Fate/Grand Order Wiki
Fate/Grand Order Wiki

Act 21[]

  • Lostbelt Menu Button changes to Cosmic Sea of Trees Travelogue - ORT Xibalba: The Sovereign of the Planet
  • Note: Please check the Options menu to adjust your settings for the upcoming fights against ORT.

ORT ShadowLeft
Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
5 0
(0 per AP)
(0 per AP)
(0 per AP)
Battle 1/1 ORT
Lvl 1 Class-Foreigner-Gold Lifebar10 0 1,000,000 HP
Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar5Lifebar6Lifebar7Lifebar8Lifebar9 1,000,000 HP
Notable Drops
  • Level Requirement is EX.
  • LIMITED: Mashu Kyrielight cannot be in the party, you can field up to 6 Servants in the party. You may not pick Support Servants.
  • At the start of the battle, all party members are debuffed with:
    • SpiderwebSpiderwebTooltip for 25px|link= Silver Thread Revolution (公転銀糸??): When this unit's HP reaches 0 due to sources other than ORT's attacks, recovers this unit's HP & when Silver Thread Revolution Guts is activated, inflict Defensedown Defense Down on all party members.
  • ORT
    • DebuffatkDebuffatkTooltip for 25px|link= Cosmic Ray: When attacking, apply Hindrance to Cosmic Ray status on the target & Increase the effect of Hindrance to Cosmic Ray status on the target
    • DelayedBuffDelayedBuffTooltip for 25px|link= Cosmic Ray: When attacked, apply Hindrance to Cosmic Ray status on the target & Increase the effect of Hindrance to Cosmic Ray status on the target
    • MaxhpdownMaxhpdownTooltip for 25px|link= Hindrance to Cosmic Ray: Decreases own MAX HP by a certain percentage (Scales with the number of times battling with ORT)
    • BuffregenBuffregenTooltip for 25px|link= Dark-Matter Plankton: Absorbs all party Servant's (Offensive Buffs: AttackupAttackupTooltip for 25px|link=, QuickupstatusQuickupstatusTooltip for 25px|link=, ArtsupstatusArtsupstatusTooltip for 25px|link=, BusterupstatusBusterupstatusTooltip for 25px|link=, PowerupPowerupTooltip for 25px|link=, SpecialpowerupSpecialpowerupTooltip for 25px|link=, CritchnupCritchnupTooltip for 25px|link=, CritdmgupCritdmgupTooltip for 25px|link=, NppowerupNppowerupTooltip for 25px|link=, NpdamageupboostNpdamageupboostTooltip for 25px|link=, SurehitSurehitTooltip for 25px|link=, InvinciblepierceInvinciblepierceTooltip for 25px|link=, IgnoredefenseIgnoredefenseTooltip for 25px|link=, HitcountupHitcountupTooltip for 25px|link=, DragontraitDragontraitTooltip for 25px|link=) and (Defensive Buffs: DefenseupDefenseupTooltip for 25px|link=, QuickresistupQuickresistupTooltip for 25px|link=, ArtsresistupArtsresistupTooltip for 25px|link=, BusterresistupBusterresistupTooltip for 25px|link=, DmgResistUpDmgResistUpTooltip for 25px|link=, AvoidAvoidTooltip for 25px|link=, DeathEvasionDeathEvasionTooltip for 25px|link=, InvincibleInvincibleTooltip for 25px|link=, SpecialinvincibleSpecialinvincibleTooltip for 25px|link=, DragontraitDragontraitTooltip for 25px|link=, InstaresistupInstaresistupTooltip for 25px|link=), at the end of every turn
    • SpiderwebSpiderwebTooltip for 25px|link= Revolution Web: As long as ORT is on the field, no party Servants may leave the battlefield on their own accord. (Example: Miss Crane's NP or Order Change effect)
    • SealtraitSealtraitTooltip for 25px|link= Starling Invade: Removes all Battlefield Types & Seals Battlefield Types changes & At the end of each turn, increases the effect of Hindrance to Cosmic Ray status.
    • Active Skill: DelayedBuff PP Chain/Seven-Ether: Grants self "Charges own NP gauge to MAX at the end of each turn" buff after 3 turns has passed [1 time, 3 turns]
    • Buffregen PP Chain/Seven-Ether: Charges own NP gauge to MAX at the end each turn
  • Battle ends after the party is wiped out (crystallized/consumed).
  • HP of the BOSS for the Raid is carried over from Arrow 1. Any servants defeated from this battle will become DATA LOST for the entire party of the Raid until it is recovered at a certain HP threshold of the boss.
  • After Arrow 1 the Story progress interface will switch over to the Raid Boss interface for Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle / Invasive Mobile Life-form ORT (空想樹海決戦/侵略型移動生命体ORT??)

