Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Level Up 「肉体性能の向上を確認。──余剰修正」

Physical performance improvement verified.

Correcting excess.

Increase of bodily performance confirmed. Surplus corrected.

3rd Ascension 「おや、これは……マスター、どうやら私の精神は人に近づきつつあるようです。肉体性能は退行しているはずですが、不思議と力が漲っています」

Oh...this is...

Master, it appears that my mental state is becoming more human.
My physical performance may be regressing, but for some reason I still feel like I'm overflowing with power.

Oh, this is… Master. Apparently, my spirit is coming close to that of humans. My physical performance was supposed to regress, but strangely my power is overflowing

4th Ascension 「人は神となれず、神は人を代行者とする。その役割を果たすために生まれた私ですが、どうやらあなたともうしばらく旅をしたい、そう願っているようです。ああ、全く世界は未知にあふれ、悪だけではなく善にも満ちている。……フッ、面白いものだ」

Humans cannot be gods, while gods use humans as their proxies.

I may have been born to fulfill such a role, but it also seems I harbor the desire to continue on by your side.
The world is full of unknowns, and it's brimming not just with evil, but also good...
Haha...how interesting...

People can't become gods, gods regress into people. I was born to fulfill that duty, but… It seems I want to travel with you for a while. That's what I wish. Ah, the world is overflowing with paths. It's full with not only evil, but also with good. Fu, what an amusing thing

Battle Start 1 「終わりとなるだろう」

This shall be the end.

It shall become the end

Battle Start 2 「善を守り、邪を絶つ。行くぞ!」

Protect good and sever evil...let's go.

Protect good, sever evil. Let's go!

Skill 1 蒙昧もうまいだな」


How uncivilized

Skill 2 「提案を」

A proposition...

A suggestion

Skill 3 「ならばこうしましょう」

Then let's do this.

Then let's do this

Command Card Select 1 「なるほど」

I see.

I see

Command Card Select 2 「了解しました」



Command Card Select 3 「行きましょう」

Let's go.

Let's go

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「星は縮小し、悪は剣によって裁かれる」

The planet shall diminish, and evil will be judged by the sword...

The planet shall shrink, evil shall be judged by my sword

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「粛清。排除。そして壊劫」

Purge, eliminate, and then saṃvartakalpa...

Purge, removal, and the kalpa of destruction

Attack 1 「狂い咲け」

Burst forth.

Flower off-season

Attack 2 「崩壊せよ」



Attack 3 「終わるがいい」

You shall end.


Extra Attack 「炎の海、雷の矢!」

The sea of fire, and the bolt of lightning...!

Sea of flames, arrow of lightning!

Noble Phantasm 1 「星の灯火ともしびは消え、諸人もろびとは運命を裁かれる。我は神の力を継ぎ、その役割を果たす。世界は廻り、悪は滅する!『帰滅を裁定せし廻剣マハ一・プララヤ』! ──帰るべき場所に、帰るがいい」

The light of the planet will be snuffed, and the fate of the people shall be judged.

I have succeeded the power of god to fulfill the duty.
The world will cycle and evil shall be annihilated.
Return to where you belong...

The lamplight of the planet is fading, everyone shall be judged by destiny. I inherited the power of gods, and fulfill their role. The world revolves, and evil will be extinguished! Revolving SwordMaha that Adjudicatespra Reoccurring Destructionlaya!!! Return to the place you should return to



Noble Phantasm 2 「滅亡と創生はこれ表裏一体。万物は流転し、死は生へと裏返る。されど人の世に邪悪なるもの、不要なり。『帰滅を裁定せし廻剣マハ一・プララヤ』! ──人よ、生きるべし」

Destruction and creation are two sides of the same coin.

All creation shall undergo vicissitude, and death shall turn back to life.
Yet evil is unnecessary in this world of people!
Humans, you shall live...

Downfall and revival are inseparable. All creation transmigrates, death turns life inside out. Be that as it may, evil in the world of people is unnecessary. Revolving SwordMaha that Adjudicatespra Reoccurring Destructionlaya!!! O people, you must live

Damag from Noble Phantasm 「ぐっ……」



Regular Damage 1 「ほう……」



Regular Damage 2 「くっ……」



Defeated 1 「ここで私は終わりを迎えるのか……それもまた……宿命……」

So I am to meet my end here too... This is also...destiny...

Will I head to the end too…? That too, is destiny…

Defeated 2 「果てのない運命に……何を望むか」

For fate that never ends...what do I wish for?

