Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
ServaFes2023 actualbanner

Event Duration: August 11, 2023 23:00 ~ September 1, 2023 12:59 JSTServant Summer Festival! 2023
Title: Serva★Fes: Servant Summer Festival 2023!

  • Requirements: Clear Fuyuki
  • Event Map: Everlasting Summer Fae Territory - Hawatoria (常夏精霊領域 ハワトリア??)

ServaFes2023 Prologue


New Servants and Craft Essences

2023 Summer Servants

2023summer castoria
2023summer chloe
5 Class-Berserker-Gold Artoria Caster (Berserker) 4 Class-Avenger-Gold Chloe von Einzbern (Avenger)
2023summer suzukagozen
4 Class-Rider-Gold Suzuka Gozen (Summer Vacation) 4 Class-Archer-Gold UDK-Barghest
4 Class-Pretender-Gold Cait Cú Cerpriestess 5 Class-Ruler-Gold Mélusine (Ruler)

2023 Summer Event Reward Servant

2023summer cnocnariabh
4 Class-Foreigner-Gold Cnoc na Riabh Yaraan-doo

2023 Summer Costume Dresses

Oberon costume
Gawain costume
5 Oberon: Refreshing Summer Prince (爽やかサマー・プリンス??) 4 Gawain: Scion of Summer (夏の御曹司??)
Tristan costume
Lancelot costume
4 Tristan: Chicken of Luluhawa (ルルハワの鶏??) 4 Lancelot (Saber): Strongest Knight of Summer (夏の最強騎士??)

New Mystic Code: Summer Street

Summer2023 MysticCode

Event Schedule

Quest Types Release Date
Main Quest Act 0 ~ 3
Delivery Quests
Mini Scenario
Free Quests
August 11, 23:00 ~ September 1, 12:59 JST
Main Quest Act 4 ~ 6
Free Quests
August 13, 18:00 ~ September 1, 12:59 JST
Main Quest Act 7 ~ 8
Free Quests
August 15, 18:00 ~ September 1, 12:59 JST
Main Quest Act 9 ~ 11
Delivery Quests
Mini Scenario
Free Quests
August 16, 18:00 ~ September 1, 12:59 JST
Main Quest Act 12 ~ Epilogue
Mini Scenario
Free Quests
Cnoc na Riabh Yaraan-doo Unlocked Permanently
August 17, 18:00 ~ September 1, 12:59 JST

Event Mechanics

  • Similar to Servant Summer Festival! 2018, there will be various Circles attending the event.
    • Unlike the previous ServaFes, Circle's progress gauge is not accumulated through Event Points, but by completing Delivery Quests
    • These quests requires special Event Items to start, instead of AP.
    • Filling up the Circle's progress gauge will level it up, granting bonuses during the event itself.
      • Eg: Busterupstatus Buster Up during event battles
    • The Bonuses granted by Circle Level can also be amplified by using the As Thin as a Narrow Strait Event CE.
  • Main Quests are timegated.
  • Event Reward SR Cnoc na Riabh Yaraan-doo will be unlocked Temporarily at the beginning of the event story, and will become permanent after clearing the final event story quest.
    • Clearing the Epilogue of the event will unlock quests that rewards NP Level Up Copies of the said Servant.
  • This Event has a Mission System.
  • Challenge Quest is unlocked after clearing the Epilogue

Chaldean Broadcaster Lite ~Serva Fes 2023~ Commemoration Login

  • Duration: August 11, 2023 4:00 ~ August 18, 2023 3:59 JST
  • Present: Saintquartz14
  • Requirements: Clear Fuyuki

Event Commemoration Login Bonus

  • Duration: August 11, 2023 18:00 ~ September 1, 2023 12:59 JST
  • Requirements: Clear Fuyuki
Cumulative Login 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Present Golden Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple
Cumulative Login 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Present Golden Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple
Cumulative Login 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
Present Golden Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple Silver Apple

Cnoc na Riabh Yaraan-doo EXP x2 during Synthesis

Knocknarea EXPtimes2

Event Bonus Servants

Event Servants
Damage Bonus Bond Bonus Servant
S386A1Icon S390A1Icon S389A1Icon
S123C2Icon S121C1Icon S122C1Icon S391A1Icon S387A1Icon S385A3Icon S388A1Icon S316C1Icon S392A1Icon
S302A1IconStage 1 Only S317A1Icon S213C1Icon S264A1Icon S354A1Icon S006C1Icon S221A1Icon S290A1Icon S176A1Icon S227C1Icon S129A1Icon S216A1Icon S318A1Icon S131A1Icon S286A1Icon S011C1Icon S180A1Icon S262A1Icon S013C1Icon S128A1Icon S217A1Icon S134A1Icon S288A1Icon S266A1Icon S181A1Icon S206C1Icon S179A1Icon S182A1Icon S263A1Icon S322A1Icon S291A1Icon S132A1Icon S273C1Icon S025C1Icon S175A1Icon S150C1Icon S145C1Icon S319A1Icon S358A1Icon S130A1Icon S249C1Icon S218A1Icon S159C1Icon S267A1Icon S133A1Icon S361A1Icon S359A1Icon S360A1Icon S177A1Icon S117C1Icon S355A1Icon S261A1Icon S178A1Icon S219A1Icon S323A1Icon S287A1Icon S265A1Icon S357A1Icon S135A1Icon S320A1Icon S321A1Icon S096C1Icon S356A1Icon S297C1Icon S285A1Icon S220A1Icon S289A1Icon S222A1Icon S353A1Icon
for all party members

Event Craft Essences
CE1901 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
As Thin as a Narrow Strait

ATK: 250/1000
HP: 400/1600

  • Arts +8%
  • Buster +8%
  • Damage Cut -100
  • Start NP +30%

  • Amplify Circle Buffs
CE1902 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
The Ephemeral Ones

