Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Kawasumi Ayako)


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「こんにちは! キャスター、アルトリアと申します!
え? 魔術は『なんか』じゃない?

Hello! I'm Caster, Altria!

To be honest, I'm not really sure how this Servant thing works, but if my magecraft or whatever will be of any use, please don't hesitate to use it!
Huh? Magecraft isn't just "whatever" here?
Wow...is that how it is in this world?

Hello. I am called Caster Artoria. To be honest, I don't really understand what it means to be a Servant, but if you say I will be of help with such a thing like magecraft, then by all means, please make use of me. Eh? Magecraft is not "such a thing"? Uwah, is this world in serious trouble?

Level Up 1 「レベルアップ、ですか? え、えっと……そうですね。少しでも、皆さんのお役に立てるようになればいいのですが!」

I leveled...up?

Hopefully I could be of help to everyone.

Level up...is it? Uh-uhmm, right, it's nice if I can become a bit more useful to everyone...

Level Up 2 「基本能力が上がるのはいい事です。魔術の研究も進みますから!」

Improving basic abilities is good.

It helps improve my magecraft research too!

It's good that my basic abilities have improved. I will be able to advance my magecraft's study even more!

Level Up 3 「わたしの霊基では、そこまでの強さが望めませんが……できる範囲で、成果を出していきますね!」

You may not expect my Spirit Origin to be very strong...but I'll do the very best I can.

I can't expect my Spirit Origin to possess this kind of strength, but... I will deliver as much as I can.

1st Ascension 「霊基段階が上がった……という事で、こちらの衣装になってみました。この衣装は特別なものなので、自然と気持ちが引き締まります! ……とはいえ、性格は変わらないので、わたし自身、おてんばのままなのですが。あははは!」

Now that I've ascended, I'm going to try this outfit.

It's special, and it makes me stand taller and prouder.
My personality doesn't really change though, so I'm still the same tomboy...

My Spirit Origin level has increased... For that reason, my outfit has turned into this. This outfit is special, so naturally, I am going to gear myself up. Having said that, my personalities haven't changed, so I am still this tomboy... Ahaha.

2nd Ascension 「どうぞ焦らず、のんびりと。わたしなんて、そう急いだところで変わりませんから。これくらいが丁度いい──と思うのです。……大きな力とか責任とか、ちょっと荷が重すぎるので」

No need to rush... Let's take it easy.

Nothing is going to change much for me even if you do rush.
Honestly, I think I'm just fine as I am.
The whole power and responsibility thing feels like a real burden to me.

Please do not fret and just relax. I won't change that fast. I think "About this much is just right". Because things like great power and responsibilities are quite the heavy load.

Battle Start 1 「まだまだ未熟者ですが、頑張ります!」

I may be inexperienced, but I'll try my best!

I'm still just a novice, but I will do my best!

Battle Start 2 「大丈夫……落ち着いて、普段通りに!」

It'll be okay... Stay calm...I just need to do it normally...!

It's ok, calm down, just do it like usual.

Battle Start 3 「みんな、ついてきて!」

Everyone, follow me!

Everyone, follow me!

Skill 1 「今のうちに、準備を……」

Now's the time to prepare!

Prepare while you can.

Skill 2 「戦い、ですから──」

It's a battle then!

This is battle...

Skill 3 「やだなぁ……」

...I don't want to do this.

I hate this...

Skill 4 「白兵戦、行きます!」

A hand-to-hand battle...let's begin!

Proceed to melee combat!

Attack Selected 1 「もちろん」

Of course!

Of course!

Attack Selected 2 「やります!」

I'll do it!

I am going for it!

Attack Selected 3 「負っけないぞぉー!」

I'm not going to lose!

I'm not going to lose!

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「運命──ですから」

It's my fate, after all...

Because it's my... destiny...

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「望まれることを、望まれたように」

What is desired, as desired...

What you want, how you wanted it.

Noble Phantasm Selected 3 「なんの、ために……?」

...For what purpose?

For... what...?

Attack 1 「えぇいっ!」

Take that!


Attack 2 「ここで、まっすぐ!」

Go straight in here!

Straight forward from here!

Attack 3 「立ちはだかるなら!」

If they are in our way...!

If you stand in my way!

Attack 4 「セクエンス!」



Attack 5 「うぅわぁぁぁぁっ!」



Attack 6 「突破します!」

I'll break through!

Breaking through!

Attack 7 「弾けて、シャスティフォル!」

Burst, Chastiefol!

Split it open! Chastiefol!

Attack 8 「ふっ! やっ! たぁっ!!」


Fuh, yah, tah!

Attack 9 「そこ! 動かない!」

You there! Don't move!

You there, don't move!

Extra Attack 1 「選定の杖よ、光を!」

Light up, O staff of selection!

Oh Staff of Selection! Shine!

Extra Attack 2 「ここまでやれば……!」

If we've gone this far...!

If you can get this far!

