Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Hasegawa Ikumi)


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned アーキタイプ:アース「サーヴァント……というのか?

アルクェイド・ブリュンスタッド! これからよろしくね!

Archetype: EARTH: Am I...a Servant?

I have no name, but my state of being is...
Ah, yes. You may call me the Original One, or the Ultimate One.
Some connection between us must have allowed you to summon me.
For now, I shall observe whether you all manage to survive or not.
Arcueid Brunestud: Just kidding! That's enough of the high-and-mighty me!
Hi there, person from Chaldea!
I'm a Moon Cancer, Arcueid Brunestud! It's nice to meet you!
I'll see you soon, when we hit my second Ascension!

Archetype: Earth: So this is a Servant? I may not possess a name but... yes... I suppose the "Original One" will suffice. My summoning must be some kind of fate. As such, I shall take it upon myself to observe your life for a brief period.

Arcueid Brunestud: Just kidding... you can scrap whatever that self-important me said. Hello, people of Chaldea. I am Arcueid Brunestud, a Moon Cancer. Looking forward to working with you! Let's meet again in my Second Ascension soon!

Level Up 1 「そう急かすな……。もうしばらく楽しませよ?」

Do not be so hasty. Let me savor this a while longer.

Don't rush that much. Entertain me a bit longer.

Level Up 2 「これは……星の素子そしか? ……うむ、イケる。奇妙な加工をするものだ……」

Are these...astral motes?

Hm. Acceptable. You've processed them in an odd way.

These are… elements of the planet? Um, that will do. You do such a bizarre processing.

Level Up 3 「より重く、より小さく……。力を収束するのは、よいな……」

Heavier, smaller...

It is a wonderful thing, to concentrate power.

Heavier. Smaller. Gathering and building power is good.

Battle Start 1 「余興だ。狩りをしてやろう?」

This is our entertainment. Let the hunt begin.

A side show. Let's do some hunting.

Battle Start 2 「人型の器というものは、不便なものだな───」

This humanoid vessel is so inconvenient.

This human-shaped vessel is inconvenient.

Battle Start 3 「勇ましいな? 胸が弾むぞ……!」

How gallant. This pleases me.

How courageous. My chest is bouncing.

Skill 1 「楽しくなってきたぞ……?」

I'm starting to enjoy this.

It's become amusing.

Skill 2 「物足りぬだろう?」

Not enough, is it?

It's not enough, is it?

Skill 3 「いいだろう!」

...Very well.


Skill 4 「耐えきってみよ……」

Try and endure this!

Try to withstand it.

Skill 5 「よい。参れ───」

You may approach.

Good. Depart.

Attack Selected 1 「任せよ」

Allow me.

Leave it to me.

Attack Selected 2 「造作もない……」


Without any difficulty.

Attack Selected 3 「淑やかにな?」



Noble Phantasm Selected 1 拝跪はいきせよ」

Kneel before me.

Kneel before me.

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「来るがよい……」

Come at me.


Noble Phantasm Selected 3 「恐れをらぬ奴だ───」

How utterly fearless.

A fellow who knows no fear.

Attack 1 「波よ、重なり……」

Waves, overlap.

O' waves. Overlap.

Attack 2 「流れ、崩れよ」

Current, collapse.

Flow. Collapse.

Attack 3 「歌うがよい……」



Attack 4 「踊るがよい……」



Attack 5 「固まり、千切れる……」

Harden. Shred.

Cluster. Shred them.

Attack 6 「そこか……? ふむ、許せ」

There? Hm, forgive me.

There? Hum, allow me.

Attack 7 「乱れ、裂けろ!」

Agitate and burst!

Disarray. Tear!

Attack 8 「捻れ、墜ちよ!」

Distort and fall!

Twist. Fall!

Attack 9 「このあたりか?!」

Right here!

Is this the spot?

Attack 10 跪ひざまづ{{{2}}}く時だ!」

Time to kneel!

It is the time to kneel!

Attack 11 「温めてやろう……」

I'll warm you up.

I'll warm you up.

Attack 12 「溶けるなよ……?」

Don't melt.

Don't melt.

Attack 13 「光、途絶え……」

Let light cease.

Light. Come to an end.

Attack 14 「星は、歌い……」

The stars sing.

The star. Sings.

Attack 15 「優しく、な?」

Gently, yes?

Gently, okay?

Attack 16 「微笑むがよい……」

You may smile.


Extra Attack 1 「───羽虫。動くでない」

Stay where you are, vermin.

Winged insect. Don't move.

Extra Attack 2 「どれ? 手に取ってやろう……」

Let me see. I will take it for you.

Now. I'll take your hand.

Extra Attack 3 「全て、消えるがよい……!」

Let everything disappear!

Everything. Disappear.

Noble Phantasm 1 「甘受するがよい……! 逃れることはできん。我が手、我が爪こそ───星の息吹とるがいい!」


There is no escape.
Know that my hands, my claws, are the breath of the planet itself!

Resign yourself. You cannot escape. My hands, my very own claws, know them along with the breath of the planet.



Noble Phantasm 2 「我が千鎖せんさに呑まれよ───。人智未踏、霊峰無限……。見せてやろう! 星を覆う天蓋てんがいをッ!」

Be swallowed by my thousand chains.

This is a sacred, phantasmal mountain beyond mankind's ken.
I shall show you...
...the canopy covering the stars!

Be swallowed by my thousand chains. Position untrodden, sacred peak fantasized. I'll show you. The canopy that covers the planet.

Noble Phantasm 3 「星の記憶───。『かぜ』『なみ』『ひかり』『おわり』……我が手の上で弾けよ……!」

The planet's memories...

Wind. Waves. Light.
Rupture in the palm of my hand...!

Memories of the planet. Wind. Waves. Light. End. Burst above my hands.

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「っ……! 動かぬ……!」

Ngh, can't move!

…Ih! It doesn't work!

Regular Damage 「ほぉう……?」



Defeated 1 「このような事もあるのだな……? 人間も、随分と面白くなった───」

To think that this would happen. Humans have grown quite fascinating.

