Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「私はエウリュアレ。


My name is Euryale.

Right. I am a Goddess.
It'll be one short life, but do your best to entertain me.

I am Euryale. That's right, I'm a Goddess. It'll be one short life, but do your best to entertain me.

Level Up 「うふふ。私、また綺麗になっちゃった」

Hehe, I've become even more beautiful.

Ufufu. I became even more beautiful.

1st Ascension 「本気の私、見てみたい? 後悔しても遅いけど」

Do you want me to get serious?

It's too late now, even if you regret it.

Do you wanna see how I am when I'm serious? But even if you regret it later, it'll be too late.

2nd Ascension 「これ……ちょっと気持ちいいかも」

...This, feels good.

This kinda feels good...

3rd Ascension 「この姿は久しぶり! ご褒美に、なにをしてあげようかしら?」

...It's been awhile since I've been in this form!

Now, how shall I reward you?

It's been a while since I've been in this form! I wonder what I should give you as a reward.

4th Ascension 「うふふ、あははっ! 最高の気分! あなたのハートも、打ち抜いちゃおうかしら?」

Hehe. Ahaha, this feels great! Shall I pierce your heart too?

Ufufu, Ahaha! This feels great! Should I also pierce your heart?

Battle Start 1 「私に堕とされる覚悟、あるんでしょうね?」

Are you ready to fall for me?

Are you prepared to be shot down by me?

Battle Start 2 「私の目にかなう勇者はいるかしら?」

I wonder if there is a hero who can withstand my eye?

I wonder if there's a hero whom I will like.

Battle Start 3 「退屈だけはさせないでよね?」

Just don't bore me, okay?

Battle Start 4 「また戦闘ぉ~? んもぉ……」

Another battle? What a drag.

Skill 1 「行っくわよ~!」

Here I come!

Here I go~

Skill 2 「ふふふふふふふ……」



Skill 3 「laーlaーlaー♪」



Attack Selected 1 「ええ」



Attack Selected 2 「イヤよ!」

No way.

No way!

Attack Selected 3 「うふふ」



Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「ええ……目にモノを言わせてあげるっ!!」

Yes, I'll show them what I can do.

Yea... I'll say it on your face!

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「心臓……撃ち抜いちゃうから!」

I'll shoot right through your heart!

Noble Phantasm Selected 3 「真の女神は眼で──なーんてね♪」

A real goddess will kill you with just their eyes...just kidding.

Noble Phantasm Selected 4 「真っ逆さまに堕ちてみる?」

Want to fall head over heels?

Attack 1 「えぇいっ」

Take that♪


Attack 2 「え~い!」

Take this♪


Attack 3 「うふふふ」



Attack 4 「これはどう?」

How about this?

Attack 5 「じゃあ、これは!?」

What about this?

Attack 6 「あっははは!」


Extra Attack 1 「そろそろ……堕ちて♪」

Ready to fall for me?

Time to fall!

Extra Attack 2 「ほら! どーん♪」

Okay, BOOM!

Extra Attack 3 「どっかぁーん♪」


Extra Attack 4 「えいっ! ぐる~ん♪」

Hah, twirl!

Noble Phantasm 1
(Before 08/12/2020)

Eye of the Euryale!

Goddess's Stare [Eye of the Euryale!]

Noble Phantasm 1 「あなたのハートに、突き刺されー♪ 『女神の視線アイ・オブ・ザ・エウリュアレ』ーっ♪」

Pierce your heart!

Eye of the Euryale!

Noble Phantasm 2 「覚悟はいい? 百発百中っ! 『女神の視線アイ・オブ・ザ・エウリュアレ』ーっ♪」

Are you ready?

This shot never misses♪
Eye of the Euryale!

Noble Phantasm 3 「射止めてみせるわ。『女神の視線アイ・オブ・ザ・エウリュアレ』ーっ♪」

I'll shoot right through them!

Eye of the Euryale!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 1 「きゃああ!」



Damage from Noble Phantasm 2 「やぁだもぉっ!」

Oh no!

Regular Damage 1 「きゃっ」



Regular Damage 2 「ぁいたっ…」


Defeated 1 「嘘、こんな……ステンノ……」

No... This can't be...Stheno...

