Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Uchiyama Kōki)


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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「サーヴァント、ルーラー。天草四郎時貞。誰かに似ています? 他人の空似というやつですよ。」

Ruler-class Servant. Amakusa Shirou Tokisada.

Do I look like someone you know?
I am sure it's only a coincidence.

Servant Ruler, Amakusa Shirō Tokisada. Do I resemble someone else? A mere coincidence.

Level Up 「レベルアップです。まだ頂上到達は先という訳ですか」

I've leveled up. I suppose that means I'm still a long way from the top.

Level up. I suppose that means I still have ways to go before I reach the summit.

1st Ascension 「ありがとうございます、マスター。もう少し共に戦えそうです」

Thank you, Master. I think I can continue to fight beside you a while longer.

Thank you, Master. I can fight by your side for a little longer.

2nd Ascension 「どうやら……凡庸な自分でも、まだ先に進めそうですね」

It seems even a mediocre man like me can still go a bit further.

It seems… even an inferior man like me can still walk a little further.

3rd Ascension 「マスター。どうやら未踏の領域に踏み入ったようです。正直わくわくしますね」

Master, it seems we have entered unexplored territory. It's exciting, to be honest.

We have reached unseen heights, Master. I am quite excited, to be honest.

4th Ascension 「本当にありがとう、マスター。ここはまさに、私という世界の果てです──」

Thank you very much, Master. This is indeed the end result of a world called "me."

Truly, I thank you, Master. We have reached the very ends of my world.

Battle Start 1 「───やれやれ。荒事は苦手なんですが、仕方ないか……」

Good grief. I'm not good at fighting, but I guess it can't be helped.

Good grief. I have no talent for rough stuff... but it can't be helped.

Battle Start 2 「戦闘向きのサーヴァントではないのですが……。マスターの頼みであれば、致し方ありませんか」

Although I am not a Servant suited for combat... If it is your request Master, then I have no choice.

Although I am not a Servant suited to combat… it cannot be helped if it is my Masters request.

Battle Start 3 「それでは……一つ、世界平和に向けて頑張ってみましょう」

Well then...let's work hard for world peace.

Now then...... First, let's work hard to achieve world peace.

Battle Start 4 「勝ちます。そうでなければ意味が無い───」

I will win. Or else there's no point.

We will win. If we don't, then there's no meaning to this───

Skill 1 「我が奇跡よ!」

Witness my miracle!

My miracle.

Skill 2 「見守りたまえ!」

Watch over us!

Watch over us!

Skill 3 「どうか安らぎを……」

May you have peace.

Please be at peace......

Skill 4 「此処に憐れみを……」

May you have mercy.

Have some mercy here......

Attack Selected 1 「はい」



Attack Selected 2 「では」

Now then.

Well then.

Attack Selected 3 「よろしい」

Very well.

Very good.

Noble Phantasm Selected 1 告げるセット──」



Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「行くとしますか───」

Shall we proceed?

Shall we proceed?

Noble Phantasm Selected 3 「───接続、起動。行きます!」

Connect, activate... Let's go.

───Connect, charge. Here I go!

Noble Phantasm Selected 4 「切り札の出しどころですね」

This is the time to pull out my trump card.

About time I show my trump card.

Attack 1 「はっ!」



Attack 2 「たあっ!」



Attack 3 「せいっ!」



Attack 4 「そこかっ!」


Over there!?

Attack 5 「まだまだ!」

I still have more!

Not yet!

Attack 6 「はっ!」



Extra Attack 1 「行くぞ!」

Let's go!

Here I come!

Extra Attack 2 「荒事は苦手だと言っているのに……!」

I keep saying I do not like fighting!

I already told you I'm not good at fighting......!

Extra Attack 3 「そこを退いて貰おう!」

I will have you move over!

Let's get you out of the way!

Noble Phantasm 1 「『天の杯ヘブンズ・フィール』、起動! 万物に終焉を───『双腕・ツインアーム・零次収束ビッグクランチ』!!」

Heaven's Feel activate,

bring an end to all things.
Twin Arm - Big Crunch!

Heaven's Feel begin. An end to all things. Twin Arm Big Crunch!

Noble Phantasm 2 「ヤコブの梯子が如く、我が夢に光明を。霊脈接続。世界に穴を穿て!『双腕・ツインアーム・零次収束ビッグクランチ』!!」

Just like Jacob's ladder, may light illuminate my dreams.

