Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Yūki Aoi)


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「……よくぞ我を召喚した……

What fortune to have summoned me.

I bring forth luck, offer riches, and I act as absolute comfort to others...
In other words, I am a Divine Spirit who promises you a vacation...
Pseudo-Servant, Moon Cancer, Ganesha.
I bring you wealth with my presence alone...
Just remember: don't bring me up to the front line that often...

...How admirable of you to summon me... I'll invite good fortune, I'll gift you riches and absolute tranquility... In other words, I am the Divine Spirit promising days off...Pseudo-Servant, Moon Cancer-class Ganesha. We will bring you wealth just by being here...so keep in mind not to send us out to the front line too much.

Level Up 「我に捧げよ……我に捧げよ……!」

Offer me things...

Offer me things...

Offer it to me...offer it to me...!

Battle Start 1 「滅びよ、細き者ども……」

Perish, scrawny ones...

Fall into ruin, thin people...

Battle Start 2 「舌を噛んで、死ね」

Bite your tongue and...die...

Bite your tongue and drop dead.

Skill 1 「燃焼する」



Skill 2 「消滅する」



Skill 3 「減衰する」



Attack Selected 1 「ニート」



Attack Selected 2 「マスト」



Attack Selected 3 「ダイ!」



Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「神罰の時……だ!」

It's time...for divine punishment!

Time...for divine punishment!

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「供え物を……よろしく」


Thank you...for the offerings.

Noble Phantasm 1 「中の人などいない……と思ったかバァカめぇ! 仮面を取れば美少女なのは当たり前ッス! さあ! 崇め奉るがいい! 『 肉弾よ、翌日から本気であれ ガーネッシュ・インパクト』ォォォォおおおっ?! ……今見たことは、ナイショだよ?」

There's nobody inside...is what you thought, didn't you, dummy!?

It's a given for a beautiful girl to be hidden underneath a mask!
Now come on, respect and revere me!!!
Ganesh Impaaact...!?
...What you just saw is going to be a secret between you and me, okay?

There is no person inside...is that what you thought, FOOOL! It's only natural for a beautiful girl to appear when you take off the disguise! Now! Worship me and hand me offerings! "Ganesh Impact" O Meat Bullet, I Shall Give It My All Starting Tomorrow-ooOOOOH!? ...What you've seen just now is a secret, okay?

Noble Phantasm 2 「驚天動地! 今、野獣から檻が放たれた! 控えめに言って天地創造! 禁断の神コラボ! ボクの魅力で押し潰してやるうわあぁぁぁっ?! ……重力が、にくい」

How earth-shattering! A cage has just been released from a wild beast!

To say it modestly, it's the creation of the world...the forbidden collaboration with a god!
I'm going to crush you with my chaaaaaarrrmmm!!!
...I hate gravity...

World-shaking! Now, a cage is released from the wild beast! To say it humbly, it's the Genesis! The forbidden god collaboration! Be flattened by my charm-uwaaaah!? ...Gravity is detestable.

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「マジで止めよ」

Seriously, stop...

Seriously, cut it out.

Regular Damage 「やめよぉ……」

Just stop...


Defeated 「セーブしてあるので……悔しくはない……」

I hit a save point...so I...regret nothing...

If only there was a way to save...it wouldn't be so vexing...

Battle Finish 「レアアイテムを……ドロップせよ……」

Drop some...rare items...

Come on, drop... a rare item...

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「何を……信じる……?」

What do you...believe in...?

What are you...believing in...?

Bond Lvl 2 「我こそ……ガネーシャ……」

I am...Ganesha...

I am...Ganesha...

Bond Lvl 3 「そろそろ……再臨とか……しませんかね……」

Isn't it time...for me to Ascend...?

Soon...you'll ascend me...won't you?

Bond Lvl 4 「もしや、石化フェチ……なのか……」

Do you...have a fetish for petrified things or something...?

Could it be that...you have a petrification fetish...

Bond Lvl 5 「あーもう中の人などいるに決まってるでしょー! さっさと再臨させるッス~! いい加減ボクもカルデアライフを送りたいッス~……!」

Argh! Of COURSE there's someone inside!

So hurry up and make me Ascend!!!
Honestly, I want to start my Chaldea life!!!

Ah, geez, isn't it obvious there is a human inside!? Hurry up and ascend me already~! I want to hurry up and live the Chaldea Life too~!

