Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Castor: Uchida Yūma
Pollux: Uchida Maaya
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned カストロ「ディオスクロイ、現界した。
……何だ人間ではないか。つまらん! 死ね!」


Castor: The Dioscuri have manifested.

Castor: ...Oh, it's just a human. Pathetic! Die!
Pollux: There is no need for that.
Pollux: We, the Dioscuri, shall aid you.

Castor: Dioscuri, we have manifested.

……What, if it isn't a human. Pathetic! Die!
Pollux: It's fine if you don't die.
We the Dioscuri will become your power.

Level Up 1 カストロ「成長か。人の身故の喜び、ではあるのだろうな」


Castor: Growth, huh? This must be the joy only humans can experience.

Pollux: Brother...

C: Growth, huh… We're happy because we have a human's body, that's what it is…

P: Brother…

Level Up 2 カストロ「ッふふ、また強くなってしまったぞ!」


Castor: Heh heh. I've gotten even stronger!

Pollux: Very good, Brother!

C: Fufun. I've become stronger again!

P: As expected from Brother!

1st Ascension カストロ「ん……?」


Castor: Hmm...?

Pollux: Apparently this is called Ascension.
Castor: I see. It does feel like something's been enhanced. Hmph. Now worship this form.

C: Hm?

P: It seems this is what they call Saint Graph Ascension.
C: I see. It's true we have been strengthened… Hum, keep respectively revering us at your utmost.

2nd Ascension ポルクス「まあ! ありがとうございます」


Pollux: Oh my, thank you very much.

Castor: There's no need to thank them.
Pollux: Oh, Brother...

P: My! Thank you very much!

C: There is no need to say thanks.
P: Oh, Brother…

3rd Ascension カストロ「素晴らしいッ! お前はどこまでも美しくなる!」


Castor: Amazing. I knew you would keep on getting more beautiful!

Pollux: Oh my, Brother is so honest!

C: Wonderful! You will become beautiful on every point!

P: My! Brother is being honest…

4th Ascension カストロ「我らは古き双子神。我らは二つで一つの光なれば」


Castor: We are the ancient twin gods...two lights formed into one.

Pollux: We are two sides of the same coin...of one flesh and blood...
Castor: Our connection is eternal and enduring. At least as long as the stars keep twinkling in the sky.
Pollux: And as one who is eternal, we offer this guarantee, Master: you have forged a bond with us.
Castor: That's right.
You have done well in raising our fallen Spirit Origin. That's to be praised. And even if our lost Divine Core is never retrieved...
Pollux: Hehe. What Brother is trying to say is that he's both moved and impressed.
Castor: Pollux!

C: We are the ancient twin gods. We are two lights in one.

P: We're two sides of the same coin, two hearts beating as one.
C: Our connection is eternal, immutable. At least, to the level of the stars twinkling in the sky.
P: We guarantee it, Master. You are connected to us.
C: Right. You have done well raising my fallen Spirit Origin. I shall praise you. Even if you didn't return my lost Divinity.
P: Ufufu. Brother is impressed.
C: Pollux!

Battle Start 1 カストロ「つまらんな。死ね」


Castor: How dull. Die!

Pollux: Yes, it's best you die.

C: How pathetic, die!

P: That's right, I hope you die.

Battle Start 2 ポルクス「ことごとく打ち倒しますね、兄様」


Pollux: We will knock them all down, Brother.

Castor: Yeah, good idea.

P: We're going to defeat them entirely, Brother.

C: Let's do it.

Battle Start 3 カストロ「我らは神にして星。光に、逆らうか───?」

Castor: We are gods and stars. You dare to go against the light?

Battle Start 4 ポルクス「足掻け、叫べ! どうあれ斬り捨てる!」

Pollux: Come on, shout. Either way you will be cut down!

Skill 1 ポルクス「我らは星!」


Pollux: We are the stars!

Castor: The dazzling lights in the sky!

P: We are the stars!

C: The ones shining on the sky!

Skill 2 ポルクス「特別ですよ? 導いて差し上げます」

Pollux: This is an exception...we'll lead the way.

P: This is a special case. I shall offer you my guidance.

Skill 3 カストロ「我らは光! 嵐の後に来る、光である!」

Castor: We are the light...the light that comes after a storm!

