Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Sakamoto Maaya)


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「サーヴァント・ライダー。

Servant, Rider.

A lot happened, and now I'm the second generation Da Vinci!
I might not be as reliable as my former self, but use me magnificently, Master!

Servant, Rider.

There was this and that, so I became the second Da Vinci-chan.
I may not be as reliable as the previous me,
but make a beautiful use of me, Master-kun

Level Up 「霊基の成長……! なるほど、こんな感じなのか。うん、素晴らしいね!」

The Spirit Origin maturing...so this is how it feels.

Yep, it's wonderful!

The Saint Graph's growth! I see, so this is how it feels! Un, wonderful!

1st Ascension 「じゃじゃーん、ダ・ヴィンチちゃん第二形態。何を着ても美しさが変わらない。さすが私。どうかなマスターくん、お気に召してくれたかい?」

Ta-da! Da Vinci's second form!

No matter what I wear, my beauty doesn't change! I never fail to impress!
What do you think, Master? Like it?

Ta-da! Da Vinci-chan, second form! No matter what I wear my beauty doesn't change, as expected from me! How is it, Master-kun? Do you like it?

2nd Ascension 「マスターくんが私を必要としてくれる。それはとても嬉しいことだ。あまりそういうのは慣れてないけど、期待には応えよう。それが天才というものだからね。よーし、頑張ろう!」

The fact that Master needs me makes me happy.

It's something...I'm not used to it, but I hope I can live up to your expectations.
That's what's being a genius is about.
Okay, I'm going to work hard!

Master-kun needs me. That's a very happy thing. I'm not very used to it, but I'll meet your expectations. That's what being a genius is about. Okay, I'll do my best!

3rd Ascension 「こういうのもお好きかな、と思って着替えてみたよ。どう? 相変わらずキュート? 可憐さに磨きのかかったダ・ヴィンチちゃんに乞うご期待さ!」

I changed into this thinking this was something you'd like!

What do you think? Cute as always?
Keep on having high hopes for this Da Vinci, who's upped her sophistication!

I thought you'd like this too so I tried changing. How's it? Cute as always? For the polished with splendor Da Vinci-chan, this is what you should expect

4th Ascension 「我が叡智、我が万能、ここに極まれり。……なんちゃって。ここまで来られたのも君のおかげだ。本当にありがとう。他人との共闘がここまで私の糧になるとは知らなかった。いつか終わる旅だとしても、今はこの喜びを噛みしめよう。えへ、ということで、これからもよろしくね」

My intellect, my universal nature...reaches its extreme!

...Just kidding♪
I was able to reach this point all thanks to you. Thanks so much.
I never knew that combat against others would be like nourishment to better myself.
Even if this is a journey that will end someday, I'm going to relish it for now.
Ahem... So keep on taking care of me!

My knowledge, my universality, have reached the limit! Just kidding. To come here is due to you. Thank you very much. I didn't know that the united struggle with others would become my source of encouragement to this point. Someday, even if the journey ends, I'll think on this joy. Hehe. With that said, I'll be counting on you from now on

Battle Start 1 「ダ・ヴィンチちゃん参上! 今日も元気に始めちゃおう」

Da Vinci's here! Let's start this up energetically as always!

Da Vinci-chan has arrived! Let's start today with energy too!

Battle Start 2 「戦闘かい? 期待に応えられるといいな」

Battle? I hope I can live up to your expectations!

Battle? It'd be nice if I can meet your expectations

Skill 1 「黄金律にも種類があるのさ」

There are variations to the Golden Rule☆

Even the golden rule has its categories

Skill 2 「うん、このアングル、バッチリ!」

That's the angle! Perfect!

Yes, this angle is perfect!

Skill 3 「ああ、とても楽しかったとも──」

Yeah, that was really fun.

Yeah, it was very fun

Skill 4 「キラキラしてる!」

It's all sparkly!

I'll sparkle!

Attack Selected 1 「ふむふむ」


Hum hum

Attack Selected 2 「オッケー」



Attack Selected 3 「まっかせて」

Leave it to me!

Leave it to me!

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「発進準備、完了だ! 早く早く!」

Startup, complete! Hurry, hurry!

Preparations for launch, complete. Hurry, hurry!

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「私の宝具、見たいのかい?」

Do you want to see my Noble Phantasm?

Do you want to see my Noble Phantasm?

Attack 1 「いっくよー」

I'm gonna do it!

Here I go!

Attack 2 「せーの!」



Attack 3 「降り注ぎまーす!」

I'm going to strike!

