Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Taniyama Kishō)
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「オレが鬼武蔵こと森長可だ!

I'm Mori Nagayoshi, also known as the Oni Musashi!

My class is Berserker, I think.
I won't hesitate to slice you up if you say anything petty, so keep that in mind!
...Hey, now. Don't fret. I'd never do anything cruel like kill my own Master.
Anyway, take good care of me, Master!

I'm the Oni Musashi, Mori Nagayoshi!

My class was Berserker, right.
If you say something stupid I'll cut you up immediately!
… Hey hey, relax.
I won't do something as cruel as killin' my Master.
Well, I'm countin' on ya, Master!

Level Up 1 「ヒャーッハッハッハッハ! いい気分だぜぇ!」

Hyahahahaha! This feels good!

Hyahahahaha! Feels good!

Level Up 2 「返り血浴びると生きてるって気がするよなぁ!」

Being soaked in my enemy's blood makes me feel alive!

Bathin' in spurted blood makes you feel alive!

Level Up 3 「ふぅー……一服すっかあ」

Phew. Let's take a break.

Fuuu… Let's have a sip…

1st Ascension 「よし、と……ふー、この鎧動きにくくてダルかったからなぁ。これで身軽になったぜ。ありがとよ、マスター。なんならこの鎧いるか?」

Okay, now.

Phew. This armor was hard to move in, and it was dragging me down.
Now I feel lighter. Thanks, Master.
Do you want the armor?

There… Oof! It was hard to move with this armor so I was feelin' dull, my body's now light. Thank you, Master. If you like it, should I go with this armor?

2nd Ascension 「んん? あんま変わんねぇな。ま、そういう事もあらぁな。地道に行こうぜマスター。国を治めるのも同じ事だからよ」

Hm? Nothing much has changed.

I guess things like that happen.
Let's take it easy, Master. The same goes for trying to govern a nation.

Hm? I didn't change much. Well, these things also happen. Let's go steadily, Master. Governin' a country is the same thing

3rd Ascension 「どうよマスター、この具足! コイツはガチの戦の時しか着ないんだぜ。……あ? 袴の模様? ああ、これ返り血な、返り血。拭いても拭いても、戦の度に付くからめんどくさくてそのまんまなのよ! ヒャハハハハハハハハ!!」

What do you think of this armor, Master?

I only wear it for super serious battles.
Hm? The pattern on my pants?
Oh, that's just blood. Splashes of it.
Blood keeps getting on me no matter how much I clean my armor, so I stopped caring. Uwahahahaha!

How's it, Master? This full-body armor. I only wear this in serious battles. Ah? The hakama's pattern? Ah, this is spurted blood, spurted blood. It was a pain that it got on me every time I went to war, so I left it like that. Fuhihahahahaha!

4th Ascension 「ヒャハハハハハ、面白ぇ! マスターといるとホンっト面白ぇなオイ! やっぱ戦はこうじゃねぇとな。行くぜぇマスター、オレに斬られねぇように気ぃ入れてついて来いやアアア!!」

Uhyahahahaha! This is interestin'!

Being with you, Master, is super interesting!
This is how battle should be. Let's go, Master!
Just be careful not to get in the way of my attacks and do your best to follow me!

Fuhahaha, how interestin'! Bein' with Master's really fun, hey! This is how war should be. Let's go Master! Do your best to follow me so you don't get cut down by me!

Battle Start 1 「ぃよっしゃあ! じゃあアレは十点、弱そうなのは三点、サーヴァントは百点でどうよ? マスター!」

Alright! Those guys are ten points, the weak ones are three, and Servants will be a hundred points! Whatcha think, Master!?

Alright! Okay, those are 10 points. The weaklings are 3 points. How about Servants are 100 points?

Battle Start 2 「ふぁあっははははは!! 根切り撫で切り皆殺しだぁ!」

Uwahahahaha! Exterminate, sweep 'em, and massacre 'em!

Fwahahahaha! Extermination, sweepin', and massacre!

Battle Start 3 「オレ様が天下御免の鬼武蔵、森長可よ! 一番手柄はいただきだぜぇ!」

I'm the legitimate Oni Musashi...Mori Nagayoshi! All the best exploits will be mine!

I'm the legitimate Oni Musashi. Mori Nagayoshi. I'll get the best achievements!

