Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Sakura Ayane)


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「私はメイヴ。女王メイヴ!

I am Medb. Queen Medb!

Are you the mighty warrior, the one who will fight and die for me?

I am Medb. Queen Medb! Are you one of the wonderful warriors who fought for my sake?

Level Up 「うふふ! 私、どこまでも愛されてしまうのね!」


I guess I'm adored anywhere I go.

Ufufu… I'm loved wherever I go!

1st Ascension 「貴方の好みを反映させてみたのだけれど……どうかしら? ふぅん……貴方、こういうのがお好みなのね」

I changed to suit your tastes, do you like it?

I see, so this is the kind of thing you like♪

I've tried to reflect your tastes. How does it look? Hmm…? So this is how you like it, then?

2nd Ascension 「気持ちいい……こんな風に変わるのって、滅多に味わえない感じだわ」

It feels good...

It's not every day I get to change like this...

This feels amazing… it's not every day you get to experience something like this.

3rd Ascension 「目を逸らしてはダメよ。これが私、これが女王メイヴ。さあ、ご感想をどうぞ?」

Don't avert your gaze, this is who I am. Queen Medb.

Tell me what you think.

Don't turn your eyes away. This is me. This is Queen Medb. Well? Tell me what you think

4th Ascension 「素敵! こんなにも魔力が高まった事なんて、初めての事かもしれない。貴方のおかげね」


My magical energy runs high! This might be the first time I've experienced this, and it's all thanks to you.

This is wonderful! I don't think I've ever been filled with so much mana before. It's all thanks to you.

Battle Start 1 「愛しいみんな、私に力を貸してちょうだい!」

Lend me your strength, my beloved people!

All my beloved! Lend me your strengths!

Battle Start 2 「私の愛に相応しい勇士……ここにはいるかしら?」

I wonder if there's a knight worthy of my love here?

I wonder if there is a warrior here worthy of my love?

Skill 1 「私の身体は完璧よ。ほらっ、綺麗でしょ」

My body is perfect!

Just look at how pretty I am!

My body is perfect. Look, aren't I beautiful?

Skill 2 「私の声を聞きなさい」

Listen to my angelic voice.

Listen to my voice!

Attack Selected 1 「うふふふっ」



Attack Selected 2 「へぇっ、そうなの」

Wow, really?

Oh, is that so?

Attack Selected 3 「イイんじゃない」

I guess it's okay.

Why not?

Noble Phantasm Selected 「特別に……見せてあげる」

I'll show you, because you're special.

I'll give you a treat…

Attack 1
(Before Feb/05/2018)



Attack 1 「効かないわ!」

It's not working!

That won't work!

Attack 2
(Before Feb/05/2018)



Attack 2 「メイヴキーック!」

Medb kick!

Medb Kick!

Attack 3
(Before Feb/05/2018)

Wonderful, wonderful!

Wonderful! Wonderful!

Attack 3 「どう? どう!?」

How's that!? HUH!?

How is it? How is it?!

Attack 4 「うっふ!」



Attack 5 「あっはは!」



Attack 6 「素敵素敵!」

Wonderful, wonderful!

Wonderful! Wonderful!

Attack 7 「かしずきなさいな、ほら早くぅ!」

Come, serve me♪


Hurry up and serve me!

Attack 8 「逃さないわ!」

I'm not letting you get away!

No escape!

Extra Attack
(Before Feb/05/2018)

Come, serve me♪


Hurry up and serve me!

Extra Attack 「ほーら、逃げて逃げて!」

Come on, run...run!

Go on~, run away! Run away!

Noble Phantasm 「あらゆる力が私の力……人を総べる王権、人を虐げる鋼鉄、人を震わす恐怖! 『愛しき私の鉄戦車チャリオット・マイ・ラブ』!!」

All power is my power!

The authority of government,
The steel of oppression,
The terror of domination.
Chariot My Love!

Every force is my strength. Kingship to rule people. Steel that oppresses people. Fear trembling people!
"My Favorite Iron Chariot - Chariot My Love"

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「いやっ、こんなっ!」

No, please!

No…! How could you…!

Regular Damage 「ああんっ♡」



Defeated 1 「みんな、間に合わない、のね……」

I'm...not going to make it...

So no one… saved me…

Defeated 2 「私は女王なのにぃ~!」

B-but I'm a queen!

But I'm the queen…!

Battle Finish 1 「素敵な勇士、ここにはいないようね!」

I guess my white knight isn't here!

Looks like nobody here was right for me!

Battle Finish 2 「倒れてしまうなんて残念ね。そんな風じゃ、私の勇士にはなれないわ」

It's too bad you had to die.

There's no way you could be MY knight fighting like that!

Can't stay up already? That's disappointing. You can't fight for me like that.