Something like this can also happen. Humans have become quite interesting.

Defeated 2 「私が本気だといつ言った? 次は1%ほど上乗せだ」

When did I say I was being serious? I will use 1% more of my power next time.

Did I say I was serious? Next time I'll give it about 1% more.

Defeated 3 「蟻の一噛みも、割と痛いものだな……」

Even an ant's bite can be rather painful...

Even the bite of an ant can hurt quite a bit…

Battle Finish 1 「加減が分からぬ……。無作法、許すがよい?」

I do not know how to restrain myself. Forgive my rudeness.

I don't know restraint. Forgive me for being ill-mannered.

Battle Finish 2 「満足だ……! つい指も踊ったではないか?」

I am satisfied. Look, even my fingers got to dance.

I'm satisfied. I was fidgeting with my fingers without knowing it.

Battle Finish 3 「これ、立たぬか? 張り合いのない……」

They can't stand up? What a disappointment.

Here. They won't stand? How disappointing.

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「私に名はない。……いや。いつかは付けられるだろうが、この私にはまだ早い……。よって『姫』、とだけ呼ぶがよい……」

I have no name.

...Or rather, I will be given one, in time. But it is too soon for this version of me.
Thus, you may simply address me as "Princess."

I don't have a name. No, someday I'll be given one, but it's still too soon for this me. Therefore, call me only "Princess".

Bond Lvl 2 「召喚した者であろうと無礼は赦さぬ。……何、難しいことはない……。礼節を守り、信義を抱き、成長を忘れぬことだ。……であれば、我が口元も穏やかであろう」

I will tolerate no insolence, even from my summoner.

I ask for nothing difficult.
Observe decorum, demonstrate loyalty, and do not forget to grow.
...Then, I may speak to you more kindly.

No matter if you are the one who summoned me I won't forgive any insolence. What, it's not something difficult. Follow the decorum, embrace loyalty, and don't forget about growth. Do so, and my mouth will be moderate.

Bond Lvl 3 「他の霊基はどうあれ、この私は貞淑、かつ冷酷だ。万年雪に覆われた霊峰、人跡未踏の城と同義である。おいそれと近寄って良いものではない……。貴様が人間であるなら、尚更な?」

Whatever my other Spirit Origins may be, in this state I am cold and chaste.

I am synonymous with that castle yet unexplored by man, that sacred mount wreathed in winter for a thousand years.
Not a place to be approached lightly, and doubly so for a human such as you.

Unlike other Spirit Origins, I'm chaste yet ruthless. I'm synonymous with the sacred peak covered in perpetual snow, the castle untrodden by humans. I'm not something you should get close to at a moment's notice. If you are human, all the more.

Bond Lvl 4 「星の魂、その原型───という位置付けではあるが、サーヴァントである以上、そこまでの権限は無い……。せいぜい指先で嵐を起こし、爪先で地を揺らす程度だ……。つまらぬだろう?」

My rightful place is to be the prototype of the planet's soul... But while I am a Servant, I lack that Authority.

All I can do is create storms with my fingers and earthquakes with my toes.
How unexciting, don't you agree?

The soul of the planet, its archetype… I'm in that fixed position, but since I'm a Servant, I don't have that authority. At best I can cause storms with my fingertips, and shake the earth with my toes. Isn't that uninteresting?

Bond Lvl 5 「人理とは人間だけの道では無い───。この星に誕生し、ソラを見上げるまで成長した知性体すべての道である……。果ての無い旅だが終わりはある。いつかお前たちの肩を叩く次代が現れた時、その任は終わるのだ……。その輝かしい臨終を、星の内海うちうみで待っているぞ───?」

The path humanity has created is not yours alone.

All intelligent beings who are born and mature on this planet walk the same path, until they look up at the sky.
It is an endless journey, but it has a terminus. Once the next generation that can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with you emerges, your role will be over.
I await that eventual, brilliant conclusion within the Inner Sea of the planet.

Human Order isn't only the path for humans. It's the path for all the sentient life-forms that were born in this planet and grew looking up to space. It's a journey without limits but it has an end. The time when the next generation appears to massage your shoulders, your duty will finish. That brilliant deathbed awaits in the inner sea of the planet.

Dialogue 1 「外に出るがよい。庭の様子を見なくてはな?」

Go outside.

We should check on the garden.

Go outside. You have to watch the estate of my courtyard.

Dialogue 2 「犬を飼うことはない……。飼い犬に手を噛まれる事ほど、頭の痛くなるコトはないからな……」

I do not keep pet dogs.

There is no greater headache than a pet biting the hand that feeds it.

I never owned a dog. Because there's nothing that makes my head hurt more than a pet dog biting my hand.

Dialogue 3 「人類最後のマスター……? どうでもよい……。数ある人間の一人、であろう? 気を楽にする事だな?」

Humanity's final Master? I care not.

That just makes you one of many humans.
You should relax.

The last Master of humanity? Whatever. Just one of numerous humans, are you not? Take it easy.

Dialogue 4
(Artoria Caster or Artoria Caster (Berserker) & Clear Avalon le Fae)
「アヴァロンから生まれた妖精が、多元に渡る聖剣の鋳型になるとは……。よい運命出会いがあったのだな? 出来映えも文句のつけようがない……。……ないが。少々お転婆過ぎぬか……? なぜ自ら突進する? 花園で大人しくできないのか……」

To think that a faerie born from Avalon would be the template for the myriad sacred swords...

You had a worthy encounter. I can scarcely complain about its outcome.
...Does she not frolic too readily?
Why does she dash into the field herself? Can't she sit still among the flowers?

To think that a fairy born from Avalon would become the mould for the Holy Sword that crossed over multiple worlds. That was a good encounter. I don't intend to complain about her performance. …I don't intend to, but isn't she a bit too tomboyish? Why does she rush on her own? Can she not behave herself at a flower garden?