Dialogue 1 「デイリーを……こなすのだ……」

Do your...dailies...

Finish... your dailies...

Dialogue 2 「ギブアンド……テイク……」

Give and...take...

Give and... take...

Dialogue 3 「何の因果か……我がサーヴァントになるとは……フヒ」

What a twist of fate...for me to become a Servant...

Fuhee hee hee...

What karma... to think I'd turn into a Servant... fuhi

Something you Like 「深夜に食べるポテチこそ至高……。アイスもよい……」

Eating potato chips in the middle of the night is supreme bliss. Ice cream's good too...

The potato chips you eat late at night are supreme... Ice cream is nice too...

Something you Hate 「なぜ働く……なぜリアルが充実する……」

Why work...? What's the point in living life if we only suffer...?

Why work...why be satisfied with the real world...

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯を使って我をレベル100にするのだ……。カルナやアルジュナ、ラーマ達にも使うがよい」

Use the Holy Grail to make me reach level 100...

Use it on Karna, Arjuna, and Rama too...

Use the Holy Grail to raise my level to 100... You can use them on Karna, Arjuna or Rama too...


Disclaimer: Before adding Translations, Please leave a comment with source and proof of permission
Occasion Japanese English Audio
Level Up 「冷たい目をしているッスね……お前のような色物に使うアイテムが惜しいって目をしているッス……。肩身が狭いッス……」

You've got an icy stare...

It's like you're saying that using items on someone as useless as me is a waste...
I'm feeling ashamed here...

You're giving me quite the cold look... "The item I used on a variety show like you was precious" is what your eyes are saying... I am ashamed of myself...

1st Ascension 「ちっす。ご飯食べて寝て起きたら神様になっていた。何を言っているんだか分からないと思うけどボクも全然分からないぜ! はーい、そんなわけで改めて自己紹介ッス! ボクは通りすがりの神様系サーヴァント、ガネーシャ! 気軽にガネーシャさんと呼んでほしいッス。どーせ冴えないレアキャラ……嘘! SSR!? ──マジで?」

Heyo! I ate some food and fell asleep, and the next thing I knew, I was a god.

You probably don't know what I'm talking about, but neither do I!
Okay! So let me reintroduce myself!
I'm Ganesha, a god-type Servant who just happened to be passing by.
Feel free to call me Ms. Ganesha.
I'm probably just an R charac...

Hey there. I ate some food, went to bed and by the time I woke up I was a god. "I have no idea what you're talking about" is what you must be thinking, but I have absolutely no idea either! Okay, let me introduce myself again then! I'm a passing-by god-type Servant, Ganesha! I'd like you to call me Ganesha-san without any reservations. At best, I'm just an unappealing Rare character...No way! SSR!? ───For real?

2nd Ascension 「はっはーん。なんだかんだとボクに貢ぐ気になったッスねー? いい、これ悪くなーい。奉仕されるのって気持ちいーい。神様も悪くないッスねー」

Ah-ha. No matter what you've been saying, you've warmed up to the idea of offering me things!

Nice... Not bad at all...
It feels nice to be served!
Being a god isn't so bad!

Hahhaa. Did you get into a mood to support me with this and that? Nice, that's pretty good. Being serviced feels great. Being a god ain't bad.

3rd Ascension 「見てくれー。この増えまくった神性ー。さっすがジナコさん、やればできる子じゃん! あー、キミも良く働いてるよ、うん。この調子で、もっと貢いでほしいなー」

Behold, all this collected divinity!

Ah, Ms. Jinako...I knew you could do it!
Oh, and you're doing good too. Yep.
Keep up with the offerings♡

Look at this increasing divinity of mine. As expected of Jinako-san, a child that can get things done if she tries. Ah, you've worked hard too, yeah. I would like you to keep supporting me just like that.

4th Ascension 「ありがとうマスター。霊基再臨は限界まで為されました。これでボクにかけられていた呪いが解け……解け……解けないじゃないのよあのメタボ象ーッ! こうなったら、最後まで面倒見てもらうからね!」

Thanks, Master.

I've reached the full limit of my Ascensions.
Now the curse placed on me should be lifted...lift...?
What the heck, this FAT elephant's not going away!
Fine! Now I'm just going to have you take care of me until the very end!

Thank you, Master. You've ascended my Saint Graph to its limits. Now the curse placed on me has been remov- ...Eh? It hasn't been removed at all, that damn overweight elephant! In that case, you'll have to take care of me until the end!