ATK: 500/2000
HP: 0/0

  • Quick +10%
  • NP Gain +10%
  • Start Stars +15

  • Curry of Knowledge Energy Drink of Instincts Steak of Emotions Drop +1
Event Command Codes
CC149 ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Wolfmaiden of the Sun
  • Engraved Card's Critical Damage +30% when battlefield is Sunlight
CC148 ★ ★ ★ ★
  • Engraved Card Ignores Defense Buffs
  • Gain 2 Stars when attacking with Engraved Card
CC147 ★ ★ ★
Sisterly Saintess' Follower
  • When engraved on Arts Card, engraved card's Critical Damage +10% and Gain 1 Star when attacking with Engraved Card

ServantSummerFestival2023 Map1

Summer2023 prestream
Broadcast Title Chaldean Broadcaster Lite Ver. ~Servant Summer Festival! 2023~
Fate/Grand Order カルデア放送局 ライト版 ~サバフェス2023~
Broadcast Date August 10, 2023 20:45 ~ JST
Twitter Periscope


  • 20:45 ~ : pre program
  • 21:00 ~ : main program


Alpond Grand Total: 5470
Item Trade Limit Individual Cost Total Cost
Soda Ice-Cream
Clear Act 4 (Part 2) to Unlock
1 100 100
CEIcon1901 2 200 400
CEIcon1902 2 200 400
CostumeIcon Gawain Scion of Summer 1 200 200
CostumeIcon Oberon Refreshing Summer Prince 1 200 200
CostumeIcon Oberon Vortigern Moody Summer Oberon
Clear Epilogue to Unlock
1 200 200
VVV Stick
Clear Epilogue to Unlock
1 100 100
Crystallized Lore 1 400 400
Genesis Egg 10 30 300
Spiritroot 10 30 300
Ether Photon Converger 20 15 300
Obsidian Edge 30 10 300
Clear Epilogue to Unlock
16 20 320
SpiritTourLeaf10 25 10 250
Archer monument 20 20 400
Rider monument 20 20 400
Berserker monument 20 20 400
AllHpUpIcon4 1 200 200
AllAtkUpIcon4 1 200 200
CodeRemover 1 100 100
QPicon10,000 N/A 2 N/A

Kona Beans Grand Total: 3.500
Item Trade Limit Individual Cost Total Cost
CEIcon1901 2 200 400
CEIcon1902 2 200 400
CostumeIcon Lancelot (Saber) Strongest Knight of Summer 1 200 200
CostumeIcon Simple Costume: Scáthach-Skaði (Ruler) Verdant Summer Goddess
Clear Act 4 (Part 2) to Unlock
1 200 200
VVV Stick 1 100 100
Crystallized Lore 1 400 400
Talon of chaos 20 20 400
Primordial Lanugo 20 20 400
Phoenix Plume 20 20 400
Scales of Fantasies 20 15 300
Clear Epilogue to Unlock
16 20 320
SpiritTourLeaf10 25 10 250
Archer piece 20 20 400
Rider piece 20 20 400
Berserker piece 20 20 400
AllAtkUpIcon4 1 200 200
CodeRemover 1 100 100
Alpond N/A 10 N/A

Tropical Nuts Grand Total: 3.600
Item Trade Limit Individual Cost Total Cost
CEIcon1901 2 200 400
CEIcon1902 2 200 400
CostumeIcon Tristan Chicken of Luluhawa 1 200 200
CostumeIcon Simple Costume: Chloe von Einzbern (Avenger) Serious Mode 1 200 200
VVV Stick 1 100 100
Seashell of Reminiscence 20 15 300
Infinity Gear 20 15 300
Permafrost Ice Crystal 20 15 300
Void's Refuse 30 15 450
Clear Epilogue to Unlock
16 20 320
SpiritTourLeaf10 25 10 250
AllHpUpIcon4 1 200 200
AllHpUpIcon3 20 20 400
AllAtkUpIcon3 20 20 400
AllExp5 50 10 500
AllExp4 100 6 600
AllExp3 100 3 300
Kona Beans N/A 10 N/A

Curry of Knowledge Grand Total: 3.600
Item Trade Limit Individual Cost Total Cost
QPicon10,000 N/A 50 N/A

Energy Drink of Instincts Grand Total: 3.600
Item Trade Limit Individual Cost Total Cost
QPicon10,000 N/A 50 N/A

Steak of Emotions Grand Total: 3.600
Item Trade Limit Individual Cost Total Cost
QPicon10,000 N/A 50 N/A

Act 0

0. Master, Do you Dream of Luluhawa? (Prologue)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0
MCIcon Summer Street MMCIcon Summer Street F Summer Street

Act 1

1. Master, Do you Dream of Luluhawa?
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Luluhawa Airport
ルルハワ空港 1.マスターはルルハワの夢を見るか?
Luluhawa Airport 1. Master, Do you Dream of Luluhawa?
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 0
(0 per AP)
(380 per AP)
(110 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= CityCity
Available NPCS S123C2IconLvl 80, NP3 S121C1IconLvl 80, NP3 S122C1IconLvl 80, NP3 S388A1IconLvl 80, NP3 S387A2IconLvl 80, NP3 S386A1IconLvl 80, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 M・C・B
Lvl 21 Class-Berserker-Gold 30,615 HP
Lvl 10 Class-Berserker-Silver 9,013 HP
Lvl 10 Class-Berserker-Silver 9,013 HP
Lvl 10 Class-Berserker-Silver 9,013 HP
Lvl 10 Class-Berserker-Silver 9,013 HP
Lvl 10 Class-Berserker-Silver 9,013 HP
Notable Drops Energy Drink of Instincts3
  • LIMITED: Party is fixed with NPC Servants and position cannot be modified.
  • Start of battle, M・C・B summons 5 more smaller M・C・B
  • M・C・B: PowerupPowerupTooltip for 25px|link= Ar-Ar-Artoria: Deals Extra Damage against units with Round Table Knight-trait.

