Fixed CE for NPC Servants | |
Starts battle with 50% NP gauge. Increases NP generation rate by 50%. |
Special Damage Bonus per Servant's Bond Level | ||
(Permanent effect for all battles during the Singularity) | ||
Bond Level 5
Power of Bonds E: 20% Damage Bonus | |
Bond Level 6
Power of Bonds D: 40% Damage Bonus | |
Bond Level 7
Power of Bonds C: 60% Damage Bonus | |
Bond Level 8
Power of Bonds B: 75% Damage Bonus | |
Bond Level 9
Power of Bonds A: 90% Damage Bonus | |
Bond Level 10
Power of Bonds EX: 100% Damage Bonus |
Section 1
セレモニア原始聖門 | 獣の宙域 | |||
Seremonia Primi Portam Sancti | Sector of Beasts | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
23 | 1,630 (71 per AP) |
168,000 (7,304 per AP) |
59,380 (2,582 per AP) |
Enemies | ||||||
Fatal Battle 1/1 | Demon God Flauros Lvl 45 550,000 HP | |||||
Notable Drops |
- Same as the previous version, the 3-Knights class (Saber, Archer, Lancer) takes extra damage from the boss while dealing x1.0 to the boss. The 4-Cavalry Classes (Rider, Caster, Assassin, Berserker) takes x1.0 damage from it and deals x2 damage to it. Extra classes take and deal x1.0 damage, with the exception of Avenger which takes x0.5 damage.
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
Section 2
Ⅰの座 | Ⅰ/溶鉱炉ナベリウス | |||
1st Seat | I / Blast Furnace Naberius | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
24 | 1,670 (70 per AP) |
172,000 (7,167 per AP) |
62,620 (2,609 per AP) |
Available NPCS |
| |||||||||||
Enemies | ||||||||||||
Blast Furnace Siege 1/1 | Blast Furnace Naberius Lvl 60 480,000 HP | |||||||||||
Notable Drops |
Available NPCS |
| |||||||||||
Enemies | ||||||||||||
Blast Furnace Siege 1/1 | Blast Furnace Naberius Lvl 60 500,000 HP | |||||||||||
Notable Drops |
Available NPCS |
| |||||||||||
Enemies | ||||||||||||
Blast Furnace Siege 1/1 | Blast Furnace Naberius Lvl 60 550,000 HP | |||||||||||
Notable Drops |
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
Section 3
Ⅱの座 | Ⅱ/情報室フラウロス | |||
2nd Seat | II / Intelligence Chamber Flauros | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
Unlocks the Raid Battle for "Intelligence Chamber Flauros" |
Ⅱの座 | 情報室フラウロス 最終戦 | |||
2nd Seat | Intelligence Chamber Flauros - Final Battle | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
30 | 865 (29 per AP) |
8,900 (297 per AP) |
33,815 (1,127 per AP) |
Enemies | ||||||
Intelligence Chamber Siege 1/1 | Intelligence Chamber Flauros (Behaviour Prediction Mode) Lvl 65 700,000 HP | |||||
Notable Drops | 200K 500K |
- At The Start of the battle, has a chance of permanent Critical Up, Pierce Invincibility and a long-lasting NP damage Up.
- At The Start of the battle, first row get random debuff HP down, Buster down, Quick down. (Removable)
- Stacks a lot of Attack Buffs Sometimes.
- High chance of increasing his NP bar 1 tick before full.
- Defeat this boss to remove the ARTS DOWN Debuff.
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
5 5 5 |
Ⅱの座 | 情報室、終了 | |||
2nd Seat | Intelligence Chamber, Terminated | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
Section 4
Ⅲの座 | Ⅲ/観測所フォルネウス | |||
3rd Seat | III / Observatory Forneus | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
Unlocks the Raid Battle for "Observatory Forneus" |
Ⅲの座 | 観測所フォルネウス 最終戦 | |||
3rd Seat | Observatory Forneus - Final Battle | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
30 | 865 (29 per AP) |
8,900 (297 per AP) |
33,815 (1,127 per AP) |
Enemies | ||||||
Observatory Siege 1/1 | Observatory Forneus (Battle Situation Analysis Mode) Lvl 63 700,000 HP | |||||
Notable Drops | 200K 500K |
- Can buff itself with Anti-Debuff Status (1 time). This can be done more than once.
