Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: M・A・O)
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「わたくしはエウロペです。ごきげんよう。

ライ……ライデン……! そうねライデン!
ん……違う? ライデンじゃあなくてライダー?

My name is Europa. How do you do?

Um, well...ah yes... What was I saying?
Ri...Riden...! Oh that's right, it's Riden!
I have manifested as a Riden-class―
Yes, what is it, Tálos?
Hm? I'm wrong? It's not Riden, but Rider!?
...Oh my.
Ahem. Let me start again. I am Europa, and I have manifested as a Rider.
I am one of the consorts of the great god Zeus.
Pleased to meet you, Master of Chaldea.

I am Europa. Nice to meet you.

I am... umm... what was it...
Rai... Raiden...! That's right, Raiden!
I have been summoned in the Raiden cla⁠⁠—
Yes. What is it, Talos?
Mm... It's wrong? Not Raiden but Rider?
...... Oh dear.
Ehmm. Once again. I am Europa, summoned in the Rider class.
I am one of the Chief-God Zeus's consorts.
It's nice to meet you, Master of Chaldea.

Level Up 1 「どうどう。ほら、私の牡牛が丈夫になったわ」

There, there. See? My bull has become stronger!

Do~! Do~! Look! My bull became stronger!

Level Up 2 「健康の秘訣は、朝の運動」

The secret to health is morning exercise!

The secret to good health is morning exercises!

Level Up 3 「アメ、舐める?」

Would you like a piece of candy?

Do you want to lick a candy?

1st Ascension 「あら。あらまあ、姿が変わるのね。うふふ、楽しいです」

Oh my, oh my!

My appearance changes? Hehehe, how fun.

Oh my? My, oh my! My form has changed, hasn't it? Ufufu...! How fun!

2nd Ascension 「姿が変わってはいないけれど、霊基が何か変わった感じがします。面白いのね」

It's nice to change appearances, but...

I also feel something within my Spirit Origin changing too.
How interesting...

My form didn't change but somehow I feel my Spirit Origin has. So fascinating!

3rd Ascension 「あら。この姿、あの方の背に乗って、大地を、今で言うヨーロッパ中を駆け抜けた時のものです。うふふ、こういう風になるのね」

Oh my!

The way I'm riding on His Majesty's back, striding across the land...
It's just like when we went charging through what is now called Europe.
Hehehe...so this is how we end up looking!

Oh my? This form was when I was riding across the land on his back. Speaking of that, it was during the time when I streaked across the states of Europe. Ufufu... So that's how it's turn out to.

4th Ascension 「よくぞここまで、私の霊基を育ててくれました。お礼をしないといけないわ。そうですね、アメはあげるとして…ふふ、あなたに直接聞いた方がいいわね。今どきの子は、何が嬉しいのかしら」

It is quite impressive that you raised my Spirit Origin this far.

I must show you my gratitude.
Let's see...I am already going to give you some candy...
Hehe... Maybe I should just ask you directly.
What kind of things make children happy these days?

This is the limit. My Spirit Origin has been fully raised. I must thank you. Indeed... I'll give you some sweets and... Ufufu... You prefer being asked directly? I wonder what makes children these days happy?

Battle Start 1 「まあ、これから何が始まるの?」

Oh my, what's about to happen?

Oh my, is something starting?

Battle Start 2 「くぅ……zzz」



Battle Start 3 「どうどう。ウフフ」

There, there. Hehehe...

Do~! Do~! Ufufu~

Battle Start 4 「張り切って参りましょう」

Let's get to it!

Let's march enthusiastically!

Skill 1 「むにゃむにゃ……う? なあに?」

(Mumble, mumble) Hm? What is it?

*rubs eyes*... Ah? What is it?

Skill 2 「ゼウスさま、ゼウスさま」

My dear Zeus, oh Zeus...

Lord Zeus, Lord Zeus.

Skill 3 「さあ、頑張りましょうね」

Now let's try our best.

Okay, shall we do our best?

Attack Selected 1 「はーい」



Attack Selected 2 「はい?」



Attack Selected 3 「なんです?」

What is it?

What is it?

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「あぁ、タロスですね。はい」

Ah, you want Tálos. Okay!

