Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「ハーイ、みんな元気ね!
夏! 夏よ!

All right! Is everyone having fun!?

Everyone seems to be in good spirits! What about you? Are you good? Come on, it's summer! Summer!
Cheer up and play with me!

Hiii, looking good, everybody! What about you? Are you in high spirits? Summer! It's summer! Cheer up and give all your energy, your full spirit, to play a lot with Big Sis!

Level Up 1 「んー!癖になりそう!」

Hmmm, I might get hooked.

Hmmm! I could get used to this!

Level Up 2 「あっははははは!」



Level Up 3 「信仰、効っくー!」

Your devotion hits hard!

Your faith's having some effect!

Battle Start 1 「はーい!準備はいいかしら」

Okay, are you ready?

Okaaay! Are you ready?

Battle Start 2 「いっぱい遊んであげちゃうぞー」

I'll play with you lots!

I'm gonna play a lot!

Battle Start 3 「なるべく長く遊ばせて」

Let me play as long as possible.

Let me play as much as I can.

Skill 1 「加護をあげる!特別に」

I'll give you special protection!

I'll give you a protection! Specially.

Skill 2 「応援!ピピピ」

Let's go, let's go! (Whistling)

Support! Pipipi

Skill 3 「いいお酒ーひっく」

Amazing booze. (Hic)

Good sake, hic.

Attack Selected 1 「へぇ、そう」

No waaay!

Eeh? Right.

Attack Selected 2 「そうなの?」


Is that so?

Attack Selected 3 「適当にやっとくわ」

I'll just go with it.

I'll do it properly.

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「へぇ、悪いんだ」

Oh...how nasty of you.

Eeeh, so bad.

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「ちゃんと見ててね」

Watch me, okay?

Take a good look.

Noble Phantasm Selected 3 「覚悟、いい?」

Brace yourself.

Are you ready?

Attack 1 「尻尾バーン!」

Tail whip bang!

Tail Burn!

Attack 2 「あら?あらあらあら?」

Oh? Oh my, oh my, oh my!

My? My my my?

Attack 3 「ザバーン!」



Attack 4 「アッハハハハ!」



Attack 5 「フフフフフフ」



Attack 6 「デメちゃーん」

Little Deme!!!


Extra Attack 1 「ウフフ、おーいで」

Fufufu. Come here!

Ufufu, come here.

Extra Attack 2 「ブルーファイア!」


Blue Fire!

Extra Attack 3 「おいでませ!」

Come here!

Come out!

Noble Phantasm 1 「夏が来たりて陽炎揺れて、雨が来たりて命が騒ぐ。御山の麓を流れ出て、八岐に分かれて神と成す。『伊吹御霊いぶきのみたま八脈怒濤はちみゃくどとう』!」

The heat haze wavers with summer's arrival.

Rain comes, agitating life.
Water will flow from the foot of the mountain, splitting into eight and becoming divine.
Ibuki-no-Mitama, Eight Surging Waves!

The heat haze wavers when summer comes, life clamors when rain comes. Pouring out from the foot of the mountain, it branches into eight forks and becomes a god. "Spirit of IbukiIbuki no Mitama - Eight Vein Raging BillowsHachimyaku Dotō"!



Noble Phantasm 2 「贄はいらぬと申しても、夏の暑さに喉カラカラ!美味しいお酒に美味しいつまみ。いらないなんてもう言えなーい!『伊吹御霊いぶきのみたま八脈怒濤はちみゃくどとう』!」

I've said I don't need sacrifices, but the summer heat's making me thirsty! I can't keep saying I don't want tasty booze and food to go with it!

Ibuki-no-Mitama, Eight Surging Waves!

Although I said I don't need any sacrifices, the heat of summer makes my throat parched! Delicious sake and delicious side dishes. I can't say I don't need them anymooore! "Spirit of IbukiIbuki no Mitama - Eight Vein Raging BillowsHachimyaku Dotō"!

