Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Kugimiya Rie)
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「ふ、絨毯にくるまっているとでも思ったかしら! ……ええ、

Hah, did you think I would appear from within a rolled-up carpet? ...Well, perhaps I considered it, but rejected the idea since this is our first meeting.

I am the last Pharaoh, Cleopatra VII Philopator.
Master, could you please refrain from holding your head higher than the sun?

"Heh, I wonder what you'd think if I came with a carpet leading the way! ...Yes, I thought about it just a bit, but refrained since this is the first time we're meeting. I am the last pharaoh, Cleopatra VII Philopator. And, if you could, Master, please refrain from having a head higher than the sun?"

Level Up 「成長の火……大変よろしいです! わたくしの扱いを心得ているようですね」

The fires of progress... Yes, quite good indeed.

You seem to know how to use me.

"The flames of growth... This is pretty good! Sounds like you know how to treat a girl right."

1st Ascension 「今も昔も、わたくしこそが最新の流行モードと知りなさい。流行り物に弱いのではありません。今回は、レザーでポップなパンツが気に入っただけなのです」

Even now, I know what the latest trends are.

And it is not that I am weak to fads.
I simply enjoy these flashy leather pants at the moment.

"Even now, I know what the latest trends are. I'm never not up to speed with what's in vogue - this time I simply thought those popular leather pants suited me."

2nd Ascension 「これ以上美しくなっても仕方ないのだけれど? 鼻が高くて仕方がないのだけれど!?」

There really is no reason to be more beautiful than I already am, but it's inevitable that I would be proud of myself!

"Isn't it inevitable that I'd become even more lovely? Isn't it inevitable that I'd be proud!?"

3rd Ascension 「なんですかその目は? あなたがあまりにも『イメージが違う~』などと言うから本来の姿になってあげたのです。感想は今夜中に、世界最高水準のセンスで纏めあげて提出するように」

What is that look for? You always say that my image is different than you expected, so I changed to my original form.

...I expect a world class presentation of your opinion by the end of the night.

"What's with that look? Saying stuff like "Your image is too different," just because I'm in my original form. I hope you submit your impressions as well as a collection of the most high-brow style in the world by tonight."

4th Ascension 「ここまでの捧げ物を贈られたのは、初めて……。それも国の為ではなく、わたくしの為だけに贈るなんて……。ま、まあ、わたくしの魅力がそれだけ素晴らしいということなのだけど!」

This is the first time I've ever received something like this.

And you gave this not to my country, but to me alone...
Yes, well, I suppose that just shows how wonderful I am!

"I was presented with tribute for the first time... Not the country, but me alone... W- Well it's true that my charm is that much more wonderful!"

Battle Start 1 「跪きなさい。可愛がってあげるから」

Kneel before me, and I may treat you well.

"Kneel before me. I am to be beloved, after all."

Battle Start 2 「覚悟する事ね、下等かつ低質な醜男ブおとこたち」

Brace yourselves, you lowly pigs!

"Prepare yourselves, you inferior, and furthermore ugly men."

Skill 1 「むつかしいわね……」

How tiresome...

"So we're having trouble, huh..."

Skill 2 「色々したいのね?不許可よ」

You want to try all sorts of things, right? Permission denied!

"You want more? That's a negative."

Attack Selected 1 「よくてよ」



Attack Selected 2 「気安いわね」


"No need to fret."

Attack Selected 3 「まあ、いいでしょう」

That will do.

"Well, this should be fine."

Noble Phantasm Selected わたくしに、めかけになれというのね?」

Do you wish to take me as your own?

"Shall I become the Queen?"

Attack 1 「お黙りなさい!」


"Be silent!"

Attack 2 「論外でしてよ」

Out of the question...!

"Absolutely not."

Attack 3 「とぉーうっ!」



Extra Attack 「謹んで見上げなさい?」

Let your eyes behold!

"Admire me!"

Noble Phantasm 「其はエジプトの落陽、終焉を示す時の蛇。最後のファラオとして命じます。『暁の時を終える蛇よ、ウラエウス・此処にアストラペ』!! ……ですが、わたくしのせいではありませんっ!」

This is the fallen sun of Egypt, the snake that signals the end.

By my command as the last Pharaoh:
Uraeus Astrape!
But this is not my fault!

The Cause for the Fall of Egypt, The Serpent That Signals The End Times. I command you as "The Last Pharaoh". --"Uraeus AstrapeHere Stand The Snakes, At The Dawn's End"!……However, it is definitely not my fault!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「ああん!」



Regular Damage 「くっ!」



Defeated 1 「うふふ……やるわね貴方。気に入ったわ、わたくしの家来になり……きゃああっ!」

Hmm... Well done... Yes, you should come to my palace to ser──Whaaa?!