Battle Start 4 「おぉし! とりあえず手近なヤツからブッ殺していくとするかぁ」

Okay, guess I'll start killing the closest ones for starters.

Okay! For starters, how about we start killin' the closest guy?

Skill 1 「やれやれ」

Good grief.

Good grief

Skill 2 「おう! 任しときな、マスター!」

Leave it to me, Master!

Yeah! Leave it to me, Master

Skill 3 「おめぇら……皆殺しだぁ!!」

You guys...will be destroyed!

You… I'll murder you all!

Skill 4 「ひぃゃあはははははは!!」



Attack Selected 1 「オレに命令すんじゃねぇ!」

Don't give me orders!

Don't order me around!

Attack Selected 2 「よっしゃあ!」

All right!


Attack Selected 3 「いぃくぞオラァァ!」

Let's go, dammit!

C'mon, let's go!

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「あれが大将首か。よっし、ちょっくら刎ねてくるわ」

Is that the general? All right! I'm gonna decapitate 'em!

That's the general's head? Alright, let's behead it a bit

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「一人ずつきっちり息の根止めとかねえとなァ」

I'm gonna kill 'em. One by one.

I gotta choke the life out of'em one by one

Noble Phantasm Selected 3 「ハーッハハハハハァッ! 面白くなってきやがったぜぇっ!」

Uhaha! This is getting interesting!

Fuahahahaha! Things have become interestin'!

Noble Phantasm Selected 4 「さっすがオレのマスター! 殺り時わかってんじゃねえか!」

That's my Master. You know when to go for the kill!

As expected from my Master, you understand when you gotta do it

Attack 1 「オラオラァ!」

C'mon, c'mon!

C'mon c'mon!

Attack 2 「どうしたどうしたぁ!」

What's going on!?

What's wrong, what's wrong?!

Attack 3 「死ねやぁ!」



Attack 4 「ぅぜぇんだよぉ!」

You're annoying!

Yer annyoin'!

Attack 5 「ヒーーーハーーーーッッッ!!」



Attack 6 「よっとっ!」



Extra Attack 1 「コイツの前ではどんな鎧も紙屑同然よぉ!」

Armor is like tissue paper against this!

Any armor's as good as wastepaper against this one!

Extra Attack 2 「ィヤァァァハハハハハハッ!」



Extra Attack 3 「一切合切ブチ撒けろぉぉぉっ!!」

I'm pulling out all the stops!

I'm scatterin' any and everything!

Extra Attack 4 「ウロチョロするんじゃ──ねぇっ!」

Quit your...scampering!!!

Stop loiterin'… around!

Noble Phantasm 1 「おおおおお──ヒィイャッハアアアアーーッ!! どりゃ! おらぁ! 嗤え! 『人間無骨にんげんむこつ』!!」

Ooohhh! Hyahaaa!

Oryah! Hey! Smile!
Ningen Mukotsu!!!

Oooooo heeeehaaa! Orya! Ora! Ridicule! Boneless ManNingen Mukotsu!!

Noble Phantasm 2 「テメェ……オレのマスターにチョッカイ出すんじゃねぇよ。──くたばれ! 『人間無骨にんげんむこつ』!!」

Why you...! Keep your hands off my Master!

Ningen Mukotsu!!!

You bastard… Dontcha dare meddle with my Master… Go to hell! Boneless ManNingen Mukotsu!!

Noble Phantasm 3 「ぅぉおおおおおおおぉぉ……──嗤え、『人間無骨にんげんむこつ』!!」


Ningen Mukotsu!!!

Woooooo… Ridicule… Boneless ManNingen Mukotsu!!

Noble Phantasm 4 「なます斬りにしてやるぜぇ……。うおおおお嗤え! 『人間無骨』!!!」

I'll shred you to pieces!

Uwooooohhhh!!! Laugh, you!!!
Ningen Mukotsu!!!

I'll cut ya into fine strips… Uoooooo Ridicule! Boneless ManNingen Mukotsu!!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 1 「ブチ殺すぞテメエェッ!」

I'll kill you, bastard!!!

I'll kill ya, you bastard!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 2 「クッソがぁぁぁっ!!」

You piece of shit!!!


Regular Damage 1 「テメェッ!」

Why you!!!


