Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
(VA: Sakamoto Maaya)
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「僕はアレキサンダー。


My name is Alexander.

And you can also call me Alexander the Third.
Of course other nicknames are welcome too.

Level Up 「あ。いま僕、成長した?」

Huh, did I just get stronger?

1st Ascension 「いい感じ。ありがとうマスター!」

I like this feeling. Thank you, Master!

2nd Ascension 「これを続けると、どうなるのかな?」

I wonder how much stronger I can get...

3rd Ascension 「全盛期ってわけじゃないけど……これすごくいいよ、マスター」

Hey, it's not like the golden age,

but at least it's something.
Thanks, Master.

4th Ascension 「行け、ブケファラス! 我が蹂躙はここから始まる!」

Go, Bucephalus! The trampling begins now!

Battle Start 1 「行くよ、ブケファラス。蹂躙を始めようじゃないか!」

Time to start trampling,


Battle Start 2 「経験豊富なはずなのに新鮮な気分ってのは、不思議だね」

Even though I have plenty of experience on the battlefield, this is new to me.


Battle Start 3 「なるべく長く戦いたいな。勉強になるもの」

I want to fight as much as I can! I can learn so much from it!

Skill 1 「さてと……行くよ!」

Shall we get going?

Skill 2 「こういう時はこう、かな!」

I'll counter with this!

Skill 3 「いざ参らん! ははっ」

Charge! Ahahaha!

Attack Selected 1 「分かった」


Attack Selected 2 「行こう!」

Let's go!

Attack Selected 3 「いざ!」


Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「今が勝機、かな」

Victory is within our grasp!

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「ああ、僕もそう思ってたんだ」

Oh, I was thinking the same thing.

Attack 1 「やっ!」


Attack 2 「はっ!」


Attack 3 「せえいっ!」

Take this!

Attack 4 「あっははははは!」


Attack 5 「たああっ!」


Attack 6 「こんな感じかな!」

Like this?

Extra Attack 1 「隙だらけだよ、君!」

You're wide open!

Extra Attack 2 「はああああああっ! ゼウスよ!」

Haaah! O Zeus!!!

Noble Phantasm 1
(Before Apr/22/2019)

For the place I shall reach one day,


Noble Phantasm 1 「いずれ彼方へ至るため──今こそ此処に、一歩を刻まん! 『始まりの蹂躙制覇ブケファラス』!!」

For the place I shall reach one day!

Now is the time...for me to take my first step...

Noble Phantasm 2 「暗雲よ、いかずちよ、父よ、見るがいい! 『始まりの蹂躙制覇ブケファラス』!!」

O cloud of darkness! O lightning! O father!


Damage from Noble Phantasm 1 「うあぁぁぁーっ!」



Damage from Noble Phantasm 2 「すごいな……すごいよ……!」

Amazing...just amazing!

Regular Damage 1 「ぐうっ!」


Regular Damage 2 「あいったたぁ」


Defeated 1 「この姿じゃ、これがいいところ、かな……」

In this form...

I guess this is as far as I can go...

Defeated 2 「悔しいな、思ってたより……!」

It's even more...frustrating...

than I thought...it would be...

Defeated 3 「参ったな……うん。参った……」

You got me... Yeah, I give up.

Battle Finish 1 「アリストテレス先生の言うとおりだったな」

The result is exactly as Mr. Aristotle said it would be...

Battle Finish 2 「面白かった! ハハッ、君、悪くなかったよ」


you were pretty good.

Battle Finish 3 ときの声には、まだ早いかな」

Is it too early for a war cry?

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「マスターのあるサーヴァントとしての現界はこれが初めてじゃないよ。うん、前にもあるんだ」

This is not my first time being a Servant to a Master.

That's right, it happened before.

Bond Lvl 2 「聖杯戦争に関わるのも……うん、初めてじゃない。これで何回目になるのかな……2回? あー、3回? どうだったかな」

It's not my first time fighting in a Holy Grail War.

How many times has it been, actually?
Two? Three? I can't remember...

This isn't my first time fighting in the Holy Grail war. I think this may be my second... Or third.. Hmm, I wonder which it is.

Bond Lvl 3 「ごめんねマスター、頭では分かってても、どうしても、マスターに仕える気持ちだけは生まれない。君の事は好きだよ、でもね」

My apologies, Master.

Despite understanding the concept, I just can't seem to grasp the feelings of serving.
I like you, but...

Bond Lvl 4 「僕は王。ううん、王になる僕の若かりし形。王は誰にも仕えない。だから君とは……そうだな──」

I am a king.

Or should I say I will be a king.
Kings serve no one, so I guess...

I am a king. No, rather, the boyhood form of the one who will become king. A king is ruled by no one. Therefore, the relationship between you and I is... hmm...

Bond Lvl 5 「君には臣下っていうよりも……先生になってほしいかな。それが僕の本音。マスターとサーヴァントじゃなくてね」

I want you to be like a teacher, rather than a retainer.

Not Master and Servant. Those are my true feelings.

I want to evolve. This is a request from me to you sensei not as a master or servant.

Dialogue 1 「僕はいつでも行けるよ。君はどうかな?」

I'm ready to go when you are.

I'm ready to go whenever. What about you?

Dialogue 2 「君がマスター、僕がサーヴァント──うん、わかってる。初めてじゃないしね」

You are the Master, I am the Servant.

I know this.
It isn't my first time.

You are my master and I am your servant. Hmm....yes I understand that since this isn't my first time fighting.