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「うふ、可愛い顔で笑うのね、貴方。よくてよ、もーっと笑って見せて! いいわ。そういう顔もできるのね。うふふ」

Haha, you have a cute smile.

Please, let me see it again.
So you are capable of smiling after all...

Ufufu, that's quite a cute face you're making. Let me see more of your smile! Very well, I can make that kind of face too. Ufufu.

Bond Lvl 2 「私、嫌いな男がいるの。知っていて? アルスターのクー・フーリン。私のものにならない男。真の王。私は……」

Did you know that there's a guy that I hate?

Cú Chulainn of Ulster. I couldn't subdue him, he is a true king. I'm...

There is a man I hate. Do you know? He's Ulster's Cu Chulainn. The man who won't become mine. The true king. I...

Bond Lvl 3 「貴方の横顔……うん、ええ、やっぱり素敵! 私、あなたと二人きりでお話がしたいわ!」

Your face is wonderful from the side.

I would like to speak to you alone.

Your profile...yup, yup, how beautiful! I want to talk to you, just the two of us!

Bond Lvl 4 「私、たくさんの王とたくさんの勇士、たくさんの男を我がモノとしたわ。男はみんな、私が微笑むと恋に落ちるの。え? 私はどうか? さあね。恋に……どうかしら。私は……」

I made many kings, heroes, and men my own possessions.

All it takes is one smile and they fall in love with me.
What about me, you ask?
Hmm, I guess love is...

I made many kings and heroes mine. All of them fell in love with my smile. What about me? Well. Love...what is it like, I wonder. I...

Bond Lvl 5 「人は言うわ。恋多き女、女王メイヴ。でも、どうなのかしらね? 恋って何? 欲しいと思うこと? それでいいのなら、私は確かに恋多き女。でも……でも、本当に、私が得ていたものは。恋、だったのかしら?」

People call me "Queen Medb, the woman with many loves."

But I don't feel it's right, after all, what is love?
Is it something you desire? If so, then I have many.
But is love what I was really getting?

People say things about me. "The woman of many affairs", Queen Medb. But, I wonder why. What is love? Is it to want something? If that so, I have been in love many times. But...but, what I had, was it truly 'love'?

Dialogue 1 「いつまでそうして呆けているの? そんな顔も可愛いけれど、私、あなたの勇ましいところをもっと見たいわ!」

How long are you gonna be lazy?

Your lazy face is cute, but I want to see more of you being courageous.

Are you always going to be this befuddled? That face is also cute but, I want to see more of your bravery!

Dialogue 2 「マスター! ああ、なんということかしら。この私が誰かにかしづくだなんて。でもたまには面白いかもしれない。いいわ。ささやかな時間、私は貴方の鞭となりましょう」

Master! I can't believe I have to serve someone!

Although, I guess it could be interesting. Very well, I will serve as your whip for a short while.

"Master! Aah, what is this. For me to be attached to someone. But this might also be interesting. Very well. For a while, I'll become your whip.

Dialogue 3 「私を自分のモノにしようとした人間は山ほどいたけど、貴方はどうかしら? 私が欲しい?」

Many people have tried to make me their own, but how about you?

Do you want me?

I made many people my own but, what about you, I wonder? Do you want me?

Dialogue 4
(Cú Chulainn or Cú Chulainn (Caster) or Cú Chulainn (Alter))

Cú Chulainn. The man I could not subdue.

Even right now as he appears in front of me,
he still wouldn't become mine...

Cu Chulainn. The man who will not become mine. No matter how much time passes, he will appear in front of me. And then, he will definitely not become mine…"

Dialogue 5
(See the references[1])
「私ね、気前よく、嫉妬せず、恐れを知らない勇士が大好き! そういう勇士いるんでしょう? ここに召喚してくれないかしら?」

I love generous, fearless heroes who don't get jealous!

They do exist, right? Summon one for me right now!

I wholeheartedly, without jealousy, love fearless warriors! I wonder if such a warrior is here? After all, I was summoned here, was I not?

Something you Like 「私の好きなものはね、なんだと思う? 男、勇士、誰よりも強い人間。そういう誰かが私を求めよがるさまは最高よ。わかる?」

What do you think I like?

Men. Heroes. Those stronger than anyone.
To see someone like that lust over me is the best. Do you understand?

What I love? Men, warriors, people stronger than anyone else. The sort of person who I would pursue is the best. Do you understand?

Something you Hate 「私の嫌いなものは……私に寄り添おうとしないもの。例えばアルスターの……いいえ! なんでもないわ」

The things I hate...

I hate people who distance themselves from me. For example, Ulster's...never mind, it's nothing.

What I hate is…those who will not get close to me. For example, that Ulster…no, it's nothing.