Regular Damage 2 「チッ」



Defeated 1 「おうお前……。オレのマスターを……よろしく、頼むぜ……」

Hey you...take care...of my Master...

You… I leave my Master… to you…

Defeated 2 「なんだぁ、こりゃぁ……? あぁ、オレの血か……」

What the hell's this!? ...Oh, it's my blood.

The hell's this…? Ah, so it's my blood…

Defeated 3 「オレが死ぬのはどうでもいいが……マスターは死ぬんじゃねぇぞ……!」

It doesn't matter if I die, but don't you die, Master...

I don't care about me dyin'… But dontcha die, Master…

Defeated 4 「チッ……体が動かねぇ……。オレもヤキが回ったな……」

Tsk. Can't move my body. Guess I lost my edge...

Tch… Can't move my body… I've lost my touch too…

Battle Finish 1 「ケッ、下らねぇ! 戦場いくさばじゃ強いヤツが勝つだけなんだよ」

Keh! Rubbish! Only the strong ones win on the battlefield!

Kh! How lame! Only the strong ones win at war

Battle Finish 2 「よっしゃあ! 皆キッッチリ死んだな。マスター、茶にでもしようや」

All right! Everyone's dead! Master, let's have some tea!

Alright! Everyone's dead. Master, let's go for some tea

Battle Finish 3 「おいおいおいおいおい! この程度で死んだらツマンねえだろうが!」

Hey, hey! HEY! HEYHEYHEYHEY! Letting them die like that's no fun!

Hey hey hey hey hey! It'll be borin' if you die with this!

Battle Finish 4 「オレのマスターにチョッカイ出そうとはフテェ野郎だ。腹立つからも少し切っとくか」

They've got some nerve trying to pick on my Master. They're pissing me off, so I'll cut them to freakin' pieces!

What a shameless bastard, to be meddlin' with my Master… It pisses me off so should I cut you a bit more?

My Room
Bond Level 1 「あぁん? オレに指図するんじゃねぇよ。ブチ殺すぞ。……おおっ、マスターか! じゃあ腕一本くらいで勘弁してやらぁ!」


Don't give me orders. I'll kill ya.
Oh, it's you, Master. Well...then I guess I'll just take an arm or somethin'.

Huh? Don't give me orders, I'll kill you. Oho! It's you, Master. Then I'll letcha go with just one arm

Bond Level 2 「サーヴァントってのもまあまあ悪くねぇなあ。カルデア、だったか? ここ。面白ぇ奴に殺してぇ奴がわんさかいるしよぉ」

Being a Servant's not bad. And this place's called Chaldea?

There's a swarm of interesting guys I wanna kill.

Bein' a Servant's not that bad. Was it Chaldea, this place? There are swarms of fun guys and guys I wanna kill

Bond Level 3 「おうマスター。なんか用か? それより食堂の並びが長ぇからブチ殺して前開けようかと思ってんだか……おん? やめろって? ……んー……マスターが言うならそうすっかぁ」

Hey Master. What's up?

By the way, the line to the cafeteria's too long, so I'm thinking of killin' everyone ahead of me to get to the front...
Hm? Don't do that?
I guess if Master says so, I won't do it.

Oh Master! Want something? That aside, the line at the cafeteria's so long I thought about killin' to open the front… Ah? Stop it? Argh, if Master says it then I'll do that

Bond Level 4 「おっ! いたいた。マスター、ちょっくら茶の支度したからよ。これから一服どうだ? オレの秘蔵の茶碗見せてやるからよ。行こうぜ行こうぜ!」

There you are, Master.

I was just getting ready to have some tea. Want to take a break? I'll show you my treasured teacup.
Come on, let's go!

Oh! There you are, there you are. Master! I was makin' some tea, how about a sip? I'll show ya my treasured chawan, so let's go, let's go!

Bond Level 5 「マスターとも長ぇ付き合いだよなぁ……大殿に殿下と仕えてきたが、殿様といるのも悪くねぇぜ。いや、むしろ今までで一番面白ぇかもしれねぇな、ワハハハハハハハハ! ──気に入らねぇ奴らはいつでもオレが皆殺しにしてやっからよ、今後とも面白おかしく行こうぜ、マスター!」

We've been together for a while now, Master.

