Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Yusa Kōji)


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Temporarily Summoned 「オレの名はカルナ。クラスはサンタだがボクサーの可能性もある。思うに、オレはサンタの門をくぐったばかりなのだろう。自身が成長できるよう、一人前のサンタになれるよう、これからトレーニングに励むつもりだ。よろしく頼む」

My name is Karna. My class is Santa, but I might also be a boxer.

I'm just a fledgling when it comes to being a Santa.
In order for me to grow as a person and to be a bona fide Santa, I intend to train hard,
I ask that you give me the support I need.

My name is Karna. My Class is Santa, however, it's also possible for me to be a Boxer as well. Though saying that, I've barely passed the gates of being a Santa. From here on, I'll train hard so that I can grow― so that I can become a full-fledged Santa. I'll be counting on you.

Summoned 「少しはマシになったかもしれんが、まだまだだ。

I might have gotten better, but I still have a long ways to go.

The road to being Santa is long and hard.
Master, I expect you to continue helping me out in my roadwork.

I might've become a little bit better, but I've still got a long way to go. A Santa's road is long and difficult. Master, please continue to accompany me in my roadwork from here on.

Level Up 1 「ラウンドが進んだな」

It's a new round.

The round is progressing.

Level Up 2 「拳にも力が入ろうというものだ」

I'll put more strength into my fist.

This will put even more power into my fists.

Level Up 3 「助かる」

That's helpful.

This will help.

1st Ascension 「成長はしたが、階級は変わらないようだ」

I've grown, but my division hasn't changed.

Though I have grown, my rank still seems to be the same.

2nd Ascension 「シッシッ!……うむ、動きが軽い。良い調子だ」

(Punching effort)

Hm, I feel real agile. Feeling good.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Hm? My movements are light. I'm in good shape.

3rd Ascension 「サンタとしての確かな進歩を感じる。マスター、いつ次のマッチを組んでくれても構わないぞ」

I definitely feel some growth as Santa Claus.

Master, I wouldn't mind facing you in a match next time.

I feel like I've made good progress as a Santa. Master, feel free to schedule the next match any time you wish.

4th Ascension 「どうやら、一つの頂へと辿り着いたようだ。しかし、サンタの道はこれで終わりではあるまい。オレはこれからも拳を磨き続けると誓おう。その果てに何が待っているのかは分からないが。……少なくとも、オレはチャンピオンベルトに興味はない。それは、ここまで付き合ってくれたおまえの腰にこそ巻かれるべきものだ。……何? いらない? ……いや、是非着けてほしい。オレが見たい」

Looks like I've managed to reach one of the peaks.

But the road to Santa Claus does not end here. I vow to continue honing my skills and fist.
Though I do not know what waits at the end of it all...
At the very least, I have no interest in the champion belt. Maybe it'll be better for you to wear it, since you hung around me all this time.
What? You don't want it?
Actually, I'd ask that you wear it. I want to see you with it.

It seems that I've reached the peak. However, this is not the end of the road of being a Santa. I promise you that from here on, I will still continue to polish my fists. I know not what awaits me at the end, but know that I am not interested in the championship belt. For staying with me on this path until now, that belt is something for you to wear around your waist. What is it? You don't need it? No, please, I ask you to wear it. I wish to see you wearing it.

Battle Start 1 「ラウンド開始だ」

Start the round.

The round has started.

Battle Start 2 「拳は既に温まっている」

My fist's all warmed up.

My fists are already fired up.

Skill 1 「プレゼントだ」

Here's your present.

This is a present.

Skill 2 「真のサンタは目が光る!」

A true Santa's eyes shine.

A true Santa's eyes glow!

Skill 3 「メリー……クリスマス!」


Merry Christmas!

Skill 4 「暗い夜道でも安心だ」

It's safe even at night.

You'll be safe even on dark roads at night.

Attack Selected 1 「そうしよう」

Let's do that.

Let's do that.

Attack Selected 2 「いい組み立てだ」

That's a good setup.

That's a good combination.

Attack Selected 3 「ワン、ツー!」

One, two!

One, Two!

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「ラッシュと行こう」

Let's rush in.

