Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki
This is a Quest Reward Craft Essence.
It can only be obtained by clearing a certain quest. This Craft Essence cannot be summoned.
Craft EssenceAdvanced Quest
★ ★ ★ ★

Nest of Fierce Dragons

Original Name: 激竜の寝座げきりゅうのねぐら
AKA:AKA: Raging Dragon's LairRaging Dragon's Lair
ID: 1716 Illustrator: ari
ATK:ATK: 400/1500 HP:HP: 0/0
Cost: 9 Max Level: 80
Christmasgift Normal Effect
Increases Dragon's Reverse Scale's drop rate by 5%. (Multiply by the original drop rate)
Max Limit Break Effect
Increases Dragon's Reverse Scale's drop rate by 25%. (Multiply by the original drop rate)


Description Translation🛈🛈


Fan Translation: The unrestrained rage unloaded upon the fools who dare to intrude on their rest.
No one can appease that wild surging rage.

Cards with Similar Effects