Dialogue 5
(Ryōgi Shiki (Saber))
「根源に通じるあな……からの器に意志が生まれる。そういう事もあろう……。脳ではなく心臓に夢が宿ったのだな? 原始的だが、美しくはある……。あるが……。いささか物騒過ぎぬか……? なぜ刀を振り回す? 花園を散らすでない!」

A hole leading to the Root.

A will manifested in an empty vessel... I suppose such things can happen.
A dream that dwells not in the brain, but in the heart.
Primitive she may be, but not without beauty.
That said...
...Isn't she a little too violent?
Why does she swing a sword?
Stop making a mess of my flower garden.

A hole that leads to the Root. Purpose is born in the vessel of void. There's such a thing as well. A dream resided not in her brain but in her heart. She's primitive, yet beautiful. …She is, but isn't she also dangerous? Why is she swinging a katana? Don't scatter the flower garden!

Dialogue 6
("The Old Man of the Mountain")

An assassin who straddles the precipice of life and death...

To think there was precedent... Human history is not to be underestimated.

An assassin standing in the frontier between the living and the dead. He doesn't make light of Human History. Although there have been precedents.

Dialogue 7
(Kukulkan & Clear Nahui Mictlan)
「外来の種とはいえ、アーキタイプであることに変わりはない。アレとは姉妹───いや、姉妹都市のようなモノか……? 趣味嗜好は正反対だがな。私は誓って、あのような能天気な振る舞いはせぬぞ?」

Foreign species as she is, it doesn't change the fact that she is an Archetype. She and I are like sister ─── No, should I say that we are like sister cities…? Our interests and preferences are polar opposites, however. I swear that I will never behave in such a happy-go-lucky manner.

Something you Like 「好きなもの……。さて、なんだったか……。遥かな未来、あるいは過去に、無視出来ぬものが出来るのかもしれぬな?」

What I like...

What was it, again?
In the far future, or perhaps the distant past, I might have gained something I cannot ignore.

Something that I like… Now, what was it? In the distant future, or perhaps in the past, there might have been something that I could not be able to ignore.

Something you Hate 「嫌いなものは血と陽射しだ! どちらも眼がくらくらする……」

I dislike blood and sunlight.

They make me dizzy.

I hate blood and sunlight. Both make my eyes dizzy.

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯とは、汲めども尽きぬ資源の山、と聞いたぞ? ……っフ。足元が見えていないとはこの事だ……。では、お前たちは私の上に住んでいることになるなぁ?」

I have heard that the Holy Grail is a mountain of inexhaustible resources.

Heh. How little you know of your place.
It means you live on top of me, you know.

The Holy Grail is an inexhaustible mountain of resources, from what I heard. Fuh. So this is what not being able to size up to something is. Then, will you reside above me?

During an Event 「外は祭りのようだ。案内するがよい……」

It seems there's a festival going on outside.

Give me a tour.

It seems there is a festival outside. Accompany me.

Birthday 「誕生日の宝石だ、受け取るがよい。……しかし、人間は忙しいな。誕生を1年単位で祝うとは。私には馴染みのない文化だが、記録を積み重ねるのは正しい。地層のようなものだからな。年代ごとの宝石を見る度、我が光を思い返すがよい」

This jewel is your birthday gift. Take it.

...I must say, you humans are so busy. You bother to celebrate birthdays every year?
It is an unfamiliar custom to me, but accumulating records is right and proper.
Not unlike geologic strata. Each year, look upon this stone and remember my radiance.

This is your birthday gemstone, accept it. …But, humans are so restless. To celebrate their birth every single year. Unfimiliar as I am with culture, it is correct to accumulate records of it. After all I am similar to a geological layer. Think back upon my light every time you look at the gemstone of your age.


Disclaimer: Before adding Translations, Please leave a comment with source and proof of permission
Occasion Japanese English Audio
Level Up 1 「レベルアーップ! ……何これたっのしいー! もっとやってもっとやって!?」

Level up!

Wow, this is fun!
Do it again! Do it again!

Level Uuup! What's this, it's so fun! Do it more! Do it more!

Level Up 2 「ありがとう! 限りある資源、わたしに使ってくれて嬉しいわ?」


I'm happy you're using your limited resources on me.

Thank you! I'm happy that you use your limited resources on me!

Level Up 3 「……え? もっと強くなっていいの? 話わっかるー! よぉーし! ご期待に応えましょう!」

Huh? It's okay if I get stronger!?

You know your stuff!
All right, you won't regret it!

Eh?! Is it okay that I become stronger?! So reasonable! Alriiight, I'll live up to your expectations!

1st Ascension 「おっ待たせー! お堅い原型から身軽な姫にっ! 古い『私』は最新の『わたし』にモードチェンジ! 人理を守るんでしょ? まっかせて! 改めてよろしくね? マスターさん!」

Thanks for waiting!

I've changed from that stuffy prototype into the casual princess!
It's a mode change from the ancient me to my newest self!
You want to protect humanity, right? You can count on me!
The pleasure's all mine, Master!

Thanks for waiting! From the stiff archetype to the casual princess! The old me changes her mode to the newest me! We're protecting Human Order, aren't we? Leave it to me! Nice to meet you again, Master-san!

2nd Ascension 「おおっと……。筐体フレームの性能、ちょっとだけ上がった感じ? 相手に合わせての出力向上じゃないのねぇ? これが人間の言う成長かぁ~!」

Ooh, I think the performance of this frame just went up a little.

It isn't the power-up I get to match my opponent.
So this is what you humans mean by growing up!

Whoa! Doesn't it feel like my frame's performance went up just a bit? Didn't my output when facing enemies increase? So this is the growth humans talk about!

Battle Start 1 「戦いになるといいけどぉ……」

I hope it's actually a fight.

Is it okay to fight?

Battle Start 2 沢山たっくさんいるのね! おっもしろ~い!」

So many of them! This could be interesting!

There are sooo many! So fuuun!

Battle Start 3 「いいでしょう! どーんと来ーい!」

Okay, bring it on!

Alright. Come at me!

Skill 1 「隙ありありぃ~!」

You're wide open!

There's an opening, yeah!