Connecting leylines and piercing the world.
Twin Arm - Big Crunch!

Like Jacob's ladder, light up my dream. Leyline connection. Bore a hole through the world! Twin Arm Big Crunch!!

Noble Phantasm 3 右腕うわん悪逆捕食イヴィルイーター左腕さわん天恵基盤キサナドゥマトリクス。───行くぞ!『双腕・ツインアーム・零次収束ビッグクランチ』!!」

Right Hand - Evil Eater, Left Hand Xanadu Matrix. Let's go!

Twin Arm - Big Crunch!

Right Arm, Evil Eater. Left Arm, Xanadu Matrix. Here I go! Twin Arm Big Crunch!!

Damage from Noble Phantasm 1 「───何ッ」



Damage from Noble Phantasm 2 「しまった……!」

Oh crap!

I'm done for.....!

Regular Damage 1 「くっ」



Regular Damage 2 「おっと」


Oh my.

Defeated 1 「私の事はいい。……先へ進みなさい、マスター」

Don't worry about me. Please go on without me, Master.

No need to be concerned about me… go on ahead, Master.

Defeated 2 「行き止るのは、悔しいものだな──」

It is frustrating...to find yourself unable to proceed further...

It is frustrating… to find yourself unable to proceed further…

Defeated 3 「此処で終わるものか……! まだだ、まだ……!」

This is not the place to end... Not yet...I can still stand...!

How could it end here......! No, not yet.......!

Defeated 4 「───嗚呼。少し、眠い……」

Ah...I'm a bit sleepy...

───Aah. I'm a bit, sleepy......

Battle Finish 1 「まあ、ひとまず良しとしましょう」

Well, that will do for now.

Well, that will have to do for now.

Battle Finish 2 「勝利が後々の敗北につながらないよう、気をつけましょう」

Let us take care that this victory does not lead to future defeats.

Let us take care that this victory does not lead to future defeats.

Battle Finish 3 「どうにかなりましたか。ではマスター、先に進みましょう」

Are things settled? Then let's move on, Master.

Somehow we've manage to do it. Now then Master, let's go forward.

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「マスター、何か用向きでしょうか」

Master, do you have need of me?

Master, do you have need of me?

Bond Lvl 2 「ありがとうございます、マスター。ですが、気を使ってもらわなくても……」

Thank you, Master. But, you need not concern yourself with me...

Thank you, Master, but you need not concern yourself with me…

Bond Lvl 3 「頼れる仲間がいるというのは、いいものですね。無論、マスターもその一人ですよ」

Having reliable companions is a good thing. Of course, I count you among them, Master.

Having reliable companions is a good thing. Of course, I count you among them, Master.

Bond Lvl 4 「私は世界を平和にしたい。その為に、利用出来るものは何でも利用するし、されてもいい。マスター、どうか私を利用してください」

I wish to make the world peaceful. In order to do that, I will use anything that can be used, and others can use me as well. Please use me, Master.

I wish for the world to have peace. For that purpose, I will use anything that can be used, and others can use me as well. Please, use me, Master.

Bond Lvl 5 「共に向かいましょう。世界の平和という果ての果てへ。大丈夫、私がついています」

Let us go together, so we may reach the ultimate goal of world peace. Do not worry. I am with you.

Let us walk together to the uttermost end of this world and find its peace. Do not worry. I am with you.

Dialogue 1 「マスター。そろそろ出かけないと、怒られますよ?」

Master, you'll get yelled at if you don't leave soon.

Master, we should depart soon, or we will get a scolding.

Dialogue 2 「ええ。貴方が正しく世界を救おうとする限り、私は貴方のサーヴァントです」

Yes, I am your Servant as long as you're honestly trying to save the world.

Yes, as long as you conduct yourself correctly in the salvation of the world, I am your Servant.

Dialogue 3 「問題ありません。理不尽な命令を行使されなければ、ですが」

No problem. As long as your commands aren't unreasonable.

There is no problem, as long as you do not assert unreasonable commands.

Dialogue 3
(Reach Bond Level 5 & Clear Interlude 1)
「マスターとはとても良い関係を築けている、と自負しています。私の願望も棚上げというわけです。慎ましく、部屋の掃除などもしてしまいますよ? ふふっ……」

I feel I have formed a good relationship with Master, if I do say so myself. My desires and wishes are shelved for now. I may even humbly clean your room, you know? Fufu...