- This boss normal attacks are single target while criticals hit all on the front row.
- Has a NP Charge Draining Skill which gives itself 1 tick of NP charge by absorbing 30% from your whole front-line. Very likely to use this skill, if one of your servants has an NP bar charged to 80% or higher.
- Has a skill to debuff target with "Buff Success Rate Down".
- Defeat this boss to remove the BUSTER DOWN debuff.
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
5 5 5 |
Ⅲの座 | 観測所、閉館 | |||
3rd Seat | Observatory, Closed | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
Section 5
Ⅳの座 | Ⅳ/管制塔バルバトス | |||
4th Seat | IV / Control Tower Barbatos | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
Unlocks the Raid Battle for "Control Tower Barbatos" |
Ⅳの座 | 管制塔バルバトス 最終戦 | |||
4th Seat | Control Tower Barbatos - Final Battle | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
30 | 865 (29 per AP) |
8,900 (297 per AP) |
33,815 (1,127 per AP) |
Enemies | ||||||
Control Tower Siege 1/1 | Control Tower Barbatos (Inciting Attack Mode) Lvl 60 700,000 HP | |||||
Notable Drops | 200K 500K |
- This Boss attacks one target for its normal attacks.
- NP has Defense Down Debuff to the Front-Line.
- Can Skill Seal a single target.
- When it's health is 50% or lower, it may cast a skill that prolongs skill charge time by 2 turns for all front-line servants and charges it's NP bar by 1 point.
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
5 5 5 |
Ⅳの座 | 管制塔、瓦解 | |||
4th Seat | Control Tower, Collapsed | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
Section 6
Ⅴの座 | Ⅴ/兵装舎ハルファス | |||
5th Seat | V / Armory Halphas | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
Unlocks the Raid Battle for "Armory Halphas" |
Ⅴの座 | 兵装舎ハルファス 最終戦 | |||
5th Seat | Armory Halphas - Final Battle | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
30 | 865 (29 per AP) |
8,900 (297 per AP) |
33,815 (1,127 per AP) |
Enemies | ||||||
Armory Siege 1/1 | Armory Halphas (Mana-Supplying Mode) Lvl 55 850,000 HP | |||||
Notable Drops | 200K 500K |
- Has a buff that increases it's critical rate and a debuff that lowers a servant's critical star generation.
- When it's HP is 50% or lower, it may cast a skill that lowers party attack and defense, and charges it's NP bar by 1 point.
- Defeat this boss to remove the CRITICAL RATE UP buff from all other pillars.
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
5 5 5 |
Ⅴの座 | 兵装舎、停止 | |||
5th Seat | Armory, Abeyance | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
Section 7
Ⅵの座 | Ⅵ/覗覚星アモン | |||
6th Seat | VI / Satellite Amon | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
Unlocks the Raid Battle for "Satellite Amon" |
Ⅵの座 | 覗覚星アモン 最終戦 | |||
6th Seat | Satellite Amon - Final Battle | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
30 | 865 (29 per AP) |
8,900 (297 per AP) |
33,815 (1,127 per AP) |
Enemies | ||||||
Satellite Siege 1/1 | Satellite Amon (Outcome Deducing Mode) Lvl 65 700,000 HP | |||||
Notable Drops | 200K 500K |
- Has a Sure-Hit and Pierce Invulnerability Buff for the whole battle.
- has a skill that drains NP gauge by 20%.
- Once it's health is lower than 50%, it will heal itself for 100,000HP at a random point during the fight.
- NP deals damage to a single target.
- Defeat this boss to remove the QUICK DOWN debuff.
