Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Kadowaki Mai (Illya)
Takano Naoko (Ruby)
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned イリヤ「海だー!!
イリヤです! アーチャーです! 水着も持ってきました!
……え、海じゃない? 湖?


Illya: It's the beach!!!

I'm Illya! I'm an Archer, and I brought a swimsuit!
So let me say it again...
We're at the beach!!!
...Wait, we're not at the beach? We're...at a lake...?
Well it doesn't matter where I am as long as I can swim! So let's go make a bunch of fun summer memories!
Ruby: But there was no way for Illya to know that this was just the beginning of a tragic tale...

Illya: It's the sea! I'm Illya! I'm an Archer! I'm an Archer! I brought a swimsuit! So again, it's the sea! … Eh? It's not the sea? A lake? Hm, it doesn't matter as long as I can swim! Let's make a lot of funny memories of the summer holidays!

Ruby: This time Illya-san didn't know that this would be the beginning of a tragedy…

Level Up 1 イリヤ「おぉ……遊んで食べて寝てるだけなのにレベルが上がっていく……」

Whoa...my level went up and all I've done is eat, sleep, and play...

Illya: Oh… Even though I'm just playing, eating, and sleeping, my level keeps rising.

Level Up 2 イリヤ「ありがとう! これでいっぱい休めるよ~!」

Thank you! Now I can rest a bunch!

Illya: Thank you~! With this I can rest a lot!

Level Up 3 イリヤ「そ、そんなに急いでレベル上げなくても良いのでは……?」

M-maybe there's no need to up my level so quickly like this?

Illya: I-Is it fine if my level doesn't rise that quickly?

1st Ascension イリヤ「着替えました! けど、ちょっと恥ずかしいのでタオルは装備したままで……。で、でも、これで準備は万全! あとは日が暮れるまで遊びまくるだけだね!」

I've changed! But I'm keeping this towel wrapped around me because it's a little embarrassing...

B-but now I should be all set.
All I have to do is to play until the sun sets!

Illya: I changed my clothes! But, it's a bit embarrassing, so I'll keep wearing the towel… B-But, with this I'm all set! All that's left is to play until the sun sets!

2nd Ascension イリヤ「陽射しが強いから気を付けないとね」


Illya: We need to protect ourselves from the sun's rays.

Ruby: I'll go ahead and dispense some sunblock, so please slather yourself with it.
Illya: No, that's creepy!

Illya: The sunlight is strong so we have to take care.

Ruby: In that case, I'll pull out some sunblock cream, so please let me spread it.
Illya: It somehow feels gross, so no!

3rd Ascension イリヤ「うええーっと……」

ルビー「気合いを入れて大人っぽいビキニを用意したはいいけど、やっぱり恥ずかしくなって合羽を着たイリヤさん? どうしましたー?」
イリヤ「裏事情を説明しないでー! いや、えっと、その、大丈夫です! 恥ずかしくないです! 戦闘服なので! ルビーもなんかでっかくなったし、ね!」

Illya: Ummm...

Ruby: What's wrong, Illya? I see you mustered up the courage to try on a mature-looking bikini but ended up wearing a poncho out of embarrassment.
Illya: There's no need to tell the backstory! And...um...well...it's okay! I'm not embarrassed because it's supposed to be a combat outfit! And you, Ruby, seem to have gotten bigger too! Right!?

Illya: E~rr…

Ruby: What's wrong, Illya-san who got pumped up and prepared an adult bikini but is wearing a raincoat because it's embarrassing after all?
Illya: Eh?! Hey, don't explain it~! No, er, hm… It's fine! It's not embarrassing! It's a combat outfit! Ruby has become somewhat huge! Right!

4th Ascension イリヤ「うん……わかってる。こうして遊んでいられるのは、本当は一瞬のこと。時間は、流れ星みたいにあっという間に過ぎ去っちゃうんだよね。星が綺麗だった。大きな虹に感動した。みんなと、たくさんおしゃべりした。ひとつひとつが、わたしの大切な思い出。いつか……わたしが大人になって、いろんなことを少しずつ忘れていくんだとしても……今日がすっごく楽しかったって、その気持ちだけは、忘れないと思う!」

Yeah, I'm well aware...

It's only for a brief moment that I can go out and play like this. Time passes by real quick like a shooting star.
The stars were really pretty, and I was really moved when I saw a giant rainbow. I even got to chat a lot with everyone.
Each and every one of these moments will be precious memories to me.
And even if I gradually forget things as I grow older, I'll never forget how much fun today was!