Ah, Talos, is it? Okay.

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「タロスー? タロス、いますか?」

Tálos! Are you around, Tálos?

Talos~? Talos? Are you here?

Noble Phantasm Selected 3 「出番ですよ、タロス」

It's time, Tálos.

It's your turn, Talos.

Attack 1 「えい」



Attack 2 「えーい!」

Take that!


Attack 3 「どーう」



Attack 4 「うっふふふ」



Attack 5 「ごーごー」

Go, go!

Go, go!

Attack 6 「まいります」

I shall head out.

Here I come!

Extra Attack 1 「タロース・イーコール」

Tálos Ichor!

Talos, ichor!

Extra Attack 2 「えいやー、イーコールですよ」

Here you go!

Here's some Ichor!

Eiya! Here's some ichor!

Extra Attack 3 「うふふふ」



Noble Phantasm 1 「いらっしゃいな、可愛い子。あの方の愛、あの方からの贈り物。私を守る青銅の御前。『青銅巨人の超重鎚スフィリ・トゥ・ターロー』! うんうん、元気ね」

Come to me, my dear.

You are the embodiment of his love...a gift from him to me.
You are the bronze being who protects me.
Sfyrí tou Tálos!
Yes, yes, so energetic!

Come now, my cute child. His love, his gift; thou, the bronze who protects me. "Bronze Giant's Ultra-Heavy MalletSfyrí tou Tálos"!!! Yes, yes, aren't you energetic?

Noble Phantasm 2 「さぁ、おいでなさい。私を守る青銅の身体。燃え滾る血。焼き尽くす熱の御前。『青銅巨人の超重鎚スフィリ・トゥ・ターロー』! お見事!」

Now, come.

Come, bronze figure who protects me.
You, with the scorching blood and burning heat.
Sfyrí tou Tálos!
...Very good!

Come to me, the bronze body who protects me. Thou, whose passion burns and blood boils. "Bronze Giant's Ultra-Heavy MalletSfyrí tou Tálos"!!! Well done!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 1 「あぁあ!」



Damage from Noble Phantasm 2 「ゼウスさまー」

Great Zeus!!!

Lord Zeus~

Regular Damage 1 「んぁあ」



Regular Damage 2 「もう……」

Oh come on.


Defeated 1 「うぅ……うぅぅ……」


Uuh… Uuuuh…

Defeated 2 「むにゃむにゃ……」

(Mumble, mumble)

Mumble mumble…

Defeated 3 「ゼウスさま……」

Oh my Zeus...

Lord Zeus…

Defeated 4 「ヘラさま、どうされましたか」

Great Hera...is anything the matter...?

Lady Hera, what's wrong?

Battle Finish 1 「あれれ? おしまいかしら」

Oh? Is it over?

Huh? Is it over?

Battle Finish 2 「皆さん、お疲れさまでした」

Very good work, everyone.

Good work, everyone.

Battle Finish 3 「みんな、いい子いい子」

You're all such good children.

Everyone is a good child, good child.

Battle Finish 4 「アメ、食べる?」

Want a piece of candy?

Do you want to eat some candy?

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「うふふ、なあに? 私の事? 他の英霊よりも、なんだかおっとり、のんびりしている? あらそう。いいえ、ええ、そうかもしれません。私は王ではなく、兵士でも戦士でもなく、戦う英霊ではないのでしょうね」

Hehe... What is it?

Are you talking about me?
You're saying that I'm more mild-mannered and laid-back than most other Heroic Spirits?
Oh I see...
No...that may be very well true.
I am neither king, nor soldier, nor warrior.
I am not really a Heroic Spirit who focuses on combat.

Ufufu... What is it? About myself? I'm more easygoing and relaxed than other heroic spirits? Ah, that... that's not it. Actually, perhaps you could say that. I am not a king, nor am I a martyr or warrior. I guess I'm not a fighting heroic spirit.

Bond Lvl 2 「くぅ……ああ、ごめんなさい。眠っていました。なんだか今日は心地が良くて。うふふ、あなたもこちらにいらっしゃい。甘いアメをあげましょう。ああ、それとも、櫛で髪を梳いてあげましょうか」


Oh I'm sorry. I was asleep.
It's such a pleasant day.
Fufu, why don't you come over here too?
Would you care for some candy?
Oh, or maybe you would like me to brush your hair?

