Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「サーヴァント・アーチャー。召喚に応じ参上した。」

Archer-class Servant. I have been summoned and come at your request.

Servant Archer. I answer to your summon.

Level Up 「まだまだ、気を緩めないことだ」

Just remember, we aren't finished here.

1st Ascension 「そろそろ本領発揮といこうか」

Almost time to show off my real power.

2nd Ascension 「魔力の底が上がってきたな」

My power grows stronger.

3rd Ascension 「これなら、単騎でも戦えそうだ」

I can take them all on myself now!

4th Ascension 「見事だマスター。君の信頼に応えよう」

Good show, Master. I will not let you down!

Battle Start 1 「懲りない連中だ」

They just never learn.

Battle Start 2 「全霊でお相手しよう」

I'll fight with all I've got.

Battle Start 3 「正面から? フッ、勘弁してくれ」

From the front? Give me a break.

Skill 1 「癖が悪くてね」

Sorry. Bad habit.

Skill 2 投影、開始トレース・オン

Trace On!

Skill 3 「この際だ。確実に仕留める」

This is the opportune time. I'm taking them down now.

Attack Selected 1 「よし」

All right.

Attack Selected 2


Attack Selected 2 「攻め時だな」

Now's my chance.

It's time to attack.

Attack Selected 3 「いいだろう」

All right then.

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「魔力を回せ、決めに行くぞマスター!」

Lend me your power and let's end this, Master!

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「そうか。では錬鉄の火を灯そう」

...I see. Well then, fire up the wrought iron.

Attack 1 「ふっ!」


Attack 2 「はあっ!」


Attack 3 「せい!」


Attack 4 「そこだっ!」


Over there!

Attack 5 「どいていろっ!」

Stay back!

Attack 6 「干将、莫耶!」

Kanshou, Bakuya!

Kanshō, Bakuya!

Extra Attack 1 「もらったぞ!」

Got ya!

Extra Attack 2 「そこまでだっ!」

It stops here!

Noble Phantasm 「I am the bone of my sword. ──So as I pray, 『Unlimited Blade Works』.」

I am the bone of my sword.

So as I pray,
Unlimited Blade Works.



Damage from Noble Phantasm 「やってくれる……!」

How dare you...

Regular Damage 「ぐっ」



Defeated 1 「深手を負ったか……」

That one hit deep...

Defeated 2 「私の──敗北だ」

Victory...is yours...

Battle Finish 1 「決意も覚悟も足りなかったな」

Your lack of determination is your demise.

Battle Finish 2 「もう少し手こずると思ったのだが……」

I thought you had more in you.

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「新米マスター……いや、新米魔術師か。気持ちは分かるよ。無力な自分をもどかしく思うだろうが、今はじっくり進むことだ」

A new Master. No, a new Mage.

I know how you feel. You must be frustrated with how powerless you are, but right now let's keep looking forward.

Bond Lvl 2 「サーヴァントがどんな生活を送っているかだって……? そうだな。召喚されてからは、君達とそう変わらない。サーヴァントごとに個体差はあるが、食事や睡眠を楽しみにする者もいる。──私? 私は……まぁ、食事は楽しんでいるよ。主に作る側で、だが」

You wanna know what life is like as a Servant? Well, once you summon us, we aren't all that different from you. We each have our differences, some of us even enjoy a good meal or night's sleep. Me? Well, I guess I like food. Making it, that is.

Bond Lvl 3 「調子がいいじゃないか。少しは自信が持ててきたんじゃないか? 結構。その意気だ。オレも及ばずながら手を貸そう」

You're doing good.

Feeling more confident, are we?
That's the spirit. Hope I can still be of service.<ref="TeachCooking">EMIYA is teaching the Master cooking.</ref>

Bond Lvl 4 「ん? たまに一人称が変わるのはなんでかだって? あぁ、そ、そうか、無意識にこぼれてしまうようだな。気を抜くと地が出るというか……。『オレ』という呼称は若い頃の癖みたいなものなんだ」

You think I sometimes talk funny?

Hmm, I never gave it much thought, but I guess I might slip back into my old self every now and then.

Bond Lvl 5 「この戦いもじき終わるかと思うと、いささか寂しいな。英霊として多くの戦場を経験したが、この戦いは特別だ。人類を救うなんて大きすぎる話だが、君が戦う以上──オレも負けてはいられない」

You know, it's almost sad to know this battle is almost at an end.

I've seen many a battlefield, but this is something special.
Saving mankind is too huge to really understand, but as long as you're fighting, I'll be there too.

Dialogue 1 「そろそろ出陣だ。準備は出来ているかね」

We should be off. You ready to move out?

Dialogue 2 「契約だからな。どんな命令であれ、とりあえず話は聞くさ」

I am bound to you. Whatever your order, I will at least hear you out.

Dialogue 3 「サーヴァントと言えど好き嫌いはある。信頼に足る采配を願いたいものだ」

Even Servants have their likes and dislikes. I just hope you may rely on me.

Dialogue 4 「サーヴァントのクラスに相性があるように、英霊そのものにも相性がある。私の場合は金色のアーチャーと青いランサーがそれだ。くれぐれも同じチームに入れないでくれ」

Heroic Spirits have their strengths and weaknesses just like Servant classes do. For me, it's gold Archers and blue Lancers. Just keep them off my team, would you?

Heroic Spirits have their strengths and weaknesses just like Servant classes do. For me, it's Golden Archers and Blue Lancers. Just keep them off my team, would you?

Dialogue 5
(Ishtar or Ishtar (Rider))

I can't believe it... I always thought misfortune was her shadow, but I never thought she'd be possessed by a goddess... They must have really connected on some level, huh. Must be the stubbornness.

Unbelievable... I've had thought that she had an affinity for misfortune before, but for her to be possessed by a Goddess. They must've been very similar to each other. Perhaps the, not being honest with themselves, part.

Dialogue 6
(Jaguar Man)

I've noticed recently that we are going through our food supplies faster than usual.

I know why, but there was nothing I could do to stop it.
Would you do me a favor and tell Jaguar Warrior that she can have seconds, but not thirds...or fourths...

Recently, food ingredients in kitchens are decreasing quickly. I understand the cause, but I can not deal with it at all. Would you pay attention to that tigerish lady as if you were two cups?

Dialogue 7
(Senji Muramasa)

He hammered on countless billets, aspiring to create the one weapon that would transcend all... One of the greatest artisans of all time...a man who divided the country in half...ultimately created an ideal of his own.

That story stings a bit.

While striking many irons, is it only one limit that you seek? The master craftsman who divided the world in two finally arrived at the spiritual theory. It hurts my eyes a little

Something you Like 「休日にやる事……? 武器いじりと……だいどこ、水回りの整理。といったところかな」

My down time? Mostly just mess with my gear and in the kitch...uhh, the plumbing? Yeah.

Something you Hate 「嫌いな物か? 未熟な自分はまだ流せるが、未熟な思想は我慢できないな。あいや、君の事じゃない。こちらの話だよ、マスター」

The things I dislike? Let's leave the immature me aside, I can't stand immature ideals. Oh no, it's not about you. It's about me, Master.

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯に興味はないよ。願いの一つもないつまらない男だと思ってくれ」

I've got no interest in the Holy Grail. Guys like me got nothing to wish for anyway.

During an Event 「ん……何か起きたようだ。厄介事でなければいいが」

Hmm, sounds like something's up. Hopefully nothing too bad.

Birthday 「誕生日おめでとう、マスター。今日一日、無様なところは見せられないな」

Happy birthday, Master. I guess I can't let you down today.

Happy Birthday, Master. I hope today I may also display no lack of grace for you.