Illya: Yeah, I know. Playing like this really is for an instant. Time is like a shooting star, it passes by in the blink of an eye. The stars were pretty. I was moved by a big rainbow. I talked a lot with everyone. Every single of them is a valuable memory. Even though someday I'll become an adult and keep forgetting many things little by little, today was really fun, and I don't think I'll forget that feeling alone!

Battle Start 1 イリヤ「戦闘開始! 全力で休むよ!」

Begin battle! I'm going to do my best to relax!

Illya: Battle start! I'll rest with all my might!

Battle Start 2 イリヤ「夏休みを邪魔する人たち、許さないよ!」

I won't tolerate anyone who gets in the way of summer break!

Illya: I won't forgive those in the way of the summer holidays!

Skill 1 イリヤ「夏を! 諦めない!」

I'm not giving up...on summer!

Illya: I won't give up on summer!

Skill 2 イリヤ「いっぱい撃つよー!」

I'm going to spray it all down!

Illya: I'll shoot lots and lots~!

Skill 3 ルビー「お花に水をあげましょーう」

Ruby: Let's water the flowers!

Ruby: Let's give the flowers some water~.

Attack Selected 1 イリヤ「構えて―!」


Illya: In your positions~.

Attack Selected 2 イリヤ「狙って―」


Illya: Take aim~.

Attack Selected 3 イリヤ「ブシャー!!」


Illya: Sploosh~!

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 イリヤ「……はっ! ……何か、悟りそう……」

Oh, I think I'm getting an epiphany...

Illya: Huh?! Something is awakening…

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 イリヤ「わたし、また分裂しそうな予感!」

I have a feeling I'm going to split again!

Illya: I have the feeling I'm going to split again…!

Attack 1 イリヤ「ウォッシャー!」


Illya: Wassa~

Attack 2 イリヤ「てりゃりゃりゃ〜!」

Yah, yah, yah!

Illya: Teryaryarya~

Attack 3 イリヤ「突撃ー!」


Illya: Charge!

Attack 4 イリヤ「これでもどうぞ!」

Take this!

Illya: Take this too~

Attack 5 イリヤ「水圧~マックスぅ!」

Water pressure set to the MAX!

Illya: Water pressure max!

Attack 6 ルビー「ルビーちゃんラッシュー!」

Ruby: Ruby Rush!

Ruby: Ruby-chan Rush!

Extra Attack 1 イリヤ「所によりにわか雨! お足元注意だよー!」

Sporadic rain showers! Watch your step!

Illya: It'll rain in some places, watch your feet~!

Extra Attack 2 イリヤ「晴れの日も雨の日も! 上を向いて遊ぼー!」

Whether it's a sunny day or rainy day...keep your head up high and play!

Illya: In clear days and in rainy days, let's look above and play~!

Noble Phantasm 1 イリヤ「行こう、ルビー! 前へ、未来へ、その先へ! 夏が終わっても、たくさんの思い出があるから、わたしは飛べる!『少女よ虹になれプリズマ☆スプラッシュレインボー!』!」

Let's go, Ruby!

We'll move forward...to the future...and beyond!
Even after it ends, I'll have tons of summer memories to let me fly!
Prisma☆Splash Rainbow!

Illya: Let's go, Ruby! To the past, to the future, and ahead! Even if summer ends, since there are so many memories, I'll fly! "O little girl, become the rainbowPrisma☆Splash Rainbow"!

Noble Phantasm 2 ルビー「はーい、それでは出欠をとりますよー? 出席番号1番、イリヤさーん?」


Ruby: Okay, roll call! Student number one, Illya!

Illyas: Yes! Yes! Me! Yeah! Oui! Ah! Yay!
Ruby: There's too many of you!
Illyas: I'm going to try my best again in the new school term!

Damage from Noble Phantasm イリヤ「遊びがなさすぎるぅー!」

There's not enough play!

Illya: That play is too much!

Regular Damage イリヤ「なんでぇっ!?」


Illya: Why?!

Defeated 1 イリヤ「し……新学期が、始まる……」

Th-the new school term...is going to start...

Illya: T-The new semester is, starting…

Defeated 2 イリヤ「休んでばかりじゃ……ダメってことぉ……?」

Does that mean...it's bad that I slack off all the time?

Illya: Does this mean resting all the time, is bad…?

Battle Finish 1 イリヤ「今日も明日も明後日も! まだまだ遊び足りないね!」

Today, tomorrow, and even the day after that! I still haven't gotten my fill of fun!