Battle Start 1 「正気の沙汰とは思えないッス……」

This is messed up.

This is messed up...

Battle Start 2 「ボクは食べてもおいしくないからねー!?」

I won't taste good even if you eat me!

I won't taste good even if you eat me, okay!?

Skill 1 「パオーン!」


elephant noises

Skill 2 「ピコがんばる」

I'll give it my pico effort![1]

I'll give it my pico-best.[1]

Skill 3 「目覚めよ神のパゥワー」

Awaken...god's power...

Awaken, O power of god.

Attack Selected 1 「なぜー?」



Attack Selected 2 「しょうがないッスねー」


It can't be helped~

Attack Selected 3 「物好きな……」

You sure are an oddball...

You've got strange tastes...

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「神様らしいとこ、見せちゃう?」

Wanna see something godlike?

Wanna see something god-like?

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「無情な労働命令ッス~!」

That's a harsh work order!

How heartless of you to order me to do physical labor~

Attack 1 「驚きのありがたさ!」

Such surprising gratitude!

Thanks for the surprise!

Attack 2 「秘儀ぽっちゃりの舞!」

Secret technique: chubby dance!

Secret Technique: Chubby Dance!

Attack 3 「んー、なんかアターック」

Bluuuh, attack, I guess.

Mmm, atta~ck or something.

Attack 4 「後でおいしくいただくッスよー」

I'm so gonna savor it later!

I'll eat something tasty after this~

Attack 5 「行け、ムシカくん!」

Go, Mushika![2]

Go, Mushika-kun![2]

Attack 6 「そーい!」



Extra Attack 1 「超! ありがたいフラーッシュ!」

Super...gracious flash!

Super! Gratitude Flash!

Extra Attack 2 「ピッッカー!」



Noble Phantasm 1 「もぉー頭きた! ガネーシャさんのスゴいところ見せてやる! 事業安泰八卦よし! 今ゲキ重のぉ、『肉弾よ、翌日から本気であれガーネッシュ・インパクト』ォォォォおおおっ?! ……明日から、運動するッス」

Now I'm pissed!

I'm going to show you the greatness of Ganesha!
Divination says outlook for secure business is good!
And now the super heavyyy...
Ganesh Impaaact... Ooohhh!?
...I'll start working out tomorrow.

Now I'm pissed! I'll show you the amazing thing about Ganesha-san! Business security divination done! Now for the extremely heavyyy "Ganesh Impact" O Meat Bullet, I Shall Give It My All Starting Tomorrow-oooOOOH!? ...I'll start exercising tomorrow.

Noble Phantasm 2 「ガネーシャさんが、アタシにもっと輝けとささやいている……! 商売繁盛待ったなし! 今伝説のぉ、『肉弾よ、翌日から本気であれガーネッシュ・インパクト』ォォォォおおおっ?! ……来世から、本気出すッス」

Ganesha is whispering that I should shine more...

If business is going to thrive, it's now or never!
And now for the legendary...Ganesh Impaaact... Ooohhh!?
...I'll give my all in my next life.

Ganesha-san is whispering to me to shine more...! Thriving business now or never! Now for the legendaryyy "Ganesh Impact" O Meat Bullet, I Shall Give It My All Starting Tomorrow-ooooOOH!? ...I'll get serious in my next life.

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「全然痛くない!!」

Doesn't hurt at all!

It didn't hurt at all!

Regular Damage 「痛くない!」

Nope, doesn't hurt!

It didn't hurt!

Defeated 1 「神様ってもっとこう……いやいいッス……」

Gods are supposed to be...never mind...

A god should be more...no, it's fine...

Defeated 2 「象はたたるゾウ……なんちゃって」

You're irrelephant... Get it...

The elephant will curse you...just kidding.

Battle Finish 1 「なぜここまで体が重いんすか~?」

Why is my body this heavy...?

Why's my body so heavy~?

Battle Finish 2 「このまろみ……そしてこのまろみ!」

These curves...and THESE curves...!

This roundness... and this roundness!

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「なんで何の取り柄もないボクがサーヴァントに……。もうなんでもありなんスね。ガトーのおっさんの気持ちがちょっと分かったッスよ」

A talentless person like me turned into a Servant...

I guess anything's possible.
Now I know what that old man Gatō was talking about...

Why did a meritless person like me become a Servant... There's nothing to be done. I get Gatoh old man's feelings a little.