ORT at Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar5Lifebar6Lifebar7Lifebar8Lifebar0 HP gauge
ORT ShadowRight
Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0
  • Moves to 8th Layer: Yayauhqui

ORT at Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar5Lifebar6Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 HP gauge
Calakmul ORT
Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle
AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
0 0 0 0
  • Moves to 8th Layer: Yayauhqui

  • At Layer 7: Metztitlán
  • ORT at Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 HP gauge
    ORT ShadowLeft
    Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    0 0 0 0

    • At Layer 6: Xoxoauhqui
    LB7Unknown ORT ShadowBorder
    Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    0 0 0 0

    • At Layer 6: Xoxoauhqui
    ORT at Lifebar1Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 HP gauge
    ORT ShadowLeft
    Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    0 0 0 0

    • At Layer 6: Xoxoauhqui
    ORT is defeated
    ORT ShadowLeft
    Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    0 0 0 0

    Saintquartz Comet Shard5 Pure Prism5 AllExp55

    ORT Raid[]

    ORT ShadowLeft
    Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle / Invasive Mobile Life-form ORT
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    5 0
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    Battle 1/1 ORT
    Lvl 1 Class-Unknown-Gold Lifebar10 0 HP inherited from previous fight
    Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar5Lifebar6Lifebar7Lifebar8Lifebar9 1,000,000 HP
    Notable Drops

    ORT ShadowRight
    Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle / Invasive Mobile Life-form ORT
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    5 0
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    Battle 1/1 ORT
    Lvl 1 Class-Unknown-Gold Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar5Lifebar6Lifebar7Lifebar8Lifebar9 1,000,000 HP
    Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar5Lifebar6Lifebar7Lifebar8Lifebar0 1,000,000 HP
    Notable Drops
    • After 2nd Raid Stage story will continue with Chapter 21 Arrow 2.

  • At Layer 8: Yayauhqui
  • ORT ShadowLeft
    Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle / Invasive Mobile Life-form ORT
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    5 0
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    Battle 1/1 ORT
    Lvl 1 Class-Unknown-Gold Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar5Lifebar6Lifebar7Lifebar8Lifebar0 1,000,000 HP
    Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar5Lifebar6Lifebar7Lifebar0Lifebar0 1,000,000 HP
    Notable Drops

    • At Layer 8: Yayauhqui
    ORT ShadowLeft
    Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle / Invasive Mobile Life-form ORT
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    5 0
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    Battle 1/1 ORT
    Lvl 1 Class-Unknown-Gold Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar5Lifebar6Lifebar7Lifebar0Lifebar0 1,000,000 HP
    Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar5Lifebar6Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 1,000,000 HP
    Notable Drops
    • After 4th Raid Stage story will continue with Chapter 21 Arrow 3.

  • At Layer 8: Yayauhqui
  • ORT ShadowLeft
    Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle / Invasive Mobile Life-form ORT
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    5 0
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    Battle 1/1 ORT
    Lvl 1 Class-Unknown-Gold Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar5Lifebar6Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 1,000,000 HP
    Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar5Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 1,000,000 HP
    Notable Drops

    • At Layer 7: Metztitlán
    ORT ShadowLeft
    Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle / Invasive Mobile Life-form ORT
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    5 0
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    Battle 1/1 ORT
    Lvl 1 Class-Unknown-Gold Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar5Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 1,000,000 HP
    Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 1,000,000 HP
    Notable Drops
    • After 6th Raid Stage story will continue with Chapter 21 Arrow 3.

  • At Layer 6: Xoxoauhqui
  • ORT ShadowLeft
    Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle / Invasive Mobile Life-form ORT
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    5 0
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    Battle 1/1 ORT
    Lvl 1 Class-Unknown-Gold Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 1,000,000 HP
    Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 1,000,000 HP
    Notable Drops
    • (Ninkigal) Protection from the Underworld is active.

  • At Layer 6: Xoxoauhqui
  • ORT ShadowLeft
    Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle / Invasive Mobile Life-form ORT
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    5 0
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    Battle 1/1 ORT
    Lvl 1 Class-Unknown-Gold Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 1,000,000 HP
    Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 1,000,000 HP
    Notable Drops
    • (Ninkigal) Protection from the Underworld is active.

  • At Layer 6: Xoxoauhqui
  • ORT ShadowLeft
    Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle / Invasive Mobile Life-form ORT
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    5 0
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    Battle 1/1 ORT
    Lvl 1 Class-Unknown-Gold Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 1,000,000 HP
    Lifebar1Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 1,000,000 HP
    Notable Drops
    • Boss class reverts to Class-Foreigner-Gold at the start of this HP gauge
    • (Ninkigal) Protection from the Underworld is active.
    • After 9th Raid Stage story will continue with Chapter 21 Arrow 6.