Waikiki Street
ワイキキストリート 1.マスターはルルハワの夢を見るか?
Waikiki Street 1. Master, Do you Dream of Luluhawa?
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 165
(33 per AP)
(380 per AP)
(110 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= CityCity
Available NPCS S123C2IconLvl 80, NP3 S121C1IconLvl 80, NP3 S122C1IconLvl 80, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 Blazing Fae
Lvl 16 Class-Caster-Gold Lifebar1 8,909 HP
Lifebar0 12,472 HP
Blazing Fae
Lvl 17 Class-Caster-Gold Lifebar1 9,462 HP
Lifebar0 13,246 HP
Blazing Fae
Lvl 16 Class-Caster-Gold Lifebar1 8,909 HP
Lifebar0 12,472 HP
Notable Drops Lamp of Demon Sealing Tropical Nuts3
  • LIMITED: There will be 3 NPC Servants in the party, and up to 3 more of own Servants can be placed in the party. Position can be modified.
  • Blazing Fae:
    • PowerupPowerupTooltip for 25px|link= Flaming Fae: Deals extra damage against units with Burn Burn-status
    • DebuffatkDebuffatkTooltip for 25px|link= Flaming Fae: Low Chance to inflict Burn Burn-status on the target upon attacking
    • Lifebar0 Hot Wind: Inflict 3x Burn Burn-status on all party members

Waikiki Street
ワイキキストリート 1.マスターはルルハワの夢を見るか?
Waikiki Street 1. Master, Do you Dream of Luluhawa?
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 165
(33 per AP)
(380 per AP)
(110 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= CityCity
Available NPCS S388A2IconLvl 80, NP3 S387A2IconLvl 80, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 M・C・B
Lvl 10 Class-Berserker-Silver 9,702 HP
Lvl 10 Class-Berserker-Silver 9,702 HP
Lvl 10 Class-Berserker-Silver 9,702 HP
Lvl 21 Class-Berserker-Gold 33,676 HP
Lvl 10 Class-Berserker-Silver 9,702 HP
Lvl 10 Class-Berserker-Silver 9,702 HP
Notable Drops Energy Drink of Instincts3 Tropical Nuts3 (x3)
  • LIMITED: There will be 2 NPC Servants in the party, and up to 4 more of own Servants can be placed in the party. Position can be modified.
  • M・C・B: PowerupPowerupTooltip for 25px|link= Ar-Ar-Artoria: Deals Extra Damage against units with Round Table Knight-trait.

Waikiki Street
ワイキキストリート 1.マスターはルルハワの夢を見るか?
Waikiki Street 1. Master, Do you Dream of Luluhawa?
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 165
(33 per AP)
(380 per AP)
(110 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= CityCity
Available NPCS S386A1IconLvl 90, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 Cait Cú Cerpriestess
Lvl 15 Class-Pretender-Gold Lifebar1 66,800 HP
Lifebar0 80,160 HP
Notable Drops
  • LIMITED: There will be 1 NPC Servant in the party, and up to 5 more of own Servants can be placed in the party. Position can be modified.
  • Cait Cú Cerpriestess:
    • DefenseupDefenseupTooltip for 25px|link= Priestess of an Enshrined Deity: Increased Defense against attacks from units with Burn Burn-status on them
    • DelayedBuffDelayedBuffTooltip for 25px|link= Priestess of an Enshrined Deity: Chance to inflict Burn Burn-status (1 turn) on the attacker upon receiving damage

Act 2

Summer2023 Hotel
ホテル 2.クエスチョンが多すぎる
Hotel 2. Too Many Questions
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0
Opens ServaFes Venue Quest Node

Summer2023 Hotel
ホテル 2.クエスチョンが多すぎる
Hotel 2. Too Many Questions
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Summer2023 Hotel
ホテル 2.クエスチョンが多すぎる
Hotel 2. Too Many Questions
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 215
(43 per AP)
(480 per AP)
(191 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= CityCity
Available NPCS S386A1IconLvl 90, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 Napoléon
Lvl 19 Class-Archer-Gold Lifebar1 15,789 HP
Lifebar0 29,322 HP
Lvl 24 Class-Archer-Silver Lifebar1 12,849 HP
Lifebar0 23,863 HP
Robin Hood
Lvl 33 Class-Archer-Silver Lifebar1 14,164 HP
Lifebar0 26,305 HP
Notable Drops Yggdrasil Seedx2 Stimulus Gunpowder Archer piecex3 Curry of Knowledge3 x3
  • Lifebar0
    • Robin Hood: CritchnupCritchnupTooltip for 25px|link= Critical Chance Up: Arts
    • David: ResistanceupResistanceupTooltip for 25px|link= Debuff Resistance Up
    • Napoléon: BusterupstatusBusterupstatusTooltip for 25px|link= Buster Up

Waikiki Street
ワイキキストリート 2.クエスチョンが多すぎる
Waikiki Street 2. Too Many Questions
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Diamond Head
ダイヤモンドヘッド 2.クエスチョンが多すぎる
Diamond Head 2. Too Many Questions
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 215
(43 per AP)
(480 per AP)
(191 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS S386A1IconLvl 90, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 Mountain Deity
Lvl 25 Class-Lancer-Silver 52,110 HP
Miss Dynamite
Lvl 15 Class-Lancer-Gold 38,628 HP
Bouncer's Older Brother
Lvl 13 Class-Lancer-Gold 41,638 HP
Notable Drops Yggdrasil Seed AncientBellOfTranquilityIcon Hero's Proof Lancer piecex3 Steak of Emotions3 x3
  • Bouncer's Older Brother:
    • BuffregenBuffregenTooltip for 25px|link= Everlasting Summer's Sunlight: Drains all party member's HP at the end of each turn [Does not Affect "Summer Mode Servants"]
  • Miss Dynamite:
    • NpgainturnNpgainturnTooltip for 25px|link= Dynamite Body: Charge 1 tick of NP gauge per turn
    • DebuffatkonselfDebuffatkonselfTooltip for 25px|link= Dynamite Body: Inflict Instant Death on Self upon using NP to attack
  • Mountain Deity:
    • BuffWhenDefeatBuffWhenDefeatTooltip for 25px|link= Law of the Jungle: Recover own HP upon defeating a unit
    • AttackupAttackupTooltip for 25px|link= Law of the Jungle: Attack Up