C: We are the light! The light that comes after a storm!

Attack Selected 1 ポルクス「まあ!」

Pollux: Oh!

P: My!

Attack Selected 2 カストロ「ッフン」

Castor: Hmph.

C: Hum!

Attack Selected 3 ポルクス「へえ、そうなのね?」

Pollux: Oh, I see.

P: Heh, that's right.

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 カストロ「ならば讃えよ! 我らの星を!」

Castor: Behold our stars and be in awe!

C: Then praise. Our star!

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 ポルクス「いいでしょう。……対象を粉砕する」

Pollux: Very well. We shall crush the target.

P: Fine. We will crush the target.

Noble Phantasm Selected 3 ポルクス「兄様!」


Pollux: Castor.

Castor: ...Very well.

P: Brother.

C: Alright.

Noble Phantasm Selected 4 カストロ「俺が出る!」


Castor: I'm going out!

Pollux: Yes, Brother!

C: I will go!

P: Yes! Brother!

Attack 1 カストロ「はあああッ!」

Castor: Haaah!

C: Haah!

Attack 2 ポルクス「でぇぇあ!」

Pollux: Zeeei!

P: Deyaah!

Attack 3 ポルクス「参ります!」


Pollux: Heading out!

Castor: Right!

P: We'll go!

C: Yeah!

Attack 4 カストロ&ポルクス「はああああああッ!」

Castor & Pollux: Haaah!

Both: Haaaaah!

Attack 5 カストロ&ポルクス「せい!」

Castor & Pollux: Sei!

Both: Sei!

Extra Attack 1 カストロ「ゆくぞ!」


Castor: Let's go!

Pollux: Okay!
Castor: Hahahaha!
Pollux: Break into pieces!

C: Let's go!

P: Yes!
C: Hahahahaha!
P: Be smashed up!

Extra Attack 2 ポルクス「兄様!」


Pollux: Castor!

Castor: Yeah!
Pollux: Bring forth the light!
Castor: Bring forth the crimes!

P: Brother!

C: Yeah!
P: May there be light!
C: May there be sin!

Noble Phantasm 1 カストロ「畏れよ……」


Castor: Fear us...

Pollux: Worship us...
Castor: The stars of guidance that shine in the heavens!
Pollux: We descend here and now!
Castor & Pollux: Dioscures Tyndaridae!

C: Fear.

P: Revere.
C: The ones shining on the heavens. The stars of guidance!
P: We descend and stand here!
Both: "Hymn of the Twin GodsDioscures Tyndaridae"!!

Noble Phantasm 2 ポルクス「神核接続!」


Pollux: Connecting Divine Core.

Castor: Rousing Divine Core.
Pollux: Power...light...that is us!
Castor: Love that dazzles in the celestial sky!
Castor & Pollux: Dioscures Tyndaridae!

P: Divine Essence connected.

C: Divine Essence excited.
P: Power! Light! We ourselves!
C: The love shining on the heavens!
Both: "Hymn of the Twin GodsDioscures Tyndaridae"!!

Noble Phantasm 3 ポルクス「兄様を傷つける者、皆殺す!」

ポルクス「殺します! 合わせてください、兄様!」

Pollux: Anyone who hurts Brother shall be killed.

Castor: ...Pollux!
Pollux: I will kill them. Please join me, Brother!
Castor & Pollux: Dioscures Tyndaridae!

P: Those who hurt Brother. I'll kill all of them!

C: Fuh. Pollux!
P: I'll kill them! Please follow me, Brother!
Both: "Hymn of the Twin GodsDioscures Tyndaridae"!!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 1 カストロ「ぐうぅぅぁぁぁっ!」」

Castor: Uwoooh!

C: Guuuuuuuh!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 2 カストロ「何ぃっ!?」

Castor: What!?

C: What?!

Regular Damage 1 カストロ「フッ……」

Castor: Hmph!

C: Fuh

Regular Damage 2 カストロ「軽いな……」

Castor: This is nothing!

C: Trivial!

Defeated 1 カストロ「すまぬ……妹よ……」


Castor: Sorry...Sister...

Pollux: Brother...!

C: I'm sorry… Sister…

P: Brother!

Defeated 2 ポルクス「兄様……嘘、嘘ぉ……!」

Pollux: Brother...no...no...!