Pouring do~wn!

Attack 4 「頭上注意! 気を付けたまえ!」

Watch your head. Be careful!

Overhead caution, watch out!

Attack 5 「芸術とは輝くものさ!」

Art is something that shines!

Arts are about shining!

Attack 6 「レオナルドツインパーンチ!」

Leonardo, twin punch!

Leonardo Twin Punch!

Extra Attack 1 「狙いを定めて~、発射!」

Taking aim... Fire!

Set the aim~, launch!

Extra Attack 2 「いくよー! 撃て撃てー!」

Let's go! Shoot, shoot!

Let's go! Shoot, shoot!

Noble Phantasm 1 「どんな嵐であろうとも! どんな未来が待とうとも! これを突破するのが、私たちの課題なのさ! ──Buon viaggioヴォン・ヴィアジョ♪ また会おう、諸君!」

No matter what kind of storm it is!

No matter what kind of future awaits!
Our task is to breakthrough all those!
Buon viaggio!
Let's meet again, folks!

No matter what storm there is, no matter what future awaits us, breaking through this is our task! Buon viaggio! See you again, ladies and gentlemen!



Noble Phantasm 2 「そう、キミたちはあらゆる困難を乗り越える。その証左を今示そう! 『境界を超えるものビューティフル・ジャーニー』! ──さあ。行けるトコまで、行ってみよう!!」

That's right...you'll overcome any obstacle in your path!

Let me present you with the evidence!
Beautiful Journey!
Now let's go as far as we can!

Yes! You overcome any difficulties. Let's show the proof of it now! The One Beyond The BorderBeautiful Journey!! Now, let's go to where we have to go!

Noble Phantasm 3 「駆け抜けるは前人未到。未完の馬よ、輝ける轍を残せ! ───ああ、人生はとても楽しい。『境界を超えるものビューティフル・ジャーニー』!」

We will charge through uncharted territory.

O unfinished horse, leave a dazzling path and legacy behind!
Ah, life is so fun...!
Beautiful Journey!

Running through the unexplored, O' incomplete horse, leave shining tracks! Ah, life's very fun. The One Beyond The BorderBeautiful Journey!!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「痛い痛いー!」

Ow, yeowch!

It hurts, it hurts!

Regular Damage 「うぅっ」



Defeated 1 「ごめんなさい。失敗しちゃった」

Sorry, I messed up.

I'm sorry, I failed

Defeated 2 「残念。前の私のようにはいかないか……」

What a shame. I guess I can't be like my former self...

What a pity, it's no good if it's not the previous me…

Battle Finish 1 「どう? これが最新の戦いさ。ふふん、羨ましい?」

Look, this is how cutting-edge battles are done. Heh, jealous?

How's it? This is the latest in battle. Fufun, jealous?

Battle Finish 2 「小さくてもやる時はやるものさ。人間ってそういうものだろ?」

I may be small, but I still do what needs to be done. Isn't that how humans are?

Even if I'm little, when I have to do something, I'll do it. That's how humans are

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「マスターくんのことは、知識としては持っているけど、実際に話すようになってまだ間もない。だから、もっといろんなことを教えてほしいな」

I do have knowledge of who you are, Master, but it hasn't been that long since I've had the opportunity to chat.

That's why I want you to teach me lots of things.

I have knowledge about Master-kun, but I've just become able to actually speak. Therefore, I want you to teach me more different things

Bond Lvl 2 「小さくなって不便はないのか、だって? まあ、オリジナルの私に比べると万能さは少しは減っているけど……子供だと、棚の上に手が届かないでしょ? それくらいの差だよ」

Do I have any problems being small, you ask?

Well, it's true that my greatness may have diminished a bit compared to the original me...
But the inconvenience is more like a child who can't reach tall things. That's about all that's different.

If it isn't inconvenient to become smaller? Well, compared to the original me, my universality has been a bit reduced, but… Kids can't reach the top of shelves, right? That's about the difference

Bond Lvl 3 「いつも忙しそう? そりゃね。私がやらないといけない事は沢山あるし。でも、全然それは辛い事じゃないんだよ。どんなことをしていても、そこから得られるものがある。私は、それがとても嬉しいんだ」

I always look busy?

Well there are so many things I need to do.
But that's not agonizing at all.
No matter what I do, there will always be something that is gained from it.
That always makes me happy.

