Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
★ ★ ★ ★ ★


Japanese Name: 刑部姫
ID: 189 Cost: 16
ATK:ATK: 1,672/10,824 HP:HP: 2,027/13,822
Lv.100 Grail ATK:Lv.100 Grail ATK: 11,849 Lv.100 Grail HP:Lv.100 Grail HP: 15,143
Lv.120 Grail ATK:Lv.120 Grail ATK: 13,908 Lv.120 Grail HP:Lv.120 Grail HP: 17,796
Voice Actor: Fukuen Misato Illustrator: Moriyama Daisuke
Attribute: Earth Growth Curve: Linear
Critabsup Star Absorption:Critabsup Star Absorption:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= Star Absorption: 102 Stargainup Star Generation:Stargainup Star Generation:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= Star Generation: 24.6%
Npchargeup NP Charge ATK:Npchargeup NP Charge ATK:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= NP Charge ATK: 0.83% NPGainUpDmg NP Charge DEF:NPGainUpDmg NP Charge DEF:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= NP Charge DEF: 4%
Instapowerup Death Rate:Instapowerup Death Rate:Tooltip for 25px|bottom|link= Death Rate: 31.6% Alignments: ChaoticBalanced
Gender: Female
Basic Traits: DivinityHominidae ServantHumanoidServantSeven Knights ServantWeak to Enuma Elish
Hits:  Quick Hits4  |  Arts Hits2  |  Buster Hits3  |  Extra Hits5
Active Skills Passive Skills Append Skills Noble Phantasm Ascension
Skill Upgrade Stats Bond Level Biography Trivia

Active Skills

Upgrades after Interlude 1, Replaces Shapeshift A+
Defenseup Increases own defense by 30% for 1 turn.
Further increases own defense for 3 turns.
Increases own debuff resistance for 3 turns.
Increases party's critical damage for 3 turns. UpgradeIconText
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Defenseup Defense + 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% 22% 24% 26% 30%
Resistanceup Debuff Res + 20% 22% 24% 26% 28% 30% 32% 34% 36% 40%
Critdmgup Crit Damage + 30% 32% 34% 36% 38% 40% 42% 44% 46% 50%
Cooldown 7 6 5

Available from the start
Defenseup Increases own defense by 30% for 1 turn.
Increases own defense for 3 turns.
Increases own debuff resistance for 3 turns.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Defenseup Defense + 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% 22% 24% 26% 30%
Resistanceup Debuff Res + 20% 22% 24% 26% 28% 30% 32% 34% 36% 40%
Cooldown 7 6 5

Unlocks after 1st Ascension
Charges one ally's NP gauge.
Increases their critical star generation rate for 3 turns.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
NpCharge NP + 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 20%
Stargainup Star Rate + 30% 32% 34% 36% 38% 40% 42% 44% 46% 50%
Cooldown 7 6 5

Unlocks after 3rd Ascension
Reduces one enemy's defense for 1 turn.
BuffRemoval Removes their buffs.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Defensedown Defense - 20% 22% 24% 26% 28% 30% 32% 34% 36% 40%
Cooldown 7 6 5

Passive Skills

1 Territory creation Territory Creation A+
Artsupstatus Increases own Arts performance by 11%.
2 Presence Concealment Presence Concealment (Shade) B
Stargainup Increases own critical star generation rate by 8%.
Resistancedown 500% Chance to reduce own debuff resistance by 10%. [Demerit]
3 Divinity Divinity C
Powerup Increases own damage by 150.

Append Skills

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Damageup Extra Attack Finesse Improvement
Increases own Extra Attack performance.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Extraattackup Extra Attack + 30% 32% 34% 36% 38% 40% 42% 44% 46% 50%

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Startnp Mana Loading
Starts battle with NP gauge charged.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
NpCharge NP + 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 20%

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Atk up Anti-Archer Attack Damage Aptitude
Increases own attack against Class-Archer-Gold Archer enemies.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Attackup vs. Archer Attack + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Critdmg Special Attack Finesse Improvement
Increases own critical damage.
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Critdmgup Crit Damage + 20% 21% 22% 23% 24% 25% 26% 27% 28% 30%

Unlocks by consuming Servant Coins
Skillreloading Skill Reloading
Reduces the cooldown of the skill by 1 after activation for N times. (Once per skill)
(N: Based on Skill Level.)
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Skillcooldown Reduction Available Count + 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3

Noble Phantasm

Upgrades after Strengthen 1
Base Damage: x0.8
Rank Noble Phantasm Type Hit
EX Anti-Fortress (Self)
Effect Defenseup Increases party's defense by 20% for 3 turns.
Increases party's Max HP for 3 turns. UpgradeIconText
NP Level 1 2 3 4 5
Maxhpup Max HP + 2000 3000 3500 3750 4000
Overcharge Effect Increases party's Quick performance for 3 turns.
Increases party's Buster performance for 3 turns. UpgradeIconText
Charge 100% 200% 300% 400% 500%
Quickupstatus Quick + 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%
Busterupstatus Buster + 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%