P: Brother… No way… No way!

Defeated 3 ポルクス「兄様……兄様……! 兄様ぁ……」

Pollux: Brother, brother, brother...!

P: Brother, Brother… Brother…

Defeated 4 カストロ「眠るのも悪くはない……」


Castor: ...Sleeping may not be so bad.

Pollux: Yes...

C: Sleeping isn't that bad…

P: Yes…

Battle Finish 1 カストロ「地に伏せよ! 空を仰げ!」


Castor: Keep your feet on the ground and look to the skies!

Pollux: That is how you should look up to the stars!

C: Lie face down on the ground, look up to the sky.

P: Stars should be looked at like that.

Battle Finish 2 カストロ「我らは古きものである」


Castor: We are the ancient ones.

Pollux: We are also swift.

C: We are the ancient ones ——

P: —— We are the hasty ones.

Battle Finish 3 ポルクス「どうという事もない」

Pollux: ...This is nothing.

P: Nothing special.

Battle Finish 4 カストロ「……こんなものか」


Castor: And that's how it's done.

Pollux: Admirable, Brother.

C: Something like this?

P: As expected from you, Brother!

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 カストロ「人理? 人類史……? 成程、消え果てたか。はは、ざまあないな! 人の世など滅ぶがままにさせておけ」


Castor: Humanity, Human History...so it's vanished! Hahaha, serves them right! Let the human world remain gone.

Pollux: That is no good. We shall not let it disappear.
Castor: Y-yeah...

C: Human Order, Human History… I see. So it disappeared. Haha! Serves them right. Let the world of humans perish.

P: That's not good! We won't let it perish.
C: …Y… Yeah…

Bond Lvl 2 ポルクス「我らは輝きの星。セントエルモの火」


Pollux: We are the shining star, the fire of St. Elmo...

Castor: St. Elmo, St. Elmo! Ha. A mere human raised to sainthood is laughable!
Pollux: Hehe, oh Brother. We were also like that at the beginning, too.
Castor: Yeah, I guess.

P: We are the shining stars, St. Elmo's fire.

C: St. Elmo, St. Elmo… Fufu. That a human turns into a holy one makes me laugh.
P: Fufu. Brother. That's how we were at the beginning.
C: Right… Right?

Bond Lvl 3 ポルクス「我らは現界にあたり、霊基に特殊な性質を備えました。即ちは、一種のマルチクラス」


Pollux: Upon our manifestation, our Spirit Origin gained a special characteristic...a type of multi-class.

Castor: We are a Saber and also an Avenger. Our base class is Saber...
Pollux: But we also possess some characteristics of an Avenger. Which means...
Castor: It's proof that we are two bodies in one, that we are deeply connected.

P: At the moment of our manifestation, we endowed the Saint Graph with special properties. That is, we're a subspecies of multi-class.

C: Saber and Avenger. The basis of the class is Saber, but ―――
P: ――― One part has the properties of an Avenger. This is ―――
C: ――― The proof that we're a Servant with two bodies in one deeply connected.

Bond Lvl 4 ポルクス「私たちは本来、古き神霊です。他の小神や、従属神たちと同じように、やがてオリュンポスの主神ゼウスの神話体系に組み込まれてゆきましたが」


Pollux: We are originally ancient Divine Spirits. Just like the other smaller or subordinate deities, we were eventually included into the great mythological system under the king of the Olympian gods, Zeus.

Castor: And because of that, I fell from grace. Even though we were both considered stars that shine after a storm...a god of the guiding light...
Pollux: From being the twin gods of the stars to being lifted up into the skies to become the constellation Gemini.
Castor: You are a descendant of Zeus, while I am not. You are immortal, while I'm a mere human...
Hmph. That got twisted up in a messed up way.
Castor: Even though we were summoned as a Divine Spirit of the twin deities instead of the Heroic Spirit of Gemini, my anger from my fall to ruin still rages on.
Pollux: But Brother...
Castor: ...Yes, our connection is unwavering.

P: We originally are ancient Divine Spirits. Just like other deities and lesser gods, we eventually fell into the same mythological system as the chief god of the Olympus, Zeus.