Let's rush in!

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「サンタクロースの出番、という訳か」

Time for Santa Claus to shine.

So it's time for Santa Claus' turn.

Attack 1 「食らえ、サンタパンチ!」

Eat this...Santa Punch!

Take this, Santa Punch!

Attack 2 「見切れるか」

Can you see this coming?

Can you see this?

Attack 3 チン!」

(Sharp exhale)


Attack 4 「拳の間合いだ!」

I'm between throwing punches.

It's a fist fight!

Attack 5 「捉えられまい」

You can't possibly discern my moves.

You can't catch this!

Attack 6 「クリスマスを制す左!」

My left dominates Christmas!

To the left, to steer Christmas!

Extra Attack 1 「ラッシュで決める!」

I'll bum rush it!

It'll be decided with a rush!

Extra Attack 2 「ゴングを鳴らせ!」

Ring the bell!

Ring the bell!

Noble Phantasm 1 「フィニッシュコンビネーション、行くぞ! この連撃を以てすればノックアウトは必定! スーリヤの力よ、我が拳に宿れ! 『聖人連続拳ウィニング・アルカプトラ』!」

This is my finisher... Let's do this!

My torrent of blows will knock you out.
O Surya...let your power surge through my fist!
Winning Arkaputra!

Let's go for the finishing combination. With this series of blows, a knock out is inevitable. O' Surya, imbue your power in my fists! 「A Saint's Unceasing Fists! 」

Noble Phantasm 2 「サンタクロースの拳を見るがいい。其れ即ち分け隔ての無い施しの連打。慌てるな、順番だ。受け取れ、これが──クリスマスプレゼントだ!!」

Behold Santa Claus's fist.

A flurry of blows of indiscriminate benefaction.
Stay calm. It'll be your turn soon.
Now take it.
This is your...
Christmas present!

Behold, Santa Claus' fists. That is to say, this is an unrelenting barrage of charity. Don't panic, stay in line. Take this, this is a 「Christmas Present」!

Noble Phantasm 3 「皆が望むクリスマスの為に──左! 右! 右! 左! 左! 右! 想いを込めて、打つべし! 打つべし! 『聖人連続拳ウィニング・アルカプトラ』!」

To create the Christmas everyone wished for...

Left, right, right, left, left, right!
I'm going to put all my feelings into this blow!
Winning Arkaputra!

This is for the Christmas that everyone wished for― Left! Right! Right! Left! Left! Right! Put all your feelings into it― hit it, strike it! 「A Saint's Unceasing Fists! 」

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「効かん……!」

Not working on me!

This won't do…!

Regular Damage 「ぐっ……」



Defeated 1 「インターバルに……入らせてもらう……」

Time to go into an interval...

Let me enter an interval…

Defeated 2 「テンカウントの前に……立ち上がらねば……」

I must get up before the ten count...!

I need to stand again before the 10 count is up…

Battle Finish 1 「もう立ち上がる必要はない」

There's no need for me to get up anymore.

There is no need for you to stand up again.

Battle Finish 2 「K.O.勝利……というヤツだな」

A knockout victory.

So this is what they call a win by KO, huh.

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「急ぎの用があるのか? そうでなければ、オレはロードワークに出る」

Do you have anything urgent?

If not, then I'm going to get back to my roadwork.

Do you have something urgent for me to do? If not, then I'll be off to do some roadwork.

Bond Lvl 2 「サンタにはトナカイが付き物だそうだが、オレには必要ない。プレゼント配りもロードワークの一環だ。丁度いい修行となるだろう」

I hear reindeer are frequently paired up with Santas. But I have no use for them.

Giving out presents is part of my roadwork. It'll be good training for me.

It seems like Santa has reindeers, but I don't need them. Handing out presents is another part of my roadwork. It will be a good way for me to train.

Bond Lvl 3 「オレはサーヴァントであると同時に、今はサンタクロースでもある。マスターであるおまえにも役割を一つ増やしてしまうが……サポートをよろしく頼む」

I may be a Servant, but I am also Santa Claus.

I may make extra work you, Master, but I'm counting on you to support me.

