Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Level Up 1 こぼれるほど、下さいな──」

Give me more...so much that it overflows...

Please give enough for me to overflow.

Level Up 2 「ごめんなさい。我慢できなくって」

Sorry, I couldn't contain myself.

I am sorry. I just can't hold it back anymore.

Level Up 3 「あなたは、私のともしび

You are the torch that lights my way.

You are my torchlight

1st Ascension 「これが、セイレムの魔女としての私。どうか怖がらないでね、マスター」

This is me, as the witch of Salem...

Please do not be frightened, Master.

This is, me as the Witch of Salem. Please, don't be afraid of me, Master.

2nd Ascension 「神様の息吹を感じるわ」

I feel the breath of God...

I feel the breath of God.

3rd Ascension 「もう、抑えきれないわ……この世全ての門を繋ぐフォーリナーの力。世界を救うも壊すも──マスター次第よ」

I cannot hold it back any longer!

The power of the Foreigner that connects all gates of this world...
Whether to save or destroy this world... That is up to you, Master.

I can't contain it anymore… The great power that connects all the gates in this world. To save or destroy this world, it depends on Master.

4th Ascension 「さあ来てマスター! 私の世界へ! この境界の眺めを楽しんで! あなたならきっと……耐えられるわ」

Now come, Master.

To my world.
Enjoy the view here at the boundary...
I'm sure you, of all people, can endure the sight...

Now come, Master! To my world! Enjoy the view of this boundary! If it's you, you'll surely… be able to withstand it.

Battle Start 1 「我は門を知れり。なんじ、見ることあたわず」

I know of the gate, while you shall never see it...

I've become aware of the gate. Thou shan't see it.

Battle Start 2 「いあ、いあ! ふふふふ……」

Iä iä...tee hee...

Ia, Ia! Fufufufu...

Battle Start 3 「あはっ! いいのね、マスター?」

Hehe...are you sure, Master?

Ahah! Isn't this nice, Master?

Skill 1 「お父様……」

O Father...


Skill 2 「ああ、待って。もうすぐよ……」

Ah, please wait. It's almost time...

Aah, wait. Just a bit more...

Skill 3 「うっふふ、お好きになさって」

Hehehe... Do as you wish.

Ufufu, have it your way.

Skill 4 「イブトゥンク……ヘフイエ……ングルクドゥルゥ」

Y'bthnk h'ehye n'grkdl'lh


Attack Selected 1 「いいわ」


Right on.

Attack Selected 2 「面白そう」

How exciting...

Seems interesting.

Attack Selected 3 「もっとよ」



Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「あなたの魔力、注ぎ込んで」

Pour more of your magical energy into me...

Your magical energy, pour it into me.

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「我は禁断の秘鑰ひやく──導くものなり!」

I am the forbidden key...the one who will guide you...

The forbidden key---I am the one that shows the way to it.

Noble Phantasm Selected 3 「解き放ちましょう」

Let's unleash it.

I shall unleash it.

Attack 1 「はっ!」



Attack 2 「うふふふ」



Attack 3 「苦しめ」



Attack 4 「これでどう?」

How do you like this?

How's this?

Attack 5 「苦痛をあげる……!」

I'll give you pain...

I'll grant you pain.

Extra Attack 1 「あはははははは……!」



Extra Attack 2 「開け。門よ」

Open the gate!

Open, the gate.

Noble Phantasm 「イグナ……イグナ……トゥフルトゥウクンガ。我が手にしろがねの鍵あり。虚無よりあらわれ、その指先でれたもう。我が父なる神よ。我、その真髄を宿す写し身とならん。薔薇の眠りを越え、いざ窮極きゅうきょくの門へと至らん! ───『光殻湛えし虚樹クリフォー・ライゾォム』」

Ygnaiih... ygnaiih... thflthkh'ngha!

I hold the silver key.
Come forth from nothingness, open the lock... Oh Father, my God.
I will become an incarnation of its essence.
Moving beyond the sleep of roses, the realm of dreams, we arrive at the final gate!
Qliphoth Rhizome!

Ygnailh... ygnaiih thflthkh'ngha...

The Silver Key in my hand, materialized from the void and touched by these fingertips. The god that is my Father... I will be the one in whom that essence dwells...! Pass beyond the sleep of roses, and arrive at the Final Gate!
Qliphoth Rhizome.



Damage from Noble Phantasm 「──あぁ、痛かった」

Ah, that hurt.

Oh, it hurts.

Regular Damage 「うふふ」



Defeated 1 「いや……いやぁ……助けて、お父様……」

Iä...iä... Help me...Father...

No...Noo...Help me, Father…

Defeated 2 「首吊りは嫌よ……!」

I don't want to be hanged...

I don't want to be hanged...

Battle Finish 1 「もっともっと、楽しませてね」

Entertain me more...

Make it more entertaining.

Battle Finish 2 「あはは! 悪くなかったわ」

Ahaha, that wasn't bad.

Haha! It was not bad.

My Room
Dialogue 1 「今日はどこへ門を開きましょうか」

And which gate shall I open for you today?

Where should we open the door today?

Dialogue 2 「私があなたの鍵となるわ」

I will be your key...

I will be your key.

Dialogue 3 「痛いほど手を握って……! それだけでいいの」

Hold my hand until it hurts... That's all I want.

Grip my hand hard enough for it to hurt. That, alone, is enough.

Dialogue 10
(Abigail Williams (Summer))

Hm...so our Spirit Origins are of a kind.

(Teehee) I just thought some something splendid. No, never mind, Master. I hope we get another break sometime soon.

Hmm..... A Spirit Origin this close to me. Ufufu, I've thought of a very good idea. Nah, it's nothing, Master. I can't wait until it's time to sleep──

Something you Like 「パンケーキもいいけど、マスターはお酒って飲んだことあるかしら? 体に悪いから、きっと美味しいのね。いいなあ……いいなぁ……」

Pancakes are nice...but have you ever tasted alcohol, Master?

If it's bad for you, it must be delicious...
Awww, I want some! I want some!

Pancakes are nice, but have you ever drank alcohol, Master? It's bad for our health, so it must taste good. I wish I can have them... I sure do.

Something you Hate 「マスター。私、犬が怖いの、震えるほど。吠えるし、噛み付かれるし、つい──黙らせてしまいそうになるし」

I'm afraid of dogs, Master. I get so frightened that I tremble...

They bark and bite...
And I have this urge to silence them...

Master, I'm afraid of dogs. To the extent that I'll tremble in fear. They bark at me, snap at me, and - make me want to silence them in spite of myself.

During an Event 「なんだかにぎやかね……私もお呼ばれしたいなぁ……」

It sounds so wild...

I wish I had been invited...

It's somewhat lively, isn't it. I want to be invited too.