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
5 5 5 |
Ⅵの座 | 覗覚星、消灯 | |||
6th Seat | Satellite, Switched Off | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
Section 8
Ⅶの座 | Ⅶ/生命院サブナック | |||
7th Seat | VII / Hospital Sabnock | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
Unlocks the Raid Battle for "Hospital Sabnock" |
Ⅶの座 | 生命院サブナック 最終戦 | |||
7th Seat | Hospital Sabnock - Final Battle | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
30 | 865 (29 per AP) |
8,900 (297 per AP) |
33,815 (1,127 per AP) |
Enemies | ||||||
Hospital Siege 1/1 | Hospital Sabnock (Fundamentals Curtailment Mode) Lvl 57 700,000 HP | |||||
Notable Drops | 200K 500K |
- Able to buff itself with turn-based heals.
- Has a debuff that lowers a servant's maximum HP.
- Once it's health is lower than 50%, it may cast a skill that deals instant death to a servant and charge it's NP bar by 1 point.
- Attacks deal damage to all servants in the front row, while NP deals damage to a single target.
- Defeat this boss to remove the HP RECOVERY DOWN debuff.
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
5 5 5 |
Ⅶの座 | 生命院、臨終 | |||
7th Seat | Control Tower, At Its Deathbed | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
Section 10 (Surprise Section)
- You will automatically enter this section after clearing four sections
玉座にて | ||||
On The Throne | ||||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
Section 9
- Since section 10 happens first, section 9 will be below section 10
Xの座 | X/廃棄孔アンドロマリウス | |||
10th Seat | X / Annulment Pit Andromalius | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
Unlocks the Raid Battle for "Annulment Pit Andromalius" |
Xの座 | 廃棄孔アンドロマリウス 最終戦 | |||
10th Seat | Annulment Pit Andromalius - Final Battle | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
30 | 865 (29 per AP) |
8,900 (297 per AP) |
33,815 (1,127 per AP) |
Enemies | ||||||
Annulment Pit Siege 1/1 | Annulment Pit Andromalius (Flaw Reinforcement Mode) Lvl 60 700,000 HP | |||||
Notable Drops | 200K 500K |
- Can buff its own damage.
- Able to buff itself with critical rate up.
- May cast a skill that removes all front-row servant buffs and charges it's NP by 1 point. Likely to cast this if a servant has an active buff.
- It's NP and normal attacks can only hit one target at a time.
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
5 5 5 |
Xの座 | 廃棄孔、閉鎖 | |||
10th Seat | Annulment Pit, Closure | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
Section 11
セレモニア原始聖門 | 光帯の玉座 | |||
Seremonia Primi Portam Sancti | Throne of The Light Orbit | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
玉座 | 光帯の玉座 | |||
Throne | Throne of The Light Orbit | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
30 | 1,830 (61 per AP) |
188,000 (6,267 per AP) |
76,380 (2,546 per AP) |
Enemies | ||||||
"King of Magic" Appearance 1/1 | Solomon Lvl 65 900,000 HP | |||||
Notable Drops |
- Has a Defense Down+Burn Debuff
- Attacks are AoE
- Will constantly cast evasion on himself. Its recommended to use a servant with the "sure hit" ability, or use a craft essence that grants it by default.
- Has a skill That Can Remove Own Debuffs.
- Has a skill that can increase his critical hit chance, NP damage, and NP charge by 1 point, while draining party members of 20% NP and crit star generation.
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
Section 12
玉座 | 未来 | |||
Throne | Future | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
30 | 1,830 (61 per AP) |
188,000 (6,267 per AP) |
76,380 (2,546 per AP) |
Enemies | ||||||
ADVENT BEAST Mankind's Evil Appearance 1/1 |
King of Demon Gods - Goetia Lvl 100 1,000,000 HP | |||||
Notable Drops |
- This version of Beast takes x2 damage from the 4-Cavalry classes and x1.0 from 3-knights class while deals x1.0 damage to the 4-Cavalry classes, x2.0 damage to 3-knights class and x0.5 damage to Avenger class.
- Cutscene will occur when he uses his NP. Battle ends after that.
- Player cannot use Mashu Kyrielight in any battle (not just in Solomon) from the end of this battle until the end of this story chapter.