I always look busy? Well, that's because there are many things I have to do. But it isn't hard at all. No matter what you do, there's something you can get. That makes me very happy

Bond Lvl 4 「マスターくんと一緒に過ごす時間は、とても有意義だ。でも、私は貪欲だからね。もっともっと知識を得たいと思っている。今までありがとう。そして、これからもよろしくね!」

Time spent with you, Master, is always meaningful.

But I'm greedy. I want to gain more and more knowledge.
Thank you for everything you've done. And keep on looking after me.

The time spent together with Master-kun is very meaningful. But I'm greedy. I think I want to get more and more knowledge. Thank you for everything until now, and from now on, I'll count on you

Bond Lvl 5 「私はね、オリジナルの私の経験は、記憶として持ってはいるけど、それは私が経験したことじゃない。だから、その記憶に負けないよう、多くの冒険を超えて行きたい。もっともーっといろんなことをして、色んな話を知りたいんだ。だってそれが、私がいた意味なのだから。その積み重ねに、君がいることをとても誇りに思うよ、マスター」

I may have the original me's experiences and memories, but none of those are my experiences.

That's why I want to go on tons of adventures so that I wouldn't be dwarfed by those other memories.
I want to do more and more things and learn a lot from stories. because that's my purpose.
And I am proud to know that you are here among all the things I accumulated, Master.

I have the experiences of the original as memories, but that's not something I experienced. That's why, in order not to lose to those experiences, I want to go over many adventures. I want to do more and more things, and know about different topics. Because that's the meaning of me being here. In addition to that, I feel very proud of you being here, Master

Dialogue 1 「次に行く所にはどんな出会いがあるんだろうねー。楽しみだなぁ」

I wonder what kind of encounters we'll have wherever we go?

I can't wait♪

What kind of encounter will we have in the next place we go? I'm looking forwards to it!

Dialogue 1
(Clear S I N)

Looks like Goredolf's starting to loosen up.

I knew he was a good guy from the get-go, and I'd want him to maintain that shameless and frank demeanor until the end.

Goldolf-kun seems to have relaxed little by little too. I knew from the beginning that he was a good man, but I want you to show him that boldness until the end

Dialogue 2 「マスターとサーヴァントの関係、は正直よく分からないんだよね。私は他のサーヴァントとは違うから。でも、マスターくんの頼みなら喜んで応えよう」

The Master and Servant relationship is, to be honest, something I don't understand.

It's because I'm different than the other Servants.
But if you have a request, Master, I'll readily accept!

To be honest, I don't understand well the relation between Master and Servant. Because I'm different to the other Servants. But, if it's a favor from Master-kun, I'll gladly respond

Dialogue 3 「主従関係、とは違うかもだけど、私は色々と学ばせてもらっている立場だと思ってる。マスターくんには特にね」

I'm not sure if this is a Master and Servant relationship, but I do feel I'm in a position where I learn a lot.

Especially from you, Master.

It may be different from a master-servant relation, but I think I'm in the position of being learning about many things. Specially from Master-kun

Dialogue 4 「かつての私はマシュを教え子のように思っていたかもだけど、今の私にとってマシュは肉親に近い。可愛い妹かなー、素敵なお姉さんかなー。どっちにしろ、彼女の道標になれるよう頑張ろっか」

The former me might have thought of Mash as a student, but Mash is like family to me.

Is she a cute younger sister? Maybe a wonderful older sister?
Either way, I'm going to keep working hard so I can be a guide for her!

The past me thought of Mash like an apprentice, but for the current me Mash is close to a blood relative. A cute little sister? A wonderful big sister? Whichever it is, in order to become a guide to her, I'll work hard

Dialogue 5
(Sherlock Holmes)

I know there's nothing we can do because he's a detective, but Holmes's secretive nature can sometimes be a headache.

I'm the type who won't be satisfied until I do everything that pops in my head.
He's the sort who won't be satisfied unless a mystery is solved.
We may be cut from the same cloth, but we are fundamentally different.
But that is my personal opinion, and that can also be read as a sign of respect and reverence towards him as well.

It can't be helped because he's a renowned detective, but Holmes's secrecy is problematic. I have the character of not being satisfied if I don't realize everything I come up with. He has the nature of not being satisfied if he doesn't reveal mysteries. They may look like similar things but the foundations are different. But, in my personal opinion, I respect him, and love him

Dialogue 6
(Leonardo Da Vinci)
「おお……なんという奇跡! あれこそ完成された美だ! ……ってなーんだ、私の元ネタじゃないか。そりゃ可愛いに決まってる。でも、ふふーん、私はバージョン2だからね。成人モデルとなれば私の方が上の筈さ、きっと」

Ah...what miraculous and perfect form of beauty...!