"Ufufu…… You've done it. How fitting, to become as my own servants are... Kyaaaa!"

Defeated 2 「うん、ふふっ……太るのよりはマシよ。太るのよりは……」

Hmm... This is still better than growing fat, certainly...!

"Fufu…… At least this is better than gaining weight. This is still better..."

Battle Finish 1 「うふっ、パピルスよりもろい体ね。栄養はしっかりとりなさい?」

You are weaker than a roll of papyrus! You really must eat better!

"Ufu, bodies more fragile than papyrus stalks. Take better nutrition!"

Battle Finish 2 「指が汚れたわ。どうせ潰すのなら、果物がいいのだけど」

Well, now my hands are dirty. I would have preferred crushing fruits, really.

"I got my hands dirty. But fruit is good if you crush it."

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 わたくしを召喚し、契約した。それだけで貴方の人生は完結したと言っても過言ではないでしょう。なので、あとはわたくしの添え物として、わたくしに仕えなさい。……具体的に言うと、うしろで荷物を持ちなさい!」

You have summoned me and formed a contract. It's not an exaggeration to say your life is complete.

Now then, serve me by my side. I need you to carry my things!

"To be able to summon me, and form a contract. It's not an exaggeration to say your life is complete. So, later, I have an additional request, so be useful to me. Specifically, I need you to carry my luggage on your back!"

Bond Lvl 2 「荷物持ちをしろとは言いましたが、本当にわたくしを連れ回すなんて、驚きを禁じえません。ちょっと感謝です。ああ、いえ、わらわはこういうの慣れてますから、ぜんっぜんときめいたりはしないのです!」

I know I told you to carry my luggage, but I must admit I did not expect you take me everywhere like this.

I'm a little bit thankful.
Ah, no. I'm quite used to such treatment. It's not like it makes my heart race.

"I know I told you to carry my luggage, but I was surprised that you wanted to keep me company. I'm a bit thankful. Aaaah, it is because I am queen that I am familiar with saying such things - I am by no means struck by this."

Bond Lvl 3 「はっ!? 気が付けば、一つのテーブルでお茶をともにして寛いでいるわたくし……。わらわはクレオパトラ。この肌に触れたいがため、わらわの顔を一目見たいがために命を捨てた者は数えきれないというのに……」

Wait! What are we doing having tea at the same table!

I am Cleopatra! Do you know how many have lost their lives just to touch my skin? Just to lay their eyes on me?!

"Hah!? Before I knew it I relaxed enough to have tea together with you at a table... I am Cleopatra. Those who want to touch my skin, or gaze at my face, or even throw their lives away for me are countless..."

Bond Lvl 4 「あ……そ、そう。そんなにまだまだわらわと仲良くなりたいの? それは、どうしてもと言うのでしたら、仕方のないことですが……。こちらにも、心の準備が……」

Oh... Oh? So you wish to get to know me better?

Well, if you absolutely insist, I suppose I cannot refuse. But I must ask for some time... to prepare myself.

"Ah... T- That's right. You still want to be friends with me? Even if you say that, it can't possibly be... Even now, I'm steeling my heart..."

Bond Lvl 5 「決めました。あなたは非才かつ不運。これと言って見どころのないマスターですが、努力だけは中々です。ですので、有能なわたくしが秘書として、常に健康を管理しなければいけないでしょう。では、これを読んでおきなさい? わたくしが考えた、あなたの今後の予定表です」

It's settled.

You may be incompetent and unlucky, with no accomplishments in particular, but at least you are determined.
So I must take it upon myself to be your talented aide, assisting you in your health and nutrition.
First, take a look at this. It is a daily schedule I have thought up for you.

"I have decided. You are blessed with incompetence, and moreover, bad luck. You have nothing of interest as a Master, but the effort you put in is excellent. So, being the talented secretary I am, I shall manage your health at all times. Well then, please read all of this. I thought it up - it's your agenda for the future."

Dialogue 1 「顔も平凡なら行動も退屈なマスターね。いいから楽しい事をしに行きましょう?」

Not only are you unremarkable in appearance, must you be dull as well?

Come on, we should enjoy ourselves!

"Even if your face is okay, you're so boring, Master. How about we go have some fun?"

Dialogue 2 「主従を表す言葉? 決まっているでしょう? 神と人よ! 人は神の為に働き、神は人なくして輝けない。つまり、貴方はわたくしの大切なものという事です!」

How would I describe us?

Like mankind and the gods, of course!
Humanity works under the gods, and the gods cannot shine without their worshipers!
...I'm saying you are a beloved part of me!