I am a Servant, and at the same time, a Santa. Other than just being my Master, I'll be adding another role for you. I'll be counting on you for support.

Bond Lvl 4 「何か間違っている気がする、と? ……ふむ。問題点、気付いた点があれば言ってくれ。全力を以てこれを修正しよう」

You think there's something amiss?

Hm. If you notice anything problematic, tell me.
I'll do all I can to fix it.

You feel like there's something wrong? Hm… Let me know if you pinpoint exactly what the problem is. I'll do my best to fix it

Bond Lvl 5 「ふむ、なるほど。クリスマスとサンタクロースという概念についての理解が一段階深まった。やはりおまえに話を聞くのは有意義だな。感謝しよう、マスター」

Hm...I see. I now have a deeper understanding of the concept of Christmas and Santa Claus.

It's really beneficial to hear your stories. I appreciate that, Master.

Hm. I see. My understanding of the concept of Christmas and Santa Claus has deepened once again. As expected, it's worthwhile to listen to you. I give you my thanks, Master.

Dialogue 1 「室内でのトレーニングにも限度があるな。次は外だ。マスター、自転車にミットを載せてついて来い」

Training indoors has its limits.

I'll need to head outdoors next time. Master, load up my gloves on your bike and follow me.

There's a limit to training indoors. The next should be outdoors. Master, ride a bicycle and put on a mitt, and accompany me.

Dialogue 2 「サンタクロースの使命と、マスターの命令……両立は不可能ではないはずだ。何しろ、どちらも人を喜ばせるものだからな」

I have missions as Santa Claus as well as Master's orders. Accomplishing both shouldn't be impossible.

After all, both will ultimately make people happy.

Santa Claus' mission and the Master's commands. Surely, it shouldn't be impossible to fulfil both. After all, they're both meant to make people happy.

Dialogue 3 「マスター。おまえはオレのよく知らぬ『クリスマス』というものに対するアドバイザーであり、リングの脇に立つセコンドのようなものだ。オレの戦いと成長はオレ自身のものだが、頼りにはしている」

Master. You are my advisor in all things Christmas, as well as my cornerman in the ring.

My battles and development are for me to handle, but I still rely on you.

Master, you are my adviser regarding the thing called "Christmas" that I don't know much of. You are also my second, standing right next to the ring. My fights and growth are all my own, but I'm always counting on you.

Dialogue 4

Master, did you know?

The younger of those twins is an expert boxer.
I would very much like to go a few rounds with her, but then the older brother always butts in and puts a stop to it. It's quite annoying.
Well, I do have to admit that having strong love for your sibling is a good thing...

Master, did you know? It seems like the little sister in that pair of twins is an expert boxer. I wanted to have a proper match with her, but the older brother keeps interfering, so we couldn't have a contest. What a troublesome fellow! Ah, no, I think siblings that get along well is a beautiful thing.

Dialogue 5

To be honest, I learned so many things from the divine father of Rome. That's right, a man's fist contains infinite possibilities.

That's why he's a Lancer, and I'm a Saber right now.
I would like to have a match with him one day.

Truth be told, I've learned a lot of insight from Rome's Divine Ancestor. The fact that the possibilities of a man's fist are endless. He is a Lancer, and now I have become a Saber. I wish to be able to have a bout with him someday.

Dialogue 6


For some reason, I've been thinking back on the things I learned from my mentor, Drona.
It brings back fond memories.

Arjuna, huh… For some reason, nowadays, I often think of the time when we were both studying under our Master Drona. How nostalgic.

Dialogue 7
(See the references[1])

They may be different than me, but they are all formidable Santa Clauses. There's a lot I can learn from all of them.

They're a different type than me, but they are all splendid Santa Clauses. I should learn from them.

Dialogue 8
(Vritra & Clear Christmas 2020)

Vritra. No matter what you take or hide away, humans will always overcome the hardships you create.

Even without the help of gods or Santa Claus.
That is how resilient humans are.

Hey Vritra, no matter what you steal, or hide, human will surely overcome those hardships. Even without help from the likes of Gods or Santa Claus. Such is the strength of humans.