I've served under the Great Lord and you, my lord. But being with you ain't too shabby.
Actually, I think this is the most fun I've ever had! Uwahaha!
I can annihilate anyone you don't like anytime, so let's keep on having more fun, Master!

We've been together for a while now, Master. I've served under Ootono and Your Highness, but being with my lord ain't that bad. No, perhaps it's the one I've had more fun with till now! Fuhahahaha! I'll massacre any guys you don't like at any time, so let's have more fun from now on, Master

Dialogue 1 「血の匂いがすんなぁ……。コイツは高得点の予感がするぜ。行くぞぉマスター! 片っ端からブチ殺して、ハイスコアゲットだぜぇ!」

...I smell blood.

I'm gonna get a lot of points from this!
Let's go, Master!
Let's kill 'em one at a time to get a high score!

I smell blood… This is the hunch of a high score. Let's go Master! Let's kill'em one by one, and get that hi-score!

Dialogue 2 「マスターはオレの殿様。全身全霊を懸けて仕えるのが武士ってモンだろ。大丈夫大丈夫! オレは『返り忠』とか大っ嫌いだからよ。主君殺しとかホント、サーヴァントの風上にも置けねえよな!」

Master's my feudal lord. And devoting one's entire body and soul to a lord is what being a warrior's all about.

And don't fret. I hate traitors.
Killing their own Masters is an absolute disgrace as Servants, don'tcha think!?

Master's my feudal lord. Usin' and devotin' my body and soul is what warriors are all about. It's fine, it's fine, I really hate acts of betrayal. Killin' yer lord is really a disgrace for Servants!

Dialogue 3 「マスターは大事だぜ! 殿様やられたらおしまいだからな。……あ? 自分で殿様にはならないのかだと? ああ、オレってそういうのどうも苦手なんだよなぁ。信長様おおとの秀吉様でんかみたいにはいかねえわ。ま、難しい事はマスターに任せるからよ! オレは、好きにやらしてもらうわ」

Master's important. If the lord dies, everything's over.

Hm? How come I'm not a lord myself?
Ah. I'm not so good with that sort of thing. I'm no Great Lord, nor am I you.
Well, I'll leave all the complicated things to you, Master.
I'm just gonna keep doing what I want to do.

Master's important. If yer lord gets killed it's over. Ah? Why don't I become the lord? Ah, I'm not really good at that. I can't be like Ōtono or Your Highness. …So I'm leavin' the difficult stuff to Master. I'll do what I like

Dialogue 4
(Oda Nobunaga or Demon King Nobunaga)
「おお! 大殿じゃねぇか! また大殿の下で戦えるとか面白ぇ事になったなぁ! おっと、今は大殿じゃなくてマスターがオレの殿様だったか。おお? じゃあ大殿オレの敵じゃん。ヒャッハハハハハハハハ! 面白ぇ!」

Oh hey, it's the Great Lord!

To be able to fight under the Great Lord again is gonna be a hoot!
Oops. Master's my lord instead of you now.
Hm? Does that mean the Great Lord's my enemy?
Uwahahahaha! This really is interesting!

Oh! If it ain't Ōtono! It's gonna be fun to fight again under Ōtono! Whoops, now my lord ain't Ōtono, but Master… Huh? Then ain't she my enemy? Fuhahahahahaha! How interestin'!

Dialogue 5
「茶々様じゃねぇの! ご無沙汰! 殿下はどうした殿下は? ああ、いねぇのな。なんだ、大殿がいて殿下がいたらもっと面白ぇのにな! オレ、大殿と殿下がケンカしたらどっちが勝つのか気になってたんだよなぁ」

Hey, it's the great Chacha. It's been a while.

How's the lord, your husband?
Oh, he's not here? It would've been super funny if the Great Lord and your lord were here together.
I've always wondered who would win if the Great Lord and your lord got into a fight.

If it ain't Chacha-sama? It's been a while! How's Your Highness, Your Highness? Ah, he ain't here. It'd be funnier if Ōtono and Your Highness were here. I was interested in seein' who'd win between Ōtono and Your Highness

Dialogue 6
(Oda Nobunaga (Berserker))
「ふはは、ンだよ大殿ォ! そのカッコ!! 水着? それで泳ぐの!? ……え? 歌う? 舞台で!? ひぃゃーーーあーはっはっは!! なんだぁそりゃあっはっはっは!! ───侘びてんじゃねえか」

What the hell, Boss!? What's with that getup!?