Zzz... Ah! My apologies, I'd fallen asleep. It's somehow quite comfortable today. Ufufu... Do you want to come here, too? I'll give you some sweets. Oh, or shall I comb your hair?

Bond Lvl 3 「あなたはもう、気付いていますね? 私自身は戦えないの。巨人タロス牡牛タウロスがいなければ、私は……あなたの盾ぐらいにしかなれないわ。……? ええ、盾にはなれますとも。うふふ、ほら、サーヴァントというのは普通の人間よりも頑丈だから」

I'm sure you've already noticed...but I cannot fight on my own.

If it wasn't for Tálos or Taurus, I probably would only be useful as a shield for you.
Hm? Of course I can be a shield.
Heh. It's fine; Servants are more durable than ordinary humans.

You've noticed, haven't you? I don't fight by myself. Without Talos and Taurus, I... can only do so much as your shield. Oh? Yes, I can be a shield, of course. Ufufu... You know, Servants are more sentimental than depressed humans after all.

Bond Lvl 4 「主神、ゼウス様の愛を受けた女が私です。英霊となって後にも、こうしてあの方は加護をくださるの。ねえ、これが一体どういうことなのか、あなたには分かる? うふふ、私は分かるわ。守りなさい、守ってやりなさいとあの方は仰っているの。あなたの事をね」

I am the woman who received the love of Zeus, the king of gods.

Even after becoming a Heroic Spirit, he is still protecting me.
And...do you know what that ultimately means?
Hehe. I do.
He's telling me to protect...to act as guardian.
To you, that is.

The woman whom the Chief-God Zeus had given his love to is me. In this way, he is able to bestow his blessings even to the world of heroic spirits. Hey, do you know what this is all about? Do you understand? Ufufu... I understand. "Protect them... Protect them with everything..." is what he's pressing on. About you.

Bond Lvl 5 「汎人類史は今、大変な危機にあります。それをあの方、ゼウス様も分かっておいでです。神霊となり、神代のような在り方ではなくなった今も、あなたたちの事を案じていらっしゃる。そう、あなた、もちろんマシュの事もね。なぜって? うふふ、それはね、私たちにとって、あなた達は、遠い遠い孫のようなものなのです。だからアメをあげたくなるし、頭を撫でたくなるし、髪を梳いてあげたくもなる。ほら、いらっしゃいな。エウロペおばあちゃまが、膝枕をしてあげましょう」

Proper Human History is in crisis right now.

The great Zeus is very well aware of that.
He may have become a Divine Spirit, and it may not be the Age of Gods anymore, but he is still concerned for you all.
That's right, you. And of course of Mash, too.
Why, you ask?
Hehe... Because...
You are like a very distant descendant of ours.
That's why I want to give you candies, I want to pat your head, and I want to brush your hair.
Now come! Put your head on Grandma Europa's lap!

The Panhuman History is in great danger now. He, Lord Zeus, also knows about it. Even though he's now become a Divine Spirit and the Age of Gods has long since ended, he is still thinking about all of you. That's right, you. Of course, Mashu as well. Why is that? Ufufu... That's because to us, all of you are like our distant great grandchildren. That's why I want to give you sweets, why I want pat your head, why I want to comb your hair. Come, don't be shy? Granny Europa will lend her lap as your pillow.

Dialogue 1 「出かけましょうか。うふふ。お散歩はいいわ。大好き」

Let's head out!

Hehe. Taking a walk is nice. I love it.

Shall we go out? Ufufu... a walk is nice. I love it.

Dialogue 2 「マスターとサーヴァント? そういうの、私よくわからなくて。ウッフフ、ごめんなさいね」

Master and Servant...?

I do not really understand the concept very well.
Hehe...I'm sorry.

Master and Servant...? I don't really understand it. Ufufu... My apologies.

Dialogue 3 「ああ、マスター。今日もいい子ね。ほら、いい子いい子。いい子は頭を撫でてあげましょう」

Oh, Master.

