Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Taneda Risa)


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「浜辺は好きよ。大好き!

あら? 頭にカニさんが乗ってるわ。

I like beaches, I really do!

I hope you and everyone can enjoy it, too!
-Vive La France!
Oh? There's a crab sitting on my head.
Hehehe, How are you, Mr. Crab?

I like the beach. I really like it! All of you are surely enjoying it, right? Vive la France! Oh? There's a crab riding on my head. Hehe, how are you, Mr. Crab?

Level Up 「あら? 楽しんでいただけなのによろしいの?」

Oh? I was just enjoying myself. Is that fine?

Oh, I was just enjoying myself, is that fine?

1st Ascension 「似合うかしら? ありがとう。うふふ。私もお気に入りの服なのよ」

Does this suit me?

Thank you. Hehe, I really like this outfit too.

Does this look good on me? Thank you. Ehehehe. These are my favourite clothes.

2nd Ascension 「涼しいところに行きましょう」

Shall we go somewhere cool?

Let's go somewhere cooler.

3rd Ascension 「涼しくて好きよ。こんなに軽やかな服、初めて着るわ。……ふふ、この体で本当に良かった。あと何年かしたら、きっと納まりきらないものね」

I love that it's so airy♪

I've never worn anything so light and easy before♪
Hehe, good thing I have this body... There's no way this will fit in a few years.

I like it when it's cool. This is the first time I'm wearing such airy clothes. ...hehe, thankfully it was this body. After a few years I'm sure it wouldn't fit.

4th Ascension 「たまのバカンスだもの。羽根を伸ばさなくちゃいけないわ。あぁ、良い気持ち。──どう? あなたもくつろげていて?」

It's not everyday we go on vacances. I've got to stretch my wings. Ahhh, this feels so nice...

Well? You should take it easy too.

It's a rare vacation. You should spread your wings a bit. Ah~ it feels good. How is it? Will you not relax too?

Battle Start 1 「よろしくて? ええ、いつだってヴィヴ・ラ・フランス!」

Are you ready?

Of course, Vive La France forever!

Shall we? Yes, as always――Vive la France!

Battle Start 2 「ビーチボールというのでしょう? 楽しいわ、貴方ももっと楽しんで!」

So this is called a beach ball?

This is fun. You should have more fun too♪

Did someone say beach ball? It's fun, do you enjoy it too?

Skill 1 「楽しくしましょうね!」

Let's make this fun!

Let's have fun.

Skill 2 「キラキラキラキラ、煌めいて!」

Sparkle, sparkle, shine♪

Sparkling, sparkling. It's sparkling!

Attack Selected 1 「はぁい」



Attack Selected 2 「ええ、ええ!」

Sure, sure!

Yes, Yes~

Attack Selected 3 「それって素敵だわ!」

That is absolutely wonderful.

That's really wonderful

Noble Phantasm Selected 「それじゃ、よろしくて?」

Well then, are you ready?

Well then, shall we?

Attack 1 「そぉれっ」

Take this♪


Attack 2 「ええいっ」



Attack 3 「うふふっ」



Extra Attack 「ほら、うけとめてね!」

Hey, catch♪

Here, catch this~

Noble Phantasm 「せっかくだもの、キラキラしたいわ、おもいっきり! 『愛すべき輝きは永遠にクリスタル・ドレス』! みんな大好きよー!」

Now's my chance!

I want to sparkle!
I am going to go all out!
Crystal Dress!
I love you all!

Since I am here, I want to sparkle. All of a sudden! ―― Crystal Dress! I love everyone!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「そんな……」


No way!

Regular Damage 「ひぁっ!?」



Defeated 1 「私、少しばててしまったみたい……」


I think I'm kind of worn out...

It... seems I got a little bad...

Defeated 2 「ごめんなさい……休憩、させて下さる……?」

I'm sorry...

May I take a break...?

Sorry... can I please take a break?

Battle Finish 1 「楽しかったわ、お疲れ様! ヴィヴ・ラ・フランス!」

That was entertaining♪

Good work. Vive La France!

That was fun! Great work! Vive la France!

Battle Finish 2 「ちょっと汗をかいてしまったの。涼しいところで一休みしましょう?」

I have become a little sweaty.

Let us find a cool spot to rest.

I got a little sweaty. Shall we take a rest at a cool place?

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「夏は好きよ。夏の海も、夏の空も、とっても綺麗!」

I love summer.

The summer sea, the summer sky. They're so lovely.

I like summer. The summer sea, and the summer sky, it's all so beautiful!

Bond Lvl 2 「貴方も涼しい格好に着替えたらいかが? ほら、私のカニさんを貴方の頭に乗せてあげる。ふふっ、可愛い!」

Why don't you change into something a bit cooler?

Here, I shall even put my Mr. Crab on your head. Hehe, how cute.

Will you not change into a lighter outfit? Here, I'll let my Mr. Crab ride on your head. Ehehe~ how cute!

Bond Lvl 3 「この服、あなたの時代のものでしょう? 女の子たちはみんなこういうものを着ているの? どうかしら。わたしも似合っていて?」

These clothes are from your era, aren't they?

Do all girls wear outfits like these?
I wonder, does this outfit suit me too?

These clothes are from your time, aren't they? All the girls are wearing things like these, right? How is it? Does it look good on me?

Bond Lvl 4 「普段のドレスも、これにしてしまおうかしら。だってすごしやすいんですもの。あなたは賛成? 反対?」

Perhaps I'll start wearing this all the time.

