharaoh's words, be thankful for receiving them
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Occasion | Japanese | English | Audio |
Dead Heat Summer Race! | |||
Dialogue 1 | 不夜城のキャスター「あの…スピードの、出しすぎでは…」 ニトクリス「何を言うのですか、まだまだこんなものではありません!」 |
Caster of Storytelling: Um...do you not think you are...going too fast...? Nitocris: What are you talking about? This is nothing!
Scheherazade: 「Umm, aren't we going to fast…」
Nitocris (Assassin): 「What are you saying, we're just getting started!」 |
Dialogue 2 | ニトクリス「ここは堅実に進んでいきましょう」 不夜城のキャスター「急がば回れ…いい言葉です」 |
Nitocris: Let's take the safe path here! Caster of Storytelling: "Slow and steady wins the race" ...Such wonderful words.
Nitocris: Let's continue steadily Caster of the Nightless Castle: Haste makes waste… Good words |
Dialogue 3 | ニトクリス「いい調子です!我々の走りには、何の憂いもありませんね!」 不夜城のキャスター「スリップ、転倒、爆発四散…ああ、どの心配事から対処すればいいのでしょう」 |
Nitocris: We're on a roll! There is nothing to fear, the way we're going! Caster of Storytelling: Hydroplaning, overturning, getting blown to smithereens... Oh my...which problem should we address first...?
Nitocris: Good condition! There's no trouble in our race! Caster of the Nightless Castle: Slipping, turning over, a scattering explosion… Ah, from what worries should I deal with? |
Dialogue 4 | ニトクリス「もくもくもく…」 不夜城のキャスター「単純作業にのめり込んでしまうタイプの方なのでしょうか?」 |
Nitocris: (Fervor, fervor, fervor...) Caster of Storytelling: (I wonder if she is the type who gets really intense about simple tasks...?)
Nitocris: Rolling up rolling up… Caster of the Nightless Castle: Are you the type of person that gets absorbed in simple tasks? |
Dialogue 5 | ニトクリス「いいペースです!このまま掘り進めますよ」 不夜城のキャスター「落盤対策だけはしっかりと」 |
Nitocris: We're going at a steady pace. Let's keep digging! Caster of Storytelling: We just need to be mindful and prevent cave-ins...
Nitocris: Good pacing! Let's keep digging like this! Caster of the Nightless Castle: The measures for a cave-in have to stay securely |
Dialogue 6 | ニトクリス「さすがに、少し気が滅入ってきました。つまり、何が言いたいか分かりますね?」 不夜城のキャスター「ええ。それでは、気晴らしに物語の一つでも語らせていただきましょう」 |
Nitocris: I'm actually getting discouraged. Sooo...you know what I'm going to say next, right?
Nitocris: As expected, I feel a bit depressed. In other words, you know what this means? Caster of the Nightless Castle: Yes. Then, I'll let you hear one story as a distraction |
Dialogue 7 | ニトクリス「聞こえます!ファラオを讃える民の声が!勝って当然とはいえ、よい心がけです!」 不夜城のキャスター「勝って当然の者が勝ち、なおかつそれを人々が喜ぶのならば…ええ。それが王道の物語ということなのでしょうね」 |
Nitocris: I hear them! I hear the people cheering for the pharaohs! Even if my victory is assured, it's still nice to hear!
Nitocris: I can hear it! The voice of the people praising the Pharaoh! Obviously besides having won, this is a good attitude! Caster of the Nightless Castle: The natural winner wins, and furthermore, people rejoice about it… Yes. That is a story of royalty |
Dialogue 8 | ニトクリス「それ見たことですか!ファラオの伝説に、新たなる栄光が加わったのです!」 不夜城のキャスター「願わくば、それが幸福な大団円へと繋がっていますように」 |
Nitocris: There, you see!? A new glorious chapter has been added to the legend of the pharaohs!
Nitocris: Have you seen it?! A new glory has been added to the legends of Pharaohs! Caster of the Nightless Castle: If I were to wish, I'd want that to be tied to a happy ending |
Dialogue 9 | 不夜城のキャスター「やはりレースの極意は、安全第一です」 ニトクリス「実際に勝ってしまったのですから、無下に否定はできませんね。場面によるとは思うのですが…」 |
Caster of Storytelling: As I suspected, the key to winning a race is putting safety first. Nitocris: Since we did actually win, I guess I can't deny that it worked...
Nitocris: Since we actually won, I can't bluntly deny it. I think it depends on the scene… Caster of the Nightless Castle: No. Always full-power. We must prioritize safety at max, and full-power. Hooray for safety, safety is the best… |
Dialogue 10 | ニトクリス「見ませい、光です!正しきファラオの世の、新たなる夜明けとも言えましょう」 不夜城のキャスター「夜明けの光…ええ、それはいつ見てもほっとするものですね」 |
Nitocris: Shine forth, light! Sure we can call this the new dawn for the just and true age of the pharaoh! Caster of Storytelling: The light of dawn...
Nitocris: Look, light! You could say it's a new dawn in the world of a righteous Pharaoh. Caster of the Nightless Castle: The light of dawn… Yes, seeing it always relieves me |
Dialogue 11 | ニトクリス「穴掘りと埋葬は、だいたい同じものです。冥界の神の化身、埋葬マスターでもある私が負ける道理がありません」 不夜城のキャスター「落盤、酸欠、地下水の漏出…実際に埋葬されることがなくて幸いでした」 |
Nitocris: Digging and burying are basically the same thing. I am the incarnation of the god of the underworld and the master of burial! I could not possibly lose at this! Caster of Storytelling: Cave-ins, lack of oxygen, flooding underground...
Nitocris: Digging a hole and burials are about the same. As a representative of the god of the Underworld, there's no logic in me losing as a burial master. Caster of the Nightless Castle: Cave-in, suffocation, leakage of groundwater… I was happy not to be actually buried. |
Dialogue 12 | ニトクリス「はっ!話を聴くのに夢中になっていたら、いつの間にか掘り抜けていました。やりますね!」 不夜城のキャスター「お褒めにあずかり光栄です。それでは、続きはまたの機会に…」 |
Nitocris: (Gasp) ...! I was so intent on listening to your stories, I didn't realize we managed to dig through! We did great, didn't we!? Caster of Storytelling: I am humbled to receive such praise.
Nitocris: Hah! I was immersed in listening to your story, and kept digging unexpectedly. I can do that! Caster of the Nightless Castle: I'm honored to be praised. Then, I'll continue in another ocassion… |
Dialogue 13 | ニトクリス「ファラオの物語としては当然の結末ですが、ついに完全勝利です!」 不夜城のキャスター「死なずに最後のページまで辿り着けて、本当に良かったです」 |
Nitocris: Naturally, this was the only fitting end to this pharaoh's tale... but it's still great to finally come out on top! Caster of Storytelling: I am so glad we made it to the final page without dying.
Nitocris: It's the natural result for a Pharaoh's tale, but finally a perfect victory! Caster of the Nightless Castle: I'm really glad to have arrived until the last page without dying |
Dialogue Related Servants
The following Servants have related dialogues to this Servant (sorted alphabetically):
Translations were done by Reddit user Luna333. All credits to them.