Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Midorikawa Hikaru)
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「サーヴァント、セイバー。

Servant, Saber.

I am Diarmuid Ua Duibhne of the Knights of Fianna.
As a knight, I shall serve you.

Servant, Saber. Diarmuid Ua Duibhne of the Knights of Fianna. Allow me to let you serve as a knight.

Level Up 「成長の要素は残っていたか。俺もまだまだ捨てたものではないな」

So I still had room to grow. I suppose I'm not completely worthless.

The possibility of growth is remaining. I'm not yet something to throw away.

1st Ascension 「力が引き出されていく……震えるな」

My powers are growing... It makes me tremble.

Power is getting drawn out ... I'm trembling.

2nd Ascension 「ああ、感謝します」

Yes, I am grateful.

Ah, I'm grateful.

3rd Ascension 「最高だ。今の俺ならば、あるいは」


As I am now...I might...!

It's the best. The me right now can maybe....

4th Ascension 「マスター、このディルムッド、深く感謝します。これでかの騎士王とも戦えましょう」

Master. I, Diarmuid, am extremely grateful.

I now may be able to fight against that King of Knights...!

Master, this Diarmuid is seriously grateful. With this I can fight the King of Knights.

Battle Start 1 「マスター、この戦いを貴方に捧げよう」

Master. This battle is for you.

Master, I'll devote that battle to you.

Battle Start 2 「ではお見せしよう。我が必殺の槍、もとい、剣を!」

Then behold. This is my deadly spear...I mean, blade!

Well then, let me show you. My death bringing lance, er, sword!

Skill 1 「これだ!」

This is it!


Skill 2 「どうだ!」

Take that!

How is that!

Skill 3 「おおおおおっ!」



Skill 4 「輝く貌のディルムッド……ここに!」

The dazzlingly handsome...Diarmuid is here!

Diarmuids sparkling figure ... is here!

Attack Selected 1 「ああ」



Attack Selected 2 「よし」



Attack Selected 3 「応」

Got it.

All right!

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「いいだろう」

All right then.


Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「斬り時だな」

Time to fight.

Time to cut down

Attack 1 「せいっ!」



Attack 2 「とうっ!」



Attack 3 「はっ!」



Extra Attack 「まだだ! ……断ち斬るッ!」

Not yet! I'll cut it apart!

Not yet! ... Sever!

Noble Phantasm 「生死を分かつ境界線……見定める! はああああっ! ここだ! 『憤怒の波濤モラ・ルタ』!!」

The boundary that divides life and death...

I shall see even that!
Found it!

I will find... the line dividing life and death!....Identifying it! Haaaaah! Here! ! "Surge of Fury"Móraltach!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「むうう……っ!」



Regular Damage 「くっ」



Defeated 1 「もう一度剣を交えるまで、倒れる訳には……」

Until we cross swords once more...I will not be defeated...

Until we cross swords once more, defeat is....

Defeated 2 「マスター……どうかご武運を……」

Master...I wish you good fortune in war...

Master... somehow or other the fortunes of war...

Battle Finish 1 「残念だが、剣も槍も使えてこその英雄だ。――苦手な分野など存在しないさ」

Sorry, but a hero can wield both sword and spear. I have no weaknesses.

It's disappointing but, no matter if sword or lance, I'm surely a useful hero. The likes of not being useful in the field don't exist.

Battle Finish 2 「この勝利を、マスターに」

This victory is dedicated to you, Master.

I give this victory to master.

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「ああ、騎士王よ。今一度お前と立ち合いたいものだ」

Ah, the King of Knights.

I would like to face you once more.

Ah, King of Knights. I wish of being matched against you once more.

Bond Lvl 2 「マスター、何か? 用がなければ、剣の鍛錬に戻りたいのですが」

What is it, Master?

If you have no business, I would like to continue my training.

Master, what's up? Unless there's an errand, I'd like to return to forging swords.

Bond Lvl 3 「私はどうやら不忠の人間のようです。あなたに仕えながら、あなた以外の誰かのことを考えている。なんという恥知らずか」

It appears that I am a treasonous human.

Even while I serve you, I think about someone other than you.
How shameless of me...

It seems like I'm like a disloyal human. While I work for you, I'm thinking of someone else other than you. What a shameless person.

Bond Lvl 4 「あなたという素晴らしいマスターを主とし、思う存分剣を振るえている。今、私は幸せです」

You are such a wonderful Master, allowing me to wield my blade as I desire... I am a truly happy man.

What a wonderful master you - my Lord - are, I can freely swing my sword. Now I'm happy.

Bond Lvl 5 「いつか再び、騎士王と戦う日も来るはず。しかし、今はあなたの剣であることこそが、私の役割です。いつまでも共に、マスター」

There may come another day where I can battle the King of Knights.

But my role right now is to be your sword. I shall always be by your side, Master.

Somewhen, there will come a day I can fight against the King of Knights once more. But, right now my assigned role is to be your sword. Forever together, Master.

Dialogue 1 「騎士道に則り、いざ旅立ちましょう」

In accordance to the way of the knight, let us head out.