Waikiki Beach
ワイキキビーチ 2.クエスチョンが多すぎる
Waikiki Beach 2. Too Many Questions
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 215
(43 per AP)
(480 per AP)
(191 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= WatersidefieldWatersidefieldTooltip for 25px|link= CityCity
Available NPCS S386A1IconLvl 90, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 Ibaraki Dōji
Lvl 28 Class-Lancer-Gold 33,143 HP
Tamamo no Mae
Lvl 23 Class-Lancer-Gold 36,267 HP
Edmond Dantès
Lvl 25 Class-Avenger-Gold 47,788 HP
Notable Drops Ghost lanternx2 Seashell of Reminiscence Unlucky bone Lancer piecex2 Energy Drink of Instincts3 Curry of Knowledge3 Steak of Emotions3
  • Edmond Dantès:
    • PowerupPowerupTooltip for 25px|link= Blazing Disaster: Increased damage against units with Burn Burn-status
    • DebuffatkDebuffatkTooltip for 25px|link= Blazing Disaster: Low Chance to inflict Burn Burn-status when normal attacking
    • DelayedBuffDelayedBuffTooltip for 25px|link= Blazing Disaster: Chance to inflict Burn Burn-status on the attacker when receiving damage
  • Tamamo no Mae:
    • HpregenHpregenTooltip for 25px|link= Tidal Disaster: HP Recovery Rate Up
    • DmgResistUpDmgResistUpTooltip for 25px|link= Tidal Disaster: Increased Resistance against Attacks from units with Offensive Buffs <Scales with the number of Offensive Buffs on the attacking unit>
    • BuffregenBuffregenTooltip for 25px|link= Tidal Disaster: Drains the HP of all party members at the end of each turn
  • Ibaraki Dōji:
    • BuffregenBuffregenTooltip for 25px|link= Cursed Disaster: Every 2 turns, chance to debuff random 1 party member with "Drain own NP gauge per turn" status OR Skill Seal

Summer2023 Hotel
ホテル 2.クエスチョンが多すぎる
Hotel 2. Too Many Questions
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0


Act 3 (1/4)

Chunchun Pavilion
ちゅんちゅん亭 3.同盟の逆襲(Ⅰ) 1/4
Chunchun Pavilion 3. The Alliance's Counterattack (I) 1/4
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 315
(63 per AP)
(680 per AP)
(438 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link=

Available NPCS S025A1IconLvl 65, NP3 S219A1IconLvl 80, NP3 S042A2IconLvl 70, NP3 S386A1IconLvl 80, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 Yaraan-doo
Lvl 36 Class-Foreigner-Gold Lifebar1Lifebar2 71,313 HP
Lifebar1Lifebar0 90,762 HP
Mr. Someone
Lvl 35 Class-Saber-Gold Lifebar1 64,405 HP
Lifebar0 81,970 HP
Notable Drops


Unlocks Event Shop and Mission List

Act 3 (2/4)

Chunchun Pavilion
ちゅんちゅん亭 3.同盟の逆襲(Ⅰ) 2/4
Chunchun Pavilion 3. The Alliance's Counterattack (I) 2/4
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Waikiki Beach
ワイキキビーチ 3.同盟の逆襲(Ⅰ) 2/4
Waikiki Beach 3. The Alliance's Counterattack (I) 2/4
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 315
(63 per AP)
(680 per AP)
(438 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= WatersidefieldWatersidefieldTooltip for 25px|link= CityCity
Available NPCS S121C1IconLvl 80, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 Sharktoria
Lvl 17 Class-Berserker-Bronze 13,803 HP
Faerie King on Incognito
Lvl 34 Class-Pretender-Gold 55,450 HP
Lvl 16 Class-Berserker-Silver 16,485 HP
Lvl 17 Class-Lancer-Bronze 10,868 HP
Lvl 24 Class-Caster-Bronze 12,330 HP
Lvl 16 Class-Lancer-Bronze 10,838 HP
Notable Drops Scales of Fantasiesx2 Tropical Nuts3 x3 Curry of Knowledge3
  • STARTING ONLY: Mashu Kyrielight must be in the party. NPC Lancelot (Saber) is fixed in the party. Max party size is 3.
  • At the start of the battle, Faerie King on Incognito summons 5 more other units to the battlefield. Maximum of 3 enemy units can be on the battlefield simultaneously.
  • Faerie King on Incognito:
    • InvincibleInvincibleTooltip for 25px|link= As long as there are other units on the same side, Faerie King on Incognito has Invincibility & Has Resistance Against All Types of Damage & Has Debuff Immunity

Waikiki Beach
ワイキキビーチ 3.同盟の逆襲(Ⅰ) 2/4
Waikiki Beach 3. The Alliance's Counterattack (I) 2/4
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Unlocks the Circles Progress System
Unlocks Various Circles' Mini Scenario Quests

Act 3 (3/4)

Reach at least Lv.3 for any one Circle
Summer2023 Hotel
ホテル 3.同盟の逆襲(Ⅰ) 3/4
Hotel 3. The Alliance's Counterattack (I) 3/4
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Act 3 (4/4)

Obtain at least 3 Volumes of Doujinshi

Chunchun Pavilion
ちゅんちゅん亭 3.同盟の逆襲(Ⅰ) 4/4
Chunchun Pavilion 3. The Alliance's Counterattack (I) 4/4
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

ServaFes Venue
サバフェス会場 3.同盟の逆襲(Ⅰ) 4/4
ServaFes Venue 3. The Alliance's Counterattack (I) 4/4
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 315
(63 per AP)
(680 per AP)
(438 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= BurningfieldBurningfieldTooltip for 25px|link= CityCity
Available NPCS S389A1IconLvl 80, NP3 S386A1IconLvl 80, NP3 S121C1IconLvl 80, NP3
Grand Battle 1/1 Blazing Enshrined Deity Burnunnos
Lvl 20 Class-Saber-Gold Lifebar1 356,324 HP
Lifebar0 407,228 HP
Notable Drops
  • Blazing Enshrined Deity Burnunnos:
    • PowerupPowerupTooltip for 25px|link= Blazing Disaster: Deals extra damage against units with Burn Burn-status
    • DebuffatkDebuffatkTooltip for 25px|link= Blazing Disaster: Apply Burn Burn-status (3 turns, 300HP/turn) upon normal attacking
    • DelayedBuffDelayedBuffTooltip for 25px|link= Blazing Disaster: Apply Burn Burn-status (3 turns, 300HP/turn) upon receiving attacks
    • Lifebar0 Charges own NP gauge to MAX