A swimsuit? You swim in that? Eh? Sing? On a stage?
Uwahahahahahahahahahaha! What the hell!?
That's totally the opposite of wabi... Simplicity!

Dialogue 7
(Li Shuwen)
「おい! そこのジジイ! テメェどっかで──あ、いや気のせいか。槍持ってねえもんな……。なんか昔オメェに頭ブッ刺されたような気がしてよ。いやぁ悪ぃ悪ぃ。詫び代わりに茶でも点てるからよ」

Hey you. Old man. You look familiar...

No, never mind. You're not carrying a spear.
I just had this feeling I was once stabbed in the head by you.
Sorry. I'll make you some tea to apologize.

Hey! That geezer over there! Did I meet ya somewhere… Ah no, must be my imagination, you don't even have a spear… I somehow felt like you stabbed me in the head a long time ago… My bad my bad, let me make some tea as an apology

Dialogue 8
(Miyamoto Musashi or Miyamoto Musashi (Berserker))
「アンタ武蔵っての? へぇー、奇遇だな。オレも武蔵ってんだ。武蔵は武蔵でも『鬼』武蔵だがよ。自分で言うのもなんだけど、武蔵ってヤツ結構多いからこんがらがるよなぁ」

So you're Musashi?

What a coincidence, I'm called Musashi too. We might share the same name, but I'm Oni Musashi.
I hate to say this, but there's a lot of Musashis around, so we get all mixed up.

Yer Musashi? Eh, what a coincidence. I'm Musashi too. Musashi's Musashi but I'm Oni Musashi. Rich of me to say it, but there's quite a lot of Musashi so it's easy to get mixed up

Dialogue 9 「弟の蘭丸か? おお、成利は大殿のお気に入りだったからな。細かい事にも気が付きすぎるぐらい気が付くし、可愛い弟だったぜ。なんやかんやと、大殿の側で死ねたんだから、まあマシな死に方したよな。オレと違ってよ、ハッ!」

My younger brother Ranmaru?

Naritoshi was the Great Lord's favorite.
He was attentive to even the smallest details, and that made him a really endearing little brother.
Either way, he had the honor of dying by the Great Lord's side, so that's better than nothing.
Unlike me. Hahahaha!

My little brother Ranmaru? Yeah, Naritoshi was Ōtono's favorite. He was too attentive to minor stuff, but he was my cute little brother. He died at Ōtono's side for one reason or another, but well, that's a preferable way of dyin'. Not like me!

Dialogue 10 「明智ぃ!? ああ、あのインケンキンカン野郎か。返り忠とかホント、クソだよな! 武士の風上にも置けねえって! ──まあ、茶の湯の腕はまあまあだったけどよ」

Akechi? Oh, that knavish, treacherous bastard. His betrayal was real shitty...an absolute disgrace as a warrior!

Well, he was reasonably good at the tea ceremony.

Akechi? Ah, that treacherous and solemn bastard. Betrayal's really shitty, a disgrace for warriors! Well, he was decent at tea ceremonies, though

Dialogue 11
(Okita Sōji)
「沖田ぁ? ああ、あの小娘か。おめぇの剣、なーんか見覚えがあるんだよな。いや、こないだの戦の話じゃなくてよ。こう、心の臓がぶっ刺された感じっつうかよ」

Okita? Oh, that little girl.

I feel like I've seen that sword of yours. No, not in the battle we had recently.
You know, like the feeling of getting stabbed in the heart or something.

Okita? Ah, that li'l girl. I feel like I remember havin' seen yer sword. No, I don't mean at this war. It's more like, as if you stabbed me in the heart.

Dialogue 12
(Nagao Kagetora or Uesugi Kenshin)

The battle-brain from Echigo. That woman pisses me off, but I have to admit that she's strong.

Actually, I didn't know she was a woman.
Same goes for the Great Lord too, but I set hit points high for strong women.

Echigo's war idiot, huh. Tch, that woman really pisses me off but I gotta admit she really's strong. I mean, I didn't know she was a woman. Ah right right, it's the same with Ōtono, but strong women rise my defeat points.

