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Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Kawasumi Ayako)
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「メリー、煙突から失礼。

Merry, excuse me for entering from the chimney.

I am the pretty Santa Claus who has answered your summon.

You must be my reindeer?

Merry, excuse me for entering from the chimney.

The Santa Claus' onē-san has arrived answering the summon. You my reindeer right?

Level Up 「もっとだ、サボるな」

We need more. Don't slack off.

More. Don't slack off.

1st Ascension 「この姿は気に入っている。私は決して着替えない」

I'm quite fond of this outfit, so don't expect me to change.

I like this look. I'll never change.

2nd Ascension 「悪くない。より多くのオモチャを持てるというもの」

Having all these toys isn't so bad at all.

Not bad. It lets me carry more toys.

3rd Ascension 「寒くはないのかだと? 無論寒い。だが、困難に耐えてこそのサンタだろう?」

You think I look cold? Well of COURSE I am. But getting over that is part of Santa's job.

"Aren't you cold" you ask? Absolutely cold. But to withstand it is a Santa's job isn't it?

4th Ascension 「これは、何という……。これほどのプレゼントに囲まれたのは、お前のおかげだ、トナカイ。むぅ……ずっとこうしていたいが、これは世界中の子供たちの物。サンタとは辛い試練なのだな──」

My... Just look at all this.

All of these presents are thanks to you, my reindeer.
Ahh, I'd love to just stay here like this, but the children of the world are waiting! Being a Santa is challenging...

This is, how…… It's thanks to you that I'm surrounded by this many presents, reindeer. ……I'd like to stay like this forever, but, these are for the children around the world. Being a santa is a harsh trial.

Battle Start 1 「祈りは済ませたか」

Have you finished your prayers?

Did you say your prayers?

Battle Start 2 「ターキーにしてくれる」

I'll turn you into a turkey dinner.

I'll make turkey of you.

Skill 1 「袋が重いな……」

This bag sure is heavy...

The sack's heavy……

Skill 2 「トナカイに乗る!」

Ride the reindeer!

Riding the reindeer!

Attack Selected 1 「いいだろう」

Very well.

Fine then.

Attack Selected 2 「任せておけ」

Leave it to me.

Leave it to me.

Attack Selected 3 「ふっ」



Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「シャンパンの準備はいいな? ──プレゼントの時間だ!」

Is the champagne ready? It's time for presents!

Is the champagne ready? It's time for presents!

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「シャンパンの準備はいいな?」

Is the champagne ready?

Is the champagne ready?

Noble Phantasm Selected 3 「プレゼントの時間だ!」

It's time for presents!

It's time for presents!

Attack 1 「ふんっ」



Attack 2 「祝え!」



Attack 3 「やらんぞ」

Nice try.

I won't give.

Extra Attack 「いい子にしていたか?」

Have we been naughty?

Were you a good kid?

Noble Phantasm 「サンタからの贈り物だ──。聖夜に沈め! 『約束された勝利の剣エクスカリバー・モルガーン』! ~~♪(ジングルベルの鼻歌)」

Here's a little something from Santa―

Fall under the Holy Night,
Excalibur Morgan!

This is something from Santa. Drown in Christmas! Excalibur Morgan! [Humming Jingle Bells]



Damage from Noble Phantasm 「プレゼントが……!」

Not the presents!

The presents……!

Defeated 1 「子供たちのために、倒れる訳には……」

I can't fall here... For the sake of the children!

For the sake of the children, I cannot fall……

Defeated 2 「ジングル……ジン、グル……」



Battle Finish 1 「エントツを探さなくては……」

Gotta find the chimney...

I have to find a chimney.

Battle Finish 2 「思いのほか、ハードワークだな」

This is a lot tougher than it seems...

This is hard work, unexpectedly.

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「セイバーという在り方は封印した。私はトナカイというマスターに乗るライダー。聖夜に現れた、一陣の烈風にすぎない。──盛り上がってきたな」

I've sealed away my old Saber self.

I am a Rider of reindeer, which so happened to be my Master.
Just a gust of wind on this holiest of nights...
How exciting!

I've gotten rid of the title of Saber. I am the Rider who rides my master, Reindeer. Nothing more than a strong wind that appears on Christmas eve...I see that you've gotten excited.

Bond Lvl 2 「この袋には夢と希望が詰まっている。私が一年かけて厳選した微妙にコレジャナイ系の玩具の粋だ。フッ、フフフ……配るのが楽しみになってきただろう?」

This bag here is full of hopes and dreams.

