Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki

My Room is the right-most option in the main navigation menu. It contains various informational and historical features as described below.

Button/Section Sub-Sections and/or Descriptions
Material (Story)
(マテリアル (ストーリー))
Main Story Record (メインストーリーの記録??)
Main Interlude Record (メイン・インタールードの記録??)
Re-watch Main Interlude cut scenes, sorted from oldest to newest.
Event Quest Record (イベントクエストでの記録??)
Re-watch cut scenes from previous events only you have participated in, sorted from newest to oldest.
  • This includes the Servant-specific chocolate cut scenes from the Valentine Events.
Material (Servant)
(マテリアル (サーヴァント))
Spirit Origin List (霊基一覧??)
Encyclopedia of Servants and Craft Essences
Costume Dress List (霊衣一覧??)
List of Servants with Costume Dress
Servant Log (サーヴァントとの記録??)
Re-watch Servant introductions from when they are first summoned, Ascension scenes, and Interlude sequences
Owned Servant Coins List (所持サーヴァントコイン一覧??)
List of Servant Coin owned
Item List
List of items owned, including Ascension Items, Skill Reinforcement Items, and Other Items
Sound Player
Unlock and listen to BGM
Master Profile
Various Master-related information and some settings, such as Master level and Command Spell recharge
Change Favorites
Set your favorite Servant to be your My Room host
Game System Explanation (ゲームシステム説明)
In-game help; a short explanation of the story and core gameplay
News (お知らせ)
Game-related news; the same news seen when first logging in
Contact Us (お問い合わせ)
Support and FAQ
Terms of Use (利用規約)
Credits (クレジット)
Licenses (権利表記)
Copyrights Notice (権利表記)
Account Deletion (アカウント削除)
Delete your account permanently.
Game Options
Various options to adjust sound, toggle Push Notifications for when your AP is full, and perform a full-asset download, onto your device etc.
Issue Transfer Number
Issue a transfer number and password
Account Linking
Link your account to Aniplex Online, available in JP Server only.
Disable Issue transfer number feature if linked.
Return to Title


My Room is hosted by the Servant you have marked as your favorite. In the lower-left corner of My Room, there is a speech bubble that triggers a handful of spoken phrases from your Servant. The Ascension Stage (再臨段階) button toggles which ascension your favorite Servant will appear as. The Switch Display (表示切替) button toggles between Servant + menu; Servant only; and neither, which gives you a full view of the room.

My Room may be decorated or replaced during certain events.