In accordance with chivalry, now we'll depart.

Dialogue 2 「主従ですか? 無論、マスターのために私は誠心誠意尽くします」

The Master and Servant relationship? Naturally, I will offer my complete devotion to you, Master.

Lord and retainer? Of course, for Masters sake I'll serve you with my whole heart.

Dialogue 3 「私を騎士として存分にお使いください、マスター」

Please command this knight as you wish, Master.

Dialogue 4
(Artoria Pendragon)
「おお、騎士王よ! うむ、いつか再び剣を交えよう。今回は俺もセイバーだ」

Ah, the King of Knights!

Hm. Our blades shall cross once more someday.
After all, I'm a Saber this time around!

Oh, King of Knights! Umu, someday let's cross swords a second time. This time I'm also a Saber.

Dialogue 5
(See the references[1])

To stand alongside the Child of Light is quite the honor.

Who would have thought I would be able to fight alongside the Child of Light. That is the greatest honor.

Dialogue 6
(Miyamoto Musashi or Miyamoto Musashi (Berserker))
「俺を含め、両手に剣を持つ戦士は数あれど、女だてらにというのは珍しい。宮本武蔵、天元の求道者か。その心根も固く、まさに理想の剣士。……む? 戦う前にお茶、団子を奢る? ……これはもしや、逆ナン、というやつか」

Including myself, there are only a handful of warriors who can wield two swords. And among them, women are rarer still.[2]

Miyamoto Musashi...the seeker of the apex of heaven.
Truly, her genuine disposition makes her an ideal swordsman...
Hm? Tea before we fight? And I need to treat you to some dango?
C-could such aggressive behavior mean you are hitting on me!?

Including me, there are several warriors holding swords in both hands, but for a woman to manage it is highly unlikely[2]. Miyamoto Musashi, Tengen's investigator. Her firm heart, it's surely the idea swordsman... Mu? Before we wage war, giving green tea and dango?... Is that perhaps the thing called... women picking up men... ?

Dialogue 7
(Fionn mac Cumhaill)

Could you be...!?

No...I suppose something like this could be possible...
Being a Heroic Spirit...a Servant...what a perverse fate...
No. I currently serve only Master.
My former king, I beg your pardon.

You are .... no, as if a thing like that is possible. Heroic Spirits are ... Servants are ... how do I say it ... No, the me right now is only serving Master. Oh, my former king, excuse me.

Something you Like 「仲間たちとの語らい……いいですね、ここにはそれがある」

Conversations with one's comrades...

I see that is possible here.

Talking with my comrades ... it's truly nice, it's doable here.

Something you Hate 「主からの妬み……あれは、辛い」

Jealousy of one's Master...[3]

That is...painful...

Jealousy from my lord ... that's ... bitter. [3]

About the Holy Grail 「可能であれば、是非騎士王と打ち合いたいものです。槍では敵わなかったようですが、剣ではどうでしょうね」

If it's possible, I would like to face the King of Knights.

I was no match for her with my Lance, but what do you think of my chances with a blade?

If possible, I would like a fight against the King on Knights. My spears are no match for her, but how about my swords?

During an Event 「マスター、どうやら何かあるようですよ」

Master, it appears that something is happening.

Master, it seems there is something going on.

Birthday 「マスター、どうやら誕生日のようですね。祝いの酒を持ってまいりました。飲めない?こ、これはまた失礼を」

Master, it appears today is your birthday.

I have brought some celebratory alcohol.
...You can't drink?
M-my apologies...


  1. One of the following Servants:
    S379A1Icon S017A1Icon S020A1Icon S038A1Icon S098A1Icon
  2. 2.0 2.1 He is saying unusual for a woman to wield two swords, but in a way that implies he doesn't have a high respect for women. He's kinda saying some disrespectful without actually insulting, if that makes any sense.(by ComunCoutinho)
  3. 3.0 3.1 He's talking about Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald here, most likely. Not sure about if Kayneth was really jealous or if Diarmuid thought of it like that but it makes the most sense in that context since he uses "主/Lord" here which is how he called Kayneth (According to ComunCoutinho)

Diarmuid seems to switch from "俺/ore" to "私/watashi" once he conversation to Guda. If he talks about other servants he still uses "ore" though.
He uses "マスター/Master" for all Guda-related stuff, he always calls Guda that and "王/king" is Fionn. If he uses something other, then he means someone else or something else.

DialogueIcon Dialogue Related Servants

The following Servants have related dialogues to this Servant (sorted alphabetically):
S332A1Icon S274A1Icon S087A1Icon S360C1Icon S360A1Icon S336A3Icon S405A1Icon S361C1Icon S361A1Icon S070A1Icon S213A1Icon S359C1Icon S359A1Icon S214A1Icon S214A2Icon S214A3Icon S187A1Icon


The translation was taken from Reddit user XxXHikari-chanXxX . and the reference note was from the user ComunCoutinho. Thanks both for all the hard works.

NA Translation written by CuteSoleil
