Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Ōkubo Rumi)


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「トリック・オア・トリート!
自己紹介は不要よね? 鮮血魔嬢エリザベート・バートリー、あなたの熱いエールに応えて、とっておきのドレスで参上したわ!」

Trick or treat! There's no need for introductions, right?

Demoness Elisabeth Báthory.
In response to your passionate support, I have been summoned in my best dress!

Trick'r Treat! Self introduction are unnecessary ? Fresh blood witch Elizabeth Bathory, I responded to your hot chearing, I even came with my best dress

Level Up 「ありがと♪ まだ強くなるわよ、マスター」

Thanks. I can still get stronger, Master!

Thanks. I can still become stronger, master?

1st Ascension 「え? アタシ、着替えないわよ? だってこの衣装、もう完璧なんだもの!」

Huh? I'm not going to change clothes.

Why would I? This outfit is already perfection.

Hm? I will not change clothes. After all this outfit is already perfect

2nd Ascension 会場ハコの大きさが変わったかしら?」

Has the size of this hall changed?

Did the size of the box changed?

3rd Ascension 「あともう少しね。ご褒美をあげるからがんばりなさい」

Just a little more. I'll give you a reward, so do your best, okay?

There's still a bit more, I will give you a reward so do your best

4th Ascension 「一夜限りのお祭りだったけど、最高に楽しかったわ。ありがとう、マスター。お礼はライブで、殺人級のナンバーで返してあげる。さあ、フィナーレよ! みんなー! 死ぬ気で応援しちゃってよね!」

It was a one-night festival, but it was SO fun!

Thanks, Master. I'll pay you back with a KILLER song at the concert!
Okay, on to the finale! Cheer your bloody hearts out for me, everybody!

Although it's a festival of one night only, this was the best fun. Thanks, master. I will give you a thank you live, one of murder rank number. Now, it's the Final! Everyone! Be ready to cheers to the death!

Battle Start 1 「トリック・オア・ブラッド! お菓子をくれなきゃ、イタズラするぞ!」

Trick or Blood! If you don't give me a treat, you're going to get tricked!

Trick or Blood! If you don't give me candies i will play a trick on you!

Battle Start 2 「ハロウィンだもの。ポップにキュートに血祭りね!」

It's Halloween! A festive, adorable bloodbath!

It's Halloween after all, pop and cute in a bloodbath!

Skill 1 「真っ赤なゼリーを分けてあげる♪」

I'll share my red jello with you!

I will share a bright red berry with you

Skill 2 「あら、夜はまだこれからでしょう?」

Oh dear. The night is only just beginning.

Dear, the night is only beginning?

Attack Selected 1 「うふふふ♪」

Tee hee hee...


Attack Selected 2 「期待に応えるわ」

I won't let you down!

I will live up to your expectation

Attack Selected 3 「イっちゃう?」

Shall I go?

Should I continue?

Noble Phantasm Selected 「メインディッシュね。昂るわ!」

The main dish. I'm so excited!

It's the main dish, I'm trembling!

Attack 1 「強く♪」



Attack 2 「甘く♪」



Attack 3 「痛々しく♪」



Extra Attack 「ディナータイムね!」

It's dinner time!

It's dinner time!

Noble Phantasm 「ハーイ、とっておきのスペシャルコラボよ。ウサギみたいに飛び跳ねてね? 『鮮血特上魔嬢バートリ・ハロウィン・エルジェーベト』!!」

Okay! Time for my super special combo!

I'm going to jump like a bunny!
Báthory Halloween Erzsébet!

Yess, It's finally the special colabo! Like the rabbit do hop ! Báthory Halloween Erzsébet

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「あづっ! あづづづづづづ!!」



Regular Damage 「んもうっ」



Defeated 1 「ごめんなさい……フェスはここまでね……」

I'm sorry, the festival ends here...

I'm sorry, the festival end here...

Defeated 2 「お気に入りのドレスだったのに……」

And this was my favorite dress, too...

It was my favorite dress...