C: That's why I fell into ruin. Me, who was supposed to be the stars shining after the storm, a god as the light of guidance…
P: From the twin gods of stars, we went to be spoken of as the twins of Gemini that were risen to the stars.
C: You who had the blood of Zeus, and me who didn't have the blood of Zeus. The immortal you, and the human me. Hm, what a cruelly twisted thing. In addition to be summoned not as the Heroic Spirit of Gemini but as the Divine Spirit of the twin gods, I am here without erasing the fury towards my ruin.
P: But, Brother.
C: Yeah. Only our connection is absolute.

Bond Lvl 5 カストロ「一度しか言わん。……我らは航海の守護者。旅の安全を司る神としての顔を持つ。その我らが、ここに祝福してくれる」


Castor: I'm only going to say this once. We possess the aspect of a guardian of voyagers of the sea...a god who ensures the safety of travelers. And so we are here to bless you.

Pollux: Master, may you overcome all hardship without losing hope.
Castor: Hmph. After all, we are originally the star that saves you in times of crisis.
Pollux: Our aspect as the god of sea navigation became more pronounced in later legends...probably thanks to the legend of us being born as human twins who sailed on the Argo.
Castor: Yeah. Ship, ship, ship!
Humans keep journeying on ships...past and present... They never change!
Pollux: He may say that, but Brother actually likes ships.
Castor: Pollux!

C: I will only say it once. We are the protectors of navigation. We have the visage of the god who governs the safety of journeys. We ourselves will hereby bless you.

P: Master. May you overcome any hardship without losing hope.
C: Hm. We would originally want to save you from any crisis. Because we are the god of hope themselves, but…
P: The posterior legends made the aspect as a god of navigation stronger. It's due to the legend in which we were born as human twins, sailed on the Argo, and had adventures.
C: Yeah, that's right! Boat boat boat. In the past and now, humans continue having journeys on boats. They don't change at all!
P: That's what you say, but Brother. You like boats, don't you?
C: Pollux!

Dialogue 1 カストロ「我らを待たせるな。立ち上がれ、走れ!」

ポルクス「あんまり退屈が過ぎると、大変なことになってしまうわよ? マスター」

Castor: Don't make us stand idly by. Stand up! Run!

Pollux: Terrible things will happen if we get bored, Master.

C: Don't make us wait. Stand up! Run!

P: If we get too bored, something bad will happen. Master.

Dialogue 2 ポルクス「兄様」

カストロ「言わぬ。マスター? 人間相手にこの俺がマスターなどと……。ッははははは! 冗談としては良く出来ている!」

Pollux: Brother.

Castor: I'm not going to say it.
Pollux: Brother...
Castor: I'm not saying it. I'm not going to lower myself to address a mere human as "Master!"
Hahahahaha! That's a good joke!
Pollux: Oh, Brother...

P: Brother.

C: I won't say it.
P: ……Brother.
C: I won't say it. "Master"? Me saying "Master" to a human. Hahahahaha! That's a good joke.
P: Oh, Brother… Jeez.

Dialogue 3 カストロ「契約は結ぼう。だが主従ではない。勘違いするでないぞ、人間」


Castor: Let's form a contract. But there will be no Master-Servant relationship here. Don't get the wrong idea, human.

Pollux: Let's get along, Master.
Castor: Pollux!

C: The contract is signed. But it's not a master-servant relationship. Don't misunderstand it, human.

P: Let's get along, Master.
C: Pollux!?

Dialogue 4
(See the references[1])


Castor: The Gemini?

Pollux: Oh, that's our Roman name, Brother.
Castor: Oh that's right. It doesn't sound too bad.
Pollux: Do you like it?
Castor: I didn't say I liked it.

C: "Gemini" you say?

P: Ah, I'm sure it's how they call us in Rome, Brother.
C: Is that so? The ring of it isn't quite that bad.
P: Do you like it?
C: I didn't say I like it, did I?

Dialogue 5
(See the references[2])

ポルクス「違います。……殺しますよ? 兄様?」

Castor: Sister, we joined in some adventures aboard that ship, didn't we?

Pollux: Yes we did, Brother. Heracles was indeed a great soldier.
Castor: He sure was... Wait a minute. Have you been meeting up with Heracles without me?
Pollux: You have the wrong idea. I'll kill you, Brother.

C: Sister, we had adventures on that ship, didn't we?