Skill 2 「───ねえ。反省した?」

So, regretting this yet?

Hey? Are you sorry?

Skill 3 「華麗に決めよっか!」

Time to finish it with a splash!

Should I finish it gracefully?

Skill 4 「よ~し! その気になった!」

All right, I'm in the mood!

Alriiight! Now we're talking!

Skill 5 「手加減は、いらないようね?」

Looks like I don't need to hold back!

No need… to hold back, right?

Skill 6 「───いいわ? 本気になってあげる!」

Fine, I'll get serious!

Okay. I'll get serious.

Attack Selected 1 「ありがと~!」


Thank youuu!

Attack Selected 2 「もっちろん!」

Of course!

Sure thing!

Attack Selected 3 「しっつれ~い♪」

'Scuse me!

'Scuse me!

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「───アレ。こわせばいいんでしょ?」

I just need to break that, right?

Can I break that?

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「ぉいっち、に! さん、し、っと!」

One, two, three, and four!

One-two, three-four!

Noble Phantasm Selected 3 「月の光を、受けるがいい!」

Receive the light of the moon!

Get the, Moonlight!

Attack 1 「ふっ! やっ! とりゃあー!」

Fuh! Yah! Toryah!

Fuh! Yah! Toryaaah!

Attack 2 「ほら?! これで、どう!?」

Here, how's this!?

Look! How 'bout this?!

Attack 3 「目障りっ!」

You're a mess!


Attack 4 「消えなさいっ!」



Attack 5 「たん、たん、たーん♪」

Step, step, step!

Tan, tan, taaan.

Attack 6 「これで……おしまい!」

This is the end!

This… is the end!

Attack 7 「せぇーの……とりゃあー!」

Ready, boom!

Heave-ho! Toryaaah!

Attack 8 「スーパー真祖キーック!」

Super True Ancestor Kiiick!

Super True Ancestor Kiiick!

Attack 9 「よいしょぉー!」

Here goes!

Here we gooo!

Attack 10 「ああもう、うるっさあーーい!」

Oh, shut up already!

Aaaah! Jeez! Annoyiiing!

Attack 11 「ちょっと借りるわ!」

I'm borrowing this!

I'll borrow this a moment.

Attack 12 「文明アターック!」

Civilization Attack!

Civilization Attaaack!

Attack 13 「当然! 断然! 淑女だし!」

I'm a lady, through and through!

Of course! Absolutely! I'm a lady!

Attack 14 「お仕置き、お叱り! 反省ターイム!」

The punishment! The dressing-down! And repentance time!

Punishment, scolding, reflecting tiiime!

Attack 15 「お留守なんじゃない?!」

Are you paying attention?

I'm house-sitting?!

Attack 16 「ちゃんと視えてる……?」

Are you seeing this?

Are you watching properly?

Extra Attack 1 「捕まえた……。そこまでよ?」

Gotcha... That's far enough!

Gotcha. That's enough, 'kay?

Extra Attack 2 「硬さが自慢……? 関係ないわ?」

You're proud of how tough you are? That doesn't matter!

Proud of your toughness? Doesn't matter!

Extra Attack 3 「あーあ……。まるでお人形ね───?」

Aww... Just like a musette.

Aaaah. Just like a doll.

Noble Phantasm 1 「そぉーれっ! ……見つけた! 真祖、いっきまーーす!」


Found you!
Here comes the True Ancestor!

Theeere! Found ya! True Ancestor, here I gooo!



Noble Phantasm 2 「そのまま動かないで───? 緩やかに、涼やかに、拓くように……。『空想具現化マーブルストラーイク』ッ!」

You guys stay put, okay?

Gracefully, quietly,
like a flower in bloom.
Marble Strike!

Don't move from there. Gently. Refreshingly. As if blooming. Marble Striiike!

Noble Phantasm 3 「成層圏までひとっ飛び! 大気の守り、星の回り! 束ねて墜として、みせましょう! はああぁぁーーーっ!!」

Jump into the stratosphere!

Blessings of the atmosphere, circumference of the Earth!
I'll bundle them up and drop them on your face!

To the stratosphere in one leap! Atmospheric protection. Circunference of the planet. Bundle, fall, let's show it! Haaah!

Noble Phantasm 4 「例え遠く、離れても───。貴方が今も、月の光を忘れぬように……! お転婆で、悪かったわねーーーっ!」

Though we may be far apart,

I'll make sure that you never
forget the moonlight...
Sorry for being such a ditz!

No matter how far, how distant. Don't forget about the moonlight now. Well sorry for being a tomboy!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 「うそぉ!? 本気で痛ぁーーい?!」」

No way, that actually hurt!

No way?! That really hurt!

Regular Damage 「んぅ……?」



Defeated 1 「たまたま調子悪かっただけよーーっ!」

I was just feeling off today, I swear!

I just happened to feel not so good!

Defeated 2 「悔しい……っ! 再戦希望します!」

Darn it... I request a rematch!

So frustrating… I'll be expecting a rematch!

Defeated 3 「霊基の筐体からだって脆くなぁーーい!?」

Who knew Spirit Origin bodies were so fragile!?

Aren't Spirit Origin bodies too brittle?!

Battle Finish 1 「おもしろかったーー! 次もよろしくね?」

That was a riot! See you next time!

That was fuuun! I'm counting on you for next time!

Battle Finish 2 「え~~?! 物足りなぁーーい! おかわり~~!!」

Aww, that wasn't enough! Seconds, please!

Eeeeh?! Not enouuugh! I want mooore!

Battle Finish 3 「華麗だったでしょ? わたし、れっきとしたお姫様なのですっ!」

Dazzling, right? I'll have you know I'm a legit princess.

Was I graceful or not? I'm a full-fledged princess!

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「改めて自己紹介ね? わたしはアルクェイド・ブリュンスタッド! 『真祖』っていう吸血鬼たちの王族、つまりお姫様なのです! ……ああ! でも安心して? 吸血鬼だけど血は吸わないから! 絶対可憐な淑女なのですっ!」

Let me introduce myself again.