Dialogue 9
(Aśvatthāman & Clear Christmas 2020)

Aśvatthāman. He's my partner in crime AND sparring partner many times a day.

I need a friend like him to reach true Santahood. I'm quite blessed.

Aśvatthāman…… is a sparring partner-in-crime who would exchange blows with me many times a day. I think to become a true Santa, a friend like him is needed. I am truly blessed.

Something you Like 「蝶のように舞い、蜂のように刺す……素晴らしい格言だ。素晴らしい、格言だ」

Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.

Wonderful! What an excellent quote.

"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee."… What a wonderful aphorism…! What a wonderful aphorism!

Something you Hate 「タオルを投げられるのは嫌いだ。身体が動く限り、オレの拳はそれを最優先で打ち落とすだろう」

I do not like throwing in the towel.

As long as I can move, my fist will prioritize in taking the enemy down.

I dislike throwing in the towel. As long as my body can move, my fists will strike anything down with the highest priority.

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯……欲しいプレゼントはそれか。いいだろう。サンタにとって不足はない」

The Holy Grail... Is that the present you want?

Fine. As Santa, I could hope for no less.

The Holy Grail. Is that the present you want? Very well. It won't be problem for a Santa.

During an Event 「クリスマス、もしくはそれに類する事件が起こっているようだ。動かねばならないぞ、マスター」

Christmas...or some sort of similar incident seems to be in progress. We must make a move, Master.

It seems like Christmas, or a similar event is going on. We should get a move on, Master.

Birthday 「ほう、マスターの誕生日か。ならば、サンタクロースであるオレは『誕生日クリスマスプレゼント』を用意せねばならないだろう」

Oh...Master's birthday.

Then as Santa Claus, I must prepare a birthday Christmas present.

Oh, it's Master's birthday, huh. As I am a Santa, I need to prepare a birthday Christmas present for them.


  1. One of the following Servants:
    S197A1Icon S271A1Icon S141A1Icon S073A1Icon S401A1Icon S330A1Icon S233A1Icon


Disclaimer: Before adding Translations, Please leave a comment with source and proof of permission
Occasion Japanese English Audio
Christmas 2020
Dialogue 1 「サンタクロースの入場曲は決まっている。曲名や歌詞はわからんが、こういうやつだ。ふんふんふん、ふんふんふん、ふんふんふん、ふふん」

I've already decided on my entrance music as Santa Claus.

I don't know the title or lyrics, but it goes like this:
...Hmhm hmmm, hmhm hmmm, hmhmhmmmhhhmmm...

It's natural that Santa Claus would have an entrance song. I don't know the name or the lyrics, but it goes like this. Hmhmhm, hmhmhm, hmhmhm, hhm.

Dialogue 2 「良く来たな。やはりお前がいないと始まらない。ミットを構えてくれ」

Good of you to come.

I can't get started without you. Come on, ready my mitts.

Thank you for coming. As I thought, we can't start without you. Set up the mitt please.

Dialogue 3 「ここで何をするのか、だと。ふん、知らなかったのか?実は──オレも具体的には知らん」

What am I doing here, you ask?

Heh. You didn't know? Actually I'm a bit fuzzy on the details too.

What am I doing here, you asked? Hm, you don't know? The truth is──I don't know for sure either.

Dialogue 4 「気合の入った眼をしている。体力の続く限り戦おうという気概。世界……チャンピオン、なのか?」

You look good and determined, like you're ready to fight until you drop.

Could you be...a world champion or something?

Such fired up look in his eyes. A fighting spirit to continue fighting as long as his strength lasts. Is he.....A world champion?

Dialogue 5 「試合の日時、会場、対戦相手……全ての情報は開示されているはずだ。インフォメーションを見逃すな」

The date of the match, the location, and opponent...

All information should be posted for checking. Don't miss any of it.

All the information, the match's date and time, venue, and opponents....., has been released. Do not overlook them.

Dialogue 6 「今からでも遅いということはない。オレのパンチと比べれば全ては遅い。気の済むまで回すべきだ」

It's never too late.

It's too late for you once you've taken a blow from me, but that's a different matter.
Just keep on spinning until you're satisfied.