Dialogue 3 「何だい? マスター」

What is it, Master?

Dialogue 4 「あははは……くすぐったいよぉ」

...Ha ha ha, that tickles.

Ahahaha, it tickles!

Dialogue 5 「僕の体? あーうん、鍛えてるよ。結構ね」

My body?

Oh yes, I train quite hard.

My body? Ah, yes, I do train it. Quite a lot.

Dialogue 6 「イリアス、どこかにない?」

Where did my copy of the Iliad go?

Is Iliad not here?

Dialogue 7 「面白いね。ここも、君も」

Interesting, both you and this place.

Everything's so interesting! You, this place, everything!

Dialogue 8 「誰かに仕える感覚、実はよくわからないんだ。だから僕が君に抱くのは、友人みたいな感覚なんだ。大人の僕なら、そこは臣下だ、というのかなぁ」

I actually don't understand this position of serving others. I feel more like you're a friend to me. But I'm sure the grown-up me might say you're like a retainer.

Quite honestly I don't really know what it's like to serve someone. So I feel as if you're more like a friend. My grown-up self would probably say "That's what being a loyal subject is all about."

Dialogue 9
(Zhuge Liang (Lord El-Melloi II))
「ああっ、先生! いたいた。今日も色々教えてくれるよね?」

Oh, my teacher!

There you are. You're going to teach me a lot again, right?

Ah, Teacher! There you are. Are you going to teach me lots of things today too?

Dialogue 10
「大きいなぁ! 大人の僕、ホント大きい! それに強そうだよね、うんうん!」

So big...the grown-up me is so big.

And he looks so strong!
Yep, yep.

So huge! My grown-up self is really huge! And he looks so strong too, yes he does!

Dialogue 11
「アキレウスだ……! 一目見ればわかるさ! ほら、だって……! ああ……正真正銘、本物のアキレウス……! 何て言って話しかければいいんだろう……!」

It's Achilles!!!

Of course I recognize him! Because you know...ooh, he's the REAL Achilles! What should I say to him!?

It's Achilles......! Even at a glance I can tell it's him! I mean, because......! Ah......It's really him......! What should I say to him......!

Dialogue 12
(Hector or Penthesilea & True Name Revealed)
「緊張? ちょっと違うかな。興奮してるんだ、僕。だって、あのイリアスに記された伝説の勇者たちがいるんだよ。興奮しないはずがないさ!」

Am I nervous, you ask?

Not really. I'm actually excited. All the legendary heroes written about in the Iliad are right here in front of me! There's no way I wouldn't be excited!

Am I nervous, you ask? No, it's slightly different. I'm excited. I mean, there are so many legendary heroes gathered here who are straight from the pages of the Iliad! There's no way I wouldn't be excited!

Dialogue 13
「うん? 僕に何か用? それとも大人の方の僕に用かな?」

Hm? Do you want something from me? Or are you looking for the grown-up me?

Yes? May I help you? Or are you looking for my grown-up self?

Dialogue 14
(Gaius Julius Caesar or Cleopatra)
「可愛い? うん、知ってる。可愛くて、びっくり? ああ、なるほど。君は大人の僕のファンなんだね」

I'm cute, you say? Yeah, I know.

Surprised I'm so cute? Oh, now I get it. You must be a fan of the grown-up me.

You think I'm cute? Yeah, I know I am. "I'm shocked you're this cute!", you say? Ah, that explains it. So I take it you're a fan of my grown-up self then.

Dialogue 15
「へぇ! 君、先生の弟子なんだ! じゃあ僕とは同門だ。ははっ! そういう事にしよう。その方が面白い」

Oh, you must be one of my teacher's students.

That means you and I are classmates!
Ahaha! Let's just leave it at that, since it's more fun that way!

Wow! So you're my teacher's disciple! In other words, we're like fellow classmates. Haha! Let's make it that way. Things will be more fun like that.

Something you Like 1 「君、好きなものはある? 僕には沢山あるよ」

I like a lot of things,

how about you?

Do you have anything you like? I've got so many things!

Something you Like 2 「僕? 僕は好きなものが沢山あるんだ。嫌いなものより好きなものの方が多いかな。本もそうだし、馬も好きだ。ギリシャも好き。海も好きさ!」

There's a lot of things I like.

It's a longer list than things I dislike.
Books, horses, and Greece.
And I also like the sea...

Me? I like many things. I probably like more things than I hate. I like books, and horses. I also like Greece. And the ocean!

Something you Hate 1 「君は、嫌いなものってある?」

What do you hate?

What do YOU hate?

Something you Hate 2 「僕、嫌いなものはあまりないんだ。本当だよ。今はね」

There's not much I dislike. It's true.

At least for now.

There are very few things I actually hate. It's true! For now, anyway.

About the Holy Grail 「聖杯か……。この姿の僕は、それほど求めてはいないんだけどね」

Holy Grail, huh. Let's just say,

"the current me" doesn't really want it that much.

The Holy Grail? Well, in this form I don't really strive for it.

During an Event 「僕も行ってみたいな……。ほら、今何かが起きてるだろ?」

I would like to go too.

Something's happening, right?

I want to go see too! Listen, something's going on out there right now!

Birthday 「誕生日、おめでとう! お祝いの宴、華やかにやるべきだね」

Happy birthday.

We should have a lavish feast to celebrate!

Happy birthday. We should have a lavish feast to celebrate!

DialogueIcon Dialogue Related Servants

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