Noble Phantasm 3 「夏の女神が衆生に告げる。踊りなさいな、騒ぎなさいな!せっかく命があるんでしょ?楽しまなくっちゃ勿体無い!アッハハハハハハハ!はー、すっきり」

The goddess of summer makes this decree before all living things! Dance! Frolic! You have a life to live. It would be a shame if you didn't enjoy yourself! Ahahaha!

Ahhh, that felt good!

The goddess of summer announces to all living things. Dance, make a fuss! You have a valuable life, don't you? It'd be a waste not to have fun! Ahahahahahahahaha! Aaah, I'm refreshed.

Damage from Noble Phantasm 1 「えーん」



Damage from Noble Phantasm 2 「ひどーい」


So mean.

Regular Damage 1 「アッハ」



Regular Damage 2 「うん」



Defeated 1 「あ、加減間違えちゃった」

Uh-oh. I held back too much...

Ah, I was wrong holding back.

Defeated 2 「あれ?あ、そっかぁ」

Huh? Oh, right.

Huh? Ah, right.

Defeated 3 「お酒が足りないわー」

There's not enough alcohol...

There's not enough sake!

Battle Finish 1 「あー遊んだ遊んだ!」

Ahhh, I had so much fun♪

Aaah, I played, I played.

Battle Finish 2 「ひっく、もっと欲しいわ」

(Hic) I want more...

Hic, I want more.

Battle Finish 3 「はーい、お終いね」

Okay. All done, right?

Okaaay, it's over.

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「はーいマスター。ちゃんと夏っぽいことしてるかしら?ダメよ、もう秋のこと考えたりしたら。冬なんてもってのほかなんだから。いいこと?はい、いいお返事。いい子ね」

Hey, Master! Have you been doing summer things? Don't you dare think about fall yet. Winter is totally out of the question. Got it?

Good, good. That's what I wanted to hear.

Okaaay, Master. Are you properly doing summer-y stuff? You can't be thinking about fall already. Winter's absurd. Got it? Okay, good reply. Good child.

Bond Lvl 2 「バーサーカー霊基って結構気持ちいいわ。荒御魂の時の感じとはまた違うけど開放的っていうか……なんだろ、意外とあたしには合うみたい。何故かしら?」

Being in a Berserker Spirit Origin is actually kind of nice. It feels a little different than when I was a wild spirit...like I feel more liberated...

I don't know what it is...maybe this class suits me.
I wonder why?

This Berserker Spirit Origin feels quite good. It's different from how it felt when I was a brazen soul but it's liberating… For some reason, it unexpectedly suits me well. I wonder why?

Bond Lvl 3 「あたし夏の女神になろうと決めたわ。だから今のあたしは夏の女神様なの!うっふふ、わかる?ほら、せっかく着替えるついでに霊基を変えるのだから、司るものくらい自分で決めたいじゃない?だからあたしは現在進行形でカルデアとあなたたちの夏を司ってる。前にカリブを散歩した時にね、お姉さん思ったの。ああなるほど、これはいいものだわって。次は思いっきり寿いであげよーって」

I've decided to become the summer goddess. If I say it, it's going to be a reality!

Fufu...do you get it? I went to the trouble of changing my Spirit Origin when I changed my outfit, so wouldn't it only be fair for me to decide what I rule over? That's why I'm ruling Chaldea and summer as we speak. The other day when I was taking a stroll through the Caribbean, I thought to myself, "Ah, I see. This really is nice." I'm going to offer some blessed words with all my might next time!

I've decided to become a summer goddess. That's why now I'm the Goddess of Summer! Ufufu, understood? Come on, my clothes and my Spirit Origin have changed, shouldn't I want to choose what I rule at least? That's why I'm ruling over Chaldea and your summer as we speak. When I was going for a walk at the Caribbean beofre, Big Sis thought: "Ah I see, this is good stuff". "Next time let's celebrate as much as we want".