I'm Arcueid Brunestud.
I'm a True Ancestor, vampire royalty. Basically, I'm a princess!
Oh, don't worry. I'm a vampire, but I don't drink blood.
I'm a perfectly lovely lady!

Introducing myself again. I'm Arcueid Bunestud. A member of vampires' royalty called a True Ancestor. That means I'm a princess! Ah, but relax. I'm a vampire but I don't suck blood. I'm a totally sweet lady!

Bond Lvl 2 「こっちの世界の事、ちゃんと勉強しなくちゃ……。ええっと、魔術協会と聖堂教会の関係はー……ぅえっ!? こっちだと聖堂教会、結構大人しいんだ……?!」

I need to learn all about this world.

Um, the relationship between the Mage's Association and the Holy Church is...
Wow, the Church is pretty well-behaved over here!

I gotta study about this world properly. …Errr, the relation between the Mages Association and the Holy Church is… Whoa! This Holy Church is so mature!

Bond Lvl 3 「魔術も秘蹟も、人間が惑星上で起き得る事を模倣、再現したものでしょう? なので、大元であるわたしにはあんまり効かないわ。逆に、人間社会だけで成立する陰湿な呪いとか、珍しいから効いちゃうかなぁ……。魔術世界だと軽視される、ネット魔術とか現代魔術とか、わたしにワンチャンあるかも?」

Magecraft and Sacraments are humanity's attempts to copy and recreate the possibilities of this planet, right?

That's why they don't really affect me, since I'm the source of all that.
On the other hand, shady curses established purely by human society aren't common, but they work on me.
Stuff the mage world takes lightly, like internet or modern magecraft, might actually have a chance against me.

Magecraft and Sacraments are humans imitating and reproducing stuff that happens on the planet, right? Then, they don't work much against me, the origin. Conversely, underhanded curses established only on human society might work because they're rare. With the stuff the magical world disdains, Internet magecraft or modern magecraft, maybe you'd get one chance on me?

Bond Lvl 4 「マスターさんは頑張り屋ね……。日々、しっかりトレーニングしているもの! それに引き換え志貴ときたら、思いついた時しか運動しないんだから……。本人は普通であることに拘るけど、そんなのでわたしから生き延びるんだから、天才の部類よね!」

You're a hard worker, Master.

I've seen you training every day.
Shiki only works out when he feels like it, unlike you.
He makes a big deal out of being "normal," but he survived me, so that means he's pretty gifted, right?

Master-san sure works hard. You make sure to do your training every day. On the other hand Shiki only exercises when he remembers. He's hung up on being normal, but it's because of that that he could survive against me, he's a genius class!

Bond Lvl 5 「ん……? 『姫なのに働かせて申し訳ない』? ……ううん! カルデアでサーヴァントとして戦うの、楽しいよ? だって人間好きだもの、わたし! ……いつか、この気持ちを当たり前の事みたいに……一番大切な人に告白したいな───」

Hm? You're sorry for making a princess work?

Nah, it's fun fighting as a Servant for Chaldea.
I like humans, you know.
One day, I want to confess that to my most precious person, like it's the most normal thing in the world!

Hm? Sorry for making me work despite being a princess? Uum, fighting as a Servant in Chaldea is fun. 'Cause I like humans. …Someday, I want to confess this feeling as an obvious thing to my most important person…

Dialogue 1 「出撃進行ーっ! アルクェイド無双、いっきまぁーーすっ!」

Let's head out! Sally forth!

Arcueid the Invincible, into the breach!

Onwards to the offensive! Arcueid the Peerless, here I gooo!

Dialogue 2 「主従関係…? 相手を信じて背中を預けるってコトでしょう? ……うん! 知ってる知ってる! すっごく嬉しいよね、アレ!」

Master-Servant relationship? You trust your partner and let them watch your back, right?

Yeah, I know all about that!
It makes me suuuper happy!

Master-servant relationship? It's trusting your partner and leaving your back to them? Um, I know it, I know it! That makes me sooo happy!

Dialogue 3 「後ろから指示してくれるんでしょ? 死徒退治の時、魔術師と組むこともあったから経験済みよ? ……頑張ってね、マスターさん?」

You command from the rear, right?

I've experienced that before, when I teamed up with mages to kill Dead Apostles.
Do your best, Master!

You give me the instructions from behind, right? When I was extermining Dead Apostles I teamed up with mages so I have some experience. Do your best, Master-san.

Dialogue 4
(Artoria Pendragon)
「剣の王様もいるんだ?! 今度はこっちが漂流者ストレンジャーなわけねぇ……。よーし! 後で再戦しに行こおーっと!」

Her Majesty with the sword is here, too!?

I guess I'm the visitor this time around...
Okay, let's go another round later!

The king with the sword's here?! This time I'M the stranger. Alriiight, let's go for the rematch later!

Dialogue 5
(Ryōgi Shiki (Assassin))
「へぇー……。貴女も直死の魔眼持ってるんだ! 魔眼殺しの眼鏡はしてないのね? うーん……肉体の強さが違うのかなぁ……? ……というか、貴女とはお友達よりライバルの方が楽しそう! どう? 一戦、ってく?」

Huh, you've got the Mystic Eyes of Death Perception, too!

And you don't wear any Mystic Eye Killer glasses.
Hmm, I wonder if you have a stronger body.
I feel like it would be more fun to be rivals than friends.
Wanna go a round?

Eeh. So you have Mystic Eyes of Death Perception too. But you don't have any Mystic Eye Killer glasses. Uuum, the strength of your body is different? …That said, it sounds more fun to be your rival than your friend. What do you think? Want a fight?

Dialogue 6
(Grigori Rasputin)

He looks like the priest of a church, but… I've never seen a clergyman this shady.

Dialogue 7
(Mysterious Executor C.I.E.L)
「さすがシエル。しれっと顔を出してるわね。……ま、腐れ縁、っていうの? 戦闘だけなら悪くはないし、同じ月組だし、からかい甲斐があるし? 一緒のパーティに入れても構わなくてよ?」
    Something you Like 「好きなものは……。……えへへ! ひ・み・つ!!」

    What I like...

