Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
This is a Quest Reward Craft Essence.
It can only be obtained by clearing a certain quest. This Craft Essence cannot be summoned.
Craft EssenceAdvanced Quest
★ ★ ★ ★

Record of Heroes

Original Name: 群雄の証跡グンユウノショウセキ
AKA:AKA: Seal of HeroismSeal of Heroism
ID: 1590 Illustrator: Yamaneko
ATK:ATK: 400/1500 HP:HP: 0/0
Cost: 9 Max Level: 80
Christmasgift Normal Effect
Increases Hero's Proof's drop rate by 5%. (Multiply by the original drop rate)
Max Limit Break Effect
Increases Hero's Proof's drop rate by 25%. (Multiply by the original drop rate)


Description Translation🛈🛈


NA Localization: A bridge of glory available only to heroes who have proven their worth. Even if the prestige they win is one day forgotten, the results of their battle will remain in history forever more.

Fan Translation: A bridge formed by lynchpins of honour obtained only by heroes.
Even if their fame would eventually be forgotten, the fruits of their battles shall continue to leave their marks in history.

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