Extra Attack 3 「ふぅーんだ! 覚悟しろー!」

Nah-nah, nah nah-nah! Brace yourself!

Hmm. Prepare yourself!

Noble Phantasm 1 「それはいつか来るきざしの星。希望の地、楽園の跡。誰に呼ばれるまでもなく、あなたは星をかざすでしょう。運命は誰のために。『きみをいだく希望の星アラウンド・カリバーン』──!」

The star of prophecy,

the land of hope, and the ruins of paradise.
Even if no one calls, you will hold the star aloft.
For whom is this fate...?
Around Caliburn.

This is the star of omens, the land of hope, and the ruins of paradise that will come one day, without being called over by anyone, you will hold your hands out for that star, won't you? Your destiny starts here, "The Ray of Hope Embraces You (Around Caliburn)".



Noble Phantasm 2 「あれはいつか見た終わりの星。多くの言葉、わずかなきらめき。どれほど遠くけがれても、わたしは星を探すのです。さあ、幕を開けて! 『きみをいだく希望の星アラウンド・カリバーン』!」

The star's end that I once saw...

Many words... Faint glimmers.
No matter how far away or tarnished it is, I will still search for that star.
Now then...
Let's raise the curtain...Around Caliburn!

That is the star of the end, the many words, the tiny sparkle that you saw one day. No matter how sullied I get, I will search for that star. Now then, raise the curtain, "The Ray of Hope Embraces You (Around Caliburn)".

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「やだ……もうやだっ……!」

No...! No more!

No... No more!

Regular Damage 1 「っ……!」



Defeated 1 「ごめんなさい……やっぱり、わたしじゃ……」

I'm sorry...I guess I really wasn't good enough...

I am sorry...... As I thought, I'm...

Defeated 2 「眠いなぁ……もう、このあたりでいいんじゃない……?」

I'm sleepy...maybe we can stop here...

I'm so sleepy... I can sleep now, right?

Battle Finish 1 「ふぅ……今回は、うまくいきました!」

Phew...I did good this time.

Fu, this time it went really well!

Battle Finish 2 「ありがとうございます。皆さんのおかげです!」

Thank you very much. This was all thanks to everyone!

Thank you. It's thanked to everyone's help.

Battle Finish 3 「あぁ……鐘のが聞こえる……」

Ahhh...I hear the bells tolling...

Ahh, I can hear the sound of the Bells...

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「カルデア……という組織の事は聞いていました。正統な英霊だけでなく、不思議なもの、おかしなもの、ちょっと居場所がないものまで許容し、助け合う広場だって。ふふ、本当にそうなんですね。わたしもここなら、魔術の研究に没頭できそうです!」

I've heard about this organization called Chaldea. It's a place where not only proper Heroic Spirits assemble, but also strange, silly, and sometimes bizarre people are also accepted and help each other out.

Hehe. The rumors were true.
I feel like I can really dive into my magecraft research here!

I have heard about the organization called Chaldea. It's a place where not just proper Heroic Spirits, but even mysterious things, strange things, and things that don't quite belong are accepted and cooperate with each others..... Fufu, it seems to be true. If I'm here, then I might also be able to devote myself to magecraft's study.

Bond Lvl 2 「剣で戦わないのか、ですか? うーん……杖で叩いたりはするけど、剣はなぁ……。どうだろうなぁ……考えたこともないかもだなぁ。だってほら、手が滑ったりしたら自分の脚を斬りそうだし、うっかり湖に落としでもしたら大変だし」

Why don't I fight with a sword, you ask?

Hmmm...I might hit enemies with my staff, but I don't know about a sword...
I've never really thought about it much.
Because you know...what if my hand slips? I might cut my leg, or I might accidentally drop it into a lake...

You ask "Why are you not fighting with a sword"? Uhm.....I can strike with a staff, but with a sword would be... I don't know, maybe because I haven't thought about it...... You see, if the sword slips from my hand, then it might cut my foot, or if I carelessly drop it into a lake, I will be in trouble.

Bond Lvl 3 「あの……もしかして、召喚される前から知り合いだったりするのでしょうか? だとしたら、すみません。わたし、召喚される前のことはよく分からなくて……。"記録にない"のではなく、"分からない"んです。……でも、あなたがいい友人であることはわかります。だって、一緒にいると、気が楽になりますから」

Um...did we know each other even before I got summoned here?

If that's true, then...I'm sorry...I know nothing about anything from before I was summoned.
It's not that I don't remember...it's just that I don't know the details.
But one thing I know for sure is that you are a good friend to me. Because when I'm with you, I feel so carefree!

Excuse me... Could it be that we were acquaintances of some sorts before I was summoned? If that's the case, the I'm sorry. I don't know much about what happened before I was summoned...... Not that I don't have any memories, it's just that I don't know... But, what I do know is that you are a good friend. Because, I feel relaxed when we are together.