Bond Lvl 2 「何スか? そのお荷物を見るような目は! ボクは被害者ッス! 物好きな神様に『波長が合うからやれ』ってこんな大任を押し付けられた一般ピープルなんスよ!? もちょっとこう、いたわりとかお饅頭とか振る舞ってほしいッス!」

Why are you looking at me like I'm some kind of heavy baggage?

I'm a victim!
I was just an innocent normie, then some weirdo god said, "You and I are in tune with each other, so go do it" and heaped all this responsibility on me!
So I'd very much like a bit of understanding and compassion sent my way...or even some snacks!

What? What's with those eyes as if you're looking at some baggage! I'm the victim here! I'm an ordinary person that had such a heavy responsibility pushed on her by a whimsical god going "Our wavelengths match so let's do it", you know!? I'd like you to be a bit, like, sympathizing or just give me some manjū!

Bond Lvl 3 「やっぱちょっとおかしいッスよね。この組織から巨大な陰謀の匂いがするッス。だってあれだけこき使わされて運動してるのに全然痩せないとか! 物理法則がもう機能してないんじゃ……」

I'm starting to get suspicious...

I sense a giant conspiracy lurking within this organization...
Even though I've been worked to the bone and exercised so much, I still haven't lost any weight. I'm beginning to suspect the laws of physics are shut down here or something...

Like I thought, it's a little weird. I can smell a huge conspiracy from this organization. After all, I'm being worked hard and exercising so much but I'm not losing any weight at all! The laws of physics aren't working anymore...

Bond Lvl 4 「しっかしマスターもおめでたい頭っていうか我慢強いっていうか。こんなひどい難問、アタシだったら投げ出してると思うッス。……そんなわけで、はいどうぞー。……何って、いたわりの膝枕……ってなぜ逃げる!?」

Seriously Master, you're either oblivious or just super patient...

If I was in a predicament as thorny as yours, I would've given up by now.
And that's why...here.
Come on, I'm offering you my lap for you to lay on, out of my generosity....
Hey! Why are you running away!?

Still, Master's either quite naive or just very persevering. If it was me, I'd have given up on such a harsh and difficult job. ...And so, here you go. ...It's a, uh, lap pillow of sympathy...wait, why are you running!?

Bond Lvl 5 「あのさ。もしこの大事件が終わって、ヘンテコな状態も元に戻ったら……ボクの家に遊びに来てもいいッスよ。……なんていうか、普通にキミと一緒にゲームしてみたいんだよね。迷惑じゃなかったら、だけど……」

Hey. Once this big incident ends and this weird situation resolves and gets back to normal, you can come visit my place.

...You know, I just want to play some games with you.
As long as you don't mind, that is.

You know... If this big incident has ended and the strange situation returns to normal, you could come and play at my place. We could play games normally or something. If it's not a bother, that is.

Dialogue 1 「ちょっとマスター? どっか行くならついでにお菓子とジュース買ってきてー」

Hey Master!

If you're going somewhere, can you get me some snacks and juice?

Just a sec, Master? If you're going somewhere, buy some sweets and soft drinks~.

Dialogue 2 「サーヴァントって言っても、基本お友達感覚っていうか……。目的が一緒だから手を貸すんスよ?」

I may be a Servant, but the relationship's basically like a friendship.

I'm only helping because our goals are the same.

Even if you say I'm a Servant, are we basically just friends... Our goal is the same, so I'll lend you a hand, okay?

Dialogue 3 「ジナ……ガネーシャさんは孤高の神霊サーヴァントなので、主従関係とか嫌いッス。ボクは自由に、食べたい時に食べて、遊びたい時に遊ぶのです!」

Jina...I mean, Ganesha is a proud independent Divine Spirit Servant, so a Master and Servant relationship is not her thing.

I'm just carefree. I eat whenever I want to eat, and play whenever I want to play!

Jina... Ganesha-san is a solitary Divine Spirit Servant so I hate this master-servant relationship. I'll eat and play when I want!

Dialogue 4
「カルナさんはこんなところでもみんなのお父さんッスね……。ちょっとジェラシーだけど、キミがマスターならしょうがないかな。ガネーシャさんの疑似サーヴァントになってるから、アタシのことは認識できないようだけど……カルナさんが元気ならそれでいっか! ……いや、ちょっとすごく辛いッス! 早く元に戻りたーい!」

Even in a place like this, Karna's like a father to everyone...