  • At Layer 6: Xoxoauhqui
  • ORT ShadowLeft
    Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle / Invasive Mobile Life-form ORT
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    5 0
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    Battle 1/1 ORT
    Lvl 1 Class-Unknown-Gold Lifebar1Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 1,000,000 HP
    Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 1,000,000 HP
    Notable Drops
    • Boss class DOES NOT revert to Class-Foreigner-Gold at the start of this HP gauge
    • (Ninkigal) Protection from the Underworld is active.

  • At Layer 6: Xoxoauhqui
  • ORT ShadowLeft
    Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle / Invasive Mobile Life-form ORT
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    5 0
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    Battle 1/1 ORT
    Lvl 1 Class-Unknown-Gold Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 1,000,000 HP
    Notable Drops
    • (Ninkigal) Protection from the Underworld is active.
    • Party won't get wiped out (crystallized) if boss is defeated at this stage.
    • After concluding the Raid story will continue with Chapter 21 Arrow 7.

    • Level Requirement is EX.
    • LIMITED: DATA LOST Servants cannot be in the party, you can field up to 6 Servants in the party. You may not pick Support Servants.
    • Any servants defeated from this battle will become DATA LOST for the entire party of the Raid until it is recovered at a certain HP threshold of the boss.
      • Mashu Kyrielight will not be crystallized but instead cannot be field into party until after the next 4 attempts.
    • Battle ends after the party is wiped out (crystallized/consumed). When all Servants become DATA LOST, the raid is lost, and you will need to restart from scratch. You may also restart the raid from scratch through the button, Restart Raid (総力戦をやり直す??)
    • After every battle, ORT's class changes (Class-Saber-Gold / Class-Archer-Gold / Class-Lancer-Gold / Class-Rider-Gold / Class-Caster-Gold / Class-Assassin-Gold / Class-Berserker-Gold)
      • After every NO BATTLE story part (Act 21), the class reverts back to Class-Foreigner-Gold, except during Lifebar1Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0
    • At the start of the battle, all party members are buffed with:
      • SpecialpowerupSpecialpowerupTooltip for 25px|link= Mana Support: Increased attack damage during Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle
    • Protection from the Underworld: (Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 onwards) At the start of the battle, all party members are buffed with:
      • PowerupPowerupTooltip for 25px|link= Damage Up
      • NpchargeupNpchargeupTooltip for 25px|link= NP Gain Up
      • MaxhpupMaxhpupTooltip for 25px|link= MAX HP Up
    • ORT (All versions)
      • DebuffatkDebuffatkTooltip for 25px|link= Cosmic Ray: When attacking, apply Hindrance to Cosmic Ray status on the target & Increase the effect of Hindrance to Cosmic Ray status on the target
      • DelayedBuffDelayedBuffTooltip for 25px|link= Cosmic Ray: When attacked, apply Hindrance to Cosmic Ray status on the target & Increase the effect of Hindrance to Cosmic Ray status on the target
      • MaxhpdownMaxhpdownTooltip for 25px|link= Hindrance to Cosmic Ray: Decreases own MAX HP by a certain percentage (Scales with the number of times battling with ORT)
      • BuffregenBuffregenTooltip for 25px|link= Dark-Matter Plankton: Absorbs all party Servant's (Offensive Buffs: AttackupAttackupTooltip for 25px|link=, QuickupstatusQuickupstatusTooltip for 25px|link=, ArtsupstatusArtsupstatusTooltip for 25px|link=, BusterupstatusBusterupstatusTooltip for 25px|link=, PowerupPowerupTooltip for 25px|link=, SpecialpowerupSpecialpowerupTooltip for 25px|link=, CritchnupCritchnupTooltip for 25px|link=, CritdmgupCritdmgupTooltip for 25px|link=, NppowerupNppowerupTooltip for 25px|link=, NpdamageupboostNpdamageupboostTooltip for 25px|link=, SurehitSurehitTooltip for 25px|link=, InvinciblepierceInvinciblepierceTooltip for 25px|link=, IgnoredefenseIgnoredefenseTooltip for 25px|link=, HitcountupHitcountupTooltip for 25px|link=, DragontraitDragontraitTooltip for 25px|link=) and (Defensive Buffs: DefenseupDefenseupTooltip for 25px|link=, QuickresistupQuickresistupTooltip for 25px|link=, ArtsresistupArtsresistupTooltip for 25px|link=, BusterresistupBusterresistupTooltip for 25px|link=, DmgResistUpDmgResistUpTooltip for 25px|link=, AvoidAvoidTooltip for 25px|link=, DeathEvasionDeathEvasionTooltip for 25px|link=, InvincibleInvincibleTooltip for 25px|link=, SpecialinvincibleSpecialinvincibleTooltip for 25px|link=, DragontraitDragontraitTooltip for 25px|link=, InstaresistupInstaresistupTooltip for 25px|link=), at the end of every turn
      • SealtraitSealtraitTooltip for 25px|link= Starling Invade': Removes all Battlefield Types & Seals Battlefield Types changes & At the end of each turn, increases the effect of Hindrance to Cosmic Ray status.
    Random Passive
    SpiderwebSpiderwebTooltip for 25px|link= Revolution Web As long as ORT is on the field, no party Servants may leave the battlefield on their own accord. (Example: Miss Crane's NP or Order Change effect)
    If Revolution Web is the passive that appears on the boss, at the start of the battle, all party members are debuffed with:
    SpiderwebSpiderwebTooltip for 25px|link= Silver Thread Revolution (公転銀糸??): When this unit's HP reaches 0 due to sources other than ORT's attacks, recovers this unit's HP & when Silver Thread Revolution Guts is activated, inflict Defensedown Defense Down on all party members.
    BuffregenBuffregenTooltip for 25px|link= Ether Drunkard Chance to absorb NP gauge from all party servants, every 2 turns
    DebuffatkDebuffatkTooltip for 25px|link= Ernst Union When attacking, randomly inflict one of the following debuffs:
    Poison Poison / Burn Burn / Curse Curse / Defensedown Defense Down / Healdown HP Recovery Rate Down
    • During HP gauge break: Removes all buffs from party Servants and instantly wipes out the entire party.
    Complete Destruction (完全破壊??)