Act 4 (Part 1)

Summer2023 Hotel
ホテル 4.ハワトリアのひみつ(そのいち)
Hotel 4. The Secret of Hawatoria (Part 1)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0
VVV Stick S389A1IconTemporary
Unlocks VVV Stick in the Event Shop

Act 4 (Part 2)

Drought Wastelands
日照りの荒野 4.ハワトリアのひみつ(そのに)
Drought Wastelands 4. The Secret of Hawatoria (Part 2)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 365
(73 per AP)
(780 per AP)
(763 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= ForestfieldForestfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS S386A1IconLvl 80, NP3 S121C1IconLvl 80, NP3
Battle 1/2 Hawatoria Chicken
Lvl 16 Class-Berserker-Silver 32,948 HP
Demon Boar
Lvl 19 Class-Berserker-Silver 38,985 HP
Giant Hermit Crab
Lvl 22 Class-Saber-Bronze 33,639 HP
Battle 2/2 Giant Hermit Crab
Lvl 23 Class-Saber-Bronze 35,088 HP
Violent Kangaroo
Lvl 28 Class-Berserker-Silver 41,204 HP
Hawatoria Chicken
Lvl 17 Class-Berserker-Silver 34,872 HP
Notable Drops Sunscale Tropical Nuts3 x5
  • At the start of Battle 2/2, all units from both side gains Burn Burn-status (10 turns)

Western Forest
西部の森 4.ハワトリアのひみつ(そのに)
Western Forest 4. The Secret of Hawatoria (Part 2)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Summer2023 Hotel
ホテル 4.ハワトリアのひみつ(そのに)
Hotel 4. The Secret of Hawatoria (Part 2)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Unlock Soda Ice-Cream in the Event Shop
Unlock CostumeIcon Verdant Summer Goddess in the Event Shop

Act 4 (Part 3)

Obtain Soda Ice-Cream
Waikiki Beach
ワイキキビーチ 4.ハワトリアのひみつ(そのさん)
Waikiki Beach 4. The Secret of Hawatoria (Part 3)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Act 5

Western Forest
西部の森 5.夜の森に雨の降る
Western Forest 5. Raining in the Forest of Night
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 365
(73 per AP)
(780 per AP)
(763 per AP)
WatersidefieldWatersidefieldTooltip for 25px|link= ForestfieldForestfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS S386A1IconLvl 80, NP3 S388A2IconLvl 80, NP3 S121C1IconLvl 80, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 Lightweight Animal
Lvl 27 Class-Berserker-Silver 35,447 HP
Middleweight Animal
Lvl 28 Class-Berserker-Silver 41,207 HP
Heavyweight Animal
Lvl 29 Class-Berserker-Silver 46,202 HP
Super-Heavyweight Animal
Lvl 30 Class-Berserker-Silver 51,440 HP
The Remnants of a World Destroyer
Lvl 45 Class-Saber-Gold 74,223 HP
Notable Drops Void's Refuse Kona Beans3 Tropical Nuts3 x4
  • Second Out: All 4 animals have a hidden Guts status, after it triggers, the unit retreats.

Western Forest
西部の森 5.夜の森に雨の降る
Western Forest 5. Raining in the Forest of Night
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Witch House
魔女の家 5.夜の森に雨の降る
Witch's Dwelling 5. Raining in the Forest of Night
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 365
(73 per AP)
(780 per AP)
(763 per AP)
Available NPCS S122C1IconLvl 80, NP3 S386A1IconLvl 80, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 Baobhan Sith the Rain Witch
Lvl 40 Class-Pretender-Gold 223,080 HP
Notable Drops Tiny Bell of Amnestyx2 Steak of Emotions3

Witch House
魔女の家 5.夜の森に雨の降る
Witch's Dwelling 5. Raining in the Forest of Night
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0


Act 6

Obtain at least 5 Volumes of Doujinshi

Witch House
魔女の家 6.同盟の逆襲(Ⅱ)
Witch's Dwelling 6. The Alliance's Counterattack (II)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

ServaFes Venue
サバフェス会場 6.同盟の逆襲(Ⅱ)
ServaFes Venue 6. The Alliance's Counterattack (II)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Summon Ticket1

Act 7

Opens after August 15, 2023 18:00 JST

Bristin Hotel
ブリスティンホテル 7.Brilliant Week (Ⅰ)
Bristin Hotel 7. Brilliant Week (I)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Bristin Beach
ブリスティンビーチ 7.Brilliant Week (Ⅰ)
Bristin Beach 7. Brilliant Week (I)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 415
(83 per AP)
(880 per AP)
(1,138 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= WatersidefieldWatersidefieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS S387A2IconLvl 80, NP3 S354A2IconLvl 80, NP3 S123C2IconLvl 80, NP3
Battle 1/1 Demonic Monkey
Lvl 21 Class-Berserker-Bronze 31,595 HP
Lvl 23 Class-Lancer-Bronze 29,053 HP
Grey Wolf
Lvl 28 Class-Rider-Bronze 20,307 HP
Violent Kangaroo
Lvl 16 Class-Berserker-Silver 46,490 HP
Lvl 24 Class-Lancer-Bronze 30,252 HP
Grey Wolf
Lvl 29 Class-Rider-Bronze 20,957 HP
Demonic Monkey
Lvl 22 Class-Berserker-Bronze 33,017 HP
Violent Kangaroo
Lvl 17 Class-Berserker-Silver 49,314 HP
Grey Wolf
Lvl 30 Class-Rider-Bronze 21,606 HP
Notable Drops Kona Beans3 x4 Tropical Nuts3 x5
  • LIMITED: The 3 NPC Servants will be in the party, with their position modifiable.