This can't be true....this... Stheno...

Defeated 2 「ごめんね、メドゥーサ……あなたの、ケーキ……」

I'm sorry...Medusa... Your cake...

Forgive me Medusa...Your, cake...

Defeated 3 「なんだか眠いわ……うふふ、へんなの……」

I'm a little sleepy... Teehee, how strange...

Defeated 4 「楽し、かったわ……ほんとう……」

It was...fun...really...

Battle Finish 1 「ふふ。あぁ、面白かった!」

...Hehe. Ah, that was fun.

Fufu... Aaah that was fun.

Battle Finish 2 「あなた……あんまり私のタイプじゃないのよね」

You're not really my type.

I guess you're really not my type.

Battle Finish 3 「見てた、私の矢? うふふふ……!」

Did you see my arrow!? Hehehe♪

Battle Finish 4 「頼られるっていうのも、たまにはいいわね」

Being relied on isn't so bad once in a while♪

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「ここは、『形のない島』とは違うわね……。いいえ、寂しいとかではないんだけど……。寂しいとかじゃ、ないの」

This isn't like the "Shapeless Isle."

...No, it's not that I'm lonely.
Not that at all.

This place, is different from the Shapeless Island huh. No... It's not like I was feeling lonely. I'm...not lonely

Bond Lvl 2 「本当は……私、寂しいのかもしれない。こんな風に思うなんて……。それに、それを誰かに言うだなんてね」

...Really, I think I might be lonely.

For me to feel like this...
Let alone tell anyone else about it...

In reality. I might be feeling lonely. To think about it like this. And, to think of telling other people about it...

Bond Lvl 3 「寂しい気持ちは、あなたが埋めなさい。ね、マスター? それがあなたのこれからの仕事。せいぜい務めて見せなさいよ?」

You have to keep me from feeling lonely.

Okay Master?
That's your job from now on. I expect you to work hard.

Won't you fill up my loneliness? Okay, Master? That will be your job from now on. Do your best to live up to it.

Bond Lvl 4 「あなたの気持ちを感じるわ……。あなた、もう──私に、堕ちちゃう五秒前ね!」

I feel your emotions.

You're... Five seconds away...from falling for me!

I can feel your feelings. You're already..............5 seconds before being shot down by me!

Bond Lvl 5 ステンノほどじゃないけれど……好きよ、マスター。今だけは──」

You're nothing like "myself," but... I love you Master.

For now.

You still can't be compared to Stheno, but, I love you, Master. At least for now....

Dialogue 1 「私はどーでもいいんだけど……あなた、世界を救うのよね?」

I don't care either way, but you're going to save the world, aren't you?

I don't really care in the slightest. But you're gonna save the world right?

Dialogue 2 「あなたはマスター、私はサーヴァント。でも、本当に仕えてるのは……どちら?」

You're a Master.

I'm a Servant.
But really... who is serving whom?

You're the Master, and I'm the Servant. But in reality, I wonder who's actually serving whom.

Dialogue 3 「ねぇ、マスター。……ああ、何かしら、この感じ。誰かに仕えるのって、変な気持ち……」

Hey, Master?

...Ah, I wonder what this feeling is.
It feels strange to serve someone!

Hey, Master? Aa.. I wonder what this feeling is. To serve someone is really a strange feeling.

Dialogue 4 「きゃっ! ……もう、どこ触ってるの? いけない人ね」

Ah! Oh, where are you touching me?

My aren't we naughty.

Kya! My... where do you think you're touching. Such a bad person.

Dialogue 5 「なぁに?」



Dialogue 6 「お話したいのかしら?」

Do you want to chat?

Did you want to talk?

Dialogue 7 「私、綺麗でしょ? 可愛いでしょ? ……ええ、ええ。知ってるわ!」

Aren't I pretty? Adorable?

Yes, yes, I know!

I'm beautiful right? And I'm also cute right? Yes, yes I know!

Dialogue 8

Hey, Stheno. You're as cute as ever.

I could look at you all day.

Dialogue 9
(Medusa or Medusa (Saber))

Why, if it isn't Medusa. You've gotten even bigger since I last saw you. What are you, some kind of weed? I suggest you stop at around level 60!