    Act 22[]

    • Purple Spiral Appears, at Layer 5: Tula
    Xibalba ShadowLeft
    The Sovereign of the Planet
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    0 0 0 0
    • After Arrow 1 the Story progress interface will switch over to the Raid Boss interface for Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle / Invasive Avian Life-form ORT (空想樹海決戦/侵略型飛行生命体ORT??)

    ORT Raid 2 at Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar5Lifebar0 HP gauge
    Mexico City ORT
    The Sovereign of the Planet
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    0 0 0 0

    • At Layer 4: Iztauhqui
    LB7Unknown ORT ShadowBorder
    The Sovereign of the Planet
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    0 0 0 0

    ORT Raid 2 at Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar0Lifebar0 HP gauge
    Xibalba ShadowLeft
    The Sovereign of the Planet
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    0 0 0 0

    • At Layer 3: Chichén Itzá
    ORT Raid 2 at Lifebar1Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 HP gauge
    Xibalba ShadowLeft
    The Sovereign of the Planet
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    0 0 0 0
    • After this arrow finishes ORT's current bar will be depleted, leaving him with only his final HP bar.

    ORT Raid 2 at Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 HP gauge
    Chichen Itza ORT StormBorder
    The Sovereign of the Planet
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    0 0 0 0

    • Final Raid Battle. The Raid is considered as over and cannot be reset at this point. Party revival is allowed for this battle.
    ORT StormBorder
    The Sovereign of the Planet
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    26 10,000
    (385 per AP)
    (38,462 per AP)
    (19,231 per AP)
    Grand Battle 1/1 ORT
    Lvl 1 Class-Foreigner-Gold Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 3,000,000 HP
    Notable Drops Comet Shard Secret Gem of Swords Secret Gem of Bows Secret Gem of Lances Secret Gem of Cavalry Secret Gem of Spells Secret Gem of Killing Secret Gem of Madness QPicon10M (10)
    • LIMITED: No Support Servant available, and all Servants previous in DATA LOST state is restored back.
    • At the start of the battle, all party members are buffed with:
      • SpecialpowerupSpecialpowerupTooltip for 25px|link= Mana Support: Increased attack damage during Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle
      • Debuffed by ORT - SpiderwebSpiderwebTooltip for 25px|link= Silver Thread Revolution (公転銀糸??): When this unit's HP reaches 0 due to sources other than ORT's attacks, recovers this unit's HP & when Silver Thread Revolution Guts is activated, inflict Defensedown Defense Down on all party members.
    • ORT
      • DebuffatkDebuffatkTooltip for 25px|link= Cosmic Ray: When attacking, apply Hindrance to Cosmic Ray status on the target & Increase the effect of Hindrance to Cosmic Ray status on the target
      • DelayedBuffDelayedBuffTooltip for 25px|link= Cosmic Ray: When attacked, apply Hindrance to Cosmic Ray status on the target & Increase the effect of Hindrance to Cosmic Ray status on the target
