Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
White Rose 「あらためて着替えてみたよ。ああ、変わったのは姿だけだ。霊基が再臨されたわけではないからね。どうだろうマスター、似合っているかな」

I tried on the clothes you gave me.

...Oh, the only thing that changed is my appearance. It's not that my Spirit Origin Ascended or anything.
What do you think, Master? Does it suit me?

I've changed clothes again. Oh, only my looks have changed. I'm not any less ascended! How is it, Master? Does it suit me?

Battle Start 1 「さあ、はじめようか!」

Now, let's begin.

Well, let's get started!

Battle Start 2 「なるべく手早く済ませよう」

Let's try to get this over with quickly.

Let's end this as soon as possible.

Skill 1 「やってみるさ!」

I'll try.

Try me!

Skill 2 「多少加減はすべきかな?」

Maybe I'll take it easy a bit.

Should I go easy on them?

Attack Selected 1 「了解!」


Got it!

Attack Selected 2 「そうだね」

You're right.

That's right.

Attack Selected 3 「君の言葉通りに」

As you wish.

As you say.

Noble Phantasm Selected 「イエス、マイマスター」

Yes, my Master.

Yes, my Master!

Extra Attack 「ここで叩く!」

I'll slice you apart!

A strike here!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「これは、なかなか……」

Oh, impressive...

This is a bit...!

Defeated 1 「服が、汚れてしまったな……」

Hm, that got my clothes dirty...

My clothes got pretty dirty...

Defeated 2 「少し、動きにくいか……」

It was a little difficult to move...

It's a little hard to move in...

Battle Finish 1 「これからティータイムなんだ。悪いね」

It's tea time soon. Sorry.

It's tea time now. Sorry!

Battle Finish 2 「もう終わりかい?」

Is it over?

All done?

My Room
About White Rose 「これは、戦いに向いている姿では……ないのだろうね。それでも結構、僕は気に入っているんだ」

This garb is certainly...not fit for battle. But no matter. I rather like it.

This isn't very good for battle. Ignoring that, I'm pretty happy with this.

Chaldea Boys Collection 2018
Dialogue 1 「やあ、ようこそ! ……いや、今のは違うな。うーん……こういうのはなかなか慣れないな。だが、やるとなったからには本気でやるまでだ。こほん、改めて。いらっしゃいませ! 本日はどのような御用の向きで?」

Hey, come on in.

...No, that's not right.
I'm just not used to this sort of thing. But if I'm to do it, I have to be serious about it.
Ahem. Let's try this again.
Welcome! What business do you have today?

Oh, hello! ...No, that isn't right. Um... I'm not so familiar with these kinds of things. In any case, if I am doing this, then I'll take it seriously. Ehmm, from the top. Welcome! What would you like today?

Dialogue 2 「いらっしゃいませ。本日は、特別な品々を用意しています。さて……君が気に入ってくれるものがあるといいんだが」


We have special items available for you.
...I just hope there is something that will catch your eye.

Welcome. Today, we have special items. Well, I hope I have something that you would like.

Dialogue 3 「いらっしゃいませ。ああ、たまには悪くないね、こういうのも。──いや、失礼」


...Ah, doing something like this once in a while isn't so bad.
Oh, excuse me.

Welcome. Ah, something like this isn't bad once in a while. ──Oh no, it's nothing.

Dialogue 4 「かしこまりました。では、こちらの品をお包みしましょう」

Understood. I shall wrap these items up for you.

Certainly. Then, let's wrap this one up for you.

Dialogue 5 「来てくれてありがとう。ああ、まだ店はけているんだ。買い忘れた品があるようだったら、今のうちだ」

Thank you for coming. Yes, the shop's still open. If there's something you forgot to buy, now's the time.

Thank you for coming. Ah, the shop is still open. If there seems to be an item you forgot to buy, do buy it right now.