Race Venue
レース会場 7.Brilliant Week (Ⅰ)
Race Venue 7. Brilliant Week (I)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 415
(83 per AP)
(880 per AP)
(1,138 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS S390A1IconLvl 80, NP3 S354A2IconLvl 80, NP3 S123C2IconLvl 80, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 Hill Fur Ogre
Lvl 36 Class-Alterego-Gold 159,017 HP
Land Fur Ogre
Lvl 34 Class-Pretender-Gold 141,617 HP
Notable Drops Octuplet Twin Crystalsx2 Kona Beans3 x2
  • LIMITED: NPC Mélusine (Ruler) is fixed in the first position of the party.
    • Start of battle, NPC Mélusine (Ruler) charges her NP gauge to 200% and gains DefenseupDefenseupTooltip for 25px|link= Defense Up
  • Hill Fur Orge:
    • AttackupAttackupTooltip for 25px|link= Attack Damage Up
    • GutsstatusGutsstatusTooltip for 25px|link= Guts [1 time, Revive with 10,000 HP]
  • Land Fur Ogre:
    • CritchnupCritchnupTooltip for 25px|link= Critical Chance Up
    • GutsstatusGutsstatusTooltip for 25px|link= Guts [1 time, Revive with 10,000 HP]

Bristin Hotel
ブリスティンホテル 7.Brilliant Week (Ⅰ)
Bristin Hotel 7. Brilliant Week (I)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Bristin Hotel
ブリスティンホテル 7.Brilliant Week (Ⅰ)
Bristin Hotel 7. Brilliant Week (I)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 415
(83 per AP)
(880 per AP)
(1,138 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= WatersidefieldWatersidefieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS S390A2IconLvl 80, NP3 S387A2IconLvl 80, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 Millennium Hermit Crab
Lvl 37 Class-Saber-Gold 76,384 HP
Millennium Hermit Crab
Lvl 38 Class-Saber-Gold 84,464 HP
Morgania Hermit Crab
Lvl 40 Class-Berserker-Gold 107,918 HP
Notable Drops Seashell of Reminiscencex3 Kona Beans3 x3
  • Millennium Hermit Crab:
    • DefenseupDefenseupTooltip for 25px|link= Thousand-Year Spiral Shell: Defense Up & Damage Cut
  • Morgania Hermit Crab:
    • GutsstatusGutsstatusTooltip for 25px|link= Witch Queen's Shell: Guts [3 times, Revive with 50% HP]
    • BuffregenBuffregenTooltip for 25px|link= Witch Queen's Shell: Charge 1 tick of NP gauge end of every turn + Inflict Defense Down on all front-row party members
    • GutsstatusGutsstatusTooltip for 25px|link= Witch Queen's Shell: Defense Up & Damage Cut

Bristin Hotel
ブリスティンホテル 7.Brilliant Week (Ⅰ)
Bristin Hotel 7. Brilliant Week (I)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 415
(83 per AP)
(880 per AP)
(1,138 per AP)
Void SpaceVoid Space
Fatal Battle 1/1
1st Enemy
Wholesome Activity?
Lvl 48 Class-Caster-Gold 90,080 HP
Lvl 42 Class-Berserker-Silver 95,121 HP
Cnoc na Riabh?
Lvl 54 Class-Rider-Gold 90,090 HP
Lvl 40 Class-Rider-Gold 122,379 HP
Lvl 43 Class-Berserker-Silver 97,347 HP
Fatal Battle 1/1
2nd Enemy
Lvl 40 Class-Pretender-Gold 128,440 HP
Lvl 50 Class-Caster-Gold 107,436 HP
Lvl 50 Class-Caster-Gold 107,436 HP
Lvl 50 Class-Caster-Gold 107,436 HP
Why Are You Playing Even until Day 4?
Lvl 42 Class-Berserker-Silver 95,121 HP
Fatal Battle 1/1
3rd Enemy
Deadline Approaching/Blank Storyboard
Lvl 40 Class-Avenger-Gold 115,919 HP
Lvl 50 Class-Archer-Gold 131,340 HP
Lvl 40 Class-Ruler-Gold 60,992 HP
Lvl 43 Class-Berserker-Silver 97,347 HP
Lvl 43 Class-Berserker-Gold 134,780 HP
Notable Drops
  • Every turn, 1 of 4 effects will randomly trigger:
    • All enemies gain Defense Up against Evil servants
    • All party members have 1 buff removed
    • All party members have their NP gauge drained by 10%
    • All party members will be debuffed with Burn of 300 for 1 turn

Bristin Hotel
ブリスティンホテル 7.Brilliant Week (Ⅰ)
Bristin Hotel 7. Brilliant Week (I)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0


Act 8

Race Venue
レース会場 8.Brilliant Week (Ⅱ)
Race Venue 8. Brilliant Week (II)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Mountain Chain Course
山岳コース 8.Brilliant Week (Ⅱ)
Mountain Chain Course 8. Brilliant Week (II)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 465
(93 per AP)
(980 per AP)
(1,563 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS S387A1IconLvl 80, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 Ishtar
Lvl 64 Class-Rider-Gold 88,165 HP
Lvl 68 Class-Assassin-Gold 92,920 HP
Oda Nobunaga
Lvl 40 Class-Berserker-Gold 111,872 HP
Mysterious Rider A-1
Lvl 56 Class-Rider-Gold 71,970 HP
Notable Drops Seashell of Reminiscence Ghost lantern Stinger of Certain Death Dragon Fang Rider piecex2 Assassin piece Berserker piece Energy Drink of Instincts3 x2 Curry of Knowledge3 Steak of Emotions3
  • "I'm Going Ahead": At the start of the battle, NPC Mélusine (Ruler) will fly past the battlefield. (Race)
  • Ishtar: QuickupstatusQuickupstatusTooltip for 25px|link= Quick Oil: Quick Up
  • Nitocris: ArtsupstatusArtsupstatusTooltip for 25px|link= Arts Nitro: Arts Up
  • Oda Nobunaga: QuickupstatusQuickupstatusTooltip for 25px|link= Quick Oil: Quick Up
  • Mysterious Rider A-1: BusterupstatusBusterupstatusTooltip for 25px|link= Buster Gasoline: Buster Up