    Ehehe. It's a secret!

    What I like is… Hehehe, S-E-C-R-E-T!

    Something you Hate 「嫌いなものは……蛇! 血! 時間通りに来てくれない誰かさん!!」

    I dislike snakes, blood, and a certain someone who doesn't show up on time!

    I hate snakes, blood, and when a certain someone doesn't come in time!

    About the Holy Grail 「願いの叶う聖杯かぁ……。……それだけのパワーリソースがあれば、わたしの吸血衝動も……。───ううん! なんでもない! 今のナシナシ! 聖杯は他の、困ってる人に使ってあげて!」

    A Holy Grail that grants wishes...

    With that much power, my vampiric impulses could...
    Nope, never mind. Forget I said that!
    Use the Holy Grail for someone else in need!

    A Holy Grail that grants wishes, huh… With just that power resource, my Vampiric Impulses… Uum, it's nothing! Forget what I said, forget it! Use that Grail for someone else in trouble!

    During an Event 「イベントまっさいちゅーう! アイテム集めに行きましょう? 楽しいことは貪欲にね!?」

    There's an event going on right now!

    Let's go farm some items!
    You gotta be greedy when you're having fun!

    Rrrright in the middle of an event! Let's go gather some items! I'm greedy with fun things!

    Birthday 「誕生日、おめでとう! 先の事は確約できないけど、今ここに生きている貴方をわたしは得難いと思います。また来年、こんな温かな気持ちにさせてね、マスターさん!」

    Happy birthday.

    I can't make any promises about the future, but I think that the life you have right now is very precious.
    I hope you make me feel just as warm about you next year, Master!

    Happy birthday! I can't make any promises about that before, but I think it was hard for me to find you living here and now. Let me feel this warm again next year too, Master-san!


    Disclaimer: Before adding Translations, Please leave a comment with source and proof of permission
    Occasion Japanese English Audio
    Level Up 1 「カルデア式ですね? 分かります……」

    This is the Chaldean way, yes? I know of it.

    The ritual of Chaldea. I know.

    Level Up 2 「このような貢ぎ物は……どうお返しをすればよいのか、迷います……」

    Such a tribute...

    I am unsure how to repay you.

    I have my doubts about how should I repay you for this kind of tribute.

    Level Up 3 「悪くありません……。微々たるものですが、感謝を」」


    You have my humble thanks.

    It's not bad. It may be an insignificant amount, but I give you my thanks.

    3rd Ascension 「カルデアという舞台に合わせて、再調整しました。過去原型の私でもなく、現在最新の私でもない……。これは一時ひとときの夢。血に惑うことなく育った私というもしもIF……。口だけではない、正しく真祖の姫である状態です───」

    I have reconfigured myself to suit the stage of Chaldea.

    I am neither the original nor my newest self...
    No, this is a fleeting dream,
    a what-if version who was never driven mad by blood—
    The Princess of the True Ancestors, in the fullest sense.

    I made some readjustments to match the stage of Chaldea. I'm not the archetypical me, nor the newest me. This is the dream of a time. The if of a me who was raised without being tempted by blood. I'm not just saying it. It's truly the form of a True Ancestor princess.

    4th Ascension 「真祖、精霊は数あれど、星の頭脳体となる個体は限られています。私はその一つなのでしょうが……今は、その責務から解放されているようです……。一つの命して外界と触れ合う事は、新鮮で、微弱で、悲しいものですが───決して、無意味なものではありませんでした……。人が、なぜ消え去る運命にある灯火を守るのか……。その理由が、この温かな鼓動にあるのですね───」

    Among the numerous Elementals and True Ancestors, only a limited few can become the brain of the planet.

    I am one such entity, but...
    Right now, I appear to be freed from that duty.
    As a single living being, it feels so novel, feeble, and melancholy to interact with the outside world...
    Still, it is in no way meaningless.
    Humans are fated to fade away, so why do they guard the light of their destiny so fiercely?
    The reason must lie within this warm pulse.

    There may be several True Ancestors and Elementals, but the individuals that become the Cerebral Corpus of the planet are limited. I'm one of them, but now I've been released from that duty. Touching the exterior world as just one life is refreshing, feeble, and sad, but… it never was meaningless. Why do humans protect the lights that are fated to disappear. The reason lies in this warm throbbing.

    Battle Start 1 「余興です。狩りをしましょう……」

    This is our entertainment. Let the hunt begin.

    A side show. Let's do some hunting.

    Battle Start 2 「人型の器というモノは、不便なものですね───」

    This humanoid vessel is so inconvenient.

    This human-shaped vessel is inconvenient.

    Battle Start 3 「勇敢であることは、評価します……」

    How gallant. This pleases me.

    I'll praise you for being heroic.

    Skill 1 「光体、抑制……」

    Lumina, restrained.

    Luminous Body, restrained.

    Skill 2 「逸る気持ちを、抑えるように……」

    I shall suppress these stray emotions.

    Repress your eager feelings.

    Skill 3 「はぁ───なん、て……」

    Ah, how...

    Haah… What a…

    Skill 4 「耐えられますか……?」

    Can you withstand this?

    Can you endure it?

    Skill 5 「ひかりは、つるぎに」

    A blade of light.

    The light becomes a sword.

    Attack Selected 1 「大きく……」



    Attack Selected 2 「小さく……」



    Attack Selected 3 「眩しく……」



    Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「では……いらっしゃい?」

    I welcome you.

    Then, be welcome.

    Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「機嫌がよいので、特別に……」

    I'm in a good mood, so I'll make an exception.

    I'm in a good mood, so this is special.

    Noble Phantasm Selected 3 「ふふっ……。怖いもの知らず───」

    Hehe. How fearless.

    Fufuh. So fearless.

    Attack 1 「斬り上げる」

    I'll cut this short.

    I'll cut you up.

    Attack 2 「雪崩となれ」

    Become an avalanche.

    Become an avalanche.