An Unskippable Cutscene will occur before the start of battle, of a fight between Goetia and Solomon.
Enemies | ||||||
ADVENT BEAST Mankind's Evil Appearance 1/1 |
King of Demon Gods - Goetia Lvl 100 1,500,000 HP | |||||
Notable Drops |
- Can debuff your party with normal attacks. Non-Critical attacks inflicts a Star Generation Down while Critical attacks inflicts Defense Down.
- At the start of the battle, he will buff himself with Nega-Summon [unremovable] which lasts 3 turns.
- Nega-Summon [unremovable]
- Increases damage resistance against Noble Phantasms making them do 0 damage.
- Increases critical damage resistance making them deal 0 damage.
- On the first turn he will always use the skill Reloading Humanity
- Reloading Humanity ++
- Increases his NP gauge to MAX.
- Grants Pierce Invincibility for 1 turn
- Increases own NP damage three times.
- After buffing himself he will use his Noble Phantasm to kill all front row servants, unless they have the Guts skill. This can be prevented entirely by casting a Skill Seal at the start of the fight.
- If this is not available, using buff block granted by skills or mystic codes will mitigate the entirety of the buff (as all of the buffs are applied in one cast) and the only result will be Goetia's NP bar being fully charged, allowing you to negate the one-turn-kill attack by using evasion/invincibility skills at the start of the fight.
- Goetia uses Evocation a lot to charge his gauge.
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
Section 13
玉座 | 特異点、崩壊 | |||
Throne | Crumbling Singularity | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
Section 14
セレモニア原始聖門 | Fate/Grand Order | |||
Seremonia Primi Portam Sancti | Fate/Grand Order | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
30 | 1,830 (61 per AP) |
188,000 (6,267 per AP) |
76,380 (2,546 per AP) |
Enemies | ||||||
GRAND LAST BATTLE 1/1 | King of Men Goetia Lvl 43 1,000,000 HP | |||||
Notable Drops |
- Tooltip for 25px|link=ⓘ Ten Crowns:
- His normal attacks may inflict debuffs to NP Damage, Critical Damage and NP Generation.
- At certain HP thresholds, he will casts these skills once in the following order:
Skill | Effect |
1st Ring (Start of battle, 100% HP) |
Reduces your party's NP gauges to 0%. |
2nd Ring (90% HP) |
Seals your party's skills (1 turn). |
3rd Ring (80% HP) |
Inflicts a debuff on one party member (3 turns) that causes their attacks to reduce their own attack by 20% (3 turns). |
4th Ring (70% HP) |
Seals all party members' NPs (3 turns). |
5th Ring (60% HP) |
Inflicts a debuff on one party member (3 turns) that causes their attacks to reduce their own defense by 20% (3 turns). |
6th Ring (50% HP) |
Reduces all party members' healing received (1 turn). |
7th Ring (40% HP) |
Inflicts a debuff on one party member (3 turns) that causes their attacks to reduce their own Max HP (-1,000 HP). |
8th Ring (30% HP) |
Grants self Invincibility (1 turn). |
9th Ring (25% HP) |
Removes own debuffs. Removes all party members' buffs. |
10th Ring (20% HP) |
Increases own NP damage by 1000%. Increases own NP gauge to Max. Reduces own HP to 1. [Demerit] |
Lord, Rejoice in Life (Noble Phantasm) |
Deals 400% damage to all targets Reduces their Max HP (-1,000 HP) |
- When his HP reaches low numbers (about 100k - 200k), he will activate his 10th Ring which will most likely kill any servant who is unprepared but will also reduce his HP to 1. Use Guts or similar effects to withstand his NP and deal the final blow.
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
Section 15
??? | 帰還 | |||
??? | Repatriation | |||
AP Cost | Bond Points | QP | EXP | Battlefield type |
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Completion RewardCompletion Reward |
Credits; Grand Order Completion Mashu Kyrielight NP level up Solomon Profile Update; Goetia Profile Update Bestow of "Cause" Rank |
Next Arcs