Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
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Occasion Japanese English Audio
Summoned 「こんにちは!


I'm Abigail...Abigail Williams.
I am a For...Foreigner... And you're my Master?
You can call me Abby for short if you like.
I'm sure we'll be good friends.

Hello! I'm Abigail--- Abigail Williams. I'm from the, Fo...reigner...class. Are you the Master? If it's okay with you, please call me Abby. I believe we'll quickly become friends.

Level Up 1 「ありがとう、マスター!」

Thank you, Master.

Thank you, Master!

Level Up 2 「助けは、来たり」

Help has...come.

Help is coming.

Level Up 3 「わあ、嬉しいなあ」

This makes me happy.

Wah, I'm so happy.

Battle Start 1 「争いは、嫌いなの──」

I don't like conflict...

I dislike conflict...

Battle Start 2 「すぐに終わらせましょうね」

Let's try to make this quick...

Let's get this over with quickly.

Battle Start 3 「せめて、苦しみのないように」

At the very least...may they not suffer...

At least, I hope you are not in pain.

Skill 1 「いけない子だわ……」

I'm such a bad girl...

Such a naughty girl...

Skill 2 「私は悪くない……」

It's not my fault...

It's not my fault...

Skill 3 「お祈りしましょう」

Let us pray.

Let's pray.

Skill 4 罪人つみびとはどなた──?」

Which one is the sinner?

Who is the wrongdoersinner?

Attack Selected 1 「ええ!」



Attack Selected 2 「やってみる」

I'll try it.

I'll try it.

Attack Selected 3 「うん」



Noble Phantasm Selected 1 「ああ……神様」

Oh, God...

Ah, God.

Noble Phantasm Selected 2 「マスターは悪い人だわ……」

Master, you're bad...

Master is a bad man...

Noble Phantasm Selected 3 「みんな死ぬのね──」

So everyone's going to die...

Everybody dies, right?

Attack 1 「えいっ!」



Attack 2 「やっ」



Attack 3 「ダメだったらっ!」

Please no!

It's no good!

Attack 4 「来ないでっ!」

Don't come near me!

Stay away!

Attack 5 けてえぇ!」

Please dodge!

Dodge it!

Extra Attack 1 「嫌ぁ!」



Extra Attack 2 「ごめんなさい……!」

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Noble Phantasm 「我が手にしろがねの鍵あり。虚無よりあらわれ、その指先でれたもう。我が父なる神よ。薔薇の眠りを越え、いざ窮極きゅうきょくの門へと至らん! 『光殻湛えし虚樹クリフォー・ライゾォム』っ!!」

I hold the silver key.

Come forth from nothingness and open the lock... Oh Father, my God.
Moving beyond the sleep of roses, the realm of dreams, we arrive at the final gate!
Qliphoth Rhizome!

The Silver Key held in my hand, materialized from the void and touched by these fingertips. God, the Father. Pass beyond the sleep of roses, and arrive at the Final Gate. Qliphoth・Rhizome (The Hollow Tree Brimming with Husks of Light)!



Damage from Noble Phantasm 「……ぅくぅ!? どうして、こんなことするのぉ……っ!」

...Ungh. Why...would you do...that?

...Kh!? Why, is such a thing…!

Regular Damage 「きゃあっ!」



Defeated 1 「これで、いいの……」

This is...for the best...

With this, it's enough...

Defeated 2 「ごめんね……」


I'm sorry...

Battle Finish 1 「私は、魔女じゃない──」

I'm not a witch...

I'm, not a witch.

Battle Finish 2 「見てくださった? マスター!」

Did you see me, Master?

Were you watching? Master!

My Room
Bond Lvl 1 「このとりでにいると、自分がよそ者って感じて……。この先、馴染めるのか心配で、胸が張り裂けそう……。まぁ、一緒にお祈りしてくださるの? ありがとう、マスター!」

Being here in this fortress makes me feel like an outsider...

I'm not sure if I can adapt, and it pains me...
Oh? You'll pray with me?
Thank you, Master.