"Words to describe a master-servant relationship? You want me to describe it? It's gotta be like gods and humanity! People work for the gods, but the gods cannot shine without humans. In other words, you're pretty important to me!"

Dialogue 3 「ファラオだから従うのには慣れてはいないだろう、ですって……? フン。身も心も、あと他も、短慮なマスターね。むしろ妾ほど、他の何かに従ったファラオは居ないでしょうに……」

You think I'm not used to following orders because I am a Pharaoh?

...Hmph. Your body as well as your mind and everything else about you is imprudent, Master. Really, there is no Pharaoh who knows more about obedience than I!

"The reason I'm not accustomed to following is because I was pharaoh...? Hmph. Your body as well as your mind and everything else about you is imprudent, Master. Rather, I wouldn't be a pharaoh if I followed something else..."

Dialogue 4
(Gaius Julius Caesar)
「あれはカエサル様……? カエサル様、よね? もう~、何も信じられない! んん……でもでも、どんなにふくよかでも素敵に見えるとか何なのよあれぇ!? ああんあり得ないぃぃ!!」

Is that Caesar...? It is, isn't it...? I can't believe it...

How can he seem so wonderful even when he grows so fat like that? HOOOOWW?!

"Is that Caesar-sama...? That is Caesar-sama, right? Ohhhhh, I don't believe it! Mm... But, but, Caesar-sama should look wonderful even if he has put on a little weight, right— Is what I wanna say! Aww, I can't do this!"

Dialogue 5

That is Iskandar, an ancestor of mine from the Ptolemaic dynasty...

I don't care much for harsh men like that, but... I hate to say it, but he is quite a looker!

"That's Iskandar-sama, the forefather of my Ptolemaic Egypt... Men who are too rough aren't my type, but... It's vexing, there's no arguing that he's captivating..."

Dialogue 6
(See the references[1])

Even one such as myself knows shame...

I can't stand tall among my pharaoh ancestors... No matter what I may say or do, the fact is I am the one who brought an end to their line...

"Even I have some shame. In front of true pharaohs I slink down... How am I supposed to save face when I'm the one who put an end to 'Pharaohs'..."

Something you Like 「好きなもの、ですって? 美しいものに決まっているでしょう? メジェド神とか超ステキよ! ……ああ、カエサル様の事は言わないで。本気で死にたくなるわ……」

What do I enjoy...?

Beautiful things, of course. Like the god Medjed, for instance.
Oh. No, don't even mention Caesar. Just the thought kills me...

"What I like, you ask? It's gotta be beautiful things, right? The god, Medjed is soooo wonderful! ...Ah, don't talk to me about Caesar-sama. I'll really wanna die..."

Something you Hate 「嫌いなもの? 言わせたいの? そんなの、堂々と下世話な質問をする目の前のマスターに決まっているわ。貴方を真剣に思っている者ほど答えに困るから、次からは気を付けなさい?」

What do I detest? You want to hear it from me?

It should be obvious that I would despise you, for openly asking such a horrid thing!
You know, the more someone thinks fondly of you, the more difficult it is to answer such a question. Try with some delicacy next time.

"Dislikes? You want me to tell you that? Of course you'd ask me to shamelessly tell such juicy gossip right in front of you. I need you to seriously think since it's troublesome to talk about that person, so please be more careful next time?"

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯については、わたくしも研究したわ。アレは国を救うものではなく、人を救うものではなくて? 当然、わたくしの為に使うのですよね?」

I have done much research on the Holy Grail.

That is not something for saving a nation, but to save people, right?
Of course, you will use it for me, yes?

"I, too, have looked into the Holy Grail. Is it not for the purpose of saving the country, saving my people? If it is not, then what use is it to me?"

During an Event 「騒がしい……ナイルでも氾濫したのかしら? ……訂正するわ。ナイルが氾濫したら、こんなものじゃ済まされないわ」

It certainly is loud out there. Has the Nile flooded?

...Let me correct my statement. The Nile flooding would definitely be much more chaotic...

"It's so noisy... Is the Nile flooding or something? ...Let me amend that statement. We couldn't make do without the Nile flooding."

Birthday 「誕生日? あなたの? どうでもいい情報ね。1ミリも知る必要のない裏話ね……それで? プレゼントは何が良いのかしら!?」

Whose birthday? Yours? That's of no concern to me. Yes, I certainly did not need to know.

Now then, what would you like as a gift?!

"There's a birthday? It's yours? That info is trivial. I don't need to know your entire backstory, jeez... So what? I just wondered what would be a good present!?"


  1. One of the following Servants:
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