I've carefully picked them up throughout the year, and they are all just ever so off the mark.
Hehehe... Makes you look forward to distribute them, right?

This bag is full of hopes and dreams. The kind that has me spend a year handpicking offbrand toys. Fuhuhu. Aren't you looking forward to giving them out?

Bond Lvl 3 「クリスマスに思い入れはないが、ターキーは良い。実に良い。あの素朴で粗野で油がテラッテラなところが堪らない。料理とは斯くあるべしだ」

I don't have any fond memories of Christmas, but I want a turkey. Oh yes, do I ever. That rustic, crude, oily brilliance of it.

The essence of a good meal.

I'm not emotionally attached to Christmas, but turkey is good. Really good. I can't get enough of its simplicity, vulgarity, and the fact that it's dripping with oil. All food should be like this.

Bond Lvl 4 「実の所を言うと、なぜサンタなのか私にも疑問はあるのだ。どちらかと言うと、私は貰いたい派であってあげたい派ではない。しかしトナカイであるお前が喜ぶのなら──役職をサボるわけにはいかないな」

If you wanna know the truth, I'm not exactly sure why I'm Santa either.

Actually, I'd rather be getting presents instead of giving them.
But... Well, if you, my reindeer, are happy with it, then I guess I can't slack off.

Honestly, even I don't know the answer to why I am santa. I don't particularly like give out presents nor do I necessarily like receiving them. But if you, Reindeer, are happy with it, then I can't slack off.

Bond Lvl 5 「もうじき夜も明ける。私の、仮初めの役職も終わってしまうな。袋の中も、そろそろ底が見えてきた。だが……うん。全て無くなってしまう前に、これをお前に渡しておこう。私が特別気に入った竜のオモチャだ。大切にするがいい」

The night is almost done... This fleeting work of mine is almost at an end...

My bag of presents almost runs dry.
But...before they're all gone, I'd like to give you this. It's a special dragon toy I picked out myself. Take good care of it, would you?

Dawn is about to break. As such, this temporary role of mine will soon be over. This bag is about to be emptied as well. But....yeah. Before that happens there's something I would like to give you. It's one of my favorites, a toy dragon. Take good care of it.

Dialogue 1 「私は外に出て、プレゼントを集めに行きたい。地道な作業が笑顔を生むんだぞ」

I wanna get out there and gather up presents. True joy is found in hard work, you know.

I want to go out and give presents. It's an honest job that brings smiles to people's faces.

Dialogue 2 「主従関係? 私がサンタで、貴様がトナカイという契約ではなかったか?」

Master and Servant? Wait, our agreement here was with me as Santa and you as my reindeer, right?

Master and servant? Do we not have a contract in which I am santa and you are the reindeer?

Dialogue 3 「私がお前のために戦うのではない。お前が私のために道を示すのだ。さぁ、次のプレゼントばらまき計画を練るがいい」

I'm not here to fight for you. You're here to lead the way for me. So go on, put together a plan to distribute all these presents.

I don't fight for your sake. You lead the way for my sake. Now then, we should get ready to give out the next present.

Dialogue 4
(Elizabeth Báthory (Halloween))
「ほう? ハロウィンを祝うサーヴァントもいるのか。私よりキラキラに飾っているな──飾っているな。よし、夕食はドラゴンステーキにするとしよう」

Oh, a Halloween Servant is here too, huh?

She sure is showy, yeah, too showy. Well then, I think I'm gonna have some dragon steaks tonight.

Oh? A Halloween servant is here as well. She's sparkly and adorned. ……she's adorned. Okay, let's have dragon steak for dinner.

Something you Like 「好きなものは強いものだ。壊れにくいおもちゃほど、優れたおもちゃは無いからな」

I like strong things. Things that never break. There's no better toy than something like that.

I like strong things. There's nothing better than a toy you can go out and break things with.

Something you Hate 「嫌いなものは、弱いものだ。ちょっと弄っただけで手足がもげるぬいぐるみなぞ、存在価値が無いからな」

I hate weak things. No one wants a stuffed animal so fragile it rips apart at the slightest touch. No one.

I hate weak things. Like stuff animals that fall apart at the slightest touch. Things like that have no right to exist.

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯について? 例えば、汲めども汲めどもキャンディが尽きない魔法の籠のようなものか? 貴様、そんなものがあるのなら私の出番が無くなるではないか。没収する」

The Holy Grail?

Hmm... It's like a magical basket that never runs out of candy no matter how much you take out, right?
If you had that you wouldn't need me! I'll confiscate that.

The holy grail? Such as, a basket that never runs out of candy no matter how much you take. Something like that? Why you...if something like that did exist, I wouldn't have this job. You're fired.