Being in this fortress, I feel like an outsider… I'm worried if I can get familiar with everybody from now on and my chest feels like it's going to burst open… You'll pray with me? Thank you, Master!

Bond Lvl 2 「ごきげんよう、マスター! さみしくない、と言ったら嘘になるかしら。でも、ここの暮らしにも慣れてきたわ。以前は怖い人ばかりと震えてたけれど、みんなとてもいい人ね!」

Hello, Master.

I'm not lonely... No, that's a lie.
But I'm getting used to living here.
At first, I thought everyone here was scary, but they're actually nice people!

Nice to meet you, Master. "I'm not lonely", I wonder if I said that would it be a lie. Even so, I got used to life here. Before, I could do nothing but tremble at the sight of somebody scary, but everyone is nice here, aren't they.

Bond Lvl 3 「マスター、マスター! 私、もっとあなたの力になりたい! 近頃は毎日楽しいの! あなたの喜びは、私の喜びよ!」

Master! Master!

I want to help you out more!
It's been so much fun lately!
Your happiness is my happiness.

Master, Master! I want to become your strength even more! Recently, every day is fun! Your joy is my joy!

Bond Lvl 4 「んぅ……ちゃんとマスターが見ていてくれないと私、いけない子になってしまいそう。あんまり遠くへ行かないでね? マスター」


If Master doesn't keep an eye on me, I feel like I could turn naughty...
Please don't leave me alone, Master.

If Master doesn't look after me properly, I'll end up an immoral girl. Don't go too far, okay? Master.

Bond Lvl 5 「迷える時も、孤独に震える時も、あなたはそばにいてくださった。今度は、私があなたを支えると誓うわ。でもね……時々は、あ、甘えさせてほしいの……」

Even when I was lost, or trembling in loneliness, you were always with me.

Now it's my turn to promise to support you...
But, you know what...
I would still like to...be coddled sometimes...

When I was lost, when I was trembling alone, you were there for me. This time, I swear I'll be the one supporting you.But, you see… I, I'd like to be spoiled sometimes.

Dialogue 1 「日々のお勤めに感謝を捧げます、マスター」

Thank you for working so hard every day, Master.

I give you my thanks for everyday, Master.

Dialogue 2 「本当はとてもさみしいの……」

I'm really very lonely...

Actually, it's really lonely...

Dialogue 3 「静かにお祈りをする時間も大切だわ」

Taking time for silent prayer is important...

Making time for quiet prayer is important too.

Dialogue 4

(Heavy sigh)

I didn't expect the great King David to be so...um, uninhibited...
I feel like it's shaking my faith to the core...
He's a nice person...but whenever he plays that harp...

Haa~... To think the valiant King David was that uninhibited gentleman… My faith is being shaken at its foundations… He is a good-natured person...when he's playing on his harp.

Dialogue 5
(Gilles de Rais)

Mr. Gilles de Rais talks to me a lot, and he's always so kind...

I wonder why...

That Gilles de Rais-san in the black coat is really kind when it comes to me. I wonder why…?

Dialogue 6
(Thomas Edison)

Mr. Lion taught me all about how Massachusetts became part of the United States of America.

His lesson took six whole hours...

Massachusetts became a part of the federal state called America, right? Lion-san taught it to me. ...In the end, listening to that story took 6 hours.

Dialogue 7

I'm still scared...of Geronimo...

But he seems to be a nice person...
I hope someday I can talk to him properly...

I'm still scared of Geronimo-san… But, he looks like a very earnest person so I'd like to be able to have a talk with him eventually.

Dialogue 8
(Queen of Sheba & True Name Revealed)

I speak to Tituba...I mean, the Queen of Sheba quite often.

But whenever I ask about King Solomon, she always changes the subject.
She says if I want to know more, it would really cost me. I bet she's just embarrassed.

I have a chat with Tituba...no, with the Queen of Sheba frequently. But, when I ask about King Solomon, she immediately dodges the question. "From this point on, I'll be charging you", just what is that. Fufu, I'm sure she was embarrassed.