Bond Lvl 4 「うーん調子いいわー。この霊基、しっくり来ちゃう。あ、普段ももちろんすっごくしっくり来てるのよ。だから、普段と変わらないくらい自由に動けてるっていうか、自然にやれてるっていうか。うっふふ、もしかして……あなたがマスターだから、だったりして……なんちゃって!」

Ah, I feel good. This Spirit Origin suits me very well.

Don't get me wrong. My normal form also feels right too. That's why I can move as freely as I normally do, and I can do things effortlessly. Fufu, maybe it feels right because...
You're my Master, no?
I'm just joking!

Uuum, doinng good. This Spirit Origin fits me like a glove. Ah, the usual fits me perfectly too. That's why I can move freely or do things naturally as if nothing changed. Ufufu, could it be… Since you're the Master, maybe… Just kidding!

Bond Lvl 5 「夏はどう?ちゃんと楽しんでる?楽しめてるならよし!うんうん、大好きよマスター。ん?楽しめていないなら?そうね……もしそうなら、一度細かくバラバラにしてから、新しい形に組み直して、ちゃーんと夏を楽しめる子にしてあげる。うん、そうね、もう一回聞くわ。あなたはこの夏、楽しめてる?なーんちゃってー!そんなことしないわー勿体無い!うっふふ、なんちゃってっていうの多くない?夏のあたし?アッハハハハ、ひっく」

How is your summer going? Are you having fun? It's all good if you are. Good, good, I love you, Master!

Hm? You're curious how I would have reacted if you weren't having fun?
Well, if that had been the case, I'd have chopped you up into little pieces and molded you into a new form so you could be the sort of person who could properly enjoy summer.
So...I'm going to ask you again. Are you having fun this summer?
I'm just kidding! I wouldn't do anything like that. It would be such a waste!
Hehehe. Summer me says "just kidding!" too much! Ahahahaha! (Hic)

How's your summer? Are you enjoying it? If you are then all good! Um um, I love you, Master. Hm? If you weren't enjoying it? Right… If that was the case, I'd start by cutting you to fine strips, put you back together in a new shape, and make you a kid that would properly enjoy summer. Hm, that's right, I'll say it once more. Are you enjoying this summer? Juuust kiddiiing! I wouldn't do such a thing, what a waste! Ufufu, are you not saying 'just kidding' a lot, summer me? Ahahaha, hic.

Dialogue 1 「お出掛けねー?んー!それって夏っぽい!」

Heading out? Okay, that's pretty summery!

Going out? Mmmm! That's summer-like!

Dialogue 2 「マスターは浴衣とか似合うと思うの。どうかしら?夏っぽいし、良くなーい?」

I think you would look good in a yukata. What do you think? I think it's good since it represents summer.

I think Master would look good in a yukata. What do you think? It's summer-like, isn't that nice?

Dialogue 3 「あー、ごめん、ごめん。ついつい見つめちゃうのよね。霊基が変わっても、蛇の性質はそのままだから。今日も美味しそ、もとい、今日もキラキラして好きよ」

Oh, sorry. I can't help but stare at you. Even with my Spirit Origin changed, my serpent characteristics remain.

You look delicious as usual♪
...I mean, I love how you look as dazzling as usual!

Aaah, sorry, sorry. I didn't realize I was staring at you. Even though my Spirit Origin has changed, my snake nature is the same. I like how tasty you look today, or rather, how sparkling you look today.

Dialogue 4 「ひっく。あーいいきもちー」


Ahhh, bliss...

Hic. Aaaah, feels good.

Dialogue 5
(Gareth (Saber))

She's so spirited, so lovely. I mean Gareth. I love girls like her because she's got so much summer spirit!


It's wonderful to see how high-spirited you are, Gareth-chan! Big Sis likes kids like you. They're veeery summer-like. Ufufufufu.