It's not too late to start now. Compare to my punch, everything is slow anyway. You should just spin it until you have enough.

Dialogue 7 「正直、忘れているのではないかと気になっていた。来てくれてよかった。来てくれて……良かった」

Honestly, I was wondering if you had forgotten. I'm glad you came.

...I'm glad you came.

Truth be told, I was worried that you have forgotten. I'm glad you came. I am really glad...you came.

Dialogue 8 「身体が暖まってきたな。より強く、より早くなったサンタクロースの姿を見せよう」

I'm getting warmed up.

Let me show you how much stronger and faster Santa Claus has gotten.

My body's all warmed up. Let me show you the form of a stronger and faster Santa Claus.

Dialogue 9 「今のオレならば、どのようなプレゼントも、この泡の拳で開くことができるだろう。任せておけ」

In my current state, I'm sure my foam fists can open any present.

Leave it to me.

As I am now, no matter what kind of present it is, I can open them all with these foam fists. Leave it to me.

Dialogue 10 「回転率を上げることは勝利に直結する。パンチについても──それ以外についてもだ」

Greater torque leads directly to victory. That applies to punches, and even for other things.

There is a correlation between victory and the increase in turnover rate. Whether it's about punches ──Or everything else.

Dialogue 11 「入場曲の歌詞も学習してみた。ジングル・ベール、ジングル・ベール、鈴がなる、ヘイヨー!────クリスマス……味わい深いな」

I looked up the lyrics for my entrance music.

Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way...hey yo!
Christmas is so profound...

I have tried learning entrance song's lyrics. Jingle bell, jingle bell, jingle all the way, hey yo! ────Christmas......It's so meaningful.

Dialogue 12 「攻め時といえども注意は必要だ。カウンターパンチをもらいたくなければ、インフォメーションに目を光らせておけ」

Even when it's time to attack, we still need to be careful. If you don't want to take a counterpunch, you should keep your eyes on your opponent.

You need to be careful even when on the offensive. If you don't want to get counter punch, keep an eye on the information.

Dialogue 13 「まだ終了のゴングは鳴っていない。最後まで手を出し続けよ」

The bell hasn't rung yet! Keep working till the very end.

The closing gong has not rung yet. Keep your hands going until the very end.

Dialogue 14 「レフェリーが止めないのであれば、追撃の手を休めるべきではない。全てを出し切るまで──連打、連打だ」

As long as the ref doesn't stop you, you shouldn't stop your flurry of punches.

Strike, strike, strike until you've given your all!

As long as the referee doesn't stop you, keep chasing the enemy. It's all about consecutive hits, keep hitting──until your strength runs out.

Dialogue 15 「左、右、そして──」

Left, right!

And then...!

Left, right, and then──

Dialogue 16 「今のオレの拳にはプレゼントが載っている。つまり──重いぞ」

My current fist carries presents. Which means it's heavy.

There is a present on my fist right now. That is to say ──It's gonna be heavy.

Dialogue 17 「被弾覚悟での愚直な踏み込み。はっ!当たる──当たるとも」

Only a fool would step in knowing you'll be hit.

...Oh, you're gonna be hit.
It'll be a hit!

A tactless blow expecting to be hit. Ha! I hit it──I definitely did.

Dialogue 18 「焦るな。距離をとり、体力回復に努めるのも立派な戦術だ。」

Don't get impatient.

Keeping your distance and recouping your stamina is still a credible strategy.

Don't rush. Taking a step back and recover your stamina is also a splendid tactics.

Dialogue 19 「KO勝利の予感がする。見せてくれ、マスター」

I predict a K.O. victory...!

Show it to me, Master!

I have a feeling that you are going to KO the opponent. Show me, Master.

Dialogue 20 「クリスマス統一戦。最終ラウンド、残り1秒。最後は──オレが打ち砕こう」

The Christmas match, final round...one second left...

I'll do the finishing blow!

Christmas ruling battle. 1 second left until the last round. In the end──I shall crush them.

Dialogue 21 「まだだ、打ち続け!」

Not yet! Keep on hitting!

Not yet, keep going!