Oh, that's just my original.
Of course she would be cute!
But...hehe...I'm the second version!
Once I become a full-grown model, I'll best her. Probably!

Oh! What a miracle! That's a perfected beauty! Eh what, if it isn't my original? No doubt she's cute. But, fufun, I'm the version 2, after all. If it's about a model in the prime of life, I'm above her, for sure

Dialogue 7
「電脳世界の知的生命体? それって、要は新人類ってことでしょ? なるほどなー、そっちの世界だと、こっちより早く人類は次の世代にバトンタッチするんだね。でも、その管理サイドのAIが君なわけでしょ? 人類危なくない?」

Intelligent life-form in the cyber world... Doesn't that mean they're new humanity?

I see...in that world, the older generation is able to pass the baton to the new generation faster than in this world.
But you're the AI who manages everything, right?
Isn't humanity in danger?

An intelligent lifeform of a cybernetic world? That's basically a new humanity, right? I see, that world passed the baton to the next generation faster than this one. But is that AI on the management side apt? Isn't humanity in danger?

Something you Like 「カルデアのみんなの事は大好きだとも。これから沢山の思い出を作っていくんだからね」

I love everyone in Chaldea.

And I'm going to keep on making lots of memories.

I love everyone at Chaldea! Because from now on, we'll be making lots of memories

Something you Hate 「どんなものでも今の私に知識を与えてくれる。だから、嫌いだと思うものは特にはないかなぁ」

Everything around me provides me with knowledge.

That's why I don't think I have anything in particular that I dislike.

Anything gives knowledge to the current me. So, I guess there's nothing in particular I think I hate

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯に願うこと? 特にないなあ。必要なもの、欲しいものは、もうもらっているからね」

A wish upon the Holy Grail?

I don't have anything in particular.
I've already received everything I need and want.

Something to wish to the Holy Grail? Nothing in particular. I already have the necessary things, and the things I want

During an Event 「んん? なにやら面白そうなイベントが開催されてる! これは黙っていられないなぁ」

Oh, an interesting event's happening?

I can't ignore something like that.

Oh? For some reason a fun event is being held. I can't be silent about this

Birthday 「誕生日、なんだろ? おめでとうマスターくん。お祝いに好きなものを作ってあげよう! バースデーケーキは当然として、ボーダーのミニチュアとか、どう?」

It's your birthday, right?

Congratulations, Master! To celebrate, I'll make anything you want!
A birthday cake is a given. How about a miniature figurine of the Border?

Birthday, what is it? Congratulations, Master-kun. To celebrate it, I'm gonna make you something you like! Birthday cake is a no brainer, but what do you think about something like a miniature Border?


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Active Sailor 「気持ちはわかるけど、ダ・ヴィンチちゃんに見惚れるのもほどほどにね」

I know it's hard, but don't gawk at Da Vinci too much☆

Battle Start 1 「軽快な戦闘がお好みかい?いいとも、しゅぱ〜っとやっちゃおう!」

Do you prefer battles going to plan? Okay! Let's get this done!

Battle Start 2 「はぁい!おっまかせ!」

Okay! Leave it to me!

Skill 1 「ガンガンいこうか!」

Let's go for it!

Skill 2 「アクセル全開!」

Full throttle!

Skill 3 「文字通り、手はいくらでもあるのさ」

I literally have multiple moves☆

Skill 4 「メンテナンスは十分かな?」

Have you been keeping up with maintenance?

Attack Selected 1 「ばっちり!いける!」

Perfect! We can do this!

Attack Selected 2 「あちらもどうぞ!」

Try that one too.

Attack Selected 3 「このスリル!」

It's so thrilling!

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「さあ、前に進むとしよう」

Come, let's move forward!

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「よーし、やっつけちゃうぞ!」

Okay, I'll beat them up!

Attack 1 「ほっ」


Attack 2 「えぇい!」


Attack 3 「やあ!」


Attack 4 Gotchaガッチャ!」


Attack 5 「ごっきげ~ん!」

I'm in a good mood!

Attack 6 「派手にいくよー!」

We're gonna make this real flashy!

Extra Attack 1 「フゥ~!乱暴でゴメーン!」

Whoo! Sorry for getting violent!

Extra Attack 2 「レンジ外から攻めよう!」

Let's get them from outside their range!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「こりゃダメかぁ……」

This is no good...

Regular Damage 「くぅっ」


Defeated 1 「もっといけると思ったんだけどなぁ…」

I thought I could go further...