I am confident that I've managed to build a very good relationship with Master. I plan to put my wish aside. I will even end up cleaning my room quietly or something, you know? Fufu......

Dialogue 4
(Jeanne d'Arc)

Oh? ...Never mind, it's nothing... The holy maiden and I have different views of the world, but it is certain that she wishes for peace as well.

Oh…? No, it is nothing. The holy maiden and I may have different views of the world, but it is certain that she wishes for peace as well.

Dialogue 5
(Hōzōin Inshun & Clear Shimosa)

Oh, Mr. Houzouin. Well now, if Miyamoto Musashi were here... We'd have a bit of a reunion. I won't say what kind, though.

Oh, Hōzōin-dono. Well then,if Miyamoto Musashi were here, we would pretty much be complete. I won't say WHAT would be complete though.

Dialogue 6
「最古の毒殺者とどういう縁があったか、ですか? 残念ながらそれは……秘密です。ふふっ……」

What connection do I have to the oldest poisoner, you ask?

Unfortunately, that is a secret. Ahaha.

What kind of relationship was there with the oldest poisoner? Unfortunately that is ... secret. Fu fu.

Dialogue 7
(Jeanne d'Arc Alter Santa Lily)

Ah, it's you, Jeanne Lily.

I'm glad to see you're still diligent in your role as Santa Claus.
May you cherish all wishes...no matter whose they may be.

Oh my, is that you, Jeanne Lily? It's good that you seems to be working hard at being Santa Claus as always. Please take care of the wishes. No matter whose wish it is.

Dialogue 8

I see. So there was a chance for him to come here as well. I suppose it's not surprising, since he won the Holy Grail, after all.

For the time being, I will keep my distance and not interfere with him. That's probably best for the both of us.

───I see. So there was a chance that he would come. After all, he was the one who attain the Holy Grail. No wonder. ───For now, let's not interfere. That would be better for both of us, don't you think?

Dialogue 9
(See the references[1])

Oh, everyone is here. It's been a while.

I feel better knowing you're all on my side again.

Oh my, everyone's here. Long time no see. It seems we are allies this time as well, that's assuring.

Dialogue 10

The Treacherous Knight... So you're here too.

Do not worry, I am just a Servant now.
All our issues in the past are water under the bridge, and we should work together from now on. I'd rather you not look at me like some suspicious thing. Hahaha.

The Knight of Rebellion. You are here as well? ───Oh no oh no, this time I'm just a mere Servant. Let us both let go of our past grudges, let bygone be bygone, and cooperate with each other...... I'm telling you it's quite vexing that you look at me like you're seeing something suspicious. Hah hah hah ha.....

Dialogue 11
(William Shakespeare)

Ah, if it isn't the great British playwright. Have you corrected your bad habit of writing tragedies?

Oh my, is this the great writer of Britain? Have you gotten better from the habit of writing tragedies?

Dialogue 12
(Fionn mac Cumhaill)

Is that Fionn mac Cumhaill?

He may act stupid, but he is strong almost on a genius level, and he can get out of control.
Why yes, I know from firsthand experience.

That's Fionn mac Cumhaill?.......He normally plays the fool, but he actually has great talents, that's why I just can't deal with him.───Yes. You would know it very well......

Dialogue 13
(Irisviel (Dress of Heaven))

Ah, an Einzbern homunculus.

There's nothing I need to comment on in particular, but it does pain me to realize how truly powerless I am...

───Ah. That's Einzbern's Homunculus...... No, there isn't anything particular about her. It's just when I look at her, I realize how much lacking my capability is.....

Dialogue 14
(Grigori Rasputin)
    Something you Like 「すべてが慈しまれる世界が好きです。そこに辿り着くことがないとしても」

    I love a world where all is cherished. Even if such a world cannot be reached.

    I love a world where all is cherished, even if such a world cannot be reached.

    Something you Hate 「圧政、蹂躙、虐殺。そう言ったものは何もかも、私が忌み嫌うものです」

    Oppression, domination, slaughter. I feel nothing but abhorrence for such things.

    Oppression, domination, slaughter. I feel nothing but abhorrence for such things.

    About the Holy Grail 「聖杯にかける望み? ありますが、秘密です」

    My wish for the Holy Grail? ...I have one, but it's a secret.

    Do I have a wish for the Holy Grail? I do, but it is... a secret.

    During an Event 「何かあったみたいですよ。いかがいたします?」

    It seems something has happened. What will you do?

    It seems something has happened. Shall you go?