Base Damage: x0.8
Rank Noble Phantasm Type Hit
A+ Anti-Fortress (Self)
Effect Defenseup Increases party's defense by 20% for 3 turns.
Increases party's Max HP for 3 turns. PreUpgradeIconTitle
NP Level 1 2 3 4 5
Maxhpup Max HP + 1000 1500 1750 1875 2000
Overcharge Effect Increases party's Quick performance for 3 turns.
Charge 100% 200% 300% 400% 500%
Quickupstatus Quick + 30% 35% 40% 45% 50%


Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 QP
1st Assassin piece5 QPicon100,000
2nd Assassin piece12 Yggdrasil Seed9 QPicon300,000
3rd Assassin monument5 Void's Refuse20 Forbidden Page5 QPicon1,000,000
4th Assassin monument12 Forbidden Page10 Spiritroot5 QPicon3,000,000

Skill Reinforcement

Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 QP
1st Shining Gem of Killing5 QPicon200,000
2nd Shining Gem of Killing12 QPicon400,000
3rd Magic Gem of Killing5 QPicon1,200,000
4th Magic Gem of Killing12 Void's Refuse10 QPicon1,600,000
5th Secret Gem of Killing5 Void's Refuse20 QPicon4,000,000
6th Secret Gem of Killing12 Yggdrasil Seed6 QPicon5,000,000
7th Yggdrasil Seed12 Bizarre God Wine3 QPicon10,000,000
8th Bizarre God Wine8 Kotan Magatama24 QPicon12,000,000
9th Crystallized Lore1 QPicon20,000,000

Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 QP
1st Shining Gem of Killing5 QPicon200,000
2nd Shining Gem of Killing12 QPicon400,000
3rd Magic Gem of Killing5 QPicon1,200,000
4th Magic Gem of Killing12 Forbidden Page5 QPicon1,600,000
5th Secret Gem of Killing5 Forbidden Page10 QPicon4,000,000
6th Secret Gem of Killing12 Spiritroot2 QPicon5,000,000
7th Spiritroot4 Tsukumo Mirror3 QPicon10,000,000
8th Tsukumo Mirror8 AncientBellOfTranquilityIcon24 QPicon12,000,000
9th Crystallized Lore1 QPicon20,000,000


Strength:Strength: E
Endurance:Endurance: E
Agility:Agility: E
Mana:Mana: A+
Luck:Luck: A+
NP:NP: A++

Bond Level

Bond Level 1 BondLevel1 2 BondLevel2 3 BondLevel3 4 BondLevel4 5 BondLevel5 6 BondLevel6 7 BondLevel7 8 BondLevel8 9 BondLevel9 10 BondLevel10
Bond Required 4,000 12,000 3,000 13,000 3,000 165,000 380,000 360,000 380,000 360,000
Total Bond 4,000 16,000 19,000 32,000 35,000 200,000 580,000 940,000 1,320,000 1,680,000
Rewards ServantCoin1895 ServantCoin1895 ServantCoin1895 ServantCoin1895 ServantCoin1895 ServantCoin1895 Saintquartz3 ServantCoin18920 Saintquartz3 ServantCoin18920 Saintquartz3 ServantCoin18920 Saintquartz3 ServantCoin18940
Max Bond Craft Essence Bond CE
Bond 10 Craft Essence CEIcon686 Princess' Origami
When equipped on Osakabehime:
Npchargeup Increases party's NP generation rate by 15%
while self is on the field.
Chaldean Visionary Flames [?][?]
11 BondLevel1 12 BondLevel2 13 BondLevel3 14 BondLevel4 15 BondLevel5
1,090,000 1,230,000 1,360,000 1,500,000 1,640,000
2,770,000 4,000,000 5,360,000 6,860,000 8,500,000
Rewards ServantCoin18950 Saintquartz30 ServantCoin18960 Saintquartz30 ServantCoin18960 Saintquartz30 ServantCoin18960 Saintquartz30 ServantCoin18960 Saintquartz30


What could be sweeter than staying indoors?
Osakabehime, the true mistress of Himeji Castle (citation needed), goes forth!
Unlock Description Translation🛈🛈
Default 刑部姫(『西鶴諸国ばなし』では於佐賀部殿、『今昔画図続百鬼』では長壁とも)は、姫路の地主神として祀られた妖怪の一種である。


NA Localization: Osakabehime (called Ms. Osakabe in the "Saikaku Shokokubanashi" and Osakabe in "Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki") was a yokai who was enshrined as a jinushigami, a deity for the land of Himeji.
In modern days, she is known as the creature who took up residence in the tower of Himeji Castle.