Mountain Chain Course
溶岩コース 8.Brilliant Week (Ⅱ)
Lava Course 8. Brilliant Week (II)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 465
(93 per AP)
(980 per AP)
(1,563 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= BurningfieldBurningfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS S387A1IconLvl 80, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 Fran
Lvl 58 Class-Saber-Gold 74,374 HP
Minamoto no Raikō
Lvl 59 Class-Lancer-Gold 80,883 HP
Lvl 57 Class-Archer-Gold 90,363 HP
Lvl 50 Class-Caster-Gold 86,083 HP
Notable Drops Snake jewel Forbidden Page Infinity Gear Hero's Proof Saber piece Archer piece Lancer piece Caster piece Energy Drink of Instincts3 x2 Curry of Knowledge3 Steak of Emotions3
  • "I'm Going Ahead": At the start of the battle, NPC Mélusine (Ruler) will fly past the battlefield. (Race)
  • Fran: QuickupstatusQuickupstatusTooltip for 25px|link= Quick Oil: Quick Up
  • Minamoto no Raikō: BusterupstatusBusterupstatusTooltip for 25px|link= Buster Gasoline: Buster Up
  • Blavatsky: ArtsupstatusArtsupstatusTooltip for 25px|link= Arts Nitro: Arts Up
  • Nero: BusterupstatusBusterupstatusTooltip for 25px|link= Buster Gasoline: Buster Up

Mountain Chain Course
海岸コース 8.Brilliant Week (Ⅱ)
Coastal Course 8. Brilliant Week (II)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 465
(93 per AP)
(980 per AP)
(1,563 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS S387A1IconLvl 80, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 Artoria
Lvl 38 Class-Berserker-Gold 158,808 HP
Mysterious Rider A-2
Lvl 53 Class-Lancer-Gold 100,650 HP
Mysterious Rider A-3
Lvl 51 Class-Lancer-Gold 110,110 HP
Notable Drops Scales of Fantasies Medal of Great Knight Meteoric horseshoe Lancer piecex2 Berserker piece Steak of Emotions3 x3
  • "I'm Going Ahead": At the start of the battle, NPC Mélusine (Ruler) will fly past the battlefield. (Race)
  • Artoria: ArtsupstatusArtsupstatusTooltip for 25px|link= Arts Soda: Arts Up
  • Mysterious Rider A-2: BusterupstatusBusterupstatusTooltip for 25px|link= Buster Carrot: Buster Up
  • Mysterious Rider A-3: BusterupstatusBusterupstatusTooltip for 25px|link= Buster Carrot: Buster Up

Mountain Chain Course
海上コース 8.Brilliant Week (Ⅱ)
Ocean-Surface Course 8. Brilliant Week (II)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 465
(93 per AP)
(980 per AP)
(1,563 per AP)
WatersidefieldWatersidefieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS S387A3IconLvl 80, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 Melusine
Lvl 26 Class-Ruler-Gold 151,011 HP
Notable Drops Dragon Fangx2 Energy Drink of Instincts3
  • SOLO: Only the NPC Servant is in the party.

Race Venue
レース会場 8.Brilliant Week (Ⅱ)
Race Venue 8. Brilliant Week (II)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 465
(93 per AP)
(980 per AP)
(1,563 per AP)
WatersidefieldWatersidefieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS S386A2IconLvl 80, NP3 S387A3IconLvl 80, NP3 S123C2IconLvl 80, NP3 S065A3IconLvl 80, NP3
Grand Battle 1/1 Surging Enshrined Deity Oceanunnos
Lvl 43 Class-Berserker-Gold Lifebar1 177,359 HP
Lifebar0 224,655 HP
Notable Drops Seashell of Reminiscencex2 Alpond3 x3
  • Surging Enshrined Deity Oceanunnos:
    • Start of battle, gain 5 stacks of DragontraitDragontraitTooltip for 25px|link= "Hullabaloo Layer" statuses
    • DmgResistUpDmgResistUpTooltip for 25px|link= Weather Disaster: Resistance against All Types of Attacks <Scale with the number of "Hullabaloo Layer" status>
    • BuffregenBuffregenTooltip for 25px|link= Weather Disaster: Gain 1 DragontraitDragontraitTooltip for 25px|link= "Hullabaloo Layer" status, at the end of each turn
    • BuffatkBuffatkTooltip for 25px|link= Weather Disaster: Low chance to gain 1 DragontraitDragontraitTooltip for 25px|link= "Hullabaloo Layer" status upon attacking.
    • DragontraitDragontraitTooltip for 25px|link= Hullabaloo Layer: Remove 1x "Hullabaloo Layer" status upon getting attacked & When removal of this status is succesful, recover own HP + Absorb HP from the attacker & Inflict Defense Down on them
    • Lifebar0: Gain CritchnupCritchnupTooltip for 25px|link= Critical Chance Up and 3x DragontraitDragontraitTooltip for 25px|link= "Hullabaloo Layer" statuses

Waikiki Street
ワイキキストリート 8.Brilliant Week (Ⅱ)
Waikiki Street 8. Brilliant Week (II)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0


Act 9

Opens after August 16, 2023 18:00 JST
Chunchun Pavilion
ちゅんちゅん亭 9.同盟の逆襲(Ⅲ)
Chunchun Pavilion 9. The Alliance's Counterattack (III)
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Act 10

Obtain at least 6 Volumes of Doujinshi

Chunchun Pavilion
ちゅんちゅん亭 10.魔法編集 ヌンノス☆クロエ
Chunchun Pavilion 10. Magical Editor Nunnos☆Chloe
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

Diamond Head Chloe
ダイヤモンドヘッド 10.魔法編集 ヌンノス☆クロエ
Diamond Head 10. Magical Editor Nunnos☆Chloe
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 0
(0 per AP)
(1,080 per AP)
(2,038 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS S286A2IconLvl 80, NP3 S236A2IconLvl 80, NP3 S386A2IconLvl 80, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 Testament
Lvl 73 Class-Avenger-Gold 57,673 HP
Priest Blackbeard
Lvl 75 Class-Rider-Bronze 115,804 HP
Lvl 73 Class-Avenger-Gold 57,673 HP
Lvl 73 Class-Avenger-Gold 57,673 HP
Lvl 73 Class-Avenger-Gold 57,673 HP
Lvl 73 Class-Avenger-Gold 57,673 HP
Notable Drops Forbidden Page Rider piece Kona Beans3 x5 Energy Drink of Instincts3
  • STARTING ONLY: Only the 3 NPC Servants are in the party. No Command Seal nor Master Skill can be used in this battle.
  • Up to 6 enemies can be on the battlefield simultaneously.
  • Priest Blackbeard: GutsstatusGutsstatusTooltip for 25px|link= Until I Can See ED: Guts (When this Guts triggers and no Testament left on the field, this Guts buff is removed)
  • Testament: DragontraitDragontraitTooltip for 25px|link= Evil Magical Girl: Grants self Evil-trait