Bond Lvl 4 「ふわぁ~あ……あ。おはようございます、マスター。今日は、ちょっとズルをしてお休みなど……えへへへ。そろそろマスターもわたしが、『優等生のフリをしたサボリ魔なのでは?』……と、怪しんでいると思います。ええ、その通りです! わたし、ただの村娘ですから! マスターと同じ、"どこにでもいる誰か"なんですよ、きっと!」


Oh, good morning, Master.
I think I'll skive off today and rest... Hehehe.
It's about time for Master to realize that I'm just a serial skiver disguised as a Goody Two-shoes.
And it's because I'm just an ordinary village girl!
I'm the sort of person you can find anywhere, just like Master...probably.

Fuwah, good morning, Master. Let's take it slow today and take a break or something... Eheheh. I think soon, Master will also presume that I was "a procrastinating devil pretending to be an honour student?" That's right, I am! Because I'm just a normal village girl, that's why! I'm just "a person that can be found anywhere" like Master, definitely.

Bond Lvl 5 「『私の魔術がお役に立つなら喜んで。滅びを見送るあなたの為に、六つの鐘を鳴らしましょう──』……って、あれ? 何か言いました、わたし?」

"I'm happy to oblige if my magecraft will be of help to you. For you who strives to keep destruction at bay, I shall toll the six bells..."

...Wait, what? Did I just say something?

If my magecraft can be of use to you then I'm very happy. For your sake, who follows the path of ruin, I shall ring the Six Bells...... Huh, did I say something?

Bond Lvl 5
(Clear Avalon le Fae)

The star I watched over does not exist anywhere in this world. So I don't get to see the things that were most precious to me anymore.

But that's no reason for me to get all sad or give up.
For the hope we'll hold onto until the very end, I...or we...should live our lives to the fullest without ever giving up.

The stars I was looking at are nowhere to be found in this world. The irreplaceable and precious things will never be found. But that doesn't mean I'm going to rot or give up. I believe that we are living without throwing out the present for our own personal hopes that will never be fulfilled until the end.

Dialogue 1 「クエストですか? 探索でも戦闘でも、それなりにお役に立ちましょう!」

Is there a quest?

Whether we'll be investigating or battling, I'll be at least a little helpful!

We have a quest? Whether it is an investigation or a battle, I will be of help to you in my own way!

Dialogue 2 「マスターに指示を出してもらえるのは、とても助かります。わたし、あまり指揮官には向いていないので……」

Master giving out orders is very helpful, since I'm not really the leading type.

It's quite helpful to have Master giving out instructions. I am not really suited to become a commander so...

Dialogue 3 「マスターは司令官……というより、頼れる友人、という気がします。遠すぎず、近すぎず、絶妙な距離感というか。……友達はいなかったので、この関係はとても新鮮です」

Rather than a commander, Master feels more like a reliable friend.

They're neither too distant nor too close... The space between us is just right.
Since I didn't have any friends, this relationship feels new to me.

Rather than a commander, I feel that Master is more of a reliable friend. Or should I say you are neither too far nor too close, there is just this perfect amount of distance between us. I didn't have any friends, so this relationship feels very fresh to me.

Dialogue 4
「ガレスちゃん、円卓の騎士だったんだ!? うわー、うわー! かっこいいー! 鎧すごーい! なんだろう、わたし、踊り出しそうなくらい嬉しい!」

Gareth is a Knight of the Round Table!?

So cool! Her armor looks amazing!
I don't know why, but I could do a little dance from happiness!

Gareth-chan was a Knight of the Round Table! Uwah uwah! So cool! Your armour is amazing! How should I say this, I'm so happy I feel like dancing!

Dialogue 5
(Queen Medb or Queen Medb (Saber))
「あの方が、メイヴさんですか? うわぁ……姿形だけじゃなく、性格、口調まで……。わたしの知っている妖精とそっくりすぎて逆に引きます。今度、チーズケーキを差し入れに行きましょう」

So she's Medb?

Wow! She looks, acts, and talks like the fairies that I learned about... So much so that I'm a little put off.
I'll bring her a cheesecake the next time I see her.

That person is, Medb-chan? Uwah... Not just her appearance, but also her personalities and her tone... She is just like a fairy I know, so I was taken back...... Let's go for a cheesecake supply run net time.

Dialogue 6
(Artoria Pendragon)

Altria Pendragon...is her name.

The king who holds the sacred sword... Yes, I know her. Probably better than anyone else.
But I'm sorry. I guess I don't see myself in her.

So she is called "Artoria Pendragon"? The King who possesses the Holy Sword. Yes, I know, more than anyone. But I'm sorry, it seems I can't see her.

Dialogue 7
「マーリン……! こちらでも何一つ変わらないなんて……! ああ……あ? そっか、こちらでも変わらずそういう性格なんですね、マーリン。これは、あなたもさぞ苦労していることでしょう……」

Merlin! I didn't expect you to look the same even here...!

Huh!? Oh. I see that your personality is also unchanged, Merlin...
You must be struggling here too...