You've been good again today.
...Yes, good, good, child. Good children deserve head pats.

Ah, Master! You're a good child today too, aren't you? Yes, you are a good child. I'll pat a good child on the head.

Dialogue 4
「まあ、アルテミス! あの方の娘なのだからわたくしの娘も同然です。いい子いい子。ええっ、オリオン殿も一緒なの?」

Oh my, Artemis! You are the great Zeus's daughter, so you are as good as my daughter, too!

Good girl, good girl.
What!? Orion's with you too!?

My, it's Artemis! Since you're the daughter of him, that means you're most definitely my daughter. You're a good child! Eh?! Orion is with you?

Dialogue 5
「まあ、あなた、アステリオス! ミノスの子なのね。それなら私の事はおばあちゃまと呼びなさいな。……血の繋がりは、ない? いいえ、そんなのどうでもいいわ。ほら、おいで。おいで。……ああ、よしよし。いい子ね。ギュッとしてあげます」

Oh my, you are...!

You are the child of Minos, right?
Then you should call me grandmother.
We're not related by blood, you say?
No, that doesn't matter. Now come, come...
Ah good, good. Good child!
Let me hug you really tight!

Oh, my dear! Asterios! You're Minos's child, aren't you? If that's so, then you can call me "Granny". Our bloodline is... not the same? No, that does not matter. Come on, come closer... closer. Yes, that's right~, that's right~! You're a good child! I'll make you go "gyuu~"!

Dialogue 6
(Super Orion)
「オリオン殿!? あらまあ、私の娘の婿なら、私の息子も同然ね」

Orion!? Oh my...

If you are the bridegroom of my daughter, that pretty much makes you my son!

Lord Orion? Oh, my! Since you are my son-in-law, then that means you're most definitely my son too!

Dialogue 7

You are the child of Apollo, which makes you my grandson.

Now come, let me hug you! Come!

Because you're Lord Apollo's son, that means you're my grandson too. Come! Shall we hug? Don't be shy~!

Dialogue 8
(See the references.[1])

All children born on the European continent, on the great land of Europa, are my descendants.

What good children you all are!

All the children who were born in Europe, the land of Europa, are all of my descendants. You're all good children!

Dialogue 9
(See the references.[2])
「ヨーロッパ以外の地域に生まれた子たち……? それは……ええ、私の裔のお友達のようなもの。おいでなさい。みんないい子ね」

What about any children born outside Europe, you ask?

They are...let's see...they are like my descendants' friends!
Come, all! You're all sweeties!

Those who were born beyond Europe? They are⁠⁠—yes!⁠—something like the friends of my descendants! Come closer! Everyone's a good child!

Dialogue 10
(See the references.[3])
「かわいい~! まあ、まあ、まあ! なんて事でしょう! こんなに愛らしい英霊だなんて! ああもう、ぎゅ~! はっ、はぁ、アメだけじゃ全然たりないわ。厨房を借ります。美味しいモノを沢山作ってあげましょうね」

Sooo cute!

Oh my, oh my! I cannot believe it!
They are all such lovely and adorable Heroic Spirits!
Ooh, I can't help but to squeeze them so tightly!
...Oh dear. Giving them candy isn't enough!
I'm going to borrow your kitchen for a bit! I'm going to make them many delicious things!

How cute~~!! Oh my, oh my, oh my! What's this? How can a heroic spirit be this lovely...! Ah, I can't... *faints*. Ah, aah, sweets aren't enough at all. I'll borrow the kitchen! I'll make you lots of delicious stuff, okay?

Something you Like 「好きな物? ええ、日向ぼっこは好きね。お昼寝も好き。お散歩も好き。そうね、私、好きな物がたくさんあるから、このまま話すと日が暮れてしまうかも」

What I like?

Well, I do like to sunbathe.
I also like naps.
And I also like taking walks.
Well, there are just too many things I like... We would be here till sunset if I tried to name them all.

Something I like? Yes, I like basking in the sun. And afternoon naps. And walks, too. That's right, I have many things that I like. Talking about them might make me lose myself.

Something you Hate 「嫌いな物? そうね。……いいえ、やめておきます。口にすると、本当の事になってしまいそうだから」

What I do not like?