I'm a little jelly, but I guess I can't complain since you're his Master.
It seems like he doesn't recognize me because I've become the Pseudo-Servant of Ganesha, but...
I guess all's well as long as Karna's well!
...Actually, this is really tough! I really want to turn back into myself!

Karna-san is everyone's Dad even in a place like this... I'm a bit jealous, but if you're the Master then it can't be helped. I've become Ganesha-san's Pseudo-Servant so it seems like he can't recognize me... If Karna-san is in good health then that's enough! ...No, it's a bit super painful! I want to hurry and return to my original form~!

Dialogue 5
「なぁ~にぃ~!? あなたはガネーシャさんのママ、いえお母様! あーそのえーと、ボ、ボクは別に何も言ってないッスからね!? デリカシーがないとか、笑顔でなんでも押し切れると思ってるのが質が悪いとか、そういう発言は家族だからこそのアレで……あ、ちょっとボク、フレに呼ばれたのでこれで失礼しまーす」

WHAT!? You're Ganesha's mommy...er, mother!?

Um...well, uh...I haven't said anything bad!
And even if I might have said that you're wicked because you think you can get through everything just by smiling...well that's something I can get away with it because we're family and...
...Oh, uh...my friend's calling for me, so I'll just be going...

Whaaaat~!? You're Ganesha-san's Mama, no, his esteemed Mother! Ah, umm, err, I, I didn't say anything!? I've only said remarks like you have no delicacy or that you're an ill-natured person who thinks she can just force her way through everything with just the smile on her face, because we're family... Ah, just a second, someone's calling for me so I'll have to take my leave here~

Dialogue 6
(Osakabehime or
Osakabehime (Archer))
「これは……! 同じタイプのスタンd……いや、サーヴァントの気配! ダメダメすぎるインドア派の匂い! でも、あっちはオタサーの姫で、薄い本とかも描いてる? うーん、方向性はちょっと違うみたいッスねー。ただ与えられたものだけを貪る、真の受動的がボクの売りなわけ。この生産性の無さ、とても太刀打ちできまい! 勝った! ……あ、なんかちょっと悲しくなってきたッス」

I sense the presence of someone similar in stat...I mean, Servant as me! It's the smell of a completely useless indoor-type!

But hold on, she's an otaku club princess who writes doujin? Hmmm, I guess we're a bit different on that front. My selling point is that I'm completely inert, and that I indulge myself in only things that are provided for me. A member of a doujin club has nothing on my complete unproductivity... Ha, I win!
...Huh. I'm starting to get a little sad...

This is...! The presence of the same type of Sta...I mean, Servant! The smell of a completely useless indoor-type! Though that one's a princess of an otaku circle and even draws adult doujins and the like? Hmm, seems like her orientation's a bit different from mine. My selling point is that I am genuinely passive, indulging myself in nothing but things that were given to me. None can compete with this lack of productivity of mine! I win! ...Ah, I feel somewhat miserable now.

Dialogue 7
(BB or
BB (Summer))
「うえっ、BB!? なんでここにいるんスか!? どうせまたろくでもないこと考えているんだろうけど……。……うーん、なんか今回はあいつにちょっとだけ手助けしてもらったような気がするなー。本来遠い世界にいるアタシと、この世界のガネーシャさんを繋げてくれた……みたいな? ま、多分アタシの知らないところでがっぽりおいしい見返りはゲットしてるはずッス。なので感謝とかはしないまま、アタシはあいつのオモチャにされないうちにそっとコタツの中に身を潜めるのであった、と」

Ack, BB!? Why is she here!? I bet she's plotting something bad again...

Hmmm, I don't know why, but I have a feeling she helped me out a little this time around...
Something about her connecting the Ganesha of this world with me, who was originally far off in the distance...?
Well, I bet she got handsomely rewarded for what she did without my knowing. And that's why I'm not going to thank her, and I'm just going to hide inside this kotatsu before I become her plaything...

Ueh, BB!? Why is she here!? She must be plotting something bad again... Hmm, for some reason it feels like she's helped me out a bit this time. She connected the me of an originally distant world to the Ganesha-san of this world...is what it seems like? Well, she's probably getting loads of appealing rewards for this somewhere I don't know of. So, without a shred of gratitude, I'll be hiding inside this kotatsu while she hasn't turned me into her toy yet.