Merlin! Even when you are here, you have not changed at all! Ha... Ah? I see, so you are someone who would not change even if you come here. Merlin...... That must have been hard, even for you, isn't it......

Dialogue 8

Morgan... She's supposed to be my older sister in Proper Human History...

Now that you mention it, I guess we do look alike...or not...
Oh! Do you think I would look like her if I grew up more!?

Morgan....... She was my sister in Panhuman history. Now that you mention it, she looks a bit like me, yet not like me. I wonder, will I become like her when I grow up into an adult as well?

Dialogue 9
(Barghest or UDK-Barghest & Clear Avalon le Fae: Part II)
「バゲ子……バゲ子さんの話を私に振りますか。ええ、苦手です。すっごく苦手! 妖精氏族の令嬢と言うだけでもくっそー!なのに、なんなんだあの恵まれた体はァ! 全てにおいて村娘にマウントを取るマウンテンな妖精騎士、それがバゲ子です。あ、バゲ子と言うのは私が心の中だけで呼んでいる敬称なので、決して口外しないで下さい。バゲ子、敵に回すと怖いので」

Baggie...you want me to talk about Baggie?

You probably already know, but I don't like her. I REALLY don't like her!
I was already jealous that she's this noble lady from some fae clan, but what is up with that massive rack!? On top of that, she's always rubbing her good luck in the innocent village girls' faces... That's the kind of Tam Lin that Baggie is!
Oh, "Baggie" is just what I call her in my head...so please don't use it outside here.
Baggie's real scary when she's mad.

Barghe-kid... You want to ask me about Barghekid-san? Yes, she's terrible. Extremely terrible! Even though she's the royal daughter of the Fairy Kingdom by name, & a crappy one at that, what's up with that blessed body of hers! Barghe-kid is a mountain-like fairy knight who would assert her dominance over the village girl who has to do everything! (Embarrassed look) Ahh, but Barghe-kid is what I personally call her, so please don't say it out loud. It would be scary... to turn Barghe-kid into an enemy.

Dialogue 10
(Baobhan Sith or Cait Cú Cerpriestess & Clear Avalon le Fae: Part II)

Baobhan Sith...the woman whose heels and feet are soaked in blood...

I don't get along with her, but I don't actually think she is that bad... In fact, she's very straightforward, so she doesn't get on my nerves as much...
Okay! Maybe next time I'll try this thing called a Retaliating Curse to reciprocate her feelings!

The bloody-heeled Baobhan Sith...... I don't get along well with her. It's not like I am that prejudiced against her, but... if I'm being honest, she's not that unpleasant either... Alright, let's try to return her feelings by returning her curse or something like that this time.

Dialogue 11

Even Oberon's here?

I do have basic knowledge of who he is. He's the fae king and mediator...someone who led Britain.
And he is...one of the very few people who understands me.
It's not surprising to see him here since I'm here too.

So even Oberon is here. I am only knowledgeable as to who he is. The Fairy King, a mediator, the one who guided Britain. And one of my very few supporters. I am here, so it's no surprise that he is here too.

Something you Like 「好きなもの……好きなもの……あ、チョコレート! いつか食べた、チョコレートが大好きです! 種火よりあのチョコが欲しいわたしでした!」

What I like... What I like...

Oh! Chocolate! I tried it once and I love it!
I'd rather have chocolate than Embers!

Things that I like...... Things that I like..... Ah, chocolate! I love the chocolate that I've eaten before. That's me, I want that chocolate more than the embers.

Something you Hate 「嫌いなものは特にないですよ。善人も悪人も分けへだてなく。内情を知ってしまえば、みんなそうなると思います」

I can't think of anything I hate.

That goes for people...good or bad.
I think everyone would think that way if they knew their stories.

I don't particularly have anything that I dislike. I also don't pick between good and bad people. If you were to be aware of what was deep inside them, you would think of everyone as the same.

Something you Hate
(Clear Avalon le Fae)

Things I hate...I have lots of those.

But that's due in part to me being weak.
One day I want to be someone who can be more tolerant of any kind of lies.

Things I don't like?.... There are many things. But that's due to my weakness. One day, I want to have a heart that can accept any kind of lie.

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯というものがあるのですね。何でも願いが叶うのなら、どうか身長を! 少しだけ! 少しだけでいいので!」

So there's a thing called a Holy Grail.

If it can grant any wish, then I wish to be taller!
Just a little bit...even a few inches!

So there is such a thing called the Holy Grail. If it really can grant any wishes, then please make me taller! Just a bit, even just a little bit is fine!

During an Event 「イベント真っ最中ですね! 平和主義者なわたしですが、参加するなら全勝したいです! えい、えい、おー!」

There's an event going on!

I'm usually a pacifist, but if I'm going to participate, I want to win it all!

There is an event going on, isn't it. I'm a pacifist, but if I were to participate, then I would want to win! Eieioh!