Diamond Head Chloe
ダイヤモンドヘッド 10.魔法編集 ヌンノス☆クロエ
Diamond Head 10. Magical Editor Nunnos☆Chloe
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 0
(0 per AP)
(1,080 per AP)
(2,038 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS S386A2IconLvl 80, NP3 S286A2IconLvl 80, NP3 S236A2IconLvl 80, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 Mikenalu Locusta
Lvl 70 Class-Assassin-Gold Lifebar1Lifebar2 132,678 HP
Lifebar1Lifebar0 193,914 HP
Lifebar0Lifebar0 132,678 HP
Cell Division Cultured Chloe
Lvl 60 Class-Avenger-Gold 29,205 HP
Cell Division Cultured Chloe
Lvl 60 Class-Avenger-Gold 29,205 HP
Notable Drops
  • STARTING ONLY: Only the 3 NPC Servants are in the party.
  • Mikenalu Locusta:
    • Start of battle, gain AttackupAttackupTooltip for 25px|link= Attack Damage Up [3 turns], DefenseupDefenseupTooltip for 25px|link= Defense Up [3 turns] and DelayedBuffDelayedBuffTooltip for 25px|link= Recovers own HP by 50,000 when attacked [3 times, 3 turns]
    • Start of turn 1, charges all same-side units' NP gauge by 2 ticks
    • Start of turn 1, buff all same-side units' with DebuffatkDebuffatkTooltip for 25px|link= Chance to inflict Burn Burn-status (3 turns) or Poison Poison-status upon attacking [3 turns]
    • When there are empty slots in the same-side team, there is a chance she will summon 1 Cell Division Cultured Chloe at the end of the turn
    • Lifebar1Lifebar0 Gain CritchnupCritchnupTooltip for 25px|link= Critical Chance Up and debuff all party Servants with BuffBlock Buff Nullification (2 times, 3 turns)
  • Lifebar0Lifebar0 Recovers her HP bar back to Lifebar1Lifebar2. Then, Nero Claudius (Caster) enters the battlefield and removes her HP bar back to Lifebar0Lifebar0, and the battle ends.

Summer2023 Hotel
ホテル 10.魔法編集 ヌンノス☆クロエ
Hotel 10. Magical Editor Nunnos☆Chloe
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0


Act 11

Obtain at least 7 Volumes of Doujinshi

Chunchun Pavilion
ちゅんちゅん亭 11.死の企業ブース
Chunchun Pavilion 11. Deadly Corporate Booth
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 515
(103 per AP)
(1,080 per AP)
(2,038 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link=
Available NPCS S386A1IconLvl 80, NP3 S388A1IconLvl 80, NP3 S387A1IconLvl 80, NP3 S219A1IconLvl 80, NP3
Battle 1/1 Insurgent
Lvl 43 Class-Saber-Bronze 52,184 HP
Lvl 21 Class-Saber-Gold 62,987 HP
Lvl 28 Class-Saber-Gold 72,785 HP
Lvl 44 Class-Saber-Bronze 53,284 HP
Lvl 22 Class-Lancer-Gold 85,225 HP
Lvl 24 Class-Assassin-Gold 77,870 HP
Notable Drops Alpond3 x3 Kona Beans3 Tropical Nuts3 x2

ServaFes Venue
サバフェス会場 11.死の企業ブース
ServaFes Venue 11. Deadly Corporate Booth
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 515
(103 per AP)
(1,080 per AP)
(2,038 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= CityCity
Available NPCS S123C2IconLvl 80, NP3 S121C1IconLvl 80, NP3 S122C1IconLvl 80, NP3
Fatal Battle 1/1 Tezcatli Security Officer
Lvl 29 Class-Archer-Bronze 58,693 HP
Tezcatli Security Officer
Lvl 28 Class-Archer-Bronze 56,707 HP
Marketing Director
Lvl 43 Class-Alterego-Gold 158,671 HP
Tezcatli Security Officer
Lvl 31 Class-Archer-Bronze 62,865 HP
Tezcatli Security Officer
Lvl 30 Class-Archer-Bronze 60,680 HP
Notable Drops Alpond3 x2 Kona Beans3 x4
  • LIMITED: NPC Servants are fixed in the party. Position modifiable
  • Marketing Director buffs self with InvincibleInvincibleTooltip for 25px|link= Invincibility (NP) [3 hits] and buffs Tezcatli Security Officer with InvincibleInvincibleTooltip for 25px|link= Invincibility (NP) [1 hit]


Act 12 (1/3)

Summer2023 Hotel
ホテル 12.夏のはじまり 1/3
Hotel 12. The Origin of Summer 1/3
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0

ServaFes Venue
サバフェス会場 12.夏のはじまり 1/3
ServaFes Venue 12. The Origin of Summer 1/3
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 615
(123 per AP)
(1,280 per AP)
(3,138 per AP)
SunlightfieldSunlightfieldTooltip for 25px|link= CityCity
Available NPCS S386A1IconLvl 80, NP3 S388A1IconLvl 80, NP3 S387A1IconLvl 80, NP3 S123C2IconLvl 80, NP3 S121C1IconLvl 80, NP3 S122C1IconLvl 80, NP3
Battle 1/2 Hawatoria Knight
Lvl 26 Class-Lancer-Gold 56,771 HP
Hawatoria Knight
Lvl 27 Class-Lancer-Gold 58,937 HP
Hawatoria Knight
Lvl 28 Class-Archer-Gold 57,475 HP
Fatal Battle 2/2 Forcibly Hired Manager
Lvl 63 Class-Saber-Gold 183,360 HP
Hawatoria Knight
Lvl 26 Class-Saber-Gold 56,608 HP
Hawatoria Knight
Lvl 27 Class-Saber-Gold 58,767 HP
Notable Drops