Dialogue 6
(See the references[1])

The Valkyrie. Swans from the Lostbelt who care so much about their mother. I like swans. In fact, I love them. I don't know why, but whenever I see the swans fly, I feel a little sad. No matter. I'll cheer you on too!

The loved swans of the Lostbelt mum, Valkyrie. I like swans. I love them. But, I wonder why I feel a bit lonely when I see swans flying in the sky. Okay, I'll support you girls too.

Dialogue 7
(Ashiya Dōman)

Lim...Bo! I mean, Douman! Let's play!


L-I-M-B-O-kun! No, Dōman-kuuun! Let's go playyy! Hic!

Dialogue 8
(Yan Qing & His True Name Revealed)

You there...are you enjoying summer properly? Yan Qing...I'm talking to you.

Are you enjoying it? Really?

You, are you enjoying your summer? Yan Qing-kun, hey, are you enjoying it? For real?

Dialogue 9
(See the references[2])

A doctor? Someone who takes care of those who suffer from the summer heat? Uh-huh. Does that mean there's room for us to overdo it a bit? That's good to know!

Doctor? Can I give you the duty of looking after kids with summer heat fatigue? Um um, then it's okay if we are a bit reckless! What a relief!

Dialogue 10
(Lady Avalon)

So many flowers! Lady Avalon, the dazzling pretty girl! She seems to be calling herself the younger sister of Merlin, the Mage of Flowers, but...

I know something, but I'm not telling!
Having a few secrets is part of the allure of summer, you know!

So many flowers! That sparkling beautiful girl, Lady Avalon-chan! Looks like she calls herself the Mage of Flowers Merlin's little sister, but… Fufufufufufufu. I know, but I won't say iiit. Secrets are also summer-like.

Dialogue 11
(Utsumi Erice or Utsumi Erice (Avenger))

Erice, you are so cute! And actually, your scent triggers a memory of mine.

Are you okay? Can you walk without tripping? Do you want me to carry you? I can't help but fuss over you.

Erice-chan, you're so cute! And also you give off a nostalgic scent for some reason. Are you okay? Can you walk without falling over? Don't you want me to carry you in my arms? Big Sis won't take her eyes off you!

Dialogue 12
(Jeanne d'Arc (Archer) or Jeanne d'Arc (Berserker Alter))

All the Jeannes... Their very existence is summery. So nice... Huh? Manuscripts? What's that?

About the Jeanne-chans, their existences themselves are summer-like already. How niiice. Eh? Manuscript? Whaaat's that?

Dialogue 13
(See the references[3])

You all seem to be enjoying summer to the fullest! Yep. That's how it should be!

Very well. I'm going all out with the celebration! Are you ready?

You're enjoying summer quite a lot, you guys! Um Um, that's how it has to be! Okay! Let's celebrate with all our power! Let's gooo!

Dialogue 14
(Clear Arctic Summer World & Scáthach-Skaði or Scáthach-Skaði (Ruler))

Hey Skadi. It doesn't matter whether you're from the North Pole or the South Pole because we still enjoy summer. That's why there are two summer goddesses. Right?

Dialogue 15
(Wu Zetian (Caster))
「大陸の子ね? へえ、王妃様? すごいのねぇ。キョンシー使い? ああ、黄泉系のアレね! うんうん」

You're from the continent? Huh. A queen? Good for you. You control jiāngshī? Oh you mean those things from the underworld? Uh-huh...

Something you Like 「夏、お姉さん大好きになっちゃった。お酒は美味しいし、楽しいし、みんな夏っぽくてもー!みんな素敵ー!ひっく」

Big sister has taken a liking to summer! The alcohol is delicious, everything is so fun, and everyone's in the summer spirit... Everything's wonderful!


Big Sis has turned out to love summer. Sake's tasty, it's fun, and everything's summer-like! You all are wonderful! Hic!