Birthday 「誕生日? 生まれた日を、祝う……。すみません、縁がなかったので、詳しくなくて……。こういうとき、どうすれば……え、デート? 一日、一緒に遊びに行くだけでいいんですか?」

Birthday...? A celebration of your day of birth?

I'm sorry, I don't know the details because I've never had the opportunity myself...
What do I need to do in days like this?
Huh? A date? And we just hang out for day?

Birthday? To celebrate the day that you were born...... I'm sorry, my relationships are non-existent, that's why I am so clueless...... At times like this, what should I do...... Eh, a date? You are fine with just going out for a day having fun together?


Disclaimer: Before adding Translations, Please leave a comment with source and proof of permission
Occasion Japanese English Audio
Level Up 1 「私でも成長が出来るなんて……。未来ある世界の証ですね。素晴らしいです」

Even I can grow?

That is proof this world has a future. It's wonderful.

Even someone like me is capable of growing up... It must be a sign that this world has a future, how wonderful.

Level Up 2 「わずかですが、能力が上がったようです。より確かに、あなたの役に立ちましょう」

Slight though it may be, my abilities seem to have improved.

I shall be of even more help to you now.

While it's just a little, it seems that my abilities have improved. I will most certainly become more useful to you.

Level Up 3 「提案なのですが、種火に味を付けるというのは? ……いえ、特に不満はないのですが。甘みとか、食感とか……あると、とても……」

This is just a suggestion...but how about you flavor the Embers?

Well, I don't have any particular complaints...but if they were sweet or had a nice texture, I would, you know...

It's just a suggestion but, what do you think about adding some flavours to the embers? No, not that I'm dissatisfied with it or anything... Just that, if it has attributes like sweetness or food texture then it will be... very...

3rd Ascension 「ああ……夢を見ているようです。それとも、今までの全てが長い夢だったのでしょうか? ……私は、ブリテンの守護を定めとする者。あの少女では辿り着かなかった、そう在れと願われた姿。──黄昏の空を呼ぶ、玉座なき無名の王」

Ah...it feels like a dream.

Or...perhaps everything up to this point has been a dream.
I am a symbol, Britain's guardian.
I am the form the young girl wished to reach, yet could not.
I am the unnamed king with no throne...for I am the one who calls the twilight.

Ahh, it's like I'm dreaming. Or was everything until now a long dream? I am the one who is in charge of the protection of Britain. That girl was the form that I wished for, but couldn't reach. The Nameless King without a throne, calling out to the twilight sky.

4th Ascension 「野原に出かけることを、こちらでは、『ピクニック』というんですか? ピクニック……ピクニック……ちょっと可愛いです。誰もいないから、気を楽に? じゃあお言葉に甘えて、私も足を伸ばしちゃおうっと。ふふっ、なんだか頬が緩んでしまいます。……ただ語り合うために時間を過ごす。これ以上の贅沢は、ちょっと思いつきません。……今はこうして、あなたの未来を聞かせてください」

Going out into the field is called a picnic in this world?

Picnic, picnic... That sounds cute.
And I'm allowed to relax since there's nobody else around?
Then I'm going to take your word and stretch my legs out.
Hehe...I can't help but smile.
Just talking to pass the time... That's an extravagance I would never have thought of.
For now, I'd like to hear about your future.

Going out to a field is called "picnic", isn't it? Picnic, picnic... It sounds quite cute. "There's no one here so take it easy"? Then, I will take you up on your kind offers and stretch my legs as well. Fufu, somehow I'm grinning. To spend time just to talk with each other, I can hardly think of anything more luxurious than that. Now that we're doing this, please tell me about your future.

Battle Start 1 「出陣します。総員、構えてください」

Let's head out. Everyone please ready yourselves.

We're heading to battle. All members, please prepare.

Battle Start 2 「私の力が必要ならば、全力で応答します」

If you need my power, I will give it my all.

If my power is needed then I will response with all I have.

Battle Start 3
(Clear Avalon le Fae)

Deploying second, third Noble Phantasm. Altria Avalon, heading out.

Second and third treasure unfold. Artoria Avalon is out.

Skill 1 「熱を帯びなさい、マルミアドワーズ」

Marmyadose, imbue yourself with heat.

Heat up, Marmyadose.

Skill 2 「運命を懸けた戦いであれば──」

If this is a battle to seal our fate...

If it's a battle of destiny.

Skill 3 「早駆けですよ、カルンウェナン」

Swiftly, Carnwennan.

Charge, Carnwennan.

Skill 4 「妖精炉、接続」

Connecting to fae core.

Fairy furnace, activate.

Attack Selected 1 「圧倒します」

I shall overwhelm them.

Overpower them.

Attack Selected 2 「下がっているように」

Please step back.

Take them down.

Attack Selected 3 「誇りにかけて」

By my pride.

Be proud.

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 黄昏たそがれの時よ、再び」

May the time of twilight come again.

Oh twilight hour, come once more.