    Attack 3 「歌いなさい……」



    Attack 4 つるぎは、こうして……」

    This is how you use a sword.

    This is how you use a sword.

    Attack 5 「無作法。出直せ……!」

    How insolent! Try again!

    Ill-mannered! Come back when you've learned!

    Attack 6 「捉え、断ち切る!」

    I will seize and cut them down!

    Seize, cut apart!

    Attack 7 「聞き分けのない……」

    So naughty.


    Attack 8 「化粧直しです……」

    I will adjust my makeup.


    Attack 9 「熱し、渦巻き……」

    A hot vortex.

    Heat. Vortex.

    Attack 10 「集まり、千切れる……」

    Converge. Shred.

    Cluster. Tear to shreds.

    Attack 11 「温めましょう……」

    Allow me to warm you up.

    Let's warm you up.

    Attack 12 「血潮のように……」

    Like a surge of blood.

    Like spilled blood.

    Attack 13 「光、おどり」

    Let light dance.

    Light, dance.

    Attack 14 「星は、ねむり」

    Let stars sleep.

    The planet sleeps.

    Attack 15 「参りましょう……」

    Let us go.

    Let us depart.

    Attack 16 「粗野に過ぎます……!」

    You are too vulgar!

    Too vulgar.

    Extra Attack 1 「───静かに。千切れますよ?」

    Quiet. I will shatter you.

    Quiet. I'll tear you to shreds.

    Extra Attack 2 「そう……。こういう手触り」

    Yes. This is how it feels.

    Yes. This is the touch.

    Extra Attack 3 「廻り、かがやく……」

    Rotate, brightly.

    The surroundings shine.

    Noble Phantasm 1 「甘受なさい? ……故郷は遠く、路はなく……。この城は、終の檻……。月の城にようこそ───」


    There is no path to my distant home.
    This castle is my final cage.
    ...Welcome to my lunar citadel.

    Resign yourself. Your hometown is far, and there are no paths. This castle is a cage of end. Welcome to the castle of the moon.



    Noble Phantasm 2 「空想具現───! ………千の鎖よ、路を示せ……。仰ぎなさい? 星を覆う天蓋を……!」

    Let fantasy manifest.

    A thousand chains shall mark the way.
    Show your reverence...
    ...for the canopy covering the stars!

    Fantasy Manifestation! O' thousand chains, show the path. Look upwards, to the canopy that covers the planet.

    Noble Phantasm 3 「では、褒章を与えましょう……。『みず』『ねつ』『ふるえ』『わかれ』……。我が手の上で弾けるがいい───!」

    Now, allow me to compensate you.

    Water. Heat. Quaking.
    Rupture in the palm of my hand...!

    Then, allow me to give you a reward. Water. Heat. Tremble. Split. Burst on top of my hands!

    Damage from Noble Phantasm 「そんなことがっ……?!」

    That worked...!?

    Such a thing?!

    Regular Damage 「ぁっ……?」



    Defeated 1 「予想外の出来事は……面白い───」

    An unexpected outcome. How curious...

    Unexpected incidents are amusing.

    Defeated 2 「遊びが過ぎました。次は少しだけ、真剣に……」

    I spent too much time amusing myself. Next time, I will take this just a bit more seriously.

    I played around too much. Next time I'll be just a bit serious.

    Defeated 3 「環境破壊は、程々に……」

    If you must destroy the environment, do so in moderation.

    Keep your environmental destruction in moderation.

    Battle Finish 1 「加減が分かりませんでした……。無作法、許されますよう?」

    I did not know how to restrain myself. I hope you'll forgive my rudeness.

    I didn't know restraint. You'll forgive my rudeness.

    Battle Finish 2 「満足です……。つい指も踊りました……」

    I am satisfied. Even my fingers had a chance to dance.

    I'm satisfied. I was fidgeting with my fingers without realizing it.

    Battle Finish 3 「もう終わり……。期待も希望も、そう叶うものではありませんね───」

    Over already... It seems my hopes and expectations came up short.

    It's over already… Neither my expectations nor my hopes were met…

    My Room
    Bond Lvl 1 「真祖とは星の精霊───その中でも最高純度の個体が私です。あなた達の言葉で言うのなら、『箱入り娘』……。いえ……『深窓の令嬢』に当たります。……なので俗世には詳しくありません。理解していただけますよう……」

    True Ancestors are Elementals of the planet.

    I am the purest individual among them.
    In your words, I am their pet daughter... No, a deeply guarded heiress would be more accurate.
    Thus, I am ignorant in the ways of the mortal world. I will endeavor to understand it.

    True Ancestors are Elementals of the planet. The inividual with the highest degree of purity among them is me. If I had to put it in your words I was a girl with a sheltered life… No, more like a closeted maiden. That's why I'm not versed about earthly life. I'd like you to understand it.

    Bond Lvl 2 「多くは望みません……。召喚者としての矜持を忘れぬように。……細やかに、気を回せ……というコトです」

    I do not desire much. I only ask that you do not forget your dignity as a summoner.

    Be mindful of your actions.

    I don't ask for much. Don't forget your pride as a summoner. Overthink things only a little.

    Bond Lvl 3 「二つのわたしが混ざっているため、出力調整がやや不安定なようです……。間違っても、私を光体にさせる事の無いように。……百年は語り継がれる恥辱、ですので……!」

    My ability to adjust my output is somewhat unstable due to being mixed with two other versions of myself.

    Whatever you do, do not attempt to make me assume my Lumina state.
    I wouldn't be able to live down the disgrace for a century, at least.

    Since the two mes are mixed together, my output regulations appear to be slightly unstable. Don't allow me to become a Luminous Body by mistake. Because it'll become a disgrace to be passed down for centuries.

    Bond Lvl 4 「姫とはいかなる時も涼やかであるもの───そう心がけてはいますが……ほんの少し、気が緩む事もあるでしょう。剣があったら、つい握ってみたくなるものでしょう?」

    A princess must always act as cool as the moonlight.