Something you Like 「好きなものってぇとやっぱ茶の湯だろ茶の湯! やっぱ侘び寂びがわかんねえ武士は無粋だよなあ! そうそう、筆を執るのも好きだぜ。割と上手えんだよオレ。戦場とかでもよく書いてたしよ。なんなら、一筆したためてやろうか?」

What I like? Tea, of course! Tea!

Warriors who don't know a damn about wabi and sabi are just boorish!
Oh right, I like taking up the brush too. I'm actually pretty good.
I wrote often on the battlefield too. Want me to write a few lines right now?

Something I like's gotta be tea ceremonies, tea ceremonies! A warrior that doesn't know a damn about wabi-sabi's boorish! Right right, I also like writin' with a brush! I'm quite good. I wrote quite a lot at the battlefield. If you like it, how about I write some lines?

Something you Hate 「嫌いなこと? そうな……返り忠だけは許せねぇな。主君を裏切るなんてのは、武士としちゃ気合いが入ってねえ証拠だ。そういうヤツがいたらオレがブチ殺してやるから、すぐ言うんだぜ? マスター」

What I hate?

Let's see, I can't stand acts of betrayal.
Betraying one's lord is proof that someone didn't put their entire heart and soul into being warriors.
If there's anyone like that, I'll destroy them, so tell me, okay Master?

Something I hate? Let's see… Acts of betrayal are just unforgivable. Betrayin' yer lord is proof that you ain't willin' to follow the code of warriors. I'll kill the guys that do that so call me as soon as possible, Master

About the Holy Grail 「何でも願いが叶う聖杯? ほ~ん。で、どんな感じなんだ? その茶碗。ほお、金ぴかなのな。う~ん、殿下は好きそうだけどオレはパスだわ。これよお? 侘び寂びが足りてねぇんじゃねえの侘び寂びがよ。やっぱ茶の湯ってのは利休居士りきゅうこじだよな!」

A Holy Grail that grants any wish?

Huh. So what does that teacup look like?
Oh, so it's sparkling gold?
Hmmm. My lord might like that, but I'll pass.
I think that thing lacks both wabi and sabi. You know, wabi and sabi.
When it comes to tea, it's gotta be from the house of Rikyu!

A Holy Grail that can grant any wish? Ah, so how does it look, that chawan? Oh, so it's golden and sparky… Hm, it looks like something Your Highness would like, but I'll pass. This lacks wabi-sabi, wabi-sabi. If it's about tea ceremonies, it's gotta be like Rikyū Koji!

During an Event 「なんか面白ぇ事やってるみたいじゃねぇか? 茶会か? それとも根切りか? まあ、どっちでも面白い事に変わりはねぇよな! 行こうぜ、マスター! ハハハハハハハハ!」

Sounds like there's something fun going on.

A tea ceremony? An extermination? Whatever it is, they all sound fun!
Let's go, Master!

Looks like something fun's happenin'. Is it a tea party? Or perhaps an extermination? Well, whichever it is it'll still be fun! Let's go, Master! Fuhahahahaha!

Birthday 「おう、今日はマスター……つまり殿様の誕生日らしいじゃねえか。折角だしよ、茶会でも開いたらどうだ? 俺の名物もしこたま持ってくるからよ。そうだ、大殿の珠光小茄子も使おうぜ! あぁ? 怒られるぅ? 大丈夫だって! 大殿はそんなにみみっちくねえから! ヒャッハッハッハッハッハッハァ!! こいつぁ面白くなりそうだあ!」

Hey, I hear it's Master's—my lord's—birthday today.

Why don't we take this opportunity to hold a tea ceremony?
I'll bring some of my specialty wares too. I know! Let's use the Great Lord's prized Konasubi too!
Huh? We'll get scolded?
Don't worry! The Great Lord's not that stingy! Uwahahahaha!
This is getting exciting!

Ooh, today seems to be Master's, that is to say, My Lord's birthday. What a precious occasion, what do you think about us holding a tea ceremony? I will bring a lot of my specialty too, and you know what, I'm gonna use my master's Jukō Konasu[1] too. Hah? She will get angry? It's fine, my master is not that stingy, hahahahahaha! You just seem to get more and more interesting!


  1. Jukō Konasu is one of Oda Nobunaga's famed tea jar.

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