Dialogue 8
(Sesshōin Kiara or
Sesshōin Kiara (Moon Cancer))
「あれ? あのサーヴァント、どこかで見覚えが……あ、殺生院キアラ? あのキアラさんッスか? それは不思議な縁というか……。まあ、すっごく人のいいマスターだったから、疑似サーヴァントに選ばれるのも当然かもッスね」

Wait...that Servant looks familiar...

Huh? Sessyoin Kiara? THAT Kiara?
What a strange fate...
Well, she was a very kind Master, so I guess it was only natural for her to be selected to be a Pseudo-Servant...

Huh? I remember seeing that Servant somewhere... Ah, Sesshōin Kiara? That Kiara-san? What an odd coincidence... Well, she was an awfully nice person of a Master so it's only natural for her to be selected as a Pseudo-Servant.

Dialogue 9
(Nero Claudius or
Tamamo no Mae)
「見知ったサーヴァントがいるッス。どこの誰がとは言わないけど。ま、所詮はカルナさんに防戦一方だった三流サーヴァント。今のボクが怖がる理由は、ないっ! むしろカルナさんとタッグでリベンジまで視野に入れるッスよー!」

I see a familiar Servant. I'm not going to say who, though.

Well, they were just a third-rate Servant who could only defend themselves from Karna, so there's no need for me to be scared!
Actually, I might even ask for a grudge match against them with Karna and I as a tag team!

There is a Servant I recognize. I won't tell who they are though. Well, they were a third-rate Servant who could do nothing but be on the defensive against Karna-san after all. The current me has nothing to fear! More like, me and Karna-san could even team up and get revenge!

Dialogue 10
「むっ? この親戚のおじさん的な気配……あのヤンチャなヤンキー君? 本人に悪気は無くても、あの不良系の声の圧がなんか苦手っていうか、ニートの天敵っていうか……とりあえず、しばらく布団に引きこもらせてもらうッスよー。ずぶずぶ」

Hmmm...I feel the presence of someone like an uncle or relative... Whoa, it's that mischievous delinquent!

He may not mean it, but I can't stand that domineering delinquent voice of his, and he's like a natural enemy to NEETs like me...
Anyway, I'm going to stay in bed and shut myself in for the time being.
(Slink, slink)

Something you Like 「好きなものとか聞いてどうするつもりッスか~? このこの~。あ、プレゼントだったらカードにしてね。あのカードよー分かるでしょー、あのカ~ド~」

Why would you want to ask about what I like, huh, huh!?

Oh, if you're going to give me a gift, make it a card.
You know...THAT kind of card.

What are you planning to do by asking about the things I like~? You little~ Ah, if it's a present, make it a card. It's that card, you know~ that card~

Something you Hate 「嫌いなもの……あーダメー、その手の話題は禁止禁止! もっと楽しい話をするッス!」

What I dislike...

No...such topics are forbidden!
We should talk about more fun things!

Something I hate...Ah, no good, that kind of topic is banned, forbidden! Let's talk about something more fun!

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯なんてもうこりごりッス……早く元の姿に戻りたい……。っていうか早く元の世界に戻してよね、マスター!」

I'm fed up with the Holy Grail!

I want to hurry and get back to my normal form...
Actually, hurry up and put this world back to normal, Master!

I'm already sick of Holy Grails... I want to quickly return to my old form... Actually, hurry up and return me to my old world, Master!

During an Event 「神は言っている。今がチャンスだと──つまりガネーシャさんはこう言いたい。お祭りに注ぎ込め! と」

God has spoken... now is your chance...

In other words, Ms. Ganesha wants to say this: pour yourself into the festival!

The God has spoken. Ganesha-san wants to say that "Now is our chance". That "We need to invest in this festival!"

Birthday 「誕生日おめでとッス~。ボクからは今日一日、無料労働権をプレゼントするッス。さあ働けー! ……ボクのために」

Happy birthday!

I'm giving you the gift of the right to work for free the whole day today!
Now get to work...for me.

Happy birthday~! I'm giving you this free-labour coupon... for a full day today. Now get to work! For my sake.


  1. 1.0 1.1 Pico is a prefix in the metric system denoting a factor of 10 or 0.000000000001.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Mushika is Ganesha's rat mount and part of my vahana series. Each of the Hindu gods has an animal they are closely associated with or ride, called a vahana. Mushika is depicted here offering prasad or blessed holy sweets to Lord Ganesha.source

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The translation was taken from Reddit User Konchew. thanks for all the hard work