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「対終末・対粛正しゅくせい防御、始め」

Commence anti-end, anti-enforcement defenses.

Anti-termination, anti-enforced defense, begin.

Noble Phantasm Selected 3 「あり得ざる妖精の王よ──」

O improbable fae king...

Oh unfathomable King of Fairies.

Attack 1 「そこです」



Attack 2 「輝きを」

May it glisten.

Shine bright.

Attack 3 「ふっ! はっ! やっ!」

Fuh! Ha! Yah!

Fu, hah, ya!

Attack 4 「こちらです」

This way!

Over here.

Attack 5 「撃て、マルミアドワーズ!」

Strike, Marmyadose!

Attack, Marmyadose!

Attack 6 「受けるがいい」

Take this!

Take this.

Attack 7 「走れ、スピュメイダー!」

Run, Spumador!

Run, Spumador.

Attack 8 「イーグル!」



Attack 9 「足を狙います」

I'll aim for its feet.

Aim at their feet.

Extra Attack 1 「ロック! カタフラクティ・シフト!」

Lock! Cataphract Shift!

Lock! Cataphract shift!

Extra Attack 2 「カルンウェナン! 砕け散りなさい!」

Carnwennan! Smash up!

Carnwennan, break and scatter.

Extra Attack 3 「いいでしょう。私が出ます」

Very well...I'll head out!

About time I set out.

Noble Phantasm 1 「最果ての島、罪の都。最後の竜は我が胸に。いかなる滅びにも我らは屈せず。集え、円卓の守護者たち! 『真円集う約束の星ラウンド・オブ・アヴァロン』!!」

The island of world's end...the capital of sins.

The final dragon is within my heart.
No destruction shall consume us.
Assemble, guardians of the Round Table.
Round of Avalon!

The furthest island, the capital of sins, and the last dragon is in my heart. We will not yield to any destruction. Gather, guardians of the Round Table "The Promised Star Which Gathers The True Round (Round of Avalon)!"



Noble Phantasm 2 「異邦の国、時の終わり。なれどつるぎは彼の手に。城壁は硬く、勝鬨かちどきは万里を駆ける。冷厳なる勝利を刻め! 『真円集う約束の星ラウンド・オブ・アヴァロン』!!」

The foreign nation...the end of time.

Yet the sword is in his hands.
The castle wall is solidified, and the victorious battle cry shall echo far and wide.
We shall carve out the cold and hard victory...
Round of Avalon!

It's a foreign country, it's the end of time, however the sword is within my hands. The walls are strong, and the cries of triumph run through thousands of miles. Engrave this heartless victory to your mind "The Promised Star Which Gathers The True Round (Round of Avalon)!"

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「切り返します! 援護を!」

I'm going to turn it around... Your aid, please!

Time to launch a counterattack, cover me!

Regular Damage 1 「ぐぅっ……!」



Defeated 1 「戦線を離脱します……!」

I am going to retreat from battle...

I'm withdrawing... from the frontline...

Defeated 2 「隙を突かれました……。あるまじき失態です……!」

They caught me off-guard...what a disgraceful outcome...

They hit my weak spot... What an unbecoming blunder...

Battle Finish 1 「当然とはいえ、嬉しいものですね。皆さんのおかげです」

While it's expected, a win still makes me happy. This is all thanks to everyone's work.

It might be obvious to say, but I'm really happy. Thanks to everyone.

Battle Finish 2 「先に進みましょう。宴会は大勝利の後にとっておきます」

Let's move forward. A banquet will have to wait until after a big victory.

Let's go. We are going to have a banquet after a victorious battle.

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「私は、今までの私と別人……というわけではありません。存在そのものは別のものですが、基本的な思考、性能はほぼ同じです。……あなたたち風に言うならば、『一つだけ年を取って、気持ちを切り替えたアルトリア』……というところでしょうか」

To say I am different than the person you've known...is not exactly true.

While our very existences are different, our basic ways of thinking and our respective performances are mostly the same.
To put it in simpler terms, I'm an Altria who grew one year older and then just had a change of heart...is about the best way to put it.

I am not a different person from who I have been until now... Our very existence is different, however, our basic thinking and our abilities are roughly the same. As you people would say, it would be something like "An Artoria who is just a year older but had a change of mind".

Bond Lvl 2 「私には、全ての記憶が備わっています。まっさらな状態でサーヴァントとして召喚された私の事も、あなたとブリテンを共に旅した私の事も、私がなる事のなかったこの私という幻想の事も、全て。……すみません、私という単語が多すぎましたね。私も、こんな話をされたら、ふわっとしか理解できないと思います」

I have all the memories within me.

The me who was summoned as a Servant when I was a blank slate...the me who traveled through Britain alongside you...and the fantasy me that should never have come from the true me. Everything...
I'm sorry for using "me" so many times.
I'm sure I wouldn't fully understand what I just said had I heard it myself.