    Birthday 「誕生日おめでとうございます。はい、花束です」

    Happy birthday. Here, a bouquet.

    Happy birthday. Please, have this bouquet.


    1. One of the following Servants:
      S014A1Icon S085A1Icon S206A1Icon S034A1Icon S199A1Icon S050A1Icon


    Disclaimer: Before adding Translations, Please leave a comment with source and proof of permission
    Occasion Japanese English Audio
    Phantom Thief Amakusa Shirō 「怪盗モード! 天草四郎時貞です! やがて捕縛され罪が裁かれるその日まで……! とりあえず怪盗しますねー」

    I am Amakusa Shirou Tokisada, in phantom thief mode.

    Until the day comes when I am caught and convicted, I will continue thieving.

    Battle Start 1 「怪盗・天草四郎時貞、華麗に参上! まあ、盗むのは悪いことですが」

    Phantom Thief Amakusa Shirou Tokisada appears before you!

    Battle Start 2 「怪盗ですが、とくに悪びれず真名を明かしましょう───天草四郎時貞、参りますッ!」

    I may be a phantom thief, but I have no qualms about revealing my True Name. Amakusa Shirou Tokisada, heading out!

    Battle Start 3 「テンション、ガン上げで参ります! 天草です! イィヤッホォウ!!」

    I am Amakusa, and I will charge ahead! Yahoo!

    Skill 1 「盗みます」

    I shall steal.

    Skill 2 「予告です」

    This is a warning.

    Skill 3 「お土産です」

    A gift for you.

    Skill 4 「確かに頂戴しました」

    I humbly accept.

    Attack Selected 1 「怪盗」


    Attack Selected 2 「見参……!」


    Attack Selected 3 「盗みます」

    I shall steal.

    Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「では、宝具で」

    With my Noble Phantasm.

    Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「怪盗ですが、それはそれとして」

    I may be a phantom thief, but let's set that aside.

    Noble Phantasm Selected 3 「更地にしちゃいますねー」

    Let's clear this land.

    Noble Phantasm Selected 4 「99.9%勝ちます!」

    There's a 99.9% chance of winning!

    Attack 1 「ハッハッハッハッハッハッハァ!」


    Attack 2 「すみませんねぇ!」

    My apologies!

    Attack 3 「ぃよしッ!」


    Attack 4 「やります!」

    I shall do it!

    Attack 5 「そうれ!」

    Take that!

    Attack 6 「盗みます……!」

    I shall steal!

    Extra Attack 1 「スティーーールッ!」


    Extra Attack 2 はしりますッ!」

    I shall run!

    Extra Attack 3 「怪盗ターーーイムッ!」

    Phantom Thief time!

    Damage from Noble Phantasm 「あいたたたたたっ……」


    Regular Damage 「ちょっと、痛いですね……」

    That hurt a bit.

    Defeated 1 「怪盗として……恥じぬ、戦いを……くはっ」

    A battle worthy of a phantom thief...ungh.

    Defeated 2 「すみませんが、後はお任せします……」

    Sorry, but I leave the rest to you...

    Defeated 3 「怪盗失敗……。申し訳ありません……トホホぉ……」

    Phantom thievery failed. I apologize...darn.

    Defeated 4
      Battle Finish 1 「私の勝利です! では、戴いていきますね?」

      I win. I will take what you have.

      Battle Finish 2 「怪盗・天草四郎時貞! 頑張りましたッ!」

      Phantom Thief Amakusa Shirou Tokisada...I did my best!

      Battle Finish 3 「Foo……! 危うく消えるところでした……☆」

      Phew...I was at risk of disappearing...

      My Room
      Dialogue 1
      (Carmilla (Rider))
      「……っ! どうやらライバルの怪盗もいるようですね……。しかも予告状付き・犬付き・車付きとは……! なかなかの贅沢ぶりです。負けませんよぉ、ええ……!」

      Hm. There appears to be a competing phantom thief around here. And she has her own calling card, a dog, and a car. That is quite extravagant. But I won't be one-upped.

      About Costume Dress 「いかがでしょう、マスター。何か盗みましょうか? 具体的には、聖杯とか。……ダメですか」

      What do you think, Master? Shall I steal something? Perhaps a Holy Grail?

      That's not necessary...?