Dialogue 6 「ああ、そろそろ店仕舞いなんだ。とはいえ、まだ閉めてしまったわけじゃない。ゆっくりしていってもらって構わないよ、マスター」

I'm closing up shop soon.

...Though not just yet.
Please take your time, Master.

Ah, it's almost time to close the shop. However, that doesn't mean it's closed already. I don't mind if you take it slowly, Master.

Dialogue 7 「今日が何の日か知っているかい、マスター? そう、ホワイトデーさ。近しい者を労わる日だと聞いている。ああ、ダ・ヴィンチ氏からいろいろとね。僕からは、まず感謝の言葉を伝えたい。いつもありがとう、マスター。君が道を歩み続けることを、僕は……え、違う? ホワイトデーは、バレンタインデーのプレゼントへのお返しとしてマシュマロやキャンディーを贈る日……なのかい? あれ。そ、そうなのか。あれ? おかしいな。ダ・ヴィンチ氏は確か……いや、そうであってもだ。いつもありがとう、マスター。明日へと続く君の歩みは、僕の喜びだ」

Do you know what day today is, Master?

That's right, it's White Day.
I hear that it's a day to be considerate to those close to you. Yes, I learned a lot from Da Vinci.
I would like to convey my feelings of gratitude to you, to start off.
Thank you for everything you do, Master. For you to continue your journey, I have been able...
...Eh? That's not it?
White Day is a day to give gifts like marshmallows and candies as a return gift for Valentine's Day...?
I-is that so? That's strange. But Da Vinci said...
No. Even with that in mind...
Thank you for everything, Master. Seeing you continue your journey into the future brings me happiness.

Do you know what day today is, Master? That's right, it's White Day. I heard it's a day to spend time with a closed one. Ah, I learned a lot from Miss Da Vinci. I'd just like to express my words of gratitude to you. Thank you for everything, Master. I will continue walking down the path with y... huh, it's wrong? White Day is a day to give marshmallows and candies as return presents from Valentine's Day... is it? Uh. Is-Is that it. Huh? How odd. Da Vinci is certainly... Never mind, even so. Thank you for everything, Master. It is my pleasure to lead you to tomorrow.

Dialogue 8 「薔薇を、くれるのかい? 素敵だね、ありがとう。うーん、何かお返しをしないといけないな。いや、ちょうどいい。お礼に特別な品を君へ贈るとしよう。僕から君へのプレゼントだ。ショップの商品とは別に用意しておいたものでね。いつ贈ったものかと考えていたんだが、一度にこの量を全部渡すのはやりすぎだと、ダ・ヴィンチ氏に怒られてしまってね。だから、一日ごとに渡すことにしよう。どうかな?」

You're giving me...a rose?

That's wonderful. Thank you.
Hm... I need to give a gift in return. This is good timing, actually. I will give you a special gift.
A little something from me to you.
I had prepared these items separate from the shop, and I was trying to think of the right time to give these to you...
But Da Vinci warned me that giving all of them to you at once would be a bit much.
I know, I'll give you one every day.
How does that sound?

Is this rose for me? It's lovely, thank you. Hmm, I need to give you something in return. No, this is just right. I'll give you this special item in return as a thank you. A present to you from me. It was prepared separately from the items in the shop. While I was thinking when to give it you to since it was overbearing to give all of these at you all at once, Miss Da Vinci got angry with me. So, I decided to give it to you part-by-part every day. How is it?

Dialogue 9 「やあ、今日も薔薇をくれるんだね。ありがとう。では約束の、僕からのお返しを。これが、今の僕にできる精一杯。受け取ってくれるかい? えっ、どうやってプレゼントを集めたのか、かい? それは……ああ、いや、違うよ。君たちのリソースをいじったわけではないんだ。狩ってきたんだよ。うん、そう、狩り。ハントだね。狩りはいいものだ。今度、一緒に行ってみるかい?」

Hey, you're giving me another rose? Thank you.