I mean, it is quite comfortable.
What do you think? Yes? No?

I wonder if I should wear this as my usual dress instead. That's because this is very comfortable. Are you for it? Against it?

Bond Lvl 5 「楽しい時間はほんのひと時。キラキラ、キラキラ輝くけれど、いつもどこかへ消えてしまう……。でもいいの。明くる朝に日は昇り、次の春に花は咲く。またいつか、きっと楽しみましょうね、マスター」

Fun moments last for but a moment.

They sparkle and shine, yet always vanish. But that's alright. On the morrow, the sun rises, and the next spring, flowers will bloom.
Someday I'm sure we'll have fun again, Master.

Fun times are but a moment. Even though it glitters and sparkles, it will vanish somewhere, someday... but that's okay. On the morrow, when the flowers bloom next in spring... some day we'll surely have fun together again, Master.

Dialogue 1 「遊びに行くの? 私も御一緒してよろしくて?」

You're going out to play?

May I go with you?

Going out to play? May I be allowed to accompany you?

Dialogue 2 「ねえマスター? エスコートして下さる?」

Hey, Master?

Would you be so kind as to escort me?

Hey, Master? Could you escort me?

Dialogue 3 「貴方といると楽しいわ。ウフフ♪ 今日は何処へ行くのかしら」

You certainly are enjoyable to be around♪

Hehe, I wonder where we will go today?

It's fun when you're around. Ehehe♪ Where shall we go today~

Dialogue 4
(Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart & Reach 3rd Ascension)
「あら? あらぁ? アマデウス、どうしたの? 顔色が……」

Hm? Huh?

Amadeus, what's the matter? You look pale...

Ara? Arara? Amadeus, what's wrong? Your complexion is...

Dialogue 5
(Charles-Henri Sanson & Reach 3rd Ascension)

Sanson was here just now...

But he wandered off muttering something.
I wonder why?

Sanson was there just now, but... mumbling something, he quickly went off somewhere. I wonder what's wrong?

Dialogue 6
(Chevalier d'Eon & Reach 3rd Ascension)
「ねぇデオン、あなたもこの服を着てみない? え? 命令とあらば……そんなにかしこまることなの?」

Hey, d'Eon, why don't you try on this outfit too?

Only if you're ordered to?
Is it really that big of a deal?

Hey~ d'Eon! Won't you also try on this outfit? Hmm? If it's an order... is it such a formal matter?

Dialogue 7 「泳ぐのってやっぱり大好き! だって、大きな大きなバスタブのようなんですもの!」

I really do adore swimming!

I mean, it's like being in a great big bathtub.

I really like swimming after all! That's because it's like a big, big bathtub!

Something you Like 「ビーチバレーというのでしょう? 私、すっかり好きになってしまったの!」

This is called beach volleyball, isn't it?

I completely fell in love with it♪

Beach volleyball, right? I completely fell in love with it!

Something you Hate 「強すぎる日差しはちょっと苦手……。クラクラしてしまうの」

I don't fare very well in intense sunlight.

I get lightheaded.

I'm not too good when the sun's too strong. It makes me a bit dizzy.

About the Holy Grail 「バカンスは楽しいわ。時には大変なこともあるけれど、やっぱり楽しい! 聖杯があれこれするのは良くないけれど、バカンスをくれるなら、たまには…」

Vacances can be so fun. There may be occasional bumps in the road, but it really is enjoyable. It's a bit of a problem to worry about the Holy Grail, but if we can take a holiday, I suppose using it on occasion would be fine.

The vacation is fun. Though there's some troubles from time to time, it's still really fun! Though it's not good to be using the Holy Grail for this and that, but if a vacation is forthcoming, then once in a while...

During an Event 「じっとしていたらもったいないわ! ほら、貴方も!」

It's a waste to just sit around here.

Come! You too!

It's a waste to be standing around! Come, you too!

Birthday 「お誕生日なのでしょう? ならパーティーをしなくちゃ! とびきり楽しいパーティーを! 楽団なら任せてちょうだい! 心当たりがあるの!」

Today's your birthday, isn't it?

Then we must have a party, the most amazingly fun party!
Leave the music to me, I have an idea.

It's your birthday isn't it? Then we need to have party. Exciting and fun party! If you need music don't worry, I have someone in mind that fits the job


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
FGO 2016 Summer Event
Dialogue 1 「うふふ、カニさんも喜んでいるわ」

Hehe, Mr. Crab likes it too.

Ufufu, Mr. Crab is pleased too.

Dialogue 2 「何だか、懐かしい気がするの」

This feels somehow nostalgic...

Somehow, I feel nostalgic.

Dialogue 3 「無人島でも、いいわよね? ヴィヴ・ラ・フラーンス!」

Even a deserted island is good, right?

Vive La France!

Is it still okay on a deserted island? Vive la France!

Dialogue 4 「ありがとう! とっても素敵ね!」

Thank you! It's just lovely, isn't it?

Thank you! It's really pretty!

Dialogue 5 「新しいものは好きよ。どんどん賑やかにしましょう!」

I love new things.

Let's make it even more lively!

I like the new one. Let's make it more lively!

Dialogue 6 「あなたと一緒にお散歩できる所が、また増えたわね!」

Now there are even more places for us to stroll around together.

The places were I can spend time walking with you has increased again!

DialogueIcon Dialogue Related Servants

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Translation done by user of reddit Taiboo All credit to him/her