What would I wish from the endless fate?

Battle Finish 1 「回り転げ、何を望む? 虚無か、平穏か」

What do I wish during this cycle? Nothingness, or tranquility?

Turn and roll over, What do you desire? Nothingness, or Peacefulness?

Battle Finish 2 「悪を裁かなければならない」

Evil must be judged...

I must judge evil.

My Room
Bond Level 1 「マスター、なにか?」

Master, is there something for me?

Master. What is it?

Bond Level 2 「平穏、良いことです」


That is a good thing.

Peacefulness is a good thing

Bond Level 3 「悪を裁くことが空しいとは思いません。我らはゼロにすら、何かを見つけずにはいられない」

I do not think judging evil is futile.

We are beings who seek something out from anything, even from zero.

I don't think judging evil is a vain thing. Even in zero, we can't help but find something

Bond Level 4 「世界は穏やかに壊れ、しかし悪はまだその兆しだけ。ならば、今はこの善なる時間を受け取るべきでしょう」

The world shall collapse peacefully, but evil is merely its omen.

If that's the case, we should just accept this time of good.

The world is breaking gently, but there are only these signs of evil. Then, I should accept this time of good

Bond Level 5 「欲を戒め、争いを鎮める……もちろん、それは正しい振る舞いだ。しかし、あなたの前へ進む眩さを知ると、少しばかりその戒めを緩めたくもなる。──そしてそれが、私が人間・アルジュナであるという、その微かな証なのです」

Punish greed and quell battles...

Obviously that's the correct way to go about things.
However, as I gaze at the world from your perspective, I feel I should ease up on the punishment.
And I also realize that having a wish like that is proof that I am Arjuna, a human.

Banning greed, calming conflict. Of course, that's a righteous behavior. However, upon knowing your dazzlingness to move forwards, I want to ease that ban. It's a faint proof that I am human, Arjuna.

Dialogue 1 「出撃しましょう」

Let's head out to attack.

Let us sortie

Dialogue 2 「我らはサーヴァント。当然、あなたに付き従うもの。しかしこの矢尻は常にあなたにも向けられている。……お気をつけて」

We are Servants.

And of course, we attend and obey you.
But this arrowhead is always pointed towards you...
Please be mindful of that.

We are a Servant. Naturally, we shall follow you. However this arrowhead will always point to you. Be careful

Dialogue 3 「全ては定め。人は神になってはいけない。神は人に堕ちてもいけない。それでも、その必要があるとするなら、そこには必ず戦いがある」

Everything is determined.

Humans mustn't become gods.
And gods mustn't lower themselves to be human.
And even if such thing is necessary, there will always be a feud behind it.

Everything is predestined. People can't become gods, and gods can't fall into people. Even so, if it becomes necessary, there will definitely be a battle

Dialogue 4

Karna, huh? Fate sure is a strange one.

Though, I have no business with him since I am a child of god.
...Yet, something inside me bubbles up and is getting roused...

Karna... Fate is a strange thing. That said, that has nothing to do with me who is son of a god. No… Still there is something that can be stirred up within my heart just a little

Dialogue 5

You can probably call him the true Arjuna.

Master, please lead him. He is someone who struggles and suffers like any man, yet he still is able to pick himself up like a hero.

That one could be called the true Arjuna. Please, Master, guide him. He's a hero that struggles like a person, and that stands up even when suffering

Something you Like 「好き嫌いを絶ってこその私ですからね。好きなものはありません」

I am indeed someone who severs likes and dislikes...

And so I do not have anything I like.

I've given up my tastes. I don't like anything

Something you Hate 「悪を滅ぼすための私ですからね。ただ、憎みすぎるとそれはそれで余分でしょう」

I am indeed someone who is here to destroy evil.

And so if I were to hate something too much, that would just be excessive.

I am to make evil perish. But, if I were to hate it too much, in that case it'd be excessive

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯に望みはありません。私はただ、人理の役に立つためにここにいます」

I have no desires put upon the Holy Grail.

I am just here to be useful for humanity.

I have no desire for the Holy Grail. I'm here just to be helpful to the Human Order

During an Event 「催事のようです、マスター」

It appears some festivities are going on, Master.

Looks like a special event, Master

Birthday 「お誕生日おめでとうございます。前途に栄光と善良、そして……歓びがあるように」

Happy birthday.

May your future be glorious, righteous, and a joyful one...

Happy birthday. May there be glory, virtue, and... joy in your future prospects.
