Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Namikawa Daisuke)
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「驚かれたかな? ランサー、宝蔵院胤舜。


Lancer, Houzouin Inshun.
Pleased to meet you.

Were you surprised? Lancer, Hōzōin Inshun. Well then, I'll be in your care.

Level Up 「ううん……槍が冴える!」

Haha, my spear is honed.

Mm... my spear has become more skillful!

1st Ascension 「おお、なかなか具合が良い。三段突き、いけるか!」

Ah, this is quite nice.

Maybe I can do a sandanzuki.

Ooh, I'm in pretty good condition. I might be able to pull off a Sandanzuki now!

2nd Ascension 「これはこれは。なかなか良い」

My, oh my. This is nice.

Well well, this is pretty good.

3rd Ascension 「うむ、気が冴えている。心身共に、涅槃ねはんの境地よ!」

Hm. My mind is sharp. My heart and flesh are in a state of Nirvana.

Hm, my mind has become more serene. Head towards the realm of nirvana with both mind and body!

4th Ascension 「今ならば、神も仏もこの槍で突けるだろう。……不謹慎か? はっはっはっは」

I bet I can use this spear to strike even the Buddha and the gods in this state.

...Is that inappropriate? Hahaha.

Right now, I can pierce even the gods and the buddhas with this spear.... that's blasphemous? Hahahahaha.

Battle Start 1 「さて、我が槍どう受ける!」

Now, how will you receive my spear?

Well then, let's see how you receive my spear!

Battle Start 2 「それでは槍術を教えよう。構えてくれ」

I'm going to teach you my spear technique. Brace yourself.

Then, let's teach you the art of the spear. Take your stance.

Skill 1 「効かぬな」

Not working.

It won't work.

Skill 2 「研ぎ澄ます」

I'm sharpening it!

Sharpen it.

Attack Selected 1 「承知」



Attack Selected 2 「任されよ」

Leave it to me.

Leave it to me.

Attack Selected 3 「ゆくぞ!」

Let's go!

Let's go!

Noble Phantasm Selected 「宝蔵院流の妙技、ご覧あれ!」

Witness the prowess of Houzouinryu!

Witness it well, the exquisite technique of the Hōzōin-ryū!

Attack 1 「はっ!」



Attack 2 「甘い!」

Too easy!


Attack 3 「隙があるぞ!」

There's an opening!

There's a gap!

Extra Attack 「では、我が術技をお見せしよう!」

I'll show you my skill!

Well then, behold my skill!

Noble Phantasm 「これぞ槍の究極。生涯無敗を確立させた十一の式、朧裏月──いざ参る!!」

This is the ultimate spear!

The eleven forms that ensured me a lifetime without defeat.
Oboro Urazuki... Ready to strike!

This is the ultimate pinnacle of the spear. The eleven stances that established an undefeated lifetime, Oboro Urazuki--- now here I come!!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「ぬかった……!」


I screwed up!

Regular Damage 「くっ」



Defeated 1 「我が槍、届かず、か……!」

My spear...couldn't reach...

My spear... could not reach...!

Defeated 2 「念仏は不要……さらば!」

There's no need for prayer. Farewell...

There is no need to pray for me... farewell!

Battle Finish 1 「槍は全てに勝る武器だ。それを覚えてくれたかな?」

The spear bests every weapon in every way. Got that?

The spear is a weapon that triumphs over all. Got it memorized?

Battle Finish 2 「我が槍術、存分に味わったかな?」

Have you had enough of my spear technique?

Have you had your fill of my spear techniques?

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「こらこら、坊主の頭を撫でるな!」

Come on, quit rubbing my shaved head.

Hey hey, don't rub the head of a monk!

Bond Lvl 2 「ふふふふ……まったく。……突くぞ?」

Heh, come on.

I'll spear ya.

Heheheheh... really. ...I'll pierce you, y'know?

Bond Lvl 3 「天草四郎時貞、知らないわけではないが……。なんだその目は!」

Amakusa Shirou Tokisada? It's not that I don't know him.

Uh, what's with that look?

Amakusa Shirō Tokisada, it's not like I don't know him... But what's with those eyes!

Bond Lvl 4 「うむ。槍術をお教えしようか!」

Hm. Want me to teach you some spear techniques?

Hm. You want to learn the art of the spear, then!