      • MaxhpdownMaxhpdownTooltip for 25px|link= Hindrance to Cosmic Ray: Decreases own MAX HP by a certain percentage (Scales with the number of times battling with ORT)
      • BuffregenBuffregenTooltip for 25px|link= Dark-Matter Plankton: Absorbs all party Servant's (Offensive Buffs: AttackupAttackupTooltip for 25px|link=, QuickupstatusQuickupstatusTooltip for 25px|link=, ArtsupstatusArtsupstatusTooltip for 25px|link=, BusterupstatusBusterupstatusTooltip for 25px|link=, PowerupPowerupTooltip for 25px|link=, SpecialpowerupSpecialpowerupTooltip for 25px|link=, CritchnupCritchnupTooltip for 25px|link=, CritdmgupCritdmgupTooltip for 25px|link=, NppowerupNppowerupTooltip for 25px|link=, NpdamageupboostNpdamageupboostTooltip for 25px|link=, SurehitSurehitTooltip for 25px|link=, InvinciblepierceInvinciblepierceTooltip for 25px|link=, IgnoredefenseIgnoredefenseTooltip for 25px|link=, HitcountupHitcountupTooltip for 25px|link=, DragontraitDragontraitTooltip for 25px|link=) and (Defensive Buffs: DefenseupDefenseupTooltip for 25px|link=, QuickresistupQuickresistupTooltip for 25px|link=, ArtsresistupArtsresistupTooltip for 25px|link=, BusterresistupBusterresistupTooltip for 25px|link=, DmgResistUpDmgResistUpTooltip for 25px|link=, AvoidAvoidTooltip for 25px|link=, DeathEvasionDeathEvasionTooltip for 25px|link=, InvincibleInvincibleTooltip for 25px|link=, SpecialinvincibleSpecialinvincibleTooltip for 25px|link=, DragontraitDragontraitTooltip for 25px|link=, InstaresistupInstaresistupTooltip for 25px|link=), at the end of every turn
      • SealtraitSealtraitTooltip for 25px|link= Starling Invade: Removes all Battlefield Types & Seals Battlefield Types changes & At the end of each turn, increases the effect of Hindrance to Cosmic Ray status.
      • SpiderwebSpiderwebTooltip for 25px|link= Revolution Web: As long as ORT is on the field, no party Servants may leave the battlefield on their own accord. (Example: Miss Crane's NP or Order Change effect)
      • DebuffatkDebuffatkTooltip for 25px|link= Ernst Union: When attacking, randomly inflict one of the following debuffs:
        Poison Poison / Burn Burn / Curse Curse / Defensedown Defense Down / Healdown HP Recovery Rate Down
    • At turn 2, ORT gains DebuffatkDebuffatkTooltip for 25px|link= Ernst Union buff.
    • At turn 2, after selecting Command Cards, Leonardo Da Vinci (Rider) will appear in the battle and activates her Noble Phantasm, dealing some damage to ORT. Any effects that targets the party will also be applied to your party.
    • At turn 3, after selecting Command Cards, Koyanskaya of Light will appear in the battle and activates her Noble Phantasm, dealing some damage to ORT. Any effects that targets the party will also be applied to your party.
    • At turn 4, after selecting Command Cards, Nemo will appear in the battle and activates his Noble Phantasm, dealing some damage to ORT. Any effects that targets the party will also be applied to your party. It is possible for this Noble Phantasm to defeat the enemy, and if it does, the game proceeds to the battle end sequence.
    • Complete Destruction (完全破壊??)