Fan Translation: Osakabehime (Simply rendered Osakabe in the Konjakugazuzoku Hyakki) is a variant of Yokai deified as the patron god of Himeji. She is also famous as a Yokai who has currently settled down and taken residence in the keep of Himeji Castle.

Bond 1 身長/体重:158cm・51kg

属性:混沌・中庸  副属性:地  性別:女性

NA Localization: Height/Weight: 158cm, 51kg
Origin: Legend
Region: Japan (Himeji Castle)
Alignment: Chaotic-Balanced
Gender: Female
What could be sweeter than staying indoors and the forbidden fruit of online shopping? Buying e-books by the dozen and painting figures is like sinking into a cozy morass. Real-life friends? None.

Fan Translation: Height/Weight: 158cm, 51kg
Series: Fate/Grand Order
Source: Japanese Folklore
Country of Origin: Japan (Himeji Castle)
Alignment: Chaotic・Balanced
Attribute: Earth
Gender: Female
For shut-ins are the spice of life. Online shopping is the forbidden fruit. Buying up online publications in bulk, and coloring figurines is the point of no return. No friends IRL.

Bond 2 一見は黒髪清楚な乙女だが、一皮剥けば陰気卑屈な、根っからのめんどくさがり体質。


NA Localization: She may look like a black-haired, prim and proper maiden, but on closer inspection, one can see she is a gloomy, listless, and naturally lazy girl. She may act like a princess, but because her communication skills are frankly abysmal, she tends to just behave according to whatever tropes she knows offhand.
If you ask her whether she's malicious or not, she'll say she is, but she's really just playing at being a little devil. At worst, she'll max out your credit card.

Fan Translation: At a glance, a black-haired prim and proper maiden, once the paint peels off, you're left with a gloomy, abject, predisposed trouble-despiser at heart.
She can pull off a princessy act, but as her in-person conversation skills are remarkably low, she can only manage to play the cliche template.
If one had to decide if she was scheming or not, then they would say she did her share, but at most, she's only a minor annoyance. The worst she's ever done is use a credit card without asking to make some online purchases.

Bond 3 ○千代紙操法:EX




NA Localization: Chiyogami Technique: EX
She can manipulate origami at will. She uses this technique to create decoys of various shapes that combine attack, defense, and transformation.

Morph: A+
She took many forms whenever she appeared before humans, such as a seventeen or eighteen-year-old woman wearing a twelve-layered ceremonial robe, or a fierce god about three meters tall.
It's not the flashiest skill out there, but she's one of Japan's very best transformers.

Castle Apparition: A++
The collective name for creatures who moved from a shrine to a castle. It has even been said that Osakabehime is the true master of Himeji Castle.
According to myth, merely seeing her will put a curse upon you...or even result in instant death!
On the other hand, she gets pretty weak if she sets foot outside her castle.

Fan Translation: Chiyogami Manipulation: EX
She is able to manipulate folded paper at will. Offense, defense, transforming them to act as a decoy, she can use them in various ways.

Shapeshift: A+
When appearing before humans, she would take the shape of a woman of 17-18 in a multi-layered kimono, or a fierce demon of human proportions. She is known to have taken various forms.
Plain as it is, she's a top ranker among Japan's apparitions.

Castle Ghost: A++
A general term used to refer to monsters who've transferred from a shrine to a castle. Osakabehime has even been called the true lord and master of Himeji Castle.
Simply catching sight of her form places a curse on you, some say you might drop dead on the spot.
Looking at it the other way, when she's separated from the castle, her power is considerably weakened.

Bond 4 実のところ、本来は三百年を生きたという狐が正体なのだが、とある化生オンリーSNSにて、某狐系良妻サーヴァントとの「キャラ被ってるからそっちが引け(上品に意訳)」という清々しいリプライ応酬の末に、サーヴァントとしては蝙蝠をモチーフとして召喚されることになった。


NA Localization: Actually, she is really a three-hundred-year-old fox, but a certain fox-type, good-wife Servant posted the following on some "creatures-only" social networking site: "We are WAY too similar, so you're going to do something about it. (Liberal translation to preserve some measure of elegance.)" After an atrocious flame war, she chose a bat motif when appearing as a Servant.

Taking off her glasses is a princess-like move. If she's in a place where it's okay to have her gloominess turned up to eleven, she keeps her glasses on.

Fan Translation: To tell the truth, her true form is that of a fox who's lived over three hundred years, but...
On a certain Yokai-only message board, a foxy good wife servant sent her a refreshing reply of, "We already have that covered, step down (Translated liberally for elegance)," and at the end of their back and forth, she ended up being summoned with bats as her motif.