Battle Finish 1 「ごちそうさま。次の夜までおやすみなさい」

Thanks, that was delicious. Good night, see you tomorrow evening.

Thank you for the meal. I will rest until the next night

Battle Finish 2 「楽しかったわ! カボチャのブタ共、ありがとー!」

That was fun! Thanks, pumpkin piggies!

It was fun! Thanks, pumpkin piggies!

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「言っておくけど普段のアタシがどんな英霊なのかって話題は、キャンセルの方向で。嫌って訳じゃ無くて、よく思い出せないっていうか……とにかく今のアタシだけを見てればいいの!」

Just so you know, I want everyone to stop discussing what kind of Heroic Spirit I normally am.

It's not that I have a problem with the topic, I just don't really remember... Anyway, I want the focus to be on the present me!

Just to tell you, the topic about what kind of heroic spirit i'm usually is something taboo. It's not that i don't want to talk about it, it's just that i can't really remember about it... Anyway, just look at the current me is enought!

Bond Lvl 2 「ハロウィンにも色々あるのね。アタシの国のハロウィンは静かに祝うものだけど、かぼちゃのランタンだけは共通ね。まぁ、ウチのかぼちゃはそんなに甘くもないし美味しくもないんだけど」

There are lots of different ways to celebrate Halloween. It's a quiet celebration in my country. Jack o'lanterns are the one thing we have in common with the celebration here.

That being said, our pumpkins are kinda gross. They aren't even that sweet.

There's a lot of various thing during Halloween. My country's Halloween was something to celebrate quietly but, just the pumpkin lantern are the same. Well, my country's pumpkin weren't as sweet or tasty though

Bond Lvl 3 「つっ……たまに頭がズキズキするのよね……無理をしているわけじゃないんだけど。なんていうか、アナタの隙だらけの背中を見ていると……ブッ刺したくなるっていうか。こんな姿になっても所詮は反英雄なのかなアタシ……」

Tch... I get the worst headaches sometimes...

It's not that I'm pushing myself too hard, but... How should I put this? You're SO vulnerable around me. It makes me want to STAB you.
...I may not look it now, but, deep down, I'm an Anti-Hero...

uh...! Sometimes my head is throbbing. Even though I'm not overdoing or anything, how to say, when I'm looking at your back full of oppenings, I end up wanting to pierce it. Afer all even when I look like this, in the end am I just a anti-hero...

Bond Lvl 4 「なーんて! いつ裏切られるかと、ゾクゾクしてくれたかしら? してくれたわよね? でも安心して。なんか慣れちゃった。アナタが信頼してくれたおかげかしらね?」

Juuust kidding! Did you freak out and wonder when I'd betray you!? You did, huh?

Don't worry, I'm used to it by now!
All because you trusted me, you know?

As if~! Were you worried by not knowing when you would get betray? You were ,right !? But be relieved, I got sort of used to it. Maybe it's thanks to you having faith in me.

Bond Lvl 5 「あ~あ、まさか先にアタシのほうがまいっちゃうなんて。一夜のハロウィンは終わっちゃったけど、アタシ達のロマンスはまだ続くみたい。あなたが夢中になってくれている限り、地獄の底まで付き合ってあげるわ、マスター!」

Aww... I can't believe I lost first.

Halloween night may be over, but it looks like our romance isn't.
As long as you love me, I'll follow you to the depths of hell, Master♡

A~a, impossible for me to be the first one to fall in love. The one night of Halloween might have ended but it looks like that our romance will continue. As long as you have me hooked at you, I will follow you to the bottom of hell, Master!

Dialogue 1 「ほらほら、早く行きましょ! あっちのステージで、可愛いブタ達がアタシを待ってるんだから!」

Hey, hurry up! My cute little piggies are waiting for me over by that stage!

Hey hey! Let's go quickly? To this stage, the cute pigs are waiting for me that's why!

Dialogue 2 アタシが主で、アナタが執事、なんだけど……このドレスの時は特例ね。感謝なさい? スペシャルなサーヴァントとして、アナタを満足させてあげる♪」

I'm the mistress and you're my butler... Except for when I'm wearing this dress.