Illya: Today and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, I won't have played enough yet!

Battle Finish 2 イリヤ「楽しかったぁ〜。次は、どこに連れてってくれる?」

It was fun! Where are you going to take me next?

Illya: That was fun! Where are you taking me next time?

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 イリヤ「そういえば一年生の時、アサガオの観察日記とかやってたんだよね」


Illya: I remember doing an observational diary for morning glories in the first grade.

Ruby: Oh, flowers are nice. I like them.
Illya: Really? Did you grow some flowers yourself?
Ruby: Well, yes....some Devil's Trumpet...

Illya: Come to think about it, I did a morning glory observation diary when I was in the 1st grade.

Ruby: My, morning glories are nice. I love them.
Illya: Is that so. Did you raise them by any chance?
Ruby: Yeah, well. They were those called devil's trumpets though.

Bond Lvl 2 イリヤ「夏休みの宿題? もちろんもう終わらせたよー! あ、でも、自由研究だけはまだだったなぁ」


Illya: Homework over the summer? Obviously I finished it already! Oh, but I still haven't completed my research assignment...

Ruby: Hmmm...then how about doing a report on the growth of a Tree of Emptiness?
Illya: Stop it. That's not funny.

Illya: My homework for summer holidays? Of course I finished them! Ah, but I haven't done my independent research yet.

Ruby: Humm. How about an observation diary about the growth of Quixotic Trees then?
Illya: Stop poking fun at me like that…

Bond Lvl 3 イリヤ「いっぱい遊ぶためには何より健康第一! ちゃんと毎朝ラジオ体操しなきゃねー。あ、スタンプカード作ったからハンコください!」

To play hard, it's important to stay healthy!

We should do radio calisthenics every morning.
Oh, I made an attendance card, so please give me a stamp!

Illya: In order to play a lot, health always comes first! I must do properly my radio exercises every morning~! Ah, I made a stamp card, so please give me a seal!

Bond Lvl 4 イリヤ「おはようマスターさん。今日は何するかもう決めた? まだ? だったら、はい、これー! こちらの夏休みのしおりにイリヤのやりたいことリストをまとめておきました! ご参考までに!」


Illya: Good morning, Master! Have you decided what to do today? No? Well, then...

Here! I've listed everything I've always wanted to do in this summer vacation guide book! Please look through it for reference!
Ruby: Let's see here... "I want to revel in summer love."
Illya: Hey! Don't add weird things to it!

Illya: Good morning, Master-san! Have you decided what to do today? Not yet? In that case… Here, this~! I have compiled a list of things Illya wants to do in this summer holiday guidebook! Even with references!

Ruby: Let me see… "I want to go bungee jumping with my summer love", there.
Illya: Don't add weird entries!

Bond Lvl 5 イリヤ「う~~~ん……はっ!? ね、寝てないよ! まだまだ眠くないもん。大丈夫! ……ううん、無理してるわけじゃないよ。ただ……寝るのがもったいないなって……。本当、夢みたいに、毎日楽しくて……。明日も……遊ぼうね……マスターさん。……すぅ……むにゃむにゃ……すぅ……」

(Yawn...) (Gasp!)

I-I wasn't asleep! I'm not falling asleep! I'm fine! No, I'm not forcing myself! I just think it's a waste to lose time by falling asleep.
Every day's just so fun...it's like a dream...
Let's play again...tomorrow...Master...

Illya: U~hn… Hah! I-I wasn't asleep. I'm not sleepy yet. I'm fine… Uuhn, it's not like I'm forcing myself... It's just sleeping is a waste. Really, I'm enjoying every day as if I was dreaming... Let's play tomorrow too, Master-san. …Zzz.

Dialogue 1 イリヤ「早くおでかけしよう、マスターさん。わたしはどこでもいいよ~。殺人鬼の出る湖以外なら!」

Come on let's go out, Master! I don't care where!

As long as it's not the lake where the serial killer lurks!

Illya: Let's head out already, Master-san! I'm fine with going anywhere. Except if it's a lake where a murderer comes out!

Dialogue 2 イリヤ「!? いきなり主従関係、と言われましても……」

ルビー「お前の立場をわからせてやる! 的なアレですかぁ~? 110番が、火を噴きますよぉ~?」

Illya: Huh? Why did the topic of Master-Servant relationships suddenly spring up?

Ruby: Does the question have sort of an "I'll show you your place!" vibe to it? Yeah, I think that's grounds for a 911 call.