      Disclaimer: Before adding Translations, Please leave a comment with source and proof of permission
      Occasion Japanese English Audio
      Slapstick Museum
      Dialogue 1 「どうもどうも、怪盗天草四郎時貞です。怪盗なのにショップとは……はっはっは、いやはやいやはや」

      Hello, hello. I am the phantom thief, Amakusa Shirou Tokisada.

      A phantom thief running a shop?
      Hahaha, no point asking questions.

      Dialogue 2 「ようこそ、いらっしゃいませ。さて、何がお望みでしょうか。……救済とか?」

      Welcome to the shop.

      Now what do you desire?
      Perhaps salvation?

      Dialogue 3 「こちらが礼装です。身に着けて行かれますか? 礼装は身に着けないと、意味がありませんからね」

      Here's the Craft Essence.

      Would you like to equip it? There's no point having one if you don't use it.

      Dialogue 4 「夢のような怪盗時間も、これにて終了です。ですが、まだ何か未練があるようでしたら、付き合いますよ?」

      My phantom thieving days, which were like a dream, are over.

      But if there is some unfinished business, I will assist.

      Dialogue 5 「おや、忘れ物ですか? ではどうぞ店内へ。焦る必要はありませんよ」

      Oh? Forgot something?

      Then please step into the store. There is no need to feel rushed.

      Dialogue 6 「こちら予告状です。ふふ、特に時間も場所も品物も決まっていませんが……」

      Here is a calling card.

      Fufu...though I don't have a specific time, place, or item in mind yet...

      Dialogue 7 「二枚目の予告状です。貴方宛てですよ、もちろん」

      Here is the second calling card.

      It's addressed to you...obviously.

      Dialogue 8 「三枚目の予告状。さて、そろそろ何を盗み出すか、予告しましょうか。……何を盗まれたいですか? 『特に何もない』。ですよねー」

      The third calling card.

      I suppose it's time to decide what to steal...
      What would you like to have stolen?
      Nothing in particular?
      I figured that would be your answer.

      Dialogue 9 「四枚目、ですね? 場所は当然マスターの部屋です。時刻は深夜……と言いたいのですが、教育と発育に悪影響があるので、日中にしましょう」

      The fourth card.

      The location is obviously going to be your room, Master. The time: midnight...
      At least that's what I want to say, but that would be detrimental discipline and healthwise to you, so let's do it at midday.

      Dialogue 10 「五枚目の予告状、さて……え? 『貴方のハートを盗むとか言い出さないか』ですか? はっはっは。まさかそんなべたなセリフを言うわけがないでしょう。はっはっは、あっはっはっはっは……。さてと……」

      The fifth card. Now then...

      Eh? You're anticipating me saying something like "I will steal your heart"?
      Hahahaha, I would never say something so generic. Hahahaha.

      Dialogue 11 「六枚目の予告状です。こういうのはどうでしょう。……私は他ならぬ、貴方全てを盗みに来たのだと。貴方の幸福も不幸も、喜びも悲しみも、それらを含めた全てを……。というわけで、ご一緒にお茶でもいかがですか、マスター?」

      This is the sixth card.

      Perhaps this statement will be more fitting...
      I have come to steal you entirely. Everything about you, including your happiness and sadness...your joy and sorrow, and everything in between.
      ...And with that in mind, would you care to have some tea with me, Master?

      Dialogue 12 「そして、最後の予告状となります。ここまで付き合っていただいて、ありがとうございます。『結局盗めたものは無かった』ですか? いえいえ、とんでもない。貴方の貴重な時間を、私のために使っていただきましたから。……つまりは“貴方の時間”それが私の盗んだものですよ。親しい者と、何の衒いもなく語り合う。それは、宝石のように貴重なものです。そう思いませんか?」

      And this will be the final calling card.

      Thank you very much for sticking around for so long.
      You're saying I ended up stealing nothing...?
      Oh no. That's far from the truth.
      You used your precious free time to be with me, which means the thing that I managed to steal was your time.
      The act of speaking to those close to you without hesitation...that in itself is very valuable, like jewelry.
      Don't you agree?

      DialogueIcon Dialogue Related Servants

      The following Servants have related dialogues to this Servant (sorted alphabetically):
      S410A1Icon S305A1Icon S096A1Icon S274A1Icon S186A1Icon S106A1Icon S141A1Icon S059A1Icon S030A1Icon S405A1Icon S185A1Icon S260A1Icon S199A1Icon S208A1Icon S409A1Icon S184A1Icon S052A1Icon S034A1Icon S187A1Icon S404A1Icon