Bond Lvl 5 「ふははは! 教えるというのも悪くはないな! そら、体勢が崩れているぞ!」

Hahaha, teaching ain't so bad!

Come on, you're breaking form!

Fuhahahaha! Being a teacher isn't bad either! Hey, your stance is falling apart!

Dialogue 1 「そら、旅を始めようではないか!」

Come, let's begin our journey.

Hey, shan't we start a journey?

Dialogue 2 「ふははは! 拙僧はまず仏に仕える身だからな。マスターと言えども、遠慮はせぬぞ」

Hahaha. I am a man who serves the Buddha first. You may be my Master, but I won't hold back any reservations I may have.

Fuhahaha! This humble monk has devoted his body to serving Lord Buddha first and foremost after all. Even if you are my Master, I won't hold back.

Dialogue 3 「拙僧は魔力を食らい、お主は私を食らう。互いの糧となるなら、それで良かろう」

I devour magical energy, while you devour me.

I don't see a problem since we nourish each other.

This humble monk eats magical energy, and my lord eats me. We're in a state of mutual sustenance, and that is good.

Dialogue 4
(See the references[1])
「弁慶!? 牛若丸!? なんと佐々木小次郎もいるのか。なんとまあ、カルデアとはけったいな場所よなあ」

Benkei? Ushiwakamaru? And even Sasaki Kojirou's here, too? My gosh, Chaldea is a strange place.

Benkei!? Ushiwakamaru!? And even Sasaki Kojirō is here, eh? How do I say this... well, Chaldea seems to be a pretty bizarre place.

Dialogue 5
(Clear Shimosa & See the references[2])

Hm...Amakusa Shirou, Miyamoto Musashi, Yagyu Munenori...

Don't know what it is, but it seems like an amazing, and yet terrible lineup at the same time...

Hm. Amakusa Shirō, Miyamoto Musashi, Yagyū Munenori. Somehow, it feels like there's good and there's bad to have them all together like this.

Dialogue 6
(Li Shuwen (Lancer))

Li Shuwen...the divine spear.

As a man who serves the Buddha. I think I need to spar against him once...
Never mind. It'd almost certainly be a fight to the death.

Li Shuwen, the Divine Spear. As one who serves the Lord Buddha, I should have a match with him once, but it is better not to. It will undoubtedly become a deathmatch.

Dialogue 7
(Miyamoto Musashi)

Musashi, huh?

Musashi... eh?

Something you Like 「拙僧から槍を奪えば何が残ると思うかね? 『何も』、だ! はっはっはぁ!」

What kind of man would I become if you took away my spear?

I would be nothing.

What things do you think will remain when you take the spear from this humble monk? "Nothing"! Hahahaha!

Something you Hate 「無益な殺生は好まんよ。これでも坊主であるからな!」

I don't like unnecessary killing.

I'm still a monk, after all.

I don't like cruel killings. I'm still a monk after all!

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯ね……我が槍がこれ以上冴える方法があれば、教えてもらいたいか」

The Holy Grail? If it can teach me how to hone my spear even more, I'd like to know.

The Holy Grail... could it teach me a way to further sharpen my spear?

During an Event 「どうやら何か来たようだぞ。行くか」

It seems something is afoot. Want to go?

Something seems to have come. Shall we go?

Birthday 「お主が生誕した日だ。ここまで育ててくれた者達に、感謝するがよい」

I hear today is the day of your birth.

You should be thankful to those who raised you.

It's my lord's day of birth. It would be good to express your gratitude to those who have nurtured you this far.


  1. One of the following Servants:
    S019A1Icon S027A1Icon S039A1Icon S218A1Icon
  2. One of the following Servants:
    S153A1Icon S187A1Icon S261A1Icon S093A1Icon

DialogueIcon Dialogue Related Servants

The following Servants have related dialogues to this Servant (sorted alphabetically):
S093A1Icon S332A1Icon S274A1Icon S256A1Icon S360C1Icon S360A1Icon S188A1Icon S405A1Icon S261A1Icon S153A1Icon S185A1Icon S361C1Icon S361A1Icon S313A1Icon S051A1Icon S070A1Icon S125A1Icon S359C1Icon S359A1Icon S184A1Icon S214A1Icon S214A2Icon S214A3Icon S113A1Icon S187A1Icon


Translation done by user of reddit Taiboo. All credit to him/her