Illya: Ueh?! Even if you talk about the master-servant relationship all of a sudden…

Ruby: I'll make you know your position! Is it something like that~? The police telephone number's spitting fire~!

Dialogue 3 イリヤ「マスターさんとわたしの関係? うーん……児童と、引率の保護者……みたいな?」


Illya: My relationship with Master? Hmmm...I guess it's like a relationship between a child and their chaperone...

Ruby: What other kind of answer were they expecting?

Illya: My relationship with Master-san? U~hm. Something like, a child and their leading protector?

Ruby: Rather, I wonder what other kind of answer you expected by making that question…

Dialogue 4
(Chloe von Einzbern)
イリヤ「ふっふっふ、見なさいクロ、わたしのこの圧倒的着替え枚数を! 一張羅のあなたとは格が違……痛ーい!? 何するのー! 叩くことないでしょー!」


Illya: Fufufu... Take a look at these, Kuro. Take a look at the overwhelming amount of outfits I can change into! I'm definitely better than you, since you only have one good―ouch! What was that for!? You don't need to smack me!

Ruby: Fellow Archers getting along...how wonderful.

Illya: Fuffuffu. Look, Kuro. Look at this overwhelming number of changes of mine! It's a different case from you and your one good cloth… That hu~rts! What are you doing~! I didn't hit you!

Ruby: They sure get along as fellow equal Archers…

Dialogue 5
(Miyu Edelfelt)
イリヤ「見て見て美遊ー、この水着どうかなっ。えー、似合うー? えへへ、ありがとー。今度美遊の水着も用意してくるからねっ。なんかこう……紐いの! ううん、遠慮しないで! 大丈夫だから! わたしに任せてー!」

Look, Miyu! What do you think of this swimsuit? Huh? I look good in it? Hehe, thanks!

I'll prepare a swimsuit for you too next time! Something...stringy!
No, there's no need to be bashful! It'll be okay! Leave it to me!

Illya: Look look, Miyu. How is this swimsuit? Ee~h, it suits me? Ehehe~, thank you! Next time you have to prepare your swimsuit, Miyu! Something… like… stringy! Yup, it's fine not to hold back so leave it to me!

Dialogue 6
イリヤ「すべてをいったん忘れて遊びまくるぞー! ……って決心したんだけど、食堂の赤いお兄さんの目が厳しくてねー。……うん、節度を守って規律正しく遊び惚けよう!」

I'm going to forget about everything and focus on playing!

...At least that's what I decided to do, but the man in red at the cafeteria's been giving me a stern look...
Okay, I'll try to do it in moderation! I'll play hard, but in an orderly way!

Illya: Forget everything for a moment, and play around! I made my mind to say that, but the eyes of the red mister at the cafeteria were so harsh… Um, let's get absorbed into playing in moderation and according to the regulations!

Dialogue 7
(Irisviel (Dress of Heaven) or EMIYA (Assassin))


Ruby: Freely enjoying summer vacation away from parents... Mmm, that's every elementary school kid's dream.

Illya: Well, I am enjoying myself...but I don't know about the whole "away from parents" part, since there's plenty of people acting like chaperones here...

Ruby: Leaving your parents' side and fully enjoying your summer holidays without any worries! U~hn, it's the dream of every elementary school student!

Illya: U~hn. I'm enjoying it, but I wonder why. It may be because there are people here that look like my parents.

Dialogue 8
(Abigail Williams or Abigail Williams (Summer))

イリヤ「うん、それでわたし焦っちゃって、でも何か言わなきゃーって思って、咄嗟にタコ焼きおいしいですよね! って言ったら冒涜的だとかなんとか難しい言葉で驚かれたよー。向こうの人ってタコ食べないんだね」

Illya: I ran into Abby in the cafeteria earlier. I tried to sit next to her to eat, but it was the scary Abby today.

Ruby: Her attitude does differ daily. We need to be especially careful when she's in tentacle mode because it's hard to communicate with her.
Illya: Yeah...and I panicked. But I knew I had to say something, so I blurted out: "takoyaki is delicious, don't you think!?"
She looked really bewildered and used a really big word...sak-ree-ligious...or something. I guess non-Japanese people don't eat octopus.

Illya: I just saw Abby-chan at the cafeteria. I told her to eat together, and I sat next to her… But today's Abby-chan was the scary personality…

Ruby: The mood is different depending on the day, for that person. Talking is always difficult when it comes to the tentacle-type, so we must be careful…
Illya: Yup. So I was panicking, but I thought I should say something, and I said right away "takoyaki is tasty, isn't it?". She surprised me with difficult words like sacrilegious or something like that. So that person doesn't eat octopus.