    Chichen Itza ORT StormBorder
    The Sovereign of the Planet
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    26 10,000
    (385 per AP)
    (38,462 per AP)
    (19,231 per AP)
    Grand Battle 1/1 ORT Xibalba
    Lvl 1 Class-Foreigner-Gold Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar5Lifebar6 100,000 HP
    Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar5Lifebar0 150,000 HP
    Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar0Lifebar0 200,000 HP
    Grand Battle 1/1 Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 250,000 HP
    Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 100,000 HP
    Lifebar1Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 300,000 HP
    Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 500,000 HP
    Notable Drops Holy Grail Droplet7
    • LIMITED: No Support Servant available.
    • The Third Extinction: At the start of the battle, drains all front-row servants' HP by 3,000.
    • ORT Xibalba
      • BuffregenBuffregenTooltip for 25px|link= The Third Extinction: Drains all front-row servants' HP at the end of each turn.
      • DmgResistUpDmgResistUpTooltip for 25px|link= Resistance against all types of attacks [4 hits, 5 turns]
      • Active Skill: Paradigm Inflation: Gain Attackup Attack Damage Up (2 hits, 2 turns), every time you activate a skill.
    • At the end of every third turn, Kukulkan appears and buffs entire party with:
      • DmgResistUpDmgResistUpTooltip for 25px|link= Mighty Heart Antibody: Resistance against ORT's attacks [2 turns]
      • Resistanceup Debuff Resistance Up (2 turns) and Maxhpup MAX HP Up (2 turns)
    • Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar5Lifebar0
      • ORT Xibalba debuffs party with ArtssealArtssealTooltip for 25px|link= Arts Seal (include NP) [2 turns]
      • DmgResistUpDmgResistUpTooltip for 25px|link= Resistance against all types of attacks [5 hits, 5 turns]
    • Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar0Lifebar0
      • DebuffatkDebuffatkTooltip for 25px|link= Absorbs HP from target when attacking
      • DmgResistUpDmgResistUpTooltip for 25px|link= Resistance against all types of attacks [6 hits, 5 turns]
      • At the start of the first battle phase at this HP gauge, Kukulkan will reappear and casts her NP, dealing damage to ORT Xibalba
    • Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0
      • InvinciblepierceInvinciblepierceTooltip for 25px|link= Invincibility Pierce [2 turns]
      • DmgResistUpDmgResistUpTooltip for 25px|link= Resistance against all types of attacks [7 hits, 5 turns]
    • Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0
      • DebuffregenDebuffregenTooltip for 25px|link= Dark Century: Inflict SleepSleepTooltip for 25px|link= Sleep-status [1 turn] on self at the end of each turn
    • Lifebar1Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0
      • DebuffatkDebuffatkTooltip for 25px|link= Leopard-Head Century: When attacking, remove 1 latest Buff from the target
      • DmgResistUpDmgResistUpTooltip for 25px|link= Resistance against all types of attacks [8 hits, 5 turns]
    • Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0
      • DebuffatkDebuffatkTooltip for 25px|link= Existence Outside the Domain: When ORT Xibalba lands a critical hit, force retreat the target <Guts Effect Nullified, This passive status is disabled if only 1 Servant left on the player's side battlefield>
      • DmgResistUpDmgResistUpTooltip for 25px|link= Resistance against all types of attacks [5 turns]
    • Existence Outside the Domain (Chaldea): If a servant is force-retreated by Existence Outside the Domain effects, grants all party members including back-row with AttackupAttackupTooltip for 25px|link= Attack Damage Up, NppowerupNppowerupTooltip for 25px|link= NP Damage Up, SpecialpowerupSpecialpowerupTooltip for 25px|link= Special Damage Up, DefenseupDefenseupTooltip for 25px|link= Defense Up, MaxhpupMaxhpupTooltip for 25px|link= MAX HP Up and NpgainturnNpgainturnTooltip for 25px|link= Gain 5% NP Charge per turn

    Saintquartz Comet Shard5 Pure Prism5 AllExp55
    SaintGraph Icon Unlocks Kukulkan's 3rd and final Saint Graphs

    ORT Raid 2[]

    • At Layer 5: Tula
    Xibalba ShadowLeft
    Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle / Invasive Avian Life-form ORT
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    5 0
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    Fatal Battle 1/1 ORT
    Lvl 1 Class-Unknown-Gold Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar5Lifebar6 1,200,000 HP
    Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar5Lifebar0 1,200,000 HP
    Notable Drops

    • At Layer 4: Iztauhqui
    Xibalba ShadowLeft
    Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle / Invasive Avian Life-form ORT
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    5 0
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    Fatal Battle 1/1 ORT
    Lvl 1 Class-Unknown-Gold Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar5Lifebar0 1,200,000 HP
    Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar0Lifebar0 1,200,000 HP
    Notable Drops

    • At Layer 4: Iztauhqui
    • Purple Spiral disappears from the map.
    Xibalba ShadowLeft
    Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle / Invasive Avian Life-form ORT
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    5 0
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    Fatal Battle 1/1 ORT
    Lvl 1 Class-Unknown-Gold Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar4Lifebar0Lifebar0 1,200,000 HP
    Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 1,200,000 HP
    Notable Drops

    • At Layer 4: Iztauhqui
    Xibalba ShadowLeft
    Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle / Invasive Avian Life-form ORT
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    5 0
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    Fatal Battle 1/1 ORT
    Lvl 1 Class-Unknown-Gold Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 1,200,000 HP
    Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 1,200,000 HP
    Notable Drops
    • Starts with Class-Foreigner-Gold-class

  • At Layer 4: Iztauhqui
  • Xibalba ShadowLeft
    Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle / Invasive Avian Life-form ORT
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    5 0
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    (0 per AP)
    Fatal Battle 1/1 ORT
    Lvl 1 Class-Unknown-Gold Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 1,200,000 HP
    Lifebar1Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 2,000,000 HP
    Notable Drops