Aren't you going to thank me? I'm a special Servant, and I'm going to satisfy you.

I'm the mistress and you're my butler... Expect for when I'm wearing this dress. Aren't you going to thank me? I'm a special Servant, and I'm going to satisfy you.

Dialogue 3 「契約を破ったりするのはダメよ? 信用には信頼で応えてね、マスター」

Don't break the contract.

Trust breeds trust, Master.

Don't break the contract. Trust breeds trust, Master.

Something you Like 「好きなお菓子? アタシはケーキよりプディング派だけど……赤くて、熱くて、刺激的な味なら何でもいいわよ」

What's my favorite dessert? I prefer pudding to cake... But I like anything as long as it's red, hot, and has a stimulating taste...

What's my favorite dessert? I prefer pudding to cake... but I like anything as long as it's red, hot, and has a stimulating taste.

Something you Hate 「嫌いな食べ物? んー、強いて言うなら、オクトパス……? 嫌いと言うより、苦手なのよね。アレ」

My least favorite food? Hmm... I guess octopus, if I really had to say. ...It's not so much that I hate it, I'm just not very good with that stuff...

My least favorite food? Hmm... I guess octopus, if I really had to say. It's not so much that I hate it, I'm just not very good with that stuff.

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯について? ああ、ちょっと前に拾ったわよ。主役になりたいって願ったら、キラーって光って消えちゃったけど」

What do I think of the Holy Grail? Well, I picked it up not so long ago. I wished for a leading role and it sparkled reeeally brightly, then it vanished...

What do I think of the Holy Grail? Well, I picked it up not so long ago, I wished for a leading role and it sparkled really brightly, then it vanished.

During an Event 「っ! シークレットライブの気配……? 特設会場は、あっちかしら?」

Hmm... I sense a secret concert...

Is the stage over there?

I sense a secret concert...! Is the stage over there?

Birthday 「ハッピーバースデー! ひとつオトナになったんだから……今日ぐらいは、いつもより激しくイっちゃう??」

Happy birthday!

You're one year older and that much more of an adult. I might have to get even wilder than usual, just for today.

-Happy birthday! You're one year older and that much more of an adult. I might have to get even wilder than usual, just for today.


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Halloween 2015 Event Re-Run Lite Ver
Dialogue 1 「元祖ハロウィンショップへようこそ♪ やっぱりこっちの方が、落ち着くわね!」

Welcome to the original Halloween shop!

It's so much more relaxing here, right?

Dialogue 2 「あら、また来たの? 復刻版なのに飽きないのね。アタシは嬉しいけど!」

Hm? Back again?

It's a revival, but you're still not sick of the place. That makes me so happy.

Dialogue 3 「はい、どーぞ。勿体ぶらずに、ガンガン使ってね!」

Here you go.

Don't act like you're too cool for school, use it!

Dialogue 4 「交換レートに、輸血パックを入れておくべきかしら……ううん! 我慢よ、エリザ!」

I wonder if I should put blood packs into the exchange?

No, control yourself, Elisa!

Dialogue 5 「なかなかの回収ぶりね。次の交換も、期待しているわ!」

You're pretty fast!

I'll be looking forward to our next exchange!

Dialogue 6 「最重要アイテム……それが、ティンクルキャンディー! それだけは忘れずに、全部集めるのよ!?」

The most important item... That's Twinkle Candy!

Whatever you do, don't forget about those! Collect them all!

Dialogue 7 「カボチャのフェスタは、これでフィナーレ! まだイベントは続くようだけど、こっちのアイテム交換も忘れずにね?」

This is the Pumpkin Fest's finale.

It looks like another event is coming up, but don't forget to exchange these items, okay?

Dialogue 8 「ハロウィンは楽しんでくれた? そうであったのなら、アタシもちょっと嬉しいわ……。次はいつになるかわからないけど、またいつか、コウモリの城で会いましょう!」

Did you enjoy Halloween? I hope so, that would make me happy.

...I don't know when the next time will be, but let's meet at the bat castle again sometime!

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