Dialogue 9
(Katsushika Hokusai)
「私と同じフォーリナー。日本ジパングの凄腕の画家さんね。絵を描いているときの迫力には圧倒されちゃうわ。……えっ? 嫉妬なんかじゃないったら。もぅ~」

There's another Foreigner like me.

She's a very talented artist from Zipang.
Whenever she draws, I'm overwhelmed by her intensity... Hm? No, I'm NOT jealous, okay?

-"A Foreigner like me, an incredible[1] artist from Japan,[2] huh...! The vigor (she) draws with really is overwhelming! Eh? I'm not jealous or anything...~"

Dialogue 10
(Katsushika Hokusai (Saber))
「カタナがお得意な北斎さん……あいえ、お若い頃のお栄さんは、『ヨミホン』という伝奇小説がとてもお好きで、お茶の時間によく読み聞かせてくださるの! あざやかな身振りも交えて真剣に朗読されるお栄さんったら、私よりもハラハラドキドキされているみたい! ふふ!」

Hokusai, the master of the katana.

Well, the young Oei loves these classical Chinese short stories, and they're called "yomi-hon" in Japanese. She often reads them to me at tea time. She tells them so seriously and gets so animated, I feel like she is more into the stories than me. Ufufufu.

Hokusai-san who is skilled with katana....Ah, no, it's just when Oei-san was young, she really loves this type of fictional novel called "Yomihon", so she often reads it to me during tea time! Since she reads it with such skillful motions mixed with earnest recitation, it looks like she is even more thrilled and excited than I am! Fufu!

Something you Like 「好きなもの好きなもの……うん、よくぞ聞いてくださいました! やっぱりまずはパンケーキ! ふわっふわのパンケーキにとろっとろのバター! カリッカリに焼いたベーコンを載せていただくとたまらないわ! あ、それと熱々のグレイビーソースをかけたマッシュポテト! これも断然外せないわ、ええ!」

What I like, what I like...

Oh, thank you for asking!
Pancakes most of all!
Nice fluffy pancakes with melted butter on top!
It would be even better with some crispy bacon, too!
Oh, and a mashed potatoes smothered in piping hot gravy!
I can't forget about those, nope!

Something I like, something I like… Mhm, please listen to this well! As expected, first of all, it's pancakes! Soft and fluffy with thick butter! Having crisply roasted bacon with it is out of this world! Ah, and mashed potatoes covered in piping hot gravy sauce! You absolutely can't leave this out, yes!

Something you Hate 「わ、私は魔女じゃないわ。あなたが魔女よ……だって、魔術師なんですもの。でも、それもマスターと一緒なら、悪くない、かも」

I...I'm not a witch.

YOU are the witch.
Because you said you were a mage...
But if I'm with you, Master, it may not be so...bad...

I, I'm not a witch. You're the witch… after all, you're something like a magician. But, together with Master, that isn't something bad either, I guess.

About the Holy Grail 「こうしてサーヴァントになれたのも何かの思し召しよ。諦めないわ! この世界にどうか、安らぎと信頼を」

It must be divine providence that led to me becoming a Servant.

I'm not going to give up.
I will pray for peace and harmony in this world.

Now that I've become a Servant too, I thought of something. I won't give up! Please, may this world be blessed with peace and faith.

During an Event 「あっ……何かしら、お祭りかしら!? 一緒にお出かけしましょう? マスター!」

Is there some sort of festival?

Let's go together, Master.

Ah… What's this, I wonder, a festival!? Shall we be on our way? Master!

Birthday 「Happy birthday to you~♪ Happy birthday master~♪ Happy birthday dear master~♪ Happy birthday to all~♪」

Happy birthday to you♪

Happy birthday Master♪
Happy birthday, dear Master♪
Happy birthday to all♪


  1. Could also mean 'resourceful', but 'incredible' applies more here
  2. She refers to Japan as Zipangu, an old derivation term for Japan first coined by Marco Polo