Dialogue 10
(Medusa (Lancer))
「あっ、見つけた♪ レアなほうのメドゥーサ! 今日はあなたで……ん゛んっ……あなたと、とことんまで遊ぶ予定にしたわ。どこか行きたいところはあって?」

Oh, I found the rarer form of Medusa! I've decided to...ahem...play with you to amuse myself. Is there anywhere you want to go?

Dialogue 11
「ゴルゴーン? 何言ってるの? どう見てもメドゥーサじゃないの。……え? 私に口答えしてしまうの? メドゥーサ? 目を逸らしても駄目よこっち向きなさい。メドゥーサ?」

Gorgon? What are you talking about? That's obviously Medusa. Huh? Did you suddenly develop the nerve to talk back to me, Medusa? Don't look away! Look at me when I'm speaking to you, Medusa.

Dialogue 12
「おいでアステリオス。レクリエーションルームへ行きましょう? えぇそう、トモエの巣♪ うふふ……あんまりはしゃがないの。そんなにビデオゲームが好きだった? ……え? 私とお出かけするのが楽しい、ですって? …………んもぅ、バカね」

Come on, Asterios. Let's head to the rec room. That's right, to Tomoe's den.

Teehee. Oh, don't get so excited; I had no idea you liked video games so much.
You're just excited to be doing something with me?
...Oh, you dummy.

Dialogue 13
(Circe & True Name Revealed)
「キュケオーン? 結構よ。果物しか口にしないの、私」

Kykeon? No thanks. I only eat fruit.

Dialogue 14

So you've shown yourself, Odysseus!

Oh no, it's nothing. It's just that every story I've heard about you has been about how you would conquer goddesses or monster ladies and then just leave...

Dialogue 15
(See the References[1])
「へぇー……あなたたちも姉妹なのね? いいわ、特別にお友達にしてあげる。喜びなさい?」

So you have a sister too! Fine, then. As a special treat, I'll be your friend. You should be happy about that.

Ehh... so you are sisters as well? Very well, we shall become special friends. Rejoice.

Dialogue 16
(Caenis or Caenis (Rider))
「あなた……カイニスよね? 久しぶり♪ カイネウスじゃないのね。うふふ……そんな顔しても駄・目♪ だってあなた……ふふふ、ねぇ?」

You're Caenis, right? Long time no see. So you're not Caeneus, huh?

...Teehee. Don't give me that look. After all, you're...teehee, you know...

Something you Like ステンノはいないのかしら? それにメドゥーサも……」

I wonder if "myself" is around.

Medusa, too.

I wonder if Stheno's around. Medusa too.

Something you Hate 「うるさい人は嫌いよ。乱暴な人も嫌い。──いいえ。ヒトは、嫌い」

I hate noisy people.

I hate violent people, too.
...No, I hate people.

I hate noisy people. I also hate violent people. No..... I dislike other people.

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯なんてどうでもいいの。だって、私たちにはいらない物だわ」

I don't care about the Holy Grail.

After all, we don't need it.

I don't really care about the Holy Grail. It's something that's unnecessary to us after all.

During an Event 「何か始まってるようだけど……あなたは行かないの? ……行きましょうよぉ」

It seems something has started, aren't you going?

Let's go!

Seems like something's happening. Aren't you going? Let's go

Birthday 「誕生日おめでと。あなたが生まれてきてくれて良かった。ええ、本当にそう思うわよ?」

Happy Birthday!

I'm so glad you were born.
...Hmm? I really mean that.

Happy Birthday! I'm glad that you were born and I truly feel that.


  1. One of the following Servants:
    S002A1Icon S003A1Icon S004A1Icon S076A1Icon S337A1Icon S354A1Icon S129A1Icon S137A1Icon S142A1Icon S216A1Icon S286A1Icon S078A1Icon S088A1Icon S119A1Icon S141A1Icon S196A1Icon S214A1Icon S256A1Icon S073A1Icon S132A1Icon S179A1Icon S182A1Icon S136A1Icon S385A1Icon S359A1Icon S360A1Icon S361A1Icon S219A1Icon S287A1Icon S309A1Icon S059A1Icon S265A1Icon S190A1Icon S191A1Icon S106A1Icon S388A1Icon