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯? ダグザの大釜のことかしら? 全ての至宝は私のものよ。ならそれも、私のものでなくてはね?」

The Holy Grail? Do you mean Dagda's cauldron?

All treasure is mine. Then that's mine too, right?

Holy Grail? Is that Dagda's cauldron? All treasures are mine. Then, that's mine too, isn't it?

During an Event 「イベント? なら行きましょうか! 私がいなくては始まらないでしょう? 私は世界の中心で、私は人々の羨望の的。私が歩く先にだけ、世界はあるの!」

An event? Let's go.

It won't start without me, right? Being the center of the world, naturally I'm the target of envy.
This world only exists because I walk upon it.

Is there some event? Let's go, then! It can't possibly start without me, after all. I am the center of the world while all others can only look to me in envy. The world exists only where I walk!

Birthday 「貴方の生まれた日? へぇ~。なぁに? お祝いして欲しいのかしら? 私に? んふ、よろしくてよ。たっぷり、貴方をお祝いしてあげる。んふふ」

Your birthday?

You want to celebrate? With me? Very well. We will celebrate until we can't stand on our own feet!

Is it your birthday? Mmhmm…. what? You want me to congratulate you? Me? All right, then. We'll take a good, long time to celebrate…


  1. One of the following Servants:
    S072A1Icon S160A1Icon S187A1Icon S227A1Icon S343A1Icon S344A1Icon S396A1Icon S012A1Icon S077A1Icon S125A1Icon S207A1Icon S212A1Icon S248A1Icon S085A1Icon S022A1Icon S280A1Icon S313A1Icon S381A1Icon S108A1Icon S118A1Icon S115A1Icon S206A1Icon S277A1Icon S342A1Icon S366A1Icon S050A1Icon S051A1Icon S089A1Icon S382A1Icon


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Alluring Chief Warden Look 「普段とはガラリと違うお召し替えをしてみたわ。どーお? 似合っていて? 答えなくてもいいわ。だって……私、これが超似合うってわかってるんだもの!」

I changed into an outfit completely different than my usual style.

What do you think? Do I look good?
Oh, you don't need to answer, because...
I KNOW I totally look good in it!

I tried changing my clothes differently from usual. How is it? Does it suit me? You don't have to answer. After all, I know this suits me very well!

Battle Start 1 「罰を与えてあげる。存分に、たっぷりと」

I'll punish you. A lot! To my heart's content!

I'll give you punishment. Of course, a lot of it.

Battle Start 2 「私の愛に答えてくれる囚人、ここにはいるかしら?」

I wonder if there's a prisoner worthy of my love here?

I wonder if there is a prisoner here worthy of my love?

Skill 1 「ど・れ・に・し・よ・う・か・な?」

Which. Should. I. Choose?

Eeny, meeny, miny, moe.

Skill 2 「ご褒美になっちゃうかしら?」

This might become my reward.

I wonder if I would be rewarded...

Attack Selected 1 「ふ~ん?」



Attack Selected 2 「あら! 生意気ね」

Oh, how impertinent of you♪

Oh my! How cheeky!

Attack Selected 3 「ゾクゾクしてきた!」

You're getting me excited♪

I'm throbbing!

Noble Phantasm Selected 「しょうがないわね、もう」

Oh, I suppose♪

I guess it can't be helped!

Attack 7 「かしずいたって許さないわ。ほらほら!」

I still won't forgive you even if you beg! Come on now!

I will not forgive you! Come here, come here!

Extra Attack 「痛ぁ〜くするわよ?」

I'm going to make this painful!

Does this hurt?

Noble Phantasm 「あらゆる想いが私の力……人を狂わす愛情、人を惑わす恋情、人を壊す劣情! 『愛しき私の鉄戦車チャリオット・マイ・ラブ』!!」

All desires are my power!

Love that crazes,
Tenderness that befuddles,
Lust that destroys!
...Chariot My Love!

Every thought is my strength. The people's mad love. The people's misleading affairs. The people's destructive lust.
"My Favorite Iron Chariot - Chariot My Love"

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「何なのよぉ~~っ!」

What's the big idea!?

What was that?!

Regular Damage 「生意気!」

How impertinent!


Defeated 1 「悔しい、悔しい……!」

How mortifying...just mortifying!

Regrettable, how regrettable...!

Defeated 2 「脱獄、されちゃう……!」

They're going to...escape...

There's a... jailbreak!

Battle Finish 1 「はい、おしまい。どうかしら? もっとほしいの?」

Okay, all done. How was it? Want more?

Yes, it's over. How was it? Do you want more?

Battle Finish 2 「もっともっとたくましくなりなさいな。わかって?」

You need to be tougher. A lot tougher.