During an Event 「祭りが始まったようだな。我々の出番だぞ、トナカイ」

Festivities are in the air. This calls for us, my reindeer.

Seems like a festival has started. It's our turn, reindeer.

Birthday 「誕生日か。この袋の中身はクリスマス用なのだが、仕方あるまい。この、微妙な顔をした機関車のおもちゃをやろう」

Your birthday, huh? All this here is supposed to be for Christmas, but...fine. Here, you can have this train with a weird face.

Your birthday huh. Well the contents in this bag are for christmas but I'll see what I can do. Here, this... toy train with an odd-looking expression should suffice.

Christmas 2015
Dialogue 1 「メリークリスマス。年に一度の生誕祭だ、楽しむがいい」

Merry Christmas! This holy celebration comes only once a year. Enjoy it!

Merry Christmas! This holy celebration comes only once a year. Enjoy it

Dialogue 2 「折角なので、モノマネ芸をしようと思う。……こほん。『いくぞぐだぐだ王────プレゼントの貯蔵は充分か』」

Well, here, let me do an impression. AHEM! Let's get started King of GUDAGUDA! Do you have enough presents stored up?

Well, here, let me do an impression. AHEM! Let's get started King of GUDAGUDA! Do you have enough present stored up?

Dialogue 3 「よく来たなトナカイ。さぁ、今日もクエストを周る時だ」

Good work, my reindeer. Now then, let's get on to our quest.

Good work, my reindeer. Now then, let's get on to our quest

Dialogue 4 「サンタからのお知らせだ。面倒臭がらず、しっかりと読んでおけ」

Here's a message from Santa. Make sure you REALLY read it.

Here's a message from Santa. Make sure You REALLY read it.

Dialogue 5 「走れソリよー 風のようにー 特異点をー パドるパドるー♪」[1]

Dashing through the snow, in a one horse open sleigh, wading our way through, this singularity!

Dashing through the snow♪ in a one horse open sleigh♪ wading our way through♪ this singularity♪

Dialogue 6 「走れソリよー 風のようにー 特異点をー パドるパドるー♪」[2]

Dashing through the snow, in a one horse open sleigh, wading our way through, this singularity!

Dashing through the snow♪ in a one horse open sleigh♪ wading our way through♪ this singularity♪

Dialogue 7 「今年のクリスマスは終わりだ、よく頑張ってくれた。だが、世界が続く限りクリスマスもまた続く。来年も我が足として活躍するがいい。……ところで、余った靴下があれば預かろう」

And so Christmas comes to an end.

Good work.
But as long as the world keeps turning, Christmas will come again. I'll be needing your help again next year.
Oh, and if you have any extra stockings, send them my way.

And so Christmas come to an end.

Good work.

But as long as the world keeps turning, Christmas will come again. I'll be needing your help again next year. Oh, and if you have any extra stockings, send them my way.

Christmas 2015 Re-Run
Dialogue 1 「メリークリスマス。少し早いが、そこは気にする必要はない。むしろ一年中クリスマスだ」

Merry Christmas!

It's a bit early, but never mind that!
Think Christmas all year long!

Dialogue 2 「ライト版でもいい、逞しくメリーしてほしい。ここで得たプレゼントは、お前だけのものだ」

Why not try the lite version? I want you to be merry!

The presents you received here are just for you.

Dialogue 3 「いい品を選ぶな、トナカイ。お前の目利きも成長したと見える」

Oh Reindeer, you chose well. Seems your taste is growing, too.

Dialogue 4 「遠慮せずにもっと交換するといい。私の袋の中には、まだごまんと残っている」

Feel free to exchange more. My bag is still full of goodies.

Dialogue 5 「靴下の準備はできているな? サンタさんへのお返し用に、お菓子を入れておくのが礼儀だぞ」

Did you get some stockings ready? Leaving snacks in them for Santa is courtesy, y'know.

Dialogue 6 「今年も我が足として、良く活躍してくれた。後は後腐れが無いよう、アイテム交換を忘れないように」

You helped me out a lot this year.

Oh, make sure you leave no regrets and exchange those items.

Dialogue 7 「子供たちがいる限り、……そしてターキーがある限り、クリスマスは必ずやって来る。トナカイよ、また会おう。メリークリスマス!」

As long as there's kids and turkey, Christmas will be around forever.

Hope to see you again, Reindeer. Merry Christmas!


  1. There are two versions of this line. This one is said in a soft cheery tone.
  2. There are two versions of this line. This one is said in a harsh cheery tone.

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