Dialogue 22 「外れたとしても、当たるまで繰り返す。まさに人生のようだ。人生の──ようだ」

Even if it wasn't the expected outcome, keep on doing it until you hit the jackpot. It's exactly like life.

Even if you miss the mark, keep going until you hit it. It's just like human's life. Exactly like human's ──life.

Dialogue 23 「お前の望むものでもなかったか。そうか……すまない。サンタ修行不足だ」

There wasn't anything you wanted?

I see...
Apologies. I'm still lacking in training as Santa.

There is nothing you want here? Is that so......I'm sorry. I have insufficient Santa training.

Dialogue 24 「何、ペースを掴むためのジャブのようなもの。落胆することはない。次だ」

This is just like doing jabs to get an idea of the pace.

There's no need to get discouraged. There's always next time.

What, it's just like a jab to pick up the pace. Don't get discourage. Next.

Dialogue 25 「いい手応えが返ってきた。今の感触を忘れないようにしよう」

That was a good response there.

Try not to forget that feeling for next time.

You got a good response just now. Let's not forget that feeling.

Dialogue 26 「これが──伝説の右!もはや立ち上がれまい。オレたちの──勝利だ!」

This must be...the legendary right...!

There's no way they can recover from that. Victory to us!

This is──the tradition right hand! They can't get up anymore. It's──our win!

Dialogue 27 「ラッシュタイムだ。畳み掛けるぞ、マスター」

It's time to rush.

Let's press on, Master!

It's rush time. Let's press on, Master.

Dialogue 28 「手を出せば当たる。迷う必要はない」

Reach out, and you'll get a hit. There's no need to hesitate.

If you reach out your hand, you will hit it. No need to hesitate.

Dialogue 29 「不思議だ。全てが有効打となるような─消えそんな予感がある」

How peculiar. I have a feeling that all of them are going to be effective hits.

It's so strange. I have this feeling that everything is going disappear─like a telling blow.

Dialogue 30 「サンタ階級を1つ、上げてみた。このボックスは──重いぞ」

I tried moving Santa up a division. Know that this box is gonna be heavy.

I tried to raise my Santa rank by 1. This box is so──heavy.

Dialogue 31 「ふんっ。掴めたようだな」


Looks like you've got a good grasp of the situation.

Hm. It seems you got it.

Dialogue 32 「見るが良い。これがオレのフィニッシャーブロー。そしてフィニッシュプレゼントだ!」

Take a look. This is my finishing blow.

...And my finishing present.

Look at this. This is my finishing blow. And here's my finishing present!

Dialogue 33 「地味かもしれないが、確実に効いている。続けよう」

It may not be flashy, but it's still making a dent. Keep going.

While it might be simple, it's working well. Let's continue.

Dialogue 34 「ナイスプレゼントだ。確実に足にきている。きている。少し安め」

That's a nice present.

It's definitely making your knees weak.
You should rest a bit.

Nice present you got there. My feet are definitely getting the brunt. Feeling it right now. A little bit on the cheap side though.

Dialogue 35 「メリー・クリスマス!──ん。今までとはキレが違う『メリクリ』だった」

Merry Christmas!

...Hm, that greeting was sharper than ever before.

Merry Christmas! ──Nn. So far, it has a different ring to "MeriKuri" (TN: MeriKuri is a Japanese slang/shorten term for Merry Christmas).

Dialogue 36 「回せば回すほどオレは──いや、オレたちはまだ強くなる。そんな気がする」

The more you spin, I will...

Well, we still have room to get stronger. At least I feel that way.

The more I──No, the more WE spin, the stronger we become. That's what I feel.

Dialogue 37 「勝利の栄光は形にはならないものだが……プレゼントとは良いものだな」

A glorious victory is usually not something that is tangible...but presents are nice.

The glory of victory is something intangible......But presents sure are nice, aren't they.

Dialogue 38 「これが、今年のクリスマスチャンピオンベルト。あるいは──それと同じように輝かしい何かだ。お前に贈れたことを嬉しく思う」

This is this year's Christmas champion belt...

Or at least it's just as glorious. I'm happy I could give it to you.

This is this year's Christmas Champion Belt. Or──something as equally as splendid. I feel happy to be able to give it to you.

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