P: Yes, Brother. We had them. Heracles was a really good warrior.
C: Absolutely. …No wait, Sister. Did you, without me knowing, with Heracles…?!
P: No, I did not. I'll kill you, Brother.

Dialogue 6
(See the references[3])


Castor: There's no way I'll protect humans.

Pollux: No, we shall. They are in dire need of our protection.
Castor: I don't care what happens to humans.
Pollux: We will protect them.
Castor: I don't care what happens...
Pollux: I am saddened when humans die.
Castor: Why's that?
Pollux: Because you were once human too.
Castor: ...

C: As if we'd protect humans.

P: No, we'll protect them. They need our protection.
C: I don't care what happens to humans.
P: We'll protect them.
C: What happens to humans———!
P: I'll be sad if humans die.
C: Why?!
P: Because you too were human once, Brother.
C: ……

Something you Like カストロ「好きなものだと? 妹の他に何があるというのだ」

ポルクス「兄様言い方! 言い方が、ちょっと……」

Castor: What I like? My sister. I need no one else.

Pollux: Brother, you may want to reconsider how you phrase things...
Castor: What? Why don't you say it too? Say that you don't need anyone other than your brother.
Pollux: It's the way you say things...

C: Something I like? What is there other than Sister?

P: Brother, the phrasing… The phrasing is a bit…
C: What. You say it too. "I don't need anything other than my brother".
P: Brother… The phrasing…

Something you Hate ポルクス「嫌いなもの?……そうね……私は特にないかしら」

カストロ「人間だ。人間人間人間人間……ッ! 人間などという存在がなければ、俺が零落する事はなかったッ!」

Pollux: What I dislike?

Well, I don't have anything in particular...
Castor: Humans! Humans, humans, humanshumanshumanshumans!
Had it not been for humans, I wouldn't have fallen from grace!

P: Something we hate? Let's see… I guess nothing in special for me.

C: Humans! Humans, humans humans humans humans…! If humans never existed, I would never have come to ruin…!

About the Holy Grail カストロ「聖杯に願う事なぞない」

ポルクス「ああ! それは、そうですね!」

Castor: There's nothing we need to wish for upon the Holy Grail.

Pollux: Nope, nothing.
Castor: But I hear it's not a bad goblet for wine.
Pollux: Oh, that's true!

C: There is nothing to wish for to the Grail.

P: There isn't.
C: However, it doesn't look half-bad as a wine cup.
P: Ah! That's right.

During an Event カストロ「祭と聞いたぞ。せいぜい騒ぎ、はしゃぎ、神への供物を捧げるがいいぞ。人間」



Castor: I heard there's a festival. Why don't you paint the town red, enjoy yourself, and offer up tribute to the gods, human.

Pollux: So this is an event? Brother, let's enjoy it ourselves too!
Castor: I suppose we could have some fun, if you insist.

C: I heard there is a festival. Fuss, frolic, and offer tributes to the gods, human.

P: This is what they call an event, isn't it? Brother, let's have fun as well!
C: If you say it, I won't do such a thing as not having fun.

Birthday ポルクス「マスター、誕生日おめでとうございます。……健やかに育ちましたね。貴方の歩む先に、いつも幸福がありますよう」

カストロ「妹の祝福を得たのだ。最高の誕生日だな、貴様。礼はどうした。礼は! どうした!!」
ポルクス「兄様! どうどう!」
カストロ「───ッ! ポッ、ポルクス!」

Pollux: Master, happy birthday. You grew up very well!

May the path you take be met with happiness!
Castor: ...Now that you received my sister's blessing, that makes it your best birthday ever. Where's your gratitude? Huh!? Why aren't you grateful!?
Pollux: Brother, calm down.
Castor: ...Hmph. You might as well have a good rest of your day.
Pollux: Hehe. You just subtly wished Master well, too.
Castor: Pollux!

P: Happy birthday, Master. You have really grown up in good health. I wish you all the best in your journey ahead.

C: So you got my sister's blessings. This must be the best birthday you ever had, you bastard. Where is your thank-you? Where! Is! It!?
P: Brother! Calm down!
C: Hm... Go enjoy a quiet day to the fullest or something.
P: Fufu. Brother, you also casually gave your blessings just now, didn't you?
C: Po-Po-Pollux!


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