And as promised, a return gift from me.
This is all I can do.
Will you accept it?
Eh? You're asking how I managed to collect all these presents?
That's... No, don't get the wrong idea. I didn't touch Chaldea's resources.
I brought these back from a hunt.
Yes, that's right. I went hunting.
Hunting is nice. Want to go out together one day?

Oh, you're giving me a rose today too. Thank you. As promised, a return gift from me to you. This is the best I can offer to you right now. Do you accept it? Eh, how do I gather the presents? That is... ah, no, that's not it. I did not mess with your resources. I went hunting. Yes, that's right, hunting. A hunt. Hunting is nice. Would you like to come with me sometime?

Dialogue 10 「そうだね。正直に言うと……好きだよ。好きだ。こんなに見目は鮮やかで、香りもいい。情熱的……と言うのかな。え? ああ、うん。君がくれた、この薔薇の話だよ。今日も新しい薔薇の花をありがとう。もちろん、お返しのプレゼントを用意してあるよ。受け取ってくれたまえ」

Let's see... To be honest...

I like it. I love it.
The vivid colors, the lovely smell... Would passionate be the right word...?
Eh? Oh, I'm talking about the rose you gave me.
Thank your for giving me another rose today. And of course I have a return gift ready. Please take it.

That's right. To be honest... I like it. I really do like it. The petals are so bright and fragrant. Am I saying it... passionately? Eh? Ah, yes. It's about the rose you gave me. Thank you for the new rose today as well. Of course, I have a prepared gift in return. Please accept this.

Dialogue 11 「薔薇の花……人は古来より、薔薇に親しんできた。装飾のため、鑑賞のため。香料や医薬として用いたりもする。かの黄金の英雄王の蔵には、きっと最古の栽培薔薇があったりするんだろう。あの時代だと確か、女神イシュタルが薔薇の花の香りを嗅いでいる、なんて像もあるんじゃなかったかな。『薔薇の中に暮らす』、なんて言葉もあった。古代ローマの言葉さ。贅沢に暮らす、という意味らしい。僕の故郷では想像もつかないほどに遠い言葉だったけど、こうして毎日薔薇をもらってみると、実感するよ。はは、これは──確かに贅沢だ」

Roses...humans have loved roses since ancient times.

To adorn themselves, or just to look at, as perfume, and even medicine... I'm sure the golden King of Heroes keeps the world's oldest cultivated roses in his treasury. From that era...I believe there's even a statue of Ishtar smelling a rose.
I've heard an ancient Roman saying that translates to "living among roses." It apparently means "to live lavishly." In my homeland, those words would have been incomprehensible...
But now, receiving a rose from you every day, I think I understand the meaning.
This truly is a luxury.

Roses... People have been accustomed with roses since ancient times. As decoration, as appreciation. It has also been used as perfume and medicine. The Golden King of Heroes probably has the oldest grown rose in his collection. Certainly, in that era, the Goddess Ishtar was smelling the fragrance of the roses. I wonder if there statues of her doing so. "Vivere in Rosa", it would be called. The words of Ancient Rome. It seems to be meaningful to live in luxury. In my hometown, those words were far too distant to the point of being an imagination. Perhaps I will realize that when I get a rose every day like this. Haha, this is certainly luxury.

Dialogue 12 「花言葉というのを知っているかな? 古くは神話に由来するとか、時を経てからは聖人に紐づけるとか。うん、いやね。実のところ、僕はあまり得意じゃないんだ。どの花がどんな意味を持つか、僕にはほとんどわからない。けれど、薔薇の花言葉だけはわかる。僕にとっては少し前、君にとっては20年ほど前かな。教えてもらったんだ。薔薇の花言葉は──愛。純愛。以前の僕は想像もしなかった。鋭い棘のある蔓つるに咲く花、くらいの印象だったからね。君はどうかな。知っていたかい?」

Do you know about the language of flowers?