I am provided with all the memories. Even of the me who was summoned as a Servant in a wholly fresh state. Even of the me who traveled Britain with you. Even of the me who I never become, or the visions of me, everything...... I'm sorry, there are just too many words to call "me". I think that if I got told this kind of thing, I could also only understand sparingly.

Bond Lvl 3 「もっと気安く接しなさい。ほら、令呪も気軽に使って、宝具を乱発するのです。お転婆な私にはできて、私にはできない、という理由はないはずです。……ん、そういうところが理由? つい構えてしまう? あの、私は敵ではありませんが……」

You can be more casual with me.

You know...use your Command Spells to activate my Noble Phantasm more often than you do now.
There's no reason the tomboy me could do it and not me.
Huh? This behavior is exactly why you tense up?
...Um, you do know I'm not your enemy, right?

Please act more familiar towards me. Come on, you can use Command Seals more freely and fire off my Noble Phantasm more recklessly as well. You can treat the "tomboy me" that way but cannot to me is not a valid reason. Hn, "That's exactly why" and "I just subconsciously tense up"...? Excuse me, but I'm not your enemy.....

Bond Lvl 4 「私は役に立っていますか? ……よろしい。では、報酬にカルデアの冒険譚を、もっと聞かせるように。私は、『聖剣の騎士』という概念が具現化したもの。聖剣にまつわる逸話であれば、ほぼコンプしている状態ですが……。カルデアで起きる事件は、どこにも類似したものがない。聞いているだけで、おやつと飲み物が欲しくなります──欲しくなります」

Am I being helpful?

Very well. Then as my reward, tell me more about your adventures of Chaldea.
I manifested from the concept of the knight of the sacred sword, and I am almost perfectly complete based on the legend and lore surrounding the sacred sword...
But the various happenings in Chaldea are nothing like that lore at all, and listening to your stories makes me want a snack and a drink... I have a craving.

Am I helping? That's great, then as a reward, I wish to hear more of Chaldea's adventures. I am roughly almost at the state where I was materialized from the concept of the Knight of the Holy Sword and the anecdote surrounding the Holy Sword...... But the events at Chaldea are nothing like that at all. Listening to them make me crave sweets and drinks, it does!

Bond Lvl 5 「人理を修復する者たち……。言うは容易たやすいですが、おこなううのは困難だったでしょう。……私は、星にむ命を守るもの。実のところ、汎人類史も特異点も異聞帯も、評価としては同じなのです。ですが……今は、個人的にあなたたちの未来を案じています。……えこひいき、ですね。でも仕方がないでしょう? 私の中身は、あのどうしようもなくお転婆だった、アルトリアなのですから」

Have you noticed, in your attempt to repair humanity, that such things are easier said than done?

I protect the people of this planet. To be honest, Proper Human History, Singularities, and even Lostbelts are all the same to me.
But...I am going to root for you and your future from now on.
I know that is favoritism...but I can't help myself.
After all, underneath it all, I am still the same tomboyish Altria.

Those who restore Human Foundation...... It was easier said than done, wasn't it? I protect the lives of those who live on this star. In fact, whether it was Pan-human History, Singularities, or Lostbelts, I view them as the same thing. But now, I am concerned about you guys' future in an individual level. That is... favouritism, isn't it? Because essentially, I'm Artoria the tomboy, there is nothing I can do about it.

Bond Lvl 5
(Clear Avalon le Fae)

The sacred sword is the representation of life's brilliance...light from the future.

Lives clothe the surface of the planet. If they are burned up or torn apart, the planet itself is not affected. But at the same time, they are irreplaceable, though not to the planet itself.
I'm sure that this time, it is not the planet that needs me, but the irreplaceable lives that clothe it.
I couldn't become the knight of the sacred sword, but as I understand its brilliance, I will be your sword.

A Holy Sword is a spark of life. ......The light that arrived from the future. Life on the surface of the earth is like a dress for the stars. Whether it burns up or is torn apart, it has no effect on the star itself. But each of them is an irreplaceable pattern. I'm sure I'm not a star, but someone who is passionate about the pattern. I may not be a "Knight of the Holy Sword," but as someone who knows its brilliance, I will be your sword.

Dialogue 1 「出陣ですね。いいでしょう、私に続きなさい。完膚かんぷなきまでに殲滅します」

So it's time for battle.

Very well. Follow me. I will to annihilate them completely.

It's time for battle, isn't it..... Good timing, please follow me. I'm going to annihilate them completely.

Dialogue 2 「王といえど、剣|つるぎ{{{2}}}であるのなら持ち主に従うもの。あなたの采配が星を滅ぼすものでない限り、一寸の狂いもなく命令を遂行します」

I may be king, but if I am to be a sword, I must obey my wielder.

As long as your orders will not result in the planet's destruction, I will not fail to carry out your commands.

Even if I am a King, if I live as a sword, then I must obey the owner. If you command me to, stop short of destroying this star, I will execute your orders down to a T.