Defeated 2 「あちゃ~!これは参った……」

Aw crap...they got me...

Battle Finish 1 「慣れたものだけど、勝利はやっぱり嬉しいね!」

I'm used to it, but victory always makes me happy!

Battle Finish 2 「ライダーでも万能な私!う~ん最高!」

I'm almighty even as a Rider! Hmmm! So awesome!

My Room
About Active Sailor 「小学生みたいだって?マスターくんの文化圏に合わせて作ったものだからね。この車輪付き滑走靴は実に画期的だけど、子どもがこんなに重たいカバンを背負っていたという事実には驚いたよ」

I look like a schoolkid?

Well, my look is based on your culture, Master.
These wheeled shoes are revolutionary...but I was surprised to find out that kids carry around such heavy backpacks.


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Da Vinci's Workshop (Arc 2)
Dialogue 1 「準備はオッケー?旅はいつだって楽しく、また困難なものだ。カバンに詰める荷物は念入りにチェックしておくといい」
    Dialogue 2 「ようこそ、レオナルド・ダ・ヴィンチの強化ラボへ。今日も元気に始めちゃおう!」
      Dialogue 3 「やあ、いらっしゃいだねマスターくん。地道にコツコツやる?それとも、盛大にリソースを使うのかな?」
        Dialogue 4 「うーん。我ながら良い調整だ、惚れ惚れしちゃう……次はもっといい仕事をするからね。じゃんじゃん私に頼ってくれたまえ」
          Dialogue 5 「そろそろクエストに戻る?いいよ。その代わり、戻ってきたらまた、新しい話を聞かせてほしいな」
            Dialogue 6 「いらっしゃいマスターくん!カタログはこっちだよ。退屈がてら、お勧めアイテムを紹介していい?」
              Dialogue 7 「新生ダ・ヴィンチちゃんの素敵な工房にようこそー!何でもは無いが、必要なものは揃えてある。今日はこの辺りとか、どう?」
                Dialogue 8 「おや、何か物入りかな?へへん。では、どうぞこちらへ。楽しいものから怖~いものまで、お望みのものを紹介しよう。」
                  Dialogue 9 「アイテム交換だね?いいよ。そういうのも嫌いじゃないし?」
                    Dialogue 10 「時間は戻らないものだ。最終確認はしっかりしたかい?」
                      Dialogue 11 「マナプリズムと交換?うんうん!用意したかいがあったなー」
                        Dialogue 12 「神は細部に宿る……たとえ認識されなくてもね。細かな作業こそ、成功の近道さ」
                          Dialogue 13 「聖晶石の購入ありがとう!とても貴重なものだ。一気に使ってはいけないよ」
                            Dialogue 14 「霊基グラフがパワーアップだ!うんうん、縁は大切だ。できるだけ、増やした方がいい。私も自分用の戦車とか、欲しいなー」
                              Dialogue 15 「整理整頓は気持ちの余裕にも繋がるからね。スペースは広めに、ポケットは大きめに、さ」
                                Dialogue 16 「な!ソレは……ダ・ヴィンチちゃん秘密召喚システムのキーアイテム?すっごーい、君ソレ持ってるんだー!いいなぁ~私も欲し~い」
                                  Dialogue 17 「レア物だね、まっかせて!うーん、コレがいいかなぁ。あ、それともアレがいいかなぁ♪どれも貴重な品だ。たっぷり、悩んでくれたまえ」
                                    Dialogue 18 「まだ見ていく?うんうん。私も、張り合いがあるってものさ」
                                      Dialogue 19 「君に幸運がありますように……ふふ、かつての私の口癖だろう?コレ」
                                        Dialogue 20 「えー、ソレ余ってるのー?ホントにー?そっかー、君は日々熱心なマスターなんだね。いいとも、喜んで買い取っちゃう」
                                          Dialogue 21 「聖杯の雫、集まった? それは、君がマスターとして戦い、成長し、勝利した証だからねぇ~。腕によりをかけて、素晴らしい冠を作っちゃう!」

                                            DialogueIcon Dialogue Related Servants

                                            The following Servants have related dialogues to this Servant (sorted alphabetically):
                                            S351A3Icon S026A1Icon S322A1Icon S080A1Icon S319A1Icon S278A1Icon S274A1Icon S335A1Icon S239A1Icon S380A1Icon S407A2Icon S330A1Icon S401A1Icon S296A1Icon S097A1Icon S277A1Icon S079A1Icon S339A3Icon S403A1Icon