The oldest ones apparently come from mythology, and as time progressed, the words were associated with saints...or something like that.
Hm? Well, to be honest, I'm not really versed in them. I don't know what kind of flower has what meaning. But I do know the flower language for roses.
This was a little while back for me...about twenty years ago for you. I was taught the symbolism of a rose, in particular.
They mean love. Pure love.
The past me would have had no clue. I only imagined the flower to be something that bloomed with prickly thorns. What about you? Did you know?

Do you understand the language of flowers? In the olden day deriving from myths, it is said to be linked to saints. Um, no. To tell you the truth, I'm not very good at it. I don't quite understand which flowers have which meaning. However, I only understand the language of roses. It was a while ago for me, 20 years ago for you. I was taught about it. The language of roses was about love. Pure love. I didn't imagine it before. It was the image of a flower with sharp thorns blooming in a vineyard. How about you? Did you know that?

Dialogue 13 「今日も来てくれてありがとう。もちろん、お返しのプレゼントは用意してあるよ。遠慮なく持っていってほしい。君のお役に立てば幸いだ。……さて、どうしたものかな。配分を間違えてしまったぞ。もっと、兵站の運用について学んでおくべきだったな。ベディヴィエールやアグラヴェインに任せきりにしていたツケが、こんなところで──ん? 何だい? あははは、何でもないよ。大丈夫さ。大丈夫大丈夫」

Thank you for coming again today!

Of course I have a return gift for you today. Please do accept it. I hope it will come in handy.
Hm. Now I'm in a pickle. I seemed to have made a mistake in planning these out. I should have studied military logistics more closely... I left all those things to Bedivere and Agravain, and now it's coming back to haunt me.
Hm? What? Hahahaha, nothing! It's nothing! Don't worry about it!

Thank you for coming today. Of course, a return gift is prepared for you. Please don't hesitate to accept it. I hope it can help you. ...Well, what is it? I made a mistake in the distribution? I should have learned more about logistics operations. I left it all to Bedivere and Agravain, in such a position──hm? What? Ahahaha, it's nothing. I'm fine. Really, I'm fine.

Dialogue 14 「実は、だね。その……正直に言うよ。用意していたプレゼントが、昨日で尽きてしまったんだ。ごめんよ、完全に僕の配分ミスだ。とはいえ、最終日に何も渡さない、なんてことは許されない。だから……うん。よし! 僕が着ている霊衣はどうだろう。ああいや、別に僕がここで突然裸になるわけではなくて。霊衣は魔力で編み上げるものだから、新しく僕の魔力から編んだ霊衣を渡す、という意味さ。当ショップの記念として、どうか受け取ってほしい。本当は、君が着られるような礼装だと、よかったかもだ……。えっ、これで十分? そうかい、ありがとう。そう言ってもらえると嬉しいよ──」

...To be honest, I, um...

Yesterday's present was my final one.
Sorry. I made a mistake in my planning how to distribute them. But I will not allow myself to not give you anything on the final day, of all days!
That's why...okay! What about the Spiritual Costume I'm wearing right now? No, I'm not going to strip down naked right here...
But since this Spiritual Costume was made with magecraft, I can make a new Spiritual Costume using my mana and give that to you.
As a celebratory item for this shop, I want you to accept it. Actually, it might have been better if it was a Mystic Code fit for you...
Eh? This is good enough? Really? Thanks. I'm happy you said that!

Actually, that's all. That... to tell you the truth, the gift I prepared for you was exhausted yesterday. Sorry, it is my mistake in the allocation. Nevertheless, it won't be tolerated if you receive nothing in return on the final day. And for that... um, alright! How about these spiritual clothes that I'm wearing? Ah no, I'm not going to strip here. Since my spiritual clothes are knitted by mana, I can pass my yarn of mana for you to make a new one, is what I meant to say. As a memento of this shop, please, accept this. Honestly, it would be nice for you to wear some clothes that fit your style... Eh, this is enough? It is? Thank you. I'm glad if you say so──