Dialogue 3 「マスターとの関係? マスターが私のいのちですが、他に何か?」

Relationship with Master?

Master is my life... Could there be anything beyond that?

The relationship with Master? Master is my life, is there anything else to it?

Dialogue 4
(Merlin & Clear Arc 2 Prologue)
「──マーリン? 私の魔術の教師であり、去り際に『ごめん任せた』と、私にキャスパリーグを押し付けたマーリンですか? ……む。こちらでは違うのですね。いずれにせよ、『次に会う時は斬首する』と告げてあります。死ねない夢魔を処する魔術は編み出しました。あの人物は、一度死んで性根を入れ替えるほかないと思います」

Merlin? Are you talking about the mage who was my teacher, but then left Cath Palug in my care before departing saying only, "Sorry, he's in your hands now!" THAT Merlin?

Hm? I guess he's different here.
Either way, I told him I was going to take his head next time I saw him.
I've already devised magecraft capable of dealing with an immortal incubus. I figure I have no other option but to make him experience death once so that he may turn over a new leaf.

Merlin? My magecraft teacher, the one who pushed Cath Palug to me against my will and say "Sorry, I leave it to you" upon leaving, that Merlin? Uhn, the one here is a bit different. In any case, please inform him that "I will decapitate him the next time we meet each other". I have figured out a magecraft to deal with those who are unable to die. I think if that person was to die at least once, he would have no choice but to change his nature.

Dialogue 5
(Mélusine & Clear Avalon le Fae)

Poor Albion. The final dragon who learned of the existence of something beautiful.

I'm very happy that she was summoned as a Servant.
Even if it's temporary, may she weep tears of joy.

Poor Albion....... The last dragon who met a beautiful thing. I am very happy that she has been summoned as a Servant. Please let tears of joy flow in her eyes, even if only temporarily.

Dialogue 6
(Koyanskaya of Light or Koyanskaya of Darkness & Clear Avalon le Fae)
「私が言うのもなんですが、ビースト候補があんなんでいいのでしょうか? うちのキャスパリーグと比べないでほしいんですけど」

It may not be my place to say this, but do you really think someone like her should be a candidate to become a Beast?

I really hope you don't compare her to my Cath Palug.

I don't know if I can say this, but is it okay for a Beast candidate to be like that? Please don't compare them to our Cath Palug.

Dialogue 7
(Oberon & Clear Avalon le Fae)

The fae king Oberon... My enemy, my kindred.

Though he is himself a fantasy, I knew nothing of humans, while he knew too much.
I would like to do it all over, if I could...

Fairy King Oberon. My sworn enemy, my compatriot. Despite the same fantasy, but I don't know people, and he knows people too well. If it can be.... Once again...

Something you Like 「何度も言いますが、私は見た目が仰々しいだけで、中身はいつものアルトリアです。気を使わないでください。食事は虫料理以外なら何でも食べます」

I have said this many times, but I only look valiant. Deep down I'm still the same Altria.

There's no need to treat me differently... Just don't serve bugs for my meals.

I will say it again and again, but this appearance is only an exaggeration, I am, at the core, Artoria. Please don't worry about me. Aside from bugs, I would eat anything.

Something you Hate 「嫌いなものはありませんが……そうですね。アルビオンの竜は、少し苦手です」

I can think of nothing I hate, but...I may have a slight aversion to the dragon of Albion.

I don't dislike anything, but...... That's right. Albion's dragons are not my cup of tea.

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯ですか。穢れていないものであれば、貴重なものです。私に叶えたい願いはありませんが、敢えて言うなら、あなたに付いて回る厄災、その一つでも取り除ければ」

The Holy Grail? As long as it's not corrupted, it's a precious thing.

I don't have any wishes I want granted, but if I had to make one, I would have it lift at least one of your burdens.

The Holy Grail, is it? If there is something that can't be sullied, then it's indeed an invaluable object. I do not have any wishes that I want granted, but if I am allowed to say, I would remove that one thing if it turns into a calamity that haunts you.

During an Event 「この歓声は……特別な大会が開かれているようですね。……行きましょう。優勝賞品はすべて、我々の手に」

This thunderous cheer...I hear there's some special tournament going on right now. Let's go. We will claim all the victory prizes.

This cheer... It seems a special gathering is happening. Let's go, the championship prizes are all ours.

Birthday 「ハッピーバースデー、マスター。生誕祭は控えめに、ですね。わかります。アヴァロンの高台に席を設けました。星の内海うちうみの光を眺めながら、静かに食事をするのがいでしょう」

Happy birthday, Master.

A celebration of one's birth should be a modest thing... I get it.
I've prepared a seat for you on a hill in Avalon.
Watching the twinkling of the starry sea while having a quiet meal together would be nice.

Happy birthday, Master. You said you would like a modest birthday celebration? Got it. I have prepared a place on Avalon's high ground. It would be nice to have a meal quietly while watching the light of the sea of stars.

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