Something you Hate 「何が嫌いか?うーん、そうねえ。あー、何でもコーラで割るのは、お姉さんちょっと好きくないかも。ん?うん、お酒の話。ひっく」

What do I dislike? Hmmm, let's see...

Oh, I actually do not like it when people try to mix everything with cola!
Hm? Well, I'm talking about alcohol, you know. (Hic)

What do I hate? Uuum, right. Ah, Big Sis doesn't really like dilluting stuff with cola. Hm? Yup, I'm talking about sake. Hic.

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯でー、フルーツポンチ作るの。お姉さん思いついちゃったー!いいと思わない?きっと、老若男女みんな喜ぶわ。とっても素敵ー。うん?何?似たようなことをやって特異点作っちゃった人がいる?いいわね、それ!気になるわー!ひっく」

I'm going to make fruit cocktails using the Holy Grail! That idea just hit me. Heh, don't you think it's a good idea? I'm sure guys and gals of all ages would love it. Yep, yep...what a wonderful idea!

Come again?
Someone once accidentally created a Singularity by doing something similar?
How intriguing. I'd like to know more. (Hic)

I'm gonna make fruit punch with the Holy Grail. Big Sis just thought about it! Don't you think it's nice? I'm sure that elder and young, men and women, everyone's gonna be happy. Very wonderful. Um? What? Someone created a Singularity after doing something similar? That's a good one! I'm interested! Hic!

During an Event 「イベント、イベントね、お祭りよねー?いいこと考えた!全てのイベントを、夏祭りにしちゃお!うん、そうしちゃお!はい決めたー!ひっく」

An event. An event is like a festival, right? I have a brilliant idea. Let's make all the events into a summer festival! Yep, yep! Let's do that! It's been decided! (Hic)

Event, an event, that's a festival, right? I have a good idea! Let's make all events a summer festival! Um, let's do that! 'Kay, decided! Hic.


Happy birthday! Since I'm in this Spirit Origin, we might as well make your birthday party summer-themed! We should all gather by the riverbed wearing yukata and buy lots of delicious food, then watch giant fireworks shoot up into the sky, and then we play with handheld fireworks.

Oh by the way, have you ever taken part in a test of courage? Want to do it together?
Haha, no, not like ghost hunting. I mean we'll climb a mountain, just the two of us, and drink alcohol while we watch the moon.


  1. One of the following Servants:
    S214A1Icon S359A1Icon S360A1Icon S361A1Icon
  2. One of the following Servants:
    S271A1Icon S079A1Icon S111A1Icon S249A1Icon S348A1Icon S043A1Icon S097A1Icon
  3. One of the following Servants:
    S123A1Icon S006A1Icon S121A1Icon S176A1Icon S213A1Icon S221A1Icon S227A1Icon S264A1Icon S290A1Icon S317A1Icon S011A1Icon S013A1Icon S122A1Icon S131A1Icon S129A1Icon S180A1Icon S262A1Icon S286A1Icon S318A1Icon S391A1Icon S085A1Icon S128A1Icon S134A1Icon S181A1Icon S217A1Icon S266A1Icon S288A1Icon S313A1Icon S419A1Icon S025A1Icon S132A1Icon S182A1Icon S179A1Icon S206A1Icon S257A1Icon S263A1Icon S273A1Icon S291A1Icon S322A1Icon S387A1Icon S130A1Icon S145A1Icon S150A1Icon S175A1Icon S319A1Icon S385A1Icon S117A1Icon S133A1Icon S177A1Icon S218A1Icon S267A1Icon S178A1Icon S261A1Icon S287A1Icon S323A1Icon S386A1Icon S265A1Icon S320A1Icon S390A1Icon S096A1Icon S321A1Icon S388A1Icon S420A1Icon S220A1Icon S285A1Icon S418A1Icon S421A1Icon S422A1Icon S426A1Icon S222A1Icon S289A1Icon S389A1Icon S423A1Icon S316A1Icon S392A1Icon S417A1Icon