Taking off her glasses is part of her princess act. If she's in a place where it's not a problem if she displays her gloominess to the world, she will happily keep them on.

Bond 5 『白鷺城の百鬼八天堂様』

ランク:A+ 種別:対城宝具(自身)
レンジ:1 最大捕捉:姫路城の最大籠城人数÷7


NA Localization: 『The Great Hachitendou of Hakuro Castle』
Rank: A+
NP Type: Anti-Fortress (Self)
Range: 1
Maximum Targets: Himeji Castle maximum occupancy÷7
Hakurojyo no Hyakki Hachitendou-sama.
A powerful magecraft that manifests a miniature version of Himeji Castle. This magecraft is superficially similar to a Reality Marble.
Making use of her famed beauty and dignity, she provides mental support to her embattled allies. Were Osakabehime a more aggressive sort, she could easily turn the castle into a terrifying weapon. Thanks to her being a complete and total shut-in, though, it pretty firmly remained in the realm of defensive Noble Phantasms.

Fan Translation: Hakuro Jō no Hyakki Hachitendō-sama
Rank: A+
Classification: Anti-Fortress (Self)
Range: 1
Maximum number of targets: Maximum number of people inside Himeji Castle ÷ 7

Lord Hachitendo of Hakuro Castle's Hundred Demons.
Osakabehime manifests a miniature of Himeji Castle in a large-scale magecraft that acts in a similar way to a Reality Marble.
Through its beauty and dignity recognized by all, it bestows mental unity and support to allies. If Osakabehime was just a little more attack-minded, the castle would likely have become something able to provide an immediate offensive, but because of her natural-born shut-in disposition, her castle is limited to being a defensive noble phantasm.

Clear Interlude 1
Extra 刑部姫は城主としての役割は武士たちに任せ、自分は何年かに一度、城主と対面して適当に注意するだけという引き籠もりライフを満喫していたのであった。






NA Localization: Osakabehime left managing the castle to its warriors, and met with the caretakers only once every few years to give them half-hearted criticisms, all so she could enjoy her hikikomori life. Wars and even whole ages passed her by, and one day she realized that she was all alone.

Her position as a castle lord was gone, and those who recognized her had vanished as well. At least for the first few years she relished her new carefree life, but eventually she realized in a panic that, if nobody is aware she exists, that would be nearly the same thing as being dead.

Osakabehime protected Hakuro Castle, or Himeji Castle, through multiple wars. She did so despite knowing that it was pointless. She did so without being praised or feared. Even if some might acknowledge her existence, there was no one who could confirm she was truly there.

...Which...is basically the same as being dead.

Quite suddenly, and quite unnoticed, Osakabehime disappeared. Ultimately, she became something that was neither an anti-Heroic Spirit nor Heroic Spirit, and at around the same time she started to immerse herself in internet culture, becoming the Osakabehime we know today.

Fan Translation: Osakabehime left her role as Lord of the Castle to her retainers, but on rare occasions she would come out from her happy hikikomori lifestyle to randomly warn opposing Lords.

After many long years and countless battles, she eventually came to the realization that she was all alone.

Her existence as a Lord vanished, and those she compared herself to had all gone away. Like this her first few years were easy with these things gone. However, as time passed she began to obsess over the feeling that people not knowing her was the same as being dead.

Through countless wars, she was able to protect Hakuro-jo, wait… Himeji Castle. Even if all meaning to it had already been lost. Even though there was no one to praise her, no one to fear her. Even if people knew of her existence, there was no one to prove that she had actually ever been there. ……..Ah...I'm already the same as being dead, aren't I.

….and out of nowhere Osakabehime vanished.

Then she came to be an existence that she didn't even try to understand. Was she a heroic spirit? An anti-heroic spirit? Either way she began to absorb herself in the world of the internet and now we come to the point of who she is now.

April Fool こうもりサーヴァント


Bat-Type Servant

An otaku girl who never leaves her attic. She has zero social skills and believes as long as there's internet, she can do just about anything. A yokai born of modern society.


  • She has the highest HP values out of all Assassins at Lv.90, but also having the lowest ATK values out of all other 5 star Assassins.
  • She shares the exact HP values at minimum with Nikola Tesla and Illyasviel von Einzbern.
  • She currently has 6 audible lines during her attack animations, coming at 2nd after Ereshkigal.
  • Her left hand gesture in the Stage 3 ascension art is known as the "Schweigefuchs", a German term which means "silent fox".
  • During her idle animation, Osakabehime will shortly fall asleep, then wake up.
  • She was the first servant to be released with a Quick Support Noble Phantasm.
  • She is the only servant with a negative Debuff Resistance.