Let's see...
No. I will not say anything.
I'm afraid it would become the truth if I said it out loud.

Something I hate? Well... No, I'll not say it. If I do, then it might turn out to be true.

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯? そうね……タロスに使ってあげたら、もっともっと強くなってくれるかしら。……いいえ、冗談です。タロスは十分強いもの。聖杯……私には不要な物ね」

Holy Grail?

Let's see...
If I used it on Tálos, maybe he'd get even stronger!
No, I'm kidding. Tálos is already strong enough.
I guess I have no use for Holy Grails.

The Holy Grail? Well... I wonder if Talos would become even stronger if I use it on him... No, I'm just kidding! Talos is strong enough already. I don't think the Holy Grail is necessary for me.

During an Event 「まあまあ、お祭り? 行ってみましょう! うっふふ、楽しみね。あなたには何を買ってあげようかしら?」

My, my! A festival!?

Let's head to it!
Hehe. I cannot wait. What should I buy for you?

My, oh my! A festival? Let's go! Ufufu, I'm looking forward to it. I wonder what I should buy for you...

Birthday 「誕生日、おめでとう。ゼウス様と世界に代わり、わたくしがあなたを祝福しましょう。進み続けるあなたに、神々は、世界は、きっとこたえてくれる。辛い思いばかりさせてしまって。ごめんなさいね。……それはそうと、今日はわたくしがたーっぷり甘やかしてあげます。」

Happy birthday.

On behalf of Zeus and the world, I shall bless you.
The gods and the world are sure to reward you for continuing on your path.
I'm so sorry to make you suffer and go through so many painful things.
But that aside, I'm going to pamper you so much today!

Happy birthday. Instead of Lord Zeus and the world, I give you my blessing. The gods and the world will surely respond to you who continues advancing. I'm sorry for only bringing you painful feelings. Incidentally, today I will pamper you in plenty.