    • Level Requirement is EX.
    • This boss inherits the DATA LOST state of the servants from the 1st Raid.
    • LIMITED: DATA LOST Servants cannot be in the party, you can field up to 6 Servants in the party. You may not pick Support Servants.
    • Any servants defeated from this battle will become DATA LOST for the entire party of the Raid until it is recovered at a certain HP threshold of the boss.
      • Mashu Kyrielight will not be crystallized but instead cannot be field into party until after the next 4 attempts.
    • Battle ends after the party is wiped out (crystallized/consumed). When all Servants become DATA LOST, the raid is lost, and you will need to restart from scratch. You may also restart the raid from scratch through the button, Restart Raid (総力戦をやり直す??)
    • After every battle, ORT's class changes (Class-Saber-Gold / Class-Archer-Gold / Class-Lancer-Gold / Class-Rider-Gold / Class-Caster-Gold / Class-Assassin-Gold / Class-Berserker-Gold / Class-Foreigner-Gold)
      • The raid starts with Class-Foreigner-Gold-class
    • At the start of the battle, all party members are buffed with:
      • SpecialpowerupSpecialpowerupTooltip for 25px|link= Mana Support: Increased attack damage during Cosmic Sea of Trees Decisive Battle
    • Mashu Kyrielight gains PowerupPowerupTooltip for 25px|link= Anti: Threat to Humanity: Deals extra damage against targets with Threat to Humanity-trait & Charges own NP gauge at the end of each turn
    • ORT (All versions)
      • DebuffatkDebuffatkTooltip for 25px|link= Cosmic Ray: When attacking, apply Hindrance to Cosmic Ray status on the target & Increase the effect of Hindrance to Cosmic Ray status on the target
      • DelayedBuffDelayedBuffTooltip for 25px|link= Cosmic Ray: When attacked, apply Hindrance to Cosmic Ray status on the target & Increase the effect of Hindrance to Cosmic Ray status on the target
      • MaxhpdownMaxhpdownTooltip for 25px|link= Hindrance to Cosmic Ray: Decreases own MAX HP by a certain percentage (Scales with the number of times battling with ORT)
      • BuffregenBuffregenTooltip for 25px|link= Dark-Matter Plankton: Absorbs all party Servant's (Offensive Buffs: AttackupAttackupTooltip for 25px|link=, QuickupstatusQuickupstatusTooltip for 25px|link=, ArtsupstatusArtsupstatusTooltip for 25px|link=, BusterupstatusBusterupstatusTooltip for 25px|link=, PowerupPowerupTooltip for 25px|link=, SpecialpowerupSpecialpowerupTooltip for 25px|link=, CritchnupCritchnupTooltip for 25px|link=, CritdmgupCritdmgupTooltip for 25px|link=, NppowerupNppowerupTooltip for 25px|link=, NpdamageupboostNpdamageupboostTooltip for 25px|link=, SurehitSurehitTooltip for 25px|link=, InvinciblepierceInvinciblepierceTooltip for 25px|link=, IgnoredefenseIgnoredefenseTooltip for 25px|link=, HitcountupHitcountupTooltip for 25px|link=, DragontraitDragontraitTooltip for 25px|link=) and (Defensive Buffs: DefenseupDefenseupTooltip for 25px|link=, QuickresistupQuickresistupTooltip for 25px|link=, ArtsresistupArtsresistupTooltip for 25px|link=, BusterresistupBusterresistupTooltip for 25px|link=, DmgResistUpDmgResistUpTooltip for 25px|link=, AvoidAvoidTooltip for 25px|link=, DeathEvasionDeathEvasionTooltip for 25px|link=, InvincibleInvincibleTooltip for 25px|link=, SpecialinvincibleSpecialinvincibleTooltip for 25px|link=, DragontraitDragontraitTooltip for 25px|link=, InstaresistupInstaresistupTooltip for 25px|link=), at the end of every turn
      • SkillcopySkillcopyTooltip for 25px|link= Paradigm Inflation: When either ORT or party servants activates any skill that grants (Offensive Buffs: AttackupAttackupTooltip for 25px|link=, QuickupstatusQuickupstatusTooltip for 25px|link=, ArtsupstatusArtsupstatusTooltip for 25px|link=, BusterupstatusBusterupstatusTooltip for 25px|link=, PowerupPowerupTooltip for 25px|link=, SpecialpowerupSpecialpowerupTooltip for 25px|link=, CritchnupCritchnupTooltip for 25px|link=, CritdmgupCritdmgupTooltip for 25px|link=, NppowerupNppowerupTooltip for 25px|link=, NpdamageupboostNpdamageupboostTooltip for 25px|link=, SurehitSurehitTooltip for 25px|link=, InvinciblepierceInvinciblepierceTooltip for 25px|link=, IgnoredefenseIgnoredefenseTooltip for 25px|link=, HitcountupHitcountupTooltip for 25px|link=, DragontraitDragontraitTooltip for 25px|link=), Copies the same buff statuses onto self if its either Attackup Attack Damage Up, Critdmgup Critical Damage Up, Nppowerup NP Damage Up or Powerup Any Special/Extra Damage Up and so on.
    Random Passive
    BuffregenBuffregenTooltip for 25px|link= Galactica Supercell At the end of each turn, deals fixed damage to all party members<Chance to Nullify Evasion,Invincibility,Anti-Purge Defense> & Increase the effect of Hindrance to Cosmic Ray status on them
    BuffregenBuffregenTooltip for 25px|link= Paradox Canceller When ORT has debuff statuses on self, removes 3 latest debuff statuses on self & Increases own Attack Damage based on the number of successful removals of debuff statuses
    BuffregenBuffregenTooltip for 25px|link= Ether Drunkard Chance to absorb NP gauge from all party servants, every 2 turns
    DebuffatkDebuffatkTooltip for 25px|link= Ernst Union When attacking, randomly inflict one of the following debuffs:
    Poison Poison / Burn Burn / Curse Curse / Defensedown Defense Down / Healdown HP Recovery Rate Down
    • During HP gauge break: Removes all buffs from party Servants and instantly wipes out the entire party.