Dialogue 9
(Sesshōin Kiara or Sesshōin Kiara (Moon Cancer))
イリヤ「あ、あれ? 殺生院さんってあんなにいろいろ大きかったっけ? もっとこう、わたしくらいのサイズ感だったような気が……。ま、まあでも、大人な殺生院さんも素敵だよねー。何というか、たおやかな深窓のお嬢様的な上品さが……」

イリヤ「なんで!? っていうかそのリスト何!?」

Illya: H-huh? Was Miss Sessyoin always that big? I thought she was my size...

But then again, the big Sessyoin is wonderful too! I can't put my finger on it, but she gives off the air of an elegant and refined person...like a graceful young lady raised with tender care.
Ruby: Oh that person is actually registered on your "Servant restraining order" list.
Illya: Why!? And what the heck is that list!?

Illya: W-What? Sesshōin-san was so big in many senses? I feel like she was more like about my size… Well, it doesn't matter, the grown-up Sesshōin-san is wonderful too. How to say it, the elegance of a graceful lady that was brought up with tender care…

Ruby: Ah, that person is registered in Illya-san's "Restraint Order Servant List".
Illya: Why?! I mean, what's that list?!

Dialogue 10
(Tomoe Gozen (Saber))

(Sigh) Tomoe is so cool.

She must be this super famous pro-gamer, seeing how she agile she is with those controllers...
Huh? She's not? She's not a pro-gamer, but a dual-wielding swordmaster?
Ha, that can't be true...!

Illya: Haa~. Tomoe-san is so cool..... That agile controller movement, she must be a famed pro-gamer for sure! Eh, she's not? Not a pro-gamer but a two-sword style master swordswoman? Ahahah! That can't beー!

Something you Like イリヤ「焼きそば、かき氷、スイカ……どれも魅力的ですなー。あ、あとあれ食べたーい! 海の家特有の別段おいしくもまずくもないニュートラルラーメン!」

Yakisoba...shave ice...watermelon...they all sound good. Oh, and there's one more thing I want to try!

I want to try a bowl of ramen that's served at a beach house that's neither tasty nor bad...a neutral ramen!

Illya: Yakisoba, shaved ice, watermelon… All of them are fascinating~. Ah, I also want to eat that! The beach house's peculiar, particularly good and not bad Neutral Ramen!

Something you Hate イリヤ「嫌いなもの? 大丈夫です! だいたい何でも食べられます!」


Illya: What I dislike? Don't worry about that! I can eat almost anything!

Ruby: I don't think the question was about your taste in food...

Illya: Things I dislike? It's okay! I eat about anything!

Ruby: I don't think they mean what food you like or hate…

About the Holy Grail イリヤ「聖杯に願うこと、かぁ……ふふ、いろいろあり過ぎて迷っちゃうなぁ」

イリヤ「この夏の間にみんなとたっくさん思い出を作りたい! どれか一つだなんて決められないよー」

Illya: A wish for a Holy Grail, huh? Hmmm...I can't just choose one because there's so many!

Ruby: Illya, you're so greedy.
Illya: I want to make a ton of memories with everyone this summer. So I can't pick just one...
Ruby: I see. You really are greedy, Illya.

Illya: Something I'd wish to the Holy Grail? U~hm. There are so many things I have my doubts.

Ruby: Illya-san is a greedy one.
Illya: In this summer, I want to make lots of memories with everyone! I can't decide which one should go first!
Ruby: I see. After all, Illya-san is a greedy one.

During an Event イリヤ「何かお祭りやってるみたい。ほらほら、早く行こう、マスターさーん!」

I think there's a festival going on! Come on, let's go Master!

Illya: Looks like they're doing some kind of festival. Come on, come on! Let's go already, Master-san!

Birthday イリヤ「お誕生日おめでとう、マスターさん。いやー月日が経つのは早いものですなー。わたしがマスターさんに出会ってから、何年経ったっけ? え、わたし? わたしはいつまでも、永遠の11歳だよ! カルデアにいる限りね!」

Happy birthday, Master!

Time sure does fly! How many years has it been since we first met...? Huh, me? I'm forever my youthful self! As long as I'm in Chadea, that is!

Illya: Happy birthday, Master-san. Time flies, doesn't it? How many years has it been since I met Master? Eh, me? No matter how long it has been, I'm forever 11 years old! When I stay in Chaldea, that is!

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