Got it?

Please be more and more aroused. Understand?

My Room
About Costume Dress 「こういう趣味は別になかったと思うのだけど、やってみると意外とイイものね。貴方もお揃いにしてあげましょうか? ええ、当然! 足枷の付いた囚人服にね! アッハハハハ!」

I didn't think this was my style, but now that I am dressed this way, I like it.

Shall I make one for you so we can match?
Oh, but of course! Yours will be a prisoner's uniform with shackles!

I didn't think I would have such a hobby, but it was surprising when I tried it. Would you like to try it with me too? Oh, of course! In these prisoner clothes with shackles! Ahhahahaha!


Disclaimer: Before adding Translations, Please leave a comment with source and proof of permission
Occasion Japanese English Audio
Hero My Love: My Dear Antagonist 「ふっふっふ。お召し替えね? せっかくだから当世風にまとめてみたわ。こういうのも悪くないわね。さぁて、どこへお出かけしようかしら!」

Hehehe, a costume change♪

I took this opportunity to be in something modern, and this isn't so bad.
Anyway, where shall we go?

Fufufu. A change of clothes, huh? Since I had the chance I decided on a modern style. This isn't half bad. Now then, how about we go somewhere outside?!

Battle Start 1 「気分がいいの。特別に、しっかりじっくり嬲ってあげる」

I'm in a good mood. As a special treat, I'll torture you. Slowly. Thoroughly.

I'm on a good mood. I'll take my time to properly fiddle with you.

Battle Start 2 「私の愛に耐えきれる勇士、ここにはいるかしら?」

I wonder if there's a knight worthy of my love here?

Is there a brave who can endure my love in this place?

Skill 1 「可愛い上に綺麗でしょう?」

Don't you think I'm cute and beautiful?

Cute and also beautiful, am I not?

Skill 2 「うふふっ、楽しい!」

Teeheehee, so fun♪

Ufufu, it's so fun!

Attack Selected 1 「へぇ、そう?」

Oh, is that so?♪

Eh, really?

Attack Selected 2 「乗ってあげるわ」

I'll get in the groove♪

I'll join the fun.

Attack Selected 3 「面白いんじゃなくて?」

Well wouldn't that be fun? ♪

Isn't it funny?

Noble Phantasm Selected 「そろそろ我慢の限界よ!」

I'm losing patience here♪

My patience is reaching its limit!

Attack 1 「えーいっ♡」



Attack 2 「メイヴキック~!」

Medb kick!

Medb Kick~!

Attack 3 「あははっ! どーお?」

Ahahaha, how was that?

Ahaha! How's this?

Attack 4 「それっ!」

Take that!


Attack 5 「きゃはは!」



Attack 6 「ああ、いいわぁ!」

Ah, so good!

Ah, nice!

Attack 7 「痛い? 痛い!?」

Did that hurt? Is it painful?

Does it hurt? Does it hurt?!

Attack 8 「素敵でしょ?」

Isn't it wonderful!?

Wonderful, isn't it?

Extra Attack 「死んじゃったら、ごめんなさい?」

I'm sorry if you die♪

Sorry if you die.

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「バカぁっ!」

You dummy...!


Regular Damage 「もうっ」

Oh, honestly!


Defeated 1 「クリーニング代寄越しなさいよ……!」

Give me some dry cleaning money...

Send me the cleaning fee…!

Defeated 2 「あっ、ヒール取れた!? どうしてくれるのよぉ!」

Ah! My heel broke! Look what you did...

Ah, they took my heels?! What am I supposed to do?!

Battle Finish 1 「ああスッキリした。この後空いてる? 何か飲まない?」

Ah, I feel much better now. Are you free after this? Want to go get drinks?

Ah, I'm refreshed. Are you free later? Want to go for a drink?

Battle Finish 2 「そんなのじゃクーちゃんの足元にも及ばないわ。だから、生まれ直して来なさいな」

In your current state, you're no match for my Cú. Come back when you've reincarnated as someone better.

You won't reach even Cú-chan's feet like that. So, come back when you're reborn.

My Room
About Costume Dress 「なぁに? あぁ、この霊衣を着た私が綺麗って? うふふ、当然のことをわざわざ言わなくても良くてよ。そもそも私、そんなに着飾ったつもりもなくて……まぁでも、そうね。ありがと!」

Yes? Oh, you say that I look beautiful in this Spiritron Dress?

Hehe. You don't need to state the obvious. Besides, I don't consider this outfit to be anything fancy...
But you know what? You're right. Thanks♪

Whaaat? Aah, you say that I'm pretty with this Costume Dress? Ufufu, you don't have to go out of your way to state the obvious. I didn't intend to dress up like this in the first place… But well, right. Thank you!

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