    I try to keep that in mind...
    But there are times when I slip and forget myself.
    When you see a sword, do you not unconsciously find yourself wanting to grasp it?

    A princess must be clear at all times. I have that attitude, but just a bit, I can also relax my mind. If there was a sword, you'd also want to try holding it unconsciously, wouldn't you?

    Bond Lvl 5 「私に主体性はありません。自然現象のようなものです……。善と悪、どちらに肩入れすることもありません。……ですが。───挫けることを振り払い、幾度、足に力を込める者達よ。その魂の音が響く限り……我が光は、カルデアの道を照らします───」

    Being similar to a natural phenomenon, I have no autonomy.

    I will never be partial to good or evil.
    However...I will move my limbs according to your words.
    For you who have faced despair, only to overcome it and tread once more into the horizon...
    As long as your soul plays its pulse, my light will illuminate Chaldea's way.

    I have no autonomy. I'm just like a natural phenomenon. I can't support either good or evil. However, you, who shake off discouragement, and put strenght on your feet again and again. As long as the sound of your soul echoes, my light will illuminate Chaldea's path.

    Dialogue 1 「戦闘ですね? 正しい作法を教えてあげます」

    Battle, yes?

    I will teach you the proper way to conduct it.

    Battle. I'll show you the corect method.

    Dialogue 2 「枷も鎖も不要です。私は誰にも従わず、従えませんので……。……ただ、そうですね……。エスコートだけは、忘れないように」

    I require no fetters or chains. I will never obey anyone, nor am I capable of doing so.

    Still... Ah, yes.
    Do not neglect to be my escort.

    Shackles and chains are uncalled for. I won't obey anyone, disobediently. Although, right. Just don't forget about escorting me.

    Dialogue 3 「マスターとの関係……? 数ある魔術師の一人……ですが。それが何か?」

    My relationship with you, Master...?

    You are one of many mages. What of it?

    My relation with Master? Just one of many mages… But what about it?

    Dialogue 4
    (Leonardo Da Vinci (Rider) or Leonardo Da Vinci (Ruler))

    Gran Cavallo. O child of nature.

    You are on a truly wondrous journey.
    The future you behold is certainly bright.

    Gran Cavallo. Child of Nature. What a really nice journey. The future you set your eyes on is really dazzling.

    Dialogue 5
    (BB or BB (Summer) or BB Dubai)


    Is this...a new form of humanity, born from serialized data entities?
    Even its main body is capable of vital functions without physical flesh...
    I see.
    That would allow you to endure a voyage among the cosmos.

    AI... A new humanity born from a body of continuous information? Vital functions without a real or physical body. …I see. With that you'll be able to endure a voyage in space.

    Dialogue 6
    (Sherlock Holmes & Clear Traum)

    The Great Detective... One who unravels mysteries...

    One could say that you are both the embodiment and endpoint of human nature.
    Though... You seem to be slightly too kind for that.

    A renowned detective. One who solves mysteries. Certainly, he could be said to be the condensation and result of humans' way of being. Although you seem to be a bit too kind.

    Dialogue 7
    (Nemo or Nemo (Santa))
    「海は少々苦手です……。……貴方は得意なのですね? キャプテン・ネモ。今度、泳ぎを教えていただけますか?」

    I find the sea slightly difficult to deal with.

    But it is your element, Captain Nemo.
    Would you teach me to swim sometime?

    The sea is a bit unpleasant. It's your forte, Captain Nemo. Would you teach me how to swim next time?

    Dialogue 8
    (Koyanskaya of Light or Koyanskaya of Darkness)

    A beast born from the bloodshed upon the earth.

    An Evil of Humanity who was worthy to be a Beast, but whose pride did not allow her to become one...
    Her emotions were powerful enough to make her reject her own completion...
    I wonder if I will ever know love that powerful...

    A beast born from the land's bloodshed. An Evil of Humanity who, despite being the vessel of a Beast, couldn't become a Beast due to her pride. Such emotion that she rejected her own completion… Did I ever know that much love?

    Something you Like 「好きなもの……。月光浴、でしょうか?」

    What I like...

    Basking in the moonlight, I suppose.

    Something I like… Moonbathing, perhaps?

    Something you Hate 「嫌いなもの……。……夢を見ない今の私、ですね」

    What I dislike...

    My current self, who does not dream.

    Something I hate… My current self, who isn't dreaming, perhaps.

    About the Holy Grail 「聖杯。黄金のさかかずき……。……貴重なものと聞きましたが、随分と小さいのですね? 人間の尺度では、その程度で願いが叶うのですか……? てっきり、クレーターほどのものかと思いました。……いえ。こちらの尺度の話です」

    The Holy Grail... A golden chalice.

    I've heard how valuable it is, but it's quite small.
    Is this enough to grant a wish, by human standards?
    I thought it would be at least as large as a crater.
    Ah, I was speaking of my own standards.

    The Holy Grail, the golden chalice. I heard it was a valuable thing, but it's quite small. Is that enough to grant wishes by human standards? I thought it'd surely be like a crater or something similar. …No, I was talking about my own standards.

    During an Event 「フェスティバルに行きましょう! 祭りの様子を眺めるのは……飽きました」

    Let us attend the festival.

    I am tired of only watching.

    Let's go to the festival. I'm tired of just watching how the festivities are going.

    Birthday 「ハッピーバースデー、というのですか? ……ありがとうございます。1年、よく生き延びましたね。……え? 『ありがとう』は、おかしい……? 『嬉しい』という気持ちは、このように言うと学びましたが……。では、改めて。───貴方が生まれているこの時代に、感謝を」

    Happy birthday, was it?

    Thank you. You've done well to survive another year.
    ...Huh? It's strange of me to thank you?
    I was taught to say this when I feel happy, though...
    In that case, once again...
    Allow me to express my gratitude for this era you were born in.

    Happy Birthday, is what I should say? …Thank you very much. You did well surviving 1 year. …Eh? Saying "thank you" is weird…? I learned to express the feeling of "I'm happy" like this…. Then, once again. ─── I'm thankful for this era in which you were born.

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