  1. One of the following Servants:
    S002A1Icon S003A1Icon S004A1Icon S005A1Icon S006A1Icon S007A1Icon S009A1Icon S010A1Icon S072A1Icon S076A1Icon S090A1Icon S048A1Icon S123A1Icon S138A1Icon S160A1Icon S176A1Icon S213A1Icon S221A1Icon S223A1Icon S270A1Icon S310A1Icon S344A1Icon S354A1Icon S379A1Icon S384A1Icon S013A1Icon S122A1Icon S129A1Icon S156A1Icon S180A1Icon S216A1Icon S246A1Icon S271A1Icon S311A1Icon S391A1Icon S394A1Icon S018A1Icon S021A1Icon S071A1Icon S140A1Icon S141A1Icon S232A1Icon S256A1Icon S312A1Icon S313A1Icon S341A1Icon S347A1Icon S368A1Icon S024A1Icon S026A1Icon S028A1Icon S029A1Icon S030A1Icon S073A1Icon S094A1Icon S099A1Icon S108A1Icon S132A1Icon S172A1Icon S179A1Icon S263A1Icon S273A1Icon S315A1Icon S326A1Icon S342A1Icon S032A1Icon S033A1Icon S034A1Icon S035A1Icon S061A1Icon S074A1Icon S079A1Icon S080A1Icon S100A1Icon S130A1Icon S150A1Icon S175A1Icon S203A1Icon S208A1Icon S319A1Icon S330A1Icon S385A1Icon S415A1Icon S043A1Icon S044A1Icon S045A1Icon S046A1Icon S075A1Icon S081A1Icon S243A1Icon S259A1Icon S378A1Icon S048A1Icon S050A1Icon S052A1Icon S054A1Icon S057A1Icon S345A1Icon S082A1Icon S097A1Icon S098A1Icon S309A1Icon S135A1Icon S346A1Icon S374A1Icon S390A1Icon S096A1Icon S106A1Icon S204A1Icon S407A1Icon S409A1Icon S418A1Icon S336A1Icon S324A1Icon S389A1Icon S316A1Icon S335A1Icon S353A1Icon S367A1Icon S392A1Icon S410A1Icon
  2. One of the following Servants:
    S008A1Icon S068A1Icon S091A1Icon S153A1Icon S187A1Icon S227A1Icon S234A1Icon S245A1Icon S264A1Icon S290A1Icon S293A1Icon S298A1Icon S299A1Icon S301A1Icon S302A1Icon S317A1Icon S337A1Icon S350A1Icon S363A1Icon S405A1Icon S011A1Icon S016A1Icon S069A1Icon S105A1Icon S125A1Icon S131A1Icon S157A1Icon S184A1Icon S200A1Icon S262A1Icon S269A1Icon S276A1Icon S318A1Icon S286A1Icon S294A1Icon S325A1Icon S375A1Icon S395A1Icon S399A1Icon S019A1Icon S102A1Icon S134A1Icon S146A1Icon S148A1Icon S186A1Icon S196A1Icon S217A1Icon S228A1Icon S252A1Icon S266A1Icon S283A1Icon S288A1Icon S329A1Icon S419A1Icon S023A1Icon S025A1Icon S027A1Icon S066A1Icon S115A1Icon S205A1Icon S211A1Icon S231A1Icon S241A1Icon S253A1Icon S257A1Icon S291A1Icon S332A1Icon S349A1Icon S366A1Icon S397A1Icon S037A1Icon S103A1Icon S104A1Icon S113A1Icon S120A1Icon S136A1Icon S145A1Icon S169A1Icon S194A1Icon S201A1Icon S225A1Icon S236A1Icon S237A1Icon S258A1Icon S307A1Icon S327A1Icon S348A1Icon S358A1Icon S404A1Icon S039A1Icon S040A1Icon S042A1Icon S092A1Icon S109A1Icon S110A1Icon S112A1Icon S117A1Icon S124A1Icon S139A1Icon S154A1Icon S159A1Icon S170A1Icon S185A1Icon S188A1Icon S189A1Icon S199A1Icon S210A1Icon S218A1Icon S230A1Icon S235A1Icon S267A1Icon S365A1Icon S380A1Icon S408A1Icon S049A1Icon S051A1Icon S055A1Icon S056A1Icon S058A1Icon S089A1Icon S116A1Icon S161A1Icon S162A1Icon S174A1Icon S178A1Icon S226A1Icon S251A1Icon S260A1Icon S261A1Icon S282A1Icon S323A1Icon S355A1Icon S362A1Icon S398A1Icon S414A1Icon S093A1Icon S229A1Icon S292A1Icon S320A1Icon S364A1Icon S400A1Icon S107A1Icon S158A1Icon S250A1Icon S303A1Icon S356A1Icon S388A1Icon S420A1Icon S166A1Icon S220A1Icon S422A1Icon S424A1Icon S425A1Icon S163A1Icon S164A1Icon S190A1Icon S191A1Icon S209A1Icon S238A1Icon S297A1Icon S339A1Icon S352A1Icon S369A1Icon S416A1Icon S426A1Icon S195A1Icon S198A1Icon S289A1Icon S413A1Icon S372A1Icon
  3. One of the following Servants:
    S234A1Icon S264A1Icon S317A1Icon S354A1Icon S379A1Icon S402A1Icon S095A1Icon S137A1Icon S255A1Icon S286A1Icon S399A1Icon S141A1Icon S146A1Icon S256A1Icon S283A1Icon S028A1Icon S253A1Icon S296A1Icon S315A1Icon S401A1Icon S033A1Icon S074A1Icon S136A1Icon S236A1Icon S075A1Icon S239A1Icon S162A1Icon S174A1Icon S362A1Icon S320A1Icon S268A1Icon S321A1Icon S356A1Icon S388A1Icon S403A1Icon S424A1Icon S425A1Icon S224A1Icon S338A1Icon S416A1Icon S426A1Icon S195A1Icon S281A1Icon S289A1Icon S393A1Icon S367A1Icon S377A1Icon

DialogueIcon Dialogue Related Servants

The following Servants have related dialogues to this Servant (sorted alphabetically):
S279A1Icon S072A1Icon S087A1Icon S007A1Icon S366A1Icon S407A1Icon S407A2Icon S029A1Icon S390A3Icon S312A3Icon S077A1Icon S277A1Icon S144A1Icon S051A1Icon S402A1Icon S402A3Icon