    Act 23[]

    • World of Fog
    ??? 第五の太陽
    ??? The Fifth Sun
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    25 1,830
    (73 per AP)
    (7,520 per AP)
    (3,055 per AP)
    Grand Battle 1/1 Tezcatlipoca
    Lvl 90 Class-Ruler-Gold Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar3 250,002 HP
    Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar0 254,362 HP
    Lifebar1Lifebar0Lifebar0 268,897 HP
    Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 280,525 HP
    Notable Drops Obsidian Edge
    • Lifebar1Lifebar2Lifebar0 Tezcatlipoca will apply DebuffimmuneDebuffimmuneTooltip for 25px|link= Immobility Debuff Immunity (Permanent, Unremovable) to himself.
      • He will apply DeathBuffIconDeathBuffIconTooltip for 25px|link= On-Death Buff (Reduces all party members' Skill Cooldown by 1T when this unit is defeated) to the entire party (including reserve).
      • Daybit will use a Command Spell to grant Tezcatlipoca SurehitSurehitTooltip for 25px|link= Midday Sun (真昼の太陽??) Sure Hit
    • Lifebar1Lifebar0Lifebar0 Tezcatlipoca will apply DmgResistDownDmgResistDownTooltip for 25px|link= Special Resistance Down (Disabled) to himself.
      • He will also apply DmgResistDownDmgResistDownTooltip for 25px|link= Special Resistance Down (Disabled) to the entire party (including reserve) starting inactive for the front-line but active for any reserve members if switched in.
      • DmgResistDownDmgResistDownTooltip for 25px|link= Special Resistance Down: Decreased resistance against all types of attack when this unit's HP is in below 100%
      • Daybit will use a Command Spell to grant Tezcatlipoca InvinciblepierceInvinciblepierceTooltip for 25px|link= Daybreak Sun (夜明けの太陽??) Pierce Invincibility
    • Lifebar0Lifebar0Lifebar0 Tezcatlipoca apply NpchargeupNpchargeupTooltip for 25px|link= NP Gain Up (Permanent, Unremovable) to the entire party (including reserve).
      • He will also apply NpgainturnNpgainturnTooltip for 25px|link= "Gain 1 tick of NP gauge per turn" to himself.
      • Daybit will use a Command Spell to grant Tezcatlipoca DmgResistUpDmgResistUpTooltip for 25px|link= Smoking Mirror
      • DmgResistUpDmgResistUpTooltip for 25px|link= Smoking Mirror: Resistance against Normal Attack
    • The Fifth Sun: Upon depleting his final HP bar (any command cards after the last one that defeated the boss will be skipped), instead of being defeated Tezcatlipoca will:
      • Stunstatus Stun everyone for 1 turn (effectively cancelling his battle phase for that turn)
      • Gutsstatus Fully restore his HP to 280,525
      • NpCharge Fully charge his NP gauge.
      • NpCharge Fully charge your Servants' NP gauges (even up to 300% if possible).
      • SealattackSealattackTooltip for 25px|link= Disable your active Servants' All Normal Attack Cards, forcing you to defeat him in one final blow solely with NPs.
      • Any reserve units remaining will be applied a permanent StunstatusStunstatusTooltip for 25px|link= Stun instead, rendering them useless should they switch in after.
      • Should you fail to finish him with your NP turn, on his turn he will delete all buffs (even unremoveable ones or Craft Essence effects) on your Servants before casting his fatal NP, ultimately forcing you to restart the fight due to no retry options.
    Saintquartz Sunscale5 Pure Prism5 AllExp55
    SaintGraph Icon Unlocks Tezcatlipoca's 3rd and Final Saint Graphs

    Act 24[]

    To Antarctica
    AP Cost Bond Points QP EXP Battlefield type
    0 0 0 0
    • After this quest, the Menu Button for Nahui Mictlan is reverted back to the original state
    Holy Grail CEIcon1748
    Mashu Kyrielight Bond Level Cap Increased to 9
    Skill Icon Unlocks Kukulkan's Passive